55,140 research outputs found

    Analisa dan Penerapan HMVC pada Aplikasi E - Learning

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    ABSTRAKSI: Aplikasi e – learning PT. Javan IT Services menerapkan pola Model – View – Controller (MVC) pada rancangannya. Namun pola ini memiliki kelemahan, yaitu keterkaitan yang erat antar komponen (model, view, dan controller) pada pola tersebut. Hal ini menyebabkan pengembangan aplikasi yang menerapkan pola MVC, termasuk aplikasi e – learning PT. Javan IT Services, menjadi lebih sulit. Hierarchical – Model – View – Controller (HMVC) merupakan pola variasi dari MVC. HMVC dikembangkan untuk mengatasi kekurangan yang dimiliki oleh MVC. Cohesion dan coupling merupakan atribut aplikasi yang dapat menunjukkan kualitas aplikasi tersebut. Perawatan, pengujian, dan pengembangan aplikasi akan lebih mudah dilakukan bila aplikasi tersebut memiliki cohesion dan coupling yang baik. Pada tugas akhir ini, dua rancangan aplikasi e – learning PT. Javan IT Services dibuat. Salah satu rancangan menerapkan pola HMVC sedangkan rancangan lainnya menerapkan pola MVC. Cohesion dan coupling dari kedua rancangan kemudian dianalisa. Hasil analisa menunjukkan bahwa rancangan yang menerapkan pola HMVC memiliki cohesion dan coupling yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan rancangan yang menerapkan pola MVC. Diharapkan melalui tugas akhir ini pengembang aplikasi web khususnya pengembang e – learning PT. Javan IT Services dapat melihat HMVC sebagai pola alternatif dalam mengembangkan aplikasinya. KATA KUNCI: aplikasi web, cohesion, coupling, HMVC, MVC.ABSTRACT: PT. Javan IT Services’s e – learning web application use Model – View – Controller (MVC) in its design. However, this pattern has a weakness. There is a close connection between each component (model, view, and controller). This makes development of the application, including PT. Javan IT Services’s e – learning which using it, become harder. Hierarchical - Model - View - Controller (HMVC) is variation of the MVC pattern. HMVC developed to overcome the shortcomings that are owned by the MVC. Cohesion and coupling are the attributes of an application that can indicate the quality of the application. Maintenance, testing, and application development will be easier to do if the application has good cohesion and coupling. Two design of the web application has been made. One of it use HMVC pattern and the other use MVC pattern. Then coupling and cohesion of each pattern analyzed. The result shows that the design which use HMVC is better than the other. Hopefully web application developers, especially PT. Javan IT Services’s e – learning developers, seen HMVC as alternative pattern in developing web applications.KEYWORD: cohesion, coupling, HMVC, MVC, web application

    Extending the MVC Design Pattern towards a Task-Oriented Development Approach for Pervasive Computing Applications

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    This paper addresses the implementation of pervasive Java Web applications using a development approach that is based on the Model-View- Controller (MVC) design pattern. We combine the MVC methodology with a hierarchical task-based state transition model in order to achieve the distinction between the task state and the view state of an application. More precisely, we propose to add a device-independent TaskStateBean and a device-specific ViewStateBean for each task state as an extension to the J2EE Service to Worker design pattern. Furthermore, we suggest representing the task state and view state transition models as finite state automata in two sets of XML files

    A Model-View-Controller Extension for Pervasive Multi-Client User Interfaces

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    This paper addresses the implementation of pervasive Java Web applications using a development approach that is based on the Model–View–Controller (MVC) design pattern. We combine the MVC methodology with a hierarchical task-based state transition model in order to achieve the distinction between the task state and the view state of an application. More precisely, we propose to add a device-independent TaskStateBean and a device-specific ViewStateBean for each task state as an extension to the J2EE Service to Worker design pattern. Furthermore, we suggest representing the task state and view state transitionmodels as finite state automata in two sets of XML files. This paper shows that the distinction between an application’s task state and view state is both intuitive and facilitates several, otherwise complex, tasks, such as changing devices 'on the fly'

    A Comparative Study of Project Management System Web Applications Built on ASP.Net Core and Laravel MVC Frameworks

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    With rapid advancement in the field of computer science, the ways we use and interact with web applications have changed immensely. Developers must create web applications for browsers, cell phones, and search engines that are accessible and easy to use in various devices. Therefore, the efficiency of software development is critical. Software Design Patterns are an essential part of software development which is intended to solve real-world problems by creating templates of best practices. Design patterns bring clarity, cost-effectiveness, and better communication in the software development cycle. They also improve the development speed, support features, and usage, and they reduce expenses. Documentation and maintenance of established web applications frameworks are major advantages of software design patterns. The study Is of Model-View-Controller (MVC) software design patterns. It analyzes and compares ASP.Net Core and Laravel PHP web application development frameworks. MVC facilitates reuse of code and separation of application layers. It explains the development experience of Project Management Web application on ASP.Net Core and Laravel. For example, web applications include a document library, a note page, and a discussion forum. Web applications use compatible programming languages such as HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. Comparative analysis has been done based on the developer’s experience and performance monitoring tools. The study concludes that the Project Management System (PMS) web application built using ASP.Net Core on Windows is better when compared to PMS built with Laravel on Ubuntu and Windows operating systems. The developer’s conclusion is based on the use of the MVC design pattern, learning curve, framework features, documentation, and application performance

    Exchange office web application development

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    Ovaj rad opisuje izradu poslovne web aplikacije za poslovanje mjenjačnice koriơtenjem obrasca oblikovanja model-pogled-kontroler (engl. Model-View-Controler – MVC) unutar ASP.NET MVC razvojnog okvira. Cilj je prikazati i opisati mogućnosti ASP.NET MVC tehnologije, uz niz drugih koriơtenih alata i programskih okvira pri izradi poslovne web aplikacije. Izrađena aplikacija omogućuje korisnicima kreiranje transakcija u obliku otkupa i prodaje stranih valuta, svakodnevno dohvaćanje ili učitavanje najnovijih tečajnih lista, praćenje vlastitog prometa, generiranje potvrda transakcija kao i generiranje raznih propisanih izvjeơtaja spremnih za ispis. Opisane su koriơtene metode i tehnologije te njihova upotreba i primjena u izradi web aplikacije iz praktičnog dijela rada. Naglasak je na primjeni MVC obrasca oblikovanja koji je temelj koriơtenog programskog okvira ASP.NET MVC, kao i Entity Framework okviru i Code First pristupu u spomenutoj aplikaciji.This graduate paper describes the development of a web application for currency exchange business using the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern within the ASP.NET MVC framework. The goal is to demonstrate and describe the capabilities and features of ASP.NET MVC technology, along with several other tools and frameworks used in the development of a business web application. Implemented application offers users to create transactions in the form of purchases and sales of foreign currencies, daily fetching or uploading of the latest exchange rates, monitoring of own turnover, generation of transaction invoices and generation of various prescribed reports ready for print. Various methods and technologies used in the development of web applications are described. The emphasis is on the implementation of the MVC design pattern which is the basis of the used ASP.NET MVC framework along with the Entity Framework and Code First approach in mentioned application

    Development of a System for Submitting and Processing Request for Issuing Contactless Cards

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    Cilj ovog rada je pobliĆŸe objasniti razvoj sustav za predaju i obradu zahtjeva za izdavanje beskontaktnih kartica. Rad se sastoji od 6 glavnih cjelina. Najprije opisuje koriĆĄtene tehnologije. Druga cjelina prikazuje razradu funkcionalnosti. Sljedeća cjelina se sastoji od relacijske baze podataka koja je izrađena u Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio-u. Četvrta cjelina se bavi Web uslugama koje koristi .NET okruĆŸenje. Peta cjelina se sastoji od implementacije Web aplikacije koja koristi ASP.NET MVC programski okvir koji implementira model – pogled – upravljač (eng. Model – View – Controller) oblikovni obrazac. Ć esta cjelina se sastoji od implementacije desktop aplikacije koja koristi ASP.NET MVVM programski okvir koji implementira model – pogled – model pogleda (eng. Model – View – ViewModel). Posljednja cjelina opisuje koriĆĄtenje web i desktop aplikacije za predaju i obradu zahtjeva.The basic idea of this paper is to describe the development of a system for submitting and processing the request for issuing contactless cards. The paper consists of six main parts. First part describes the technology used. The second part shows the elaboration of functionality. Next part consists of a relational database that was created in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio. The fourth part deals with Web services using the .NET environment. The fifth part describes the implementation of a Web application uses the ASP.NET MVC programming framework that implements the model – view – controller design pattern. Next part describes the implementation of a desktop application that uses the ASP.NET MVVM programming framework that implements the model – view – viewmodel. The last part describes the use of web and desktop applications for submission and processing request

    Towards a re-engineering method for web services architectures

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    Recent developments in Web technologies – in particular through the Web services framework – have greatly enhanced the flexible and interoperable implementation of service-oriented software architectures. Many older Web-based and other distributed software systems will be re-engineered to a Web services-oriented platform. Using an advanced e-learning system as our case study, we investigate central aspects of a re-engineering approach for the Web services platform. Since our aim is to provide components of the legacy system also as services in the new platform, re-engineering to suit the new development paradigm is as important as re-engineering to suit the new architectural requirements

    Privacy-Preserving Reengineering of Model-View-Controller Application Architectures Using Linked Data

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    When a legacy system’s software architecture cannot be redesigned, implementing additional privacy requirements is often complex, unreliable and costly to maintain. This paper presents a privacy-by-design approach to reengineer web applications as linked data-enabled and implement access control and privacy preservation properties. The method is based on the knowledge of the application architecture, which for the Web of data is commonly designed on the basis of a model-view-controller pattern. Whereas wrapping techniques commonly used to link data of web applications duplicate the security source code, the new approach allows for the controlled disclosure of an application’s data, while preserving non-functional properties such as privacy preservation. The solution has been implemented and compared with existing linked data frameworks in terms of reliability, maintainability and complexity
