12 research outputs found

    Exploring WHO communication during the COVID 19 pandemic through the WHO website based on W3C guidelines: accessible for all?

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    Health crisis situations generate greater attention and dependence on reliable and truthful information from citizens, especially from those organisations that represent authority on the subject, such as the World Health Organization (WHO). In times of global pandemics such as COVID-19, the WHO message “health for all” takes on great communicative importance, especially from the point of view of the prevention of the disease and recommendations for action. Therefore, any communication must be understandable and accessible by all types of people, regardless of their technology, language, culture or disability (physical or mental), according to the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), taking on special relevance for public health content. This study analysed whether the WHO is accessible in its digital version for all groups of citizens according to the widely accepted standards in the field of the Internet. The conclusion reached was that not all the information is accessible in accordance with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1, which implies that there are groups that are, to some extent, left out, especially affecting the elderly. This study can contribute to the development of proposals and suggest ways in which to improve the accessibility of health content to groups especially vulnerable in this pandemic.This research has received funds from a Plan Propio of University of Malaga and UMA18-FEDERJA-148

    La accesibilidad de las páginas web de la banca española

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    La presente tesis se encuadra enmarcada dentro del programa de doctorado denominado Gestión y Economía de las Pymes IV. Con el objetivo de finalizar los estudios de tercer ciclo, el doctorando emprendió la tediosa labor de presentar una investigación en el marco de los sistemas de información. Por ello, el proyecto que se planteó fue el análisis de la situación actual de la banca electrónica y su accesibilidad web. Con este trabajo tratamos de presenta una investigación novedosa, por su contenido y el ámbito especial en el que se enmarca que es el sector financiero. Pues tenemos en las manos un tema de actualidad como es el uso de Internet, al ser objeto de nuestro análisis las web y por otro lado la banca española, que en estos últimos años ha sufrido importantes vaivenes. Con estas dos premisas nos propusimos como objetivo conocer los niveles de accesibilidad de las web de las entidades financieras españolas. Para tener una guía de referencia tomamos el listado que el banco de España publica todos los años sobre las entidades que operan en el país. De dicha relación solo se tomaron los bancos, cajas de ahorro y cooperativas de créditos, por ser las entidades más populares y con las que los ciudadanos trabajan en su operativa cotidiana. En cuanto a la labor de investigación y atesoramiento de bibliografía, podemos comentar que en un primer momento el investigador ha presentado una amplia lista de trabajos relacionados con el campo de la accesibilidad web, tanto a nivel nacional como internacional, tanto para el ámbito universitario como el sector privado. También son numerosos los estudios comentados sobre los índices cuantitativos de accesibilidad web y por último hemos citado trabajos que se han presentado de la banca, tanto en España como en el extranjero. Por otro lado, hemos hablado de accesibilidad web, su concepto, definición y cambio de normativa. Mediante cuadros, el doctorando ha mostrado las alteraciones que se han producido respecto a la anterior directriz. De manera original en este trabajo se presenta un listado de todos los países que tienen legislación propia sobre accesibilidad web. Así, exhibimos en este documento la normativa vigente y las características que cada una de éstas hayan presentado, fecha de entrada en vigor, el ámbito de aplicación, tipos e importes de sanción. Una de nuestras aportaciones en el campo en el que nos encontramos ha sido la confección de una encuesta, con ayuda de expertos sobre la accesibilidad web. Una vez consensuadas las preguntas después de varias rondas de reuniones, el cuestionario se colgó en Internet y mediante las redes sociales se dio publicidad para su cumplimentación. En una segunda fase se obtuvieron las respuestas, presentando el cuestionario en mano, directamente a las personas para que contestasen. De este modo hemos obtenido abundante información primaria para contestar a las hipótesis de partidas planteadas. Por otro lado, hemos analizado más de 7.000 páginas web con una amplia gama de herramientas que se encuentran disponibles a través de Internet y que son de acceso libre, para valorar los niveles de accesibilidad de las web. También hemos examinado las hojas de estilo y el código HTML de las páginas de inicio de las corporaciones con el fin de conocer su estructura. Algunos de los instrumentos con los que hemos trabajado, nos han servido para informarnos sobre el número de fallos o errores que la página de inicio y de primer nivel de cada una de las instituciones objeto de estudio presentan. Otros instrumentos de observación nos han servido para conocer datos como la fecha de creación de la página, el número de modificaciones, la popularidad, el posicionamiento en motores de búsqueda, la visibilidad, la autoridad del dominio, el número de enlaces y las palabras claves de la banca electrónica española. También hemos incluido un análisis cuantitativo de las páginas mediante los índices Failure y Wab. Para este último caso, hemos propuesto una mejora en su cálculo. Para obtener los resultados, realizar la presentación y contactarlos con las hipótesis del estudio, hemos utilizado por un lado hojas de cálculo Excel, para los casos que la evaluación haya sido fácil de obtener. Y para los análisis de mayor calado nos hemos ayudado del programa SPSS en su versión 22, para averiguar causas que no se ven a simple vista con la observación de los datos. Entre los principales resultados que podemos citar con este estudio que aquí presentamos, cabe señalar que ninguna entidad financiera obtiene un nivel de conformidad doble A (AA) según las pautas de accesibilidad para el contenido WCAG 2.0.The present thesis is within the frame of the doctorate program named "Gestión y Economía de las Pymes IV". The thesis, which will lead to the completion of the studies of the third cycle, is a complex and laborious task to investigate the framework of information systems started. Thus the projected plan is the analysis of actual situations for electronic banking and web accessibility. This work presents a new line of investigation not only for its content, but also for the special field it frames, which is the financial sector. On the one hand, we have a contemporary theme, which is the use of internet, being the web our object of analysis. On the other hand, we will deal with the Spanish banks, which have suffered from important ups and downs in the last years. Following these two premises, our proposed objective is to know the levels of accessibility in the web for Spanish bank organizations that operate in this country. Among all the financial entities which operate in our country, we focus in the Banks, the Credit Saving Banks and the Cooperatives of Credit, three of the most popular and daily used financial organizations. With respect to the labor of investigation and the accumulation of biographies, we are capable to comment that in the first moment, the investigator has presented a wide list of studies related to bank branches web accessibility, both at national level as well as the international one, and as regards the university environment as well as the private sector. Also, there are numerous studies commenting on the quantitative indices of web accessibility. Lastly, we have cited studies that have been presented by the Banks, many in Spain as well as abroad. On the other side, we have spoken of web accessibility, its concepts, definitions, and normative changes. By means of tables and graphs, the doctorate candidate has demonstrated the variations that have been produced with respect to the former directives. By means of an original way, a list of all the countries that have their own legislation over web accessibility is presented in this work. We have also exhibited in this document the valid norms and characteristics that each one of these have presented, as well as the effective date, the field of application, and the types and amounts of sanctions. One of our contributions for bank branch offices has been the creation of a survey over web accessibility with the help of experts. Once the consensus about the questionnaire, after various rounds of meetings, was achieved, this was posted on the internet, and it was given publicity for its fulfillment by means of social networks. In a second phase, answers were obtained by presenting the questionnaire directly to the participants. This way we have obtained abundant basic information in order to answer the proposed hypothesis. On the other side, we have analyzed more than 7,000 web pages with a wide range of available and free-accessed tools across the internet in order to evaluate the accessible levels on the web. Also, we have examined the style of sheets and the HTML code of the home page for corporations and their structures. Some of the instruments we have worked with have helped to inform us about the number of mistakes or errors on the home page and at the first level that each one of the analyzed institutions presents. Other instruments of observation have served to clarify the data, such as the date of creation of the page, the number of modifications, the popularity, the positional motors of search, the visibility, the authoritative control, the number of links, and the code words for Spanish electronic banking. Also we have included a quantitative analysis of the pages by means of the Failure and Wab indices. In this last case we have proposed an improvement in their calculations. In order to obtain the results, to make the presentation and to contrast them with the hypothesis of the study, we have used side sheets of Excel calculations for those cases where the evaluation has been easily obtained. For the best calculated analysis we have used the program SPSS in the version 22, in order to investigate causes that are not easily seen within the observed data. Among the mainl results that we are able to quote with our thesis, we are able to assert that no financial entities obtained a double level conformity A (AA) according to the guidelines of accessibility contained in the WCAG 2.0

    Accessibility of Thai university websites: Awareness, barriers and drivers for accessible practice

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    Governments and organizations have to respond to a range of legislative and policy initiatives intended to promote equal opportunity for all. The Thai government has passed a number of laws which aim to protect its citizens from discrimination and from breaches of their human rights by government departments and agencies. The Persons with Disabilities Education Act B.E. 2551 (2008) and the Thailand Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Policy Framework (2011-2020) required government agencies to delivery equal education and access to online information for all Thais. Most Thai universities receive government subsidies, and therefore have an obligation to contribute to national prosperity so that all Thais can benefit from their activities, or as the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology and The National Electronics and Computer Technology Centre (2011, p. 23) states “The creation of content, database, online content which promotes lifelong learning, the development of school websites and other digital content should follow the web accessibility standard”. Given the Thai government’s commitment to lifelong learning and the creation of accessible materials, this thesis sought to investigate to what level Thai universities were implementing web accessibility in their websites and e-learning materials. A mixed method approach was employed in order to explore the level of accessibility awareness, barriers to web accessibility implementation and possible drivers for accessibility uptake which might exist within Thai universities. Quantitative data derived from automated and manual web evaluations was gathered based on WCAG 2.0 guideline in order to determine the actual levels of accessible design apparent in Thai university websites. Fifty representative universities were selected from the top ranked Thai universities and a number webpages were tested from within each of the university websites. In addition, online surveys were conducted with three stakeholder groups within the Thai university sector, namely lecturers, web staff and senior managers. These surveys were design to set the context for quantitative website assessment findings and provide evidence as to these stakeholders understanding of web accessibility as a concept. Finally, follow-up interviews were conducted after the web assessments and surveys were analysed so as to reduce ambiguity and increase understanding, creating a very clear picture of the standing of web accessibility in Thailand’s universities. The findings of the data analysis indicate that Thai universities have low levels of web accessibility implementation in their websites and e-learning materials, even though web accessibility requirements had been embedded in Thai laws and policies for over a decade. In terms of web evaluation, the university webpages had accessibility problems across all aspects of WCAG 2.0’s POUR principles, with not a single tested webpage passing even the lowest level of WCAG 2.0 compliance. The survey and interview data revealed very low levels of awareness of web accessibility amongst Thai university staff members as well as lack of knowledge regarding students with disabilities and their specialised technology needs. Whilst Thai university staff were generally supportive of the concept of web accessibility and supporting students with special needs, this was accompanied by some less supportive views, including students with disabilities being taught only in specialised educational facilities or only where there were sufficient numbers of such students to make the investment in accessibility worthwhile. A number of universities in this study featured university admission requirements which could be classed as a discriminatory and not aligned with the requirements of the Thai government. In fact, this thesis revealed an almost total lack of awareness within the Thai university sector of Thai government policy regarding web accessibility and equality in education. This thesis proposed a Smart Thailand : Accessible Learning model and an associated implementation framework which together might lead to an environment in which Thai universities would be more willing and able to implement the tenets of web accessibility and provide an equitable learning experience for all Thai citizens, especially those with disabilities

    EU Disability Law : An overview

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    Altres ajuts: LEAD-ME Cost Action (CA19142)Xarxa promoguda pel grup de recerca TransMedia Catalonia

    WEB ACCESSIBILITY - Portuguese Web Accesibility with WCAG-1.0 and WCAG-2.0

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    Έλεγχος, Δοκιμασία και Παρουσίαση Δωρεάν Εφαρμογών για άτομα με απώλεια Όρασης σε iOS συσκευές

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    Με την είσοδο των Smartphones και Tablets στην αγορά εμφανίστηκαν νέες ευκαιρίες στον τομέα της υποστηρικτικής τεχνολογίας (AT) για τα άτομα με αναπηρία. Η υποστήριξη των αναγκών των ατόμων με αναπηρία και η κάλυψή τους μέσω των λογισμικών εφαρμογών αποτελεί την βάση της συγκεκριμένης έρευνας. Αρχικά ασχοληθήκαμε με την ανανέωση των πληροφοριών των προγραμμάτων ανοιχτού κώδικα που βρίσκονται στην ιστοθέση Αθηνά (http://access.uoa.gr/ATHENA/gre/pages/home). Προγράμματα που διατίθενται δωρεάν στους χρήστες και καλύπτουν ανάγκες των ατόμων με αναπηρία. Η ανανέωση κρίθηκε αναγκαία, αρχικά λόγω της εξέλιξης στο κομμάτι των λογισμικών σταθερών υπολογιστών, άρα και της συμβατότητας των προγραμμάτων αυτών με τα νέα περιβάλλοντα φιλοξενίας τους. Εν συνεχεία εξαιτίας της ανανέωσης των τεχνικών χαρακτηριστικών των εφαρμογών. Κομμάτι της παραπάνω ιστοθέσης αποτελεί το αποθετήριο εφαρμογών για κινητές συσκευές m-Αθηνά. Η ανάπτυξη εφαρμογών κινητών συσκευών που εξυπηρετούν τα ΑμεΑ έφερε νέα δεδομένα στην χρήση smartphones και tablets από την συγκεκριμένη ομάδα. Σε αυτό το σημείο έρχεται να βοηθήσει το δεύτερο κομμάτι της έρευνας μας. Συγκεκριμένα αναζητήσαμε, δοκιμάσαμε, επιλέξαμε, αξιολογήσαμε και απορρίψαμε εφαρμογές γραμμένες για iOS συσκευές που εξυπηρετούν άτομα με απώλεια όρασης. Στην συνέχεια τις συγκεντρώσαμε, τις κατηγοριοποιήσαμε ανάλογα με τις ανάγκες που εξυπηρετούν και τις παρουσιάσαμε στην ελληνική και αγγλική γλώσσα. Η παρουσίαση των συγκεκριμένων εφαρμογών έχει να κάνει τόσο με τα τεχνικά χαρακτηριστικά τα οποία παρουσιάζουν, όσο και με τον σκοπό και την ανάγκη των χρηστών την οποία καλύπτουν. Η διαδικασία της αναζήτησης για εφαρμογές κινητών που πληρούν τις συγκεκριμένες ανάγκες των χρηστών δεν είναι ένα εύκολο έργο από τους τελικούς χρήστες αλλά και για τους επαγγελματίες στον τομέα της αποκατάστασης για άτομα με αναπηρία. Ακόμη και όταν βρίσκουν τελικά αυτό που ψάχνουν, υπάρχει μια σειρά από ζητήματα που προκύπτουν σε σχέση με την αξιοπιστία, σταθερότητα, συμβατότητα και λειτουργικότητα των εφαρμογών υποστηρικτικής τεχνολογίας. Η αναζήτηση έγινε με συγκεκριμένες λέξεις κλειδιά που όρισε μια ομάδα ειδικών της υποστηρικτής τεχνολογίας. Η τελική δοκιμή έγινε με της τελευταίας τεχνολογίας iOS συσκευές (iPhone, iPad). Πιο συγκεκρ ιμένα μελετήσαμε πάνω από 300 δωρεάν εφαρμογές από τις οποίες μόνο οι 92 ικανοποιούσαν τα κριτήρια τα οποία θέσαμε κατά την επιλογή τους. Σκοπός μας να δώσουμε στην ομάδα των ανθρώπων οι οποίοι το χρειάζονται έναν ολοκληρωμένο και ενημερωμένο κατάλογο σύμφωνα με τις εξελίξεις της τεχνολογίας και της αγοράς, δωρεάν εφαρμογών σε iOS περιβάλλον, οι οποίες θα συμβάλλουν στο να κάνουν πιο εύκολη την καθημερινότητα τουςThe entry of smartphones and tablets in the market emerged new opportunities in the domain of Assistive Technology (AT) for persons with disabilities. The support needs of people with disabilities and their coverage through the software applications are the basis of this study. Firstly we made the renewal of the fields of information of open source programs located in website (http://access.uoa.gr/ATHENA/gre/pages/home). These programs are available to users and related with the solution of the problems that people with special needs have. The renewal was necessary, firstly because of the evolution in the track of desktop computer software, secondly because of the renewal of the technical characteristics of applications. Piece of the above website is the repository of mobile applications m-Athena. The application development of mobile devices serving the disabled brought new data on the use of smartphones and tablets. At this point the second part of our investigation is very important. Specifically we searched, tasted, selected, evaluated and rejected applications written for iOS devices that serve people who are visually impaired. Then the collected applications, categorized according to the needs they serve and presented in Greek and English language. The presentation of these applications has to deal with their technical characteristics and the needs of visually impaired people. The search process for mobile AT applications that fulfill specific user needs is not an easy task by the end-users, their facilitators as well as the professionals in the area of rehabilitation for the disabled. Even, when they finally find what they are looking for; a number of questions are raised relative to the reliability, stability, compatibility and functionality of the AT applications. Τhe web-search based on specific keywords that a AT experts team appointed. In final test we use the latest iOS devices (iPhone, iPad). Specifically we studied over 300 free apps of which only 92 meet the criteria we set. We aim to give a complete and updated list of the latest free apps on iOS, these applications will help to make easier the daily life of visually impaired people

    Analytical Framework for a Comparative Analysis of Accessible Technology Law and Policy

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    Deliverable 7.1 poses the basis of the comparative analysis to be conducted throughout the whole WP 7 and reviews existing studies on accessible technology and accessibility law and policy in Czech Republic, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Serbia, Sweden and the UK. Deliverable 7.1 is divided into two main sections: an Analytical Framework and an Annotated Bibliography. The Analytical Framework discusses the interrelation between accessible technology and ‘active citizenship’, and defines the scope, the main concepts and the methodology of the research conducted under WP 7. It also positions WP7 within current legal scholarship, highlighting its innovative contribution. The Annotated Bibliography, annexed to the Analytical Framework is composed of two main complementary parts (i.e. parts A and B), each one preceded by a roadmap. Part A reviews selected sources on accessibility law and policy in Czech Republic, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Serbia, Sweden and the UK. Even though it cannot be regard as exhaustive, it aims to give a ‘big picture’ of current official legislation and policy on accessibility, and scholarship on accessibility. It is intended to be an immediate and easy to read bibliographic tool for scholars approaching accessibility law and policy in Europe. Part B has complements Part A: it does not list legislation or policy programmes on accessible technology, but focusses on the most recent literature on accessible technology


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    Libro de jAUTI 2014

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    El III WORKSHOP DE TV DIGITAL INTERACTIVA (WTVDI) en conjunto con las jAUTI 2014 III Jornadas Iberoamericanas de difusión y capacitación sobre Aplicaciones y Usabilidad de la TVDI se realizaron durante Webmedia 2014 XX Simpósio Brasilero de Sistemas Multimedia y Web e ntre el 18 y 21 de noviembre de 2014 en la ciudad de João Pessoa (Paraíba, Brasil). El Workshop de TV Digital Interativa (WTVDI) tuvo su primera edición en 2005 en XVIII SIBGRAPI y su segunda edición en 2010 en XVI Webmedia. En esta última edición se realizó junto a jAUTI 2014, el tercer encuentro de investigadores latinoamericanos que formam a REDAUTI Red temática en Aplicaciones y Usabilidad de la Televisión digital Interactiva financiada por el PROGRAMA IBEROAMERICANO DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA PARA EL DESARROLLO (CYTED), formada por 225 investigadores de 36 grupos (29 universidades y 7 empresas) de 12 países iberoamericanos. Este libro reúne los trabajos presentados por investigadores de la academia y de la industria en el desarrollo e implementación de tecnologías relacionadas a aplicaciones y usabilidad en TV Digital Interactiva