212,206 research outputs found

    Visibilidad científica y académica en la web 2.0: análisis de grupos de investigación de la Universidad de La Sabana

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    The traditional model of scientific communication focuses on the dissemination of results in traditional media such as magazines, congresses, reports, conferences, etc. However, with the arrival of the Web 2.0 web, new possibilities have emerged to improve the visibility of academic contents in Internet interaction spaces and new ways to measure their impact, such as the so-called Altmetrics (Priem, 2010). Consequently, the objective of this study was to diagnose the status of the visibility of the researchers of the research groups of the university of La Sabana in web 2.0. For this, a quantitative analysis of the descriptive type was carried out once the academic and social platforms allow the circulation of scientific and / or academic contents on the Internet. In this way it is possible to identify the low participation of researchers in the platforms that enhance scientific visibility in the web 2.0

    Interactive 3D visualization for theoretical Virtual Observatories

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    Virtual Observatories (VOs) are online hubs of scientific knowledge. They encompass a collection of platforms dedicated to the storage and dissemination of astronomical data, from simple data archives to e-research platforms offering advanced tools for data exploration and analysis. Whilst the more mature platforms within VOs primarily serve the observational community, there are also services fulfilling a similar role for theoretical data. Scientific visualization can be an effective tool for analysis and exploration of datasets made accessible through web platforms for theoretical data, which often contain spatial dimensions and properties inherently suitable for visualization via e.g. mock imaging in 2d or volume rendering in 3d. We analyze the current state of 3d visualization for big theoretical astronomical datasets through scientific web portals and virtual observatory services. We discuss some of the challenges for interactive 3d visualization and how it can augment the workflow of users in a virtual observatory context. Finally we showcase a lightweight client-server visualization tool for particle-based datasets allowing quantitative visualization via data filtering, highlighting two example use cases within the Theoretical Astrophysical Observatory.Comment: 10 Pages, 13 Figures, Accepted for Publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societ

    Overview of the Altmetrics Landscape

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    While the impact of article citations has been examined for decades, the “altmetrics” movement has exploded in the past year. Altmetrics tracks the activity on the Social Web and looks at research outputs besides research articles. Publishers of scientific research have enabled altmetrics on their articles, open source applications are available for platforms to display altmetrics on scientific research, and subscription models have been created that provide altmetrics. In the future, altmetrics will be used to help identify the broader impact of research and to quickly identify high-impact research

    Web presence of the scientific community of researchers of the Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas (CUBA)

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    Web platforms are one of the most effective instruments for the socialization of scientific knowledge. The study of the presence and production of scientific communities on web has few references in the national Cuban context. The Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas (Cuba) has few investigations whose purpose is the measurement of scientific activity on web, through the presence of researchers on web platforms. In the current investigation, the objectives were: 1) to determine the metric indicators that allow a characterization of the Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas researchers presence on web and 2) to describe the presence of the scientific community of the Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas on web. The current research is classifies as descriptive and cuantitative. The used research methods were theoretical and empirical, fundamentally the bibliometric method. Metric indicators were used to obtain results on the presence of researchers from the institution on web. ResearchGate, LinkedIn, Mendeley, Dspace@UCLV and ORCID were the platforms analyzed for the development of database. Dspace@UCLV is identified as the most used site by the researchers of the institution and LinkedIn as the most used social network. The faculty with the greatest presence on web is Mathematics, Physics and Computing, the authors were identified with greater productivity and impact

    Facilitating Web-Based Collaboration in Evidence Synthesis (TaskExchange): Development and Analysis

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    Background: The conduct and publication of scientific research are increasingly open and collaborative. There is growing interest in Web-based platforms that can effectively enable global, multidisciplinary scientific teams and foster networks of scientists in areas of shared research interest. Designed to facilitate Web-based collaboration in research evidence synthesis, TaskExchange highlights the potential of these kinds of platforms.// Objective: This paper describes the development, growth, and future of TaskExchange, a Web-based platform facilitating collaboration in research evidence synthesis.// Methods: The original purpose of TaskExchange was to create a platform that connected people who needed help with their Cochrane systematic reviews (rigorous syntheses of health research) with people who had the time and expertise to help. The scope of TaskExchange has now been expanded to include other evidence synthesis tasks, including guideline development. The development of TaskExchange was initially undertaken in 5 agile development phases with substantial user engagement. In each phase, software was iteratively deployed as it was developed and tested, enabling close cycles of development and refinement.// Results: TaskExchange enables users to browse and search tasks and members by keyword or nested filters, post and respond to tasks, sign up to notification emails, and acknowledge the work of TaskExchange members. The pilot platform has been open access since August 2016, has over 2300 members, and has hosted more than 630 tasks, covering a wide range of research synthesis-related tasks. Response rates are consistently over 75%, and user feedback has been positive.// Conclusions: TaskExchange demonstrates the potential for new technologies to support Web-based collaboration in health research. Development of a relatively simple platform for peer-to-peer exchange has provided opportunities for systematic reviewers to get their reviews completed more quickly and provides an effective pathway for people to join the global health evidence community


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    Tax evasion is a hotly debated research topic in the field of scientific research and of great interest, both for the private organizational environment, for public institutions with responsibilities in the field of prevention, control and combating the phenomenon.Our study aims to determine the state of knowledge of the concept of tax evasion, by conducting a bibliometric analysis to identify research trends, scientific terminology used, the most researched topics, the most cited authors in the field, and the most influential studies, journals and countries addressing tax evasion. The available information was extracted from the Web of Science Core Collection database, one of the most popular scientific publication platforms that contains quality papers in terms of accuracy and relevance of scientific research.  Based on the data obtained, we used the method of scientific mapping and examined the geographical areas with the most frequent studies on this topic, by analyzing the international collaboration of the authors

    Visual abstracts to disseminate research on Twitter: a quantitative analysis

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    The Web has indisputably changed the way researchers share information. Web-based scholarly communication allows to rapidly disseminate research findings, to reach a broader audience, to transversely connect different contents through hypertext linkages, to update and correct texts if needed, and to integrate multimedia materials. Moreover, it allows interactivity and real-time exchange between authors and readers. Such features are even more evident in the context of the so-called Web 2.0, which involves user-generated content, data sharing, and collaborative efforts. The diffusion of social software and web-based applications has lead to a new use of the Web as a platform for generating, re-purposing and consuming scientific content. Social media brought additional advantages and challenges: they help to fulfill the demand for cheap, instant communication in a context of growing collaborative and interdisciplinary research, but they also, for example, add complexity in terms of quantification of the impact of scientific articles. Nevertheless, researchers are now using social media platforms in every phase of the research lifecycle, from identifying opportunities to disseminating findings. In particular, Twitter, the microblogging platform that allows users to post/publish short messages up to 140 (now 280) characters, has emerged as a powerful tool in scholarly communication. Indeed, it connects researchers around the world (both within and outside one\u2019s research field), giving them the chance to communicate and discuss research findings with the rest of the scientific community, to provide and receive post-publication critiques, and to increase the reach and the impact of their work. Recently, also scientific journals adopted social media, and Twitter in particular, to disseminate research findings published on their pages and websites. In the field of biomedical research, this led to the development of new strategies of dissemination..

    Genesis of Altmetrics or Article-level Metrics for Measuring Efficacy of Scholarly Communications: Current Perspectives

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    The article-level metrics (ALMs) or altmetrics becomes a new trendsetter in recent times for measuring the impact of scientific publications and their social outreach to intended audiences. The popular social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin and social bookmarks such as Mendeley and CiteULike are nowadays widely used for communicating research to larger transnational audiences. In 2012, the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment got signed by the scientific and researchers communities across the world. This declaration has given preference to the ALM or altmetrics over traditional but faulty journal impact factor (JIF)-based assessment of career scientists. JIF does not consider impact or influence beyond citations count as this count reflected only through Thomson Reuters' Web of Science database. Furthermore, JIF provides indicator related to the journal, but not related to a published paper. Thus, altmetrics now becomes an alternative metrics for performance assessment of individual scientists and their contributed scholarly publications. This paper provides a glimpse of genesis of altmetrics in measuring efficacy of scholarly communications and highlights available altmetric tools and social platforms linking altmetric tools, which are widely used in deriving altmetric scores of scholarly publications. The paper thus argues for institutions and policy makers to pay more attention to altmetrics based indicators for evaluation purpose but cautions that proper safeguards and validations are needed before their adoption

    Diffusion of the Italian social media campaign against smoking on a social network and YouTube

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    Introduction Recently, the Italian Ministry of Health developed a health prevention campaign against tobacco smoking entitled "Ma che sei scemo? Il fumo fammale" (Are you stupid? Smoking is bad). The aim of this study was to evaluate the diffusion of the ministerial campaign by analyzing data from two web platforms, Facebook and YouTube. Method The study evaluated the dissemination of the campaign using the number of users reached, interactions and the interaction index (interactions/users reached) on the web platform Facebook and YouTube. A qualitative analysis of the text comments left by the users was also carried out. Result The average number of interactions on Facebook was 6.087 and 400 for YouTube while the total views were 356.967 for Facebook and 174.763 for YouTube. The interaction index was very low for both platforms, between 0 and 1%. A total number of 156 comments were obtained on Facebook and 37 on YouTube, most of which were negative, or comments not related to the campaign. Conclusion The Italian campaign had low diffusion on the web platforms investigated. Evidence-based public health interventions can play a central role in the prevention field but must be based on elements of scientific effectiveness. Further research should analyze the effects of social media campaigns on direct health related outcomes

    Alternative indicators of Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” of Las Villas scientific activity in the Web 2.0

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    At present day to the use of Web 2.0 for academic purposes, have been generated alternative indicators to measure scientific output in these new platforms. At the Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas is identified a considerable presence of professionals that make intensive use of social and academic networks in order to share their scientific production and promote their visibility. In the center of higher education is unknown the visibility and scientific impact by the users in social networks and Web 2.0 platforms. Is presented as objective of the study to describe the scientific activity of the Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas in Web 2.0, using alternative indicators. To obtain results are used methods in the theoretical and empirical levels, highlighting the bibliometric method. Are identified the users who have more publications and calculate him several indicators within academic networks Research Gate, Google Scholar and comparisons are made with the results obtained on both platforms
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