4,432 research outputs found

    Weaving Lighthouses and Stitching Stories: Blind and Visually Impaired People Designing E-textiles

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    We describe our experience of working with blind and visually impaired people to create interactive art objects that are personal to them, through a participatory making process using electronic textiles (e-textiles) and hands-on crafting techniques. The research addresses both the practical considerations about how to structure hands-on making workshops in a way which is accessible to participants of varying experience and abilities, and how effective the approach was in enabling participants to tell their own stories and feel in control of the design and making process. The results of our analysis is the offering of insights in how to run e-textile making sessions in such a way for them to be more accessible and inclusive to a wider community of participants

    Soft capacitor fibers using conductive polymers for electronic textiles

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    A novel, highly flexible, conductive polymer-based fiber with high electric capacitance is reported. In its crossection the fiber features a periodic sequence of hundreds of conductive and isolating plastic layers positioned around metallic electrodes. The fiber is fabricated using fiber drawing method, where a multi-material macroscopic preform is drawn into a sub-millimeter capacitor fiber in a single fabrication step. Several kilometres of fibers can be obtained from a single preform with fiber diameters ranging between 500um -1000um. A typical measured capacitance of our fibers is 60-100 nF/m and it is independent of the fiber diameter. For comparison, a coaxial cable of the comparable dimensions would have only ~0.06nF/m capacitance. Analysis of the fiber frequency response shows that in its simplest interrogation mode the capacitor fiber has a transverse resistance of 5 kOhm/L, which is inversely proportional to the fiber length L and is independent of the fiber diameter. Softness of the fiber materials, absence of liquid electrolyte in the fiber structure, ease of scalability to large production volumes, and high capacitance of our fibers make them interesting for various smart textile applications ranging from distributed sensing to energy storage

    Integration of conductive materials with textile structures : an overview

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    In the last three decades, the development of new kinds of textiles, so-called smart and interactive textiles, has continued unabated. Smart textile materials and their applications are set to drastically boom as the demand for these textiles has been increasing by the emergence of new fibers, new fabrics, and innovative processing technologies. Moreover, people are eagerly demanding washable, flexible, lightweight, and robust e-textiles. These features depend on the properties of the starting material, the post-treatment, and the integration techniques. In this work, a comprehensive review has been conducted on the integration techniques of conductive materials in and onto a textile structure. The review showed that an e-textile can be developed by applying a conductive component on the surface of a textile substrate via plating, printing, coating, and other surface techniques, or by producing a textile substrate from metals and inherently conductive polymers via the creation of fibers and construction of yarns and fabrics with these. In addition, conductive filament fibers or yarns can be also integrated into conventional textile substrates during the fabrication like braiding, weaving, and knitting or as a post-fabrication of the textile fabric via embroidering. Additionally, layer-by-layer 3D printing of the entire smart textile components is possible, and the concept of 4D could play a significant role in advancing the status of smart textiles to a new level

    Light-emitting textiles: Device architectures, working principles, and applications

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    E-textiles represent an emerging technology aiming toward the development of fabric with augmented functionalities, enabling the integration of displays, sensors, and other electronic components into textiles. Healthcare, protective clothing, fashion, and sports are a few examples application areas of e-textiles. Light-emitting textiles can have different applications: Sensing, fashion, visual communication, light therapy, etc. Light emission can be integrated with textiles in different ways: Fabricating light-emitting fibers and planar light-emitting textiles or employing side-emitting polymer optical fibers (POFs) coupled with light-emitting diodes (LEDs). Different kinds of technology have been investigated: Alternating current electroluminescent devices (ACELs), inorganic and organic LEDs, and light-emitting electrochemical cells (LECs). The different device working principles and architectures are discussed in this review, highlighting the most relevant aspects and the possible approaches for their integration with textiles. Regarding POFs, the methodology to obtain side emissions and the critical aspects for their integration into textiles are discussed in this review. The main applications of light-emitting fabrics are illustrated, demonstrating that LEDs, alone or coupled with POFs, represent the most robust technology. On the other hand, OLEDs (Organic LEDs) are very promising for the future of light-emitting fabrics, but some issues still need to be addressed

    Solar cells inside woven textiles

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    Energy harvesting textiles are a relatively new field of research. In the future our clothes, accessories, and other fabrics could generate electricity from the sun and charge our devices on the go. While photovoltaic yarns, and solar cells printed directly on textiles are technologies of the future, there are already suitable solutions on the market for small scale energy harvesting. Some existing products such as energy harvesting backpacks and jackets already make use of these alternatives but mostly the level of integration of solar cells to the textile is low. The technology remains as a separate part instead of merging into the design and construction of textile. The goal of this practice-based research is to create woven textiles that allow integrating photovoltaics to the functional and aesthetic design of the fabric. The background research aims to introduce the relevant terms and concepts about solar cells for textile design purposes, and paint an overall picture of the future of the photovoltaic textiles field. During the practice-based research part, this knowledge is used for woven material prototyping and testing. The thesis work establishes a design strategy which combines creative material experimentation with backing from applied scientific exploration. Traditional textile design practice is used to develop handwoven material drafts which allow inserting solar cells into the structure of multilayered cloth. To find out how the properties of textiles affect the efficiency of the solar cell, the textile prototypes were tested during several rounds. Solar Cells Inside Woven Textiles is a continuation of an interdisciplinary research project with the New Energy Technologies group from Aalto Engineering Physics Department. The thesis builds on the knowledge generated during the previous process. Because of the collaborative nature of the project, the role of a textile designer in an interdisciplinary research project is addressed. The reflections are based on personal experiences during the process and conversations with design and technology professionals about the subject. This thesis work is positioned on the ground in-between design and science. The final outcome is a collection of woven textile prototypes showcasing the learning and possibilities of designing for photovoltaics integration. Visualization of the collected data allows comparison of different materials, colors and weave structures and provides feedback of the design choices. Using textile design as a tool for scientific exploration may offer tangible proposals for future concepts and research questions. This work serves as one example of working as a designer in a hybrid environment

    Integration of Flexible Keypad Into Clothing

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    The aim of this paper is to consider data input methods and technologies related to information input into electronic systems that would be suitable for smart garments. An overview of recent developments in the area of flexible switches is provided, describing processes used to fabricate these connections and highlighting issues and problems associated with it. Available soft button / keypad products are considered and keypad construction methods are analyzed. This study resulted in the creation of a flexible textile keypad prototype with row-and-column addressable structure and with breaking point technology underneath button design