104 research outputs found

    Embroidered Electromyography: A Systematic Design Guide

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    Wearable smart textiles for long-term electrocardiography monitoring : a review

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    The continuous and long-term measurement and monitoring of physiological signals such as electrocardiography (ECG) are very important for the early detection and treatment of heart disorders at an early stage prior to a serious condition occurring. The increasing demand for the continuous monitoring of the ECG signal needs the rapid development of wearable electronic technology. During wearable ECG monitoring, the electrodes are the main components that affect the signal quality and comfort of the user. This review assesses the application of textile electrodes for ECG monitoring from the fundamentals to the latest developments and prospects for their future fate. The fabrication techniques of textile electrodes and their performance in terms of skin–electrode contact impedance, motion artifacts and signal quality are also reviewed and discussed. Textile electrodes can be fabricated by integrating thin metal fiber during the manufacturing stage of textile products or by coating textiles with conductive materials like metal inks, carbon mate-rials, or conductive polymers. The review also discusses how textile electrodes for ECG function via direct skin contact or via a non-contact capacitive coupling. Finally, the current intensive and promising research towards finding textile-based ECG electrodes with better comfort and signal quality in the fields of textile, material, medical and electrical engineering are presented as a perspective

    Systematic review of textile-based electrodes for long-term and continuous surface electromyography recording

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    This systematic review concerns the use of smart textiles enabled applications based on myoelectric activity. Electromyography (EMG) is the technique for recording and evaluating electric signals related to muscle activity (myoelectric). EMG is a well-established technique that provides a wealth of information for clinical diagnosis, monitoring, and treatment. Introducing sensor systems that allow for ubiquitous monitoring of health conditions using textile integrated solutions not only opens possibilities for ambulatory, long-term, and continuous health monitoring outside the hospital, but also for autonomous self-administration. Textile-based electrodes have demonstrated potential as a fully operational alternative to \u27standard\u27 Ag/AgCl electrodes for recording surface electromyography (sEMG) signals. As a substitute for Ag/AgCl electrodes fastened to the skin by taping or pre-gluing adhesive, textile-based electrodes have the advantages of being soft, flexible, and air permeable; thus, they have advantages in medicine and health monitoring, especially when self-administration, real-time, and long-term monitoring is required. Such advances have been achieved through various smart textile techniques; for instance, adding functions in textiles, including fibers, yarns, and fabrics, and various methods for incorporating functionality into textiles, such as knitting, weaving, embroidery, and coating. In this work, we reviewed articles from a textile perspective to provide an overview of sEMG applications enabled by smart textile strategies. The overview is based on a literature evaluation of 41 articles published in both peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings focusing on electrode materials, fabrication methods, construction, and sEMG applications. We introduce four textile integration levels to further describe the various textile electrode sEMG applications reported in the reviewed literature. We conclude with suggestions for future work along with recommendations for the reporting of essential benchmarking information in current and future textile electrode applications

    The 3rd International Conference on the Challenges, Opportunities, Innovations and Applications in Electronic Textiles

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    This reprint is a collection of papers from the E-Textiles 2021 Conference and represents the state-of-the-art from both academia and industry in the development of smart fabrics that incorporate electronic and sensing functionality. The reprint presents a wide range of applications of the technology including wearable textile devices for healthcare applications such as respiratory monitoring and functional electrical stimulation. Manufacturing approaches include printed smart materials, knitted e-textiles and flexible electronic circuit assembly within fabrics and garments. E-textile sustainability, a key future requirement for the technology, is also considered. Supplying power is a constant challenge for all wireless wearable technologies and the collection includes papers on triboelectric energy harvesting and textile-based water-activated batteries. Finally, the application of textiles antennas in both sensing and 5G wireless communications is demonstrated, where different antenna designs and their response to stimuli are presented

    Dynamic surface electromyography using stretchable screen-printed textile electrodes

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    Objective. Wearable devices have created new opportunities in healthcare and sport sciences by unobtrusively monitoring physiological signals. Textile polymer-based electrodes proved to be effective in detecting electrophysiological potentials but suffer mechanical fragility and low stretch resistance. The goal of this research is to develop and validate in dynamic conditions cost-effective and easily manufacturable electrodes characterized by adequate robustness and signal quality. Methods. We here propose an optimized screen printing technique for the fabrication of PEDOT:PSS-based textile electrodes directly into finished stretchable garments for surface electromyography (sEMG) applications. A sensorised stretchable leg sleeve was developed, targeting five muscles of interest in rehabilitation and sport science. An experimental validation was performed to assess the accuracy of signal detection during dynamic exercises, including sit-to-stand, leg extension, calf raise, walking, and cycling. Results. The electrodes can resist up to 500 stretch cycles. Tests on five subjects revealed excellent contact impedance, and cross-correlation between sEMG envelopes simultaneously detected from the leg muscles by the textile and Ag/AgCl electrodes was generally greater than 0.9, which proves that it is possible to obtain good quality signals with performance comparable with disposable electrodes. Conclusions. An effective technique to embed polymer-based electrodes in stretchable smart garments was presented, revealing good performance for dynamic sEMG detections. Significance. The achieved results pave the way to the integration of unobtrusive electrodes, obtained by screen printing of conductive polymers, into technical fabrics for rehabilitation and sport monitoring, and in general where the detection of sEMG in dynamic conditions is necessary

    Tailoring Interaction. Sensing Social Signals with Textiles.

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    Nonverbal behaviour is an important part of conversation and can reveal much about the nature of an interaction. It includes phenomena ranging from large-scale posture shifts to small scale nods. Capturing these often spontaneous phenomena requires unobtrusive sensing techniques that do not interfere with the interaction. We propose an underexploited sensing modality for sensing nonverbal behaviours: textiles. As a material in close contact with the body, they provide ubiquitous, large surfaces that make them a suitable soft interface. Although the literature on nonverbal communication focuses on upper body movements such as gestures, observations of multi-party, seated conversations suggest that sitting postures, leg and foot movements are also systematically related to patterns of social interaction. This thesis addressees the following questions: Can the textiles surrounding us measure social engagement? Can they tell who is speaking, and who, if anyone, is listening? Furthermore, how should wearable textile sensing systems be designed and what behavioural signals could textiles reveal? To address these questions, we have designed and manufactured bespoke chairs and trousers with integrated textile pressure sensors, that are introduced here. The designs are evaluated in three user studies that produce multi-modal datasets for the exploration of fine-grained interactional signals. Two approaches to using these bespoke textile sensors are explored. First, hand crafted sensor patches in chair covers serve to distinguish speakers and listeners. Second, a pressure sensitive matrix in custom-made smart trousers is developed to detect static sitting postures, dynamic bodily movement, as well as basic conversational states. Statistical analyses, machine learning approaches, and ethnographic methods show that by moni- toring patterns of pressure change alone it is possible to not only classify postures with high accuracy, but also to identify a wide range of behaviours reliably in individuals and groups. These findings es- tablish textiles as a novel, wearable sensing system for applications in social sciences, and contribute towards a better understanding of nonverbal communication, especially the significance of posture shifts when seated. If chairs know who is speaking, if our trousers can capture our social engagement, what role can smart textiles have in the future of human interaction? How can we build new ways to map social ecologies and tailor interactions

    The impact of ergonomic design on smart garments

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    This paper reports the design process of a smart garment, which comprised 3-lead sEMG (Surface Electromyography) electrodes. The ergonomic design is central for a proper monitoring response because it is a related with the stability and very well contacted between the electrode and the user’ body. For this, different body postures and the t-shirt behavior on the body was studied and simulated using a virtual prototype. This approach contributed to understanding ways to solving problems related to fit and the electrodes’ stabilization. Furthermore, physical and electronic tests using a prototype on a human subject were conducted. The real prototype presented positive results on the EMG monitoring, showing the impact of ergonomic design on the smart garment. The EMG system was tested and presented good results, especially in regular movements. However, the system still needs to be improved in order to get a better signal when it comes to movements without pauses.This work is financed by Project “Deus ex Machina”, NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000026, funded by CCDRN, through Sistema de Apoio à Investigação Cientifica e Tecnológica (Projetos Estruturados I&D&I) of Programa Operacional Regional do Norte, from Portugal 2020 and by Project UID/CTM/00264/2019 of 2C2T –Centro de Ciência e Tecnologia Têxtil, funded by National Founds through FCT/MCTES".We also want to thank colleagues Ricardo Moreira for testing the shirt on his body and André Paiva for the knowledge shared with the team

    Integration and testing of a three-axis accelerometer in a woven e-textile sleeve for wearable movement monitoring

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    This paper presents a method to integrate and package an accelerometer within a textile to create an electronic textile (e-textile). The smallest commercially available accelerometer sensor (2 mm × 2 mm × 0.95 mm) is used in the e-textile and is fully integrated within the weave structure of the fabric itself, rendering it invisible to the wearer. The e-textile forms the basis of a wearable woven sleeve which is applied to arm and knee joint bending angle measurement. The integrated e-textile based accelerometer sensor system is used to identify activity type, such as walking or running, and count the total number of steps taken. Performance was verified by comparing measurements of specific elbow joint angles over the range of 0° to 180° with those obtained from a commercial bending sensor from Bend Labs and from a custom-built goniometer. The joint bending angles, measured by all three sensors, show good agreement with an error of less than ~1% of reading which provides a high degree of confidence in the e-textile sensor system. Subsequently, knee joint angles were measured experimentally on three subjects with each being tested three times on each of three activities (walking, running and climbing stairs). This allowed the minimum and maximum knee joint angles for each activity to be determined. This data is then used to identify activity type and perform step counting
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