1,545 research outputs found

    Group signatures in practice

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    10 páginas, 2 figuras, 1 tabla. International Joint Conference. CISIS’15 and ICEUTE’15Group signature schemes allow a user to sign a message in an anonymous way on behalf of a group. In general, these schemes need the collaboration of a Key Generation Center or a Trusted Third Party, which can disclose the identity of the actual signer if necessary (for exam- ple, in order to settle a dispute). This paper presents the results obtained after implementing a group signature scheme using the Integer Factoriza- tion Problem and the Subgroup Discrete Logarithm Problem, which has allowed us to check the feasibility of the scheme when using big numbers.This work has been partially supported under the framework of the international cooperation program managed by National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF- 2013K2A1A2053670) and by Comunidad de Madrid (Spain) under the project S2013/ICE-3095-CM (CIBERDINE).Peer reviewe

    The perceptions of human resources and industrial relations managers on the impact of the 2012 Marikana incident on industrial relations in South Africa

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    University of the Witwatersrand Discipline of Psychology MASTERS RESEARCH REPORTThis study conducted a thematic content analysis qualitative methods approach to explore the perceptions of the “Impact of the 2012 Marikana labour unrest on labour and industrial relations in South Africa”. Perceptions of industrial relations stakeholder role efficacy; causes and consequences of labour-management conflict, intra-union conflict and inter-union conflict are discussed. Economic, political, sociological factors as well as the influence of group dynamics are discussed to frame the impact of the 2012 Marikana incident on labour and industrial relations in South Africa

    The impact of ICT use for Drought Early Warning System in Karamoja An assessment of e-readiness of ICT factors for DEWS “A case study conducted in Karamoja region, Northern Uganda”

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    Master thesis development management- University of Agder, 2015(Konfidensiell til/confidential until 01.01.2021

    Security enhanced Emergency Situation Detection System for Ambient Assisted Living

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    Typical wearable devices use a dedicated mobile phone as relay node to transfer the collected sensor data to a server. However, such relay nodes can be faulty or inactive due to various reasons, leading to interruptions of the communication link. To mitigate this challenge, we propose a novel security-enhanced emergency situation detection system, where 3\textsuperscript{rd} party unknown mobile relays are used instead of dedicated gateways as opposed to many existing solutions for IoT healthcare applications. The proposed underlying key agreement and authentication scheme ensures anonymity and untraceability for both sensors (wearable devices) and relay nodes, and relies on symmetric key-based operations to function under resource-constrained environments. We have also developed a prototype of the system using commercial off-the-shelf devices to verify the proposed method's validity and evaluate the performance advantage over existing approaches. Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) communication technology is used to connect sensor nodes (wearable devices) and mobile relays. After sending medical data to the cloud server, the relay node is responsible for emergency detection and alert generation.European CommissionUniversity College DublinAcademy of Finlan

    Spartan Daily, January 28, 1994

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    Volume 102, Issue 2https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartandaily/8502/thumbnail.jp

    Achieving Fair Exchange and Customer Anonymity for Online Products in Electronic Commerce

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    In the recent years, e-commerce has gained much importance. Traditional commerce (in which case the customer physically goes to the merchant’s shop, purchases goods and/or services and makes a payment) is slowly being replaced with e-commerce and more people tend to prefer doing their shopping online. One of the main reasons for this attraction is the convenience the e-commerce provides. Customers can choose from a lot of different merchants at the convenience of their homes or while travelling by avoiding the hassle and stress of traditional shopping. However, e-commerce has lots of challenges. One key challenge is trust as transactions take place across territories and there are various legal & regulatory issues that govern these transactions. Various protocols and underlying e-commerce technologies help in the provision of this trust. One way to establish trust is to ensure fair exchange. There is also a question about traceability of transactions and customers’ need for privacy. This is provided by anonymity – making sure that the transactions are untraceable and that the customers’ personal information is kept secret. Thus the aim of this research is to propose a protocol that provides fair exchange and anonymity to the transacting parties by making use of a Trusted Third Party. The research is also aimed at ensuring payment security and making use of a single payment token to enhance the efficiency of the protocol. The proposed protocol consists of pre-negotiation, negotiation, withdrawal, purchase and arbitration phases. The analysis of the protocol proves that throughout all the phases of the e-commerce transaction, it is able to provide fair exchange and complete anonymity to the transacting parties. Anonymity provides the privacy of customers’ data and ensures that all Personally Identifiable Information of the transacting parties are kept hidden to avoid misuse. The protocol proposed is model checked to ensure that it is able to show that the fair exchange feature is satisfied. It is implemented using Java to show that it is ready-to-use and not just a theoretical idea but something that can be used in the real-world scenario. The security features of the protocol is taken care of by making sure that appropriate cryptographic algorithms and protocols are used to ensure provision of confidentiality and integrity. This research explores those areas that have not been covered by other researchers with the idea that there is still a lot of scope for improvement in the current research. It identifies these v opportunities and the ‘research gaps’ and focuses on overcoming these gaps. The current e-commerce protocols do not cover all the desirable characteristics and it is important to address these characteristics as they are vital for the growth of e-commerce technologies. The novelty of the protocol lies in the fact that it provides anonymity as well as fair exchange using a Trusted Third Party that is entirely trustworthy unlike certain protocols where the trusted third party is semi-trusted. The proposed protocol makes use of symmetric key cryptography wherever possible to ensure that it is efficient and light weight. The number of messages is significantly reduced. This overcomes the drawback identified in various other protocols which are cumbersome due to the number of messages. Anonymity is based on blind signature method of Chaum. It has been identified that usage of other methods such as pseudo-identifiers have resulted in the inefficiency of the protocol due to the bottlenecks created by these identifiers. It also ensures anonymity can never be compromised unlike certain protocols whereby an eavesdropper can find out the customer’s identity as the customer is required to disclose his/her public key during transactions. Further to this, the protocol also provides immunity against message replay attacks. Finally, the protocol always assumes that one or more parties can always be dishonest which is unlike certain protocols that assume only one party can be dishonest at any point. This ensures that all scenarios are taken into consideration and two parties cannot conspire against the other thus compromising on the fairness of the protocol. Detailed analysis, implementation, verification and evaluation of the protocol is done to ensure that the research is able to prove that the protocol has been carefully designed and the key goals of fair exchange and anonymity. All scenarios are taken into consideration to prove that the protocol will indeed satisfy all criteria. The research thus expects that the protocol could be implemented in real-life scenarios and finds a great potential in the e-commerce field

    Monero Mining: CryptoNight Analysis

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    Το κρυπτονόμισμα Bitcoin αποτελεί την πρώτη πετυχημένη εφαρμογή της ιδέας του ηλεκτρονικού χρήματος χωρίς την διαμεσολάβηση τρίτων. Στην πορεία, πολλά κρυπτο- νομίσματα βασίστηκαν στην συγκεκριμένη τεχνολογία, εστιάζοντας το καθένα στους δικούς του στόχους και σκοπούς. Το κρυπτονόμισμα Monero είναι ένα τέτοιο εγχείρημα, βασικός σκοπός του οποίου είναι η διασφάλιση της ιδιωτικότητας και της ανωνυμίας. Σε έναν κόσμο όπου η παρακολούθηση εντείνεται, το εγχείρημα του Monero σημαίνει τον συναγερμό για την διαρκή καταπάτηση ενός εκ των θεμελιωδών ανθρώπινων δικαιωμάτων. Επιπλέον, καθώς οι επιχειρήσεις έχουν περιορίσει δραματικά τον υγιή ανταγωνισμό σχεδόν σε όλα τα διαδεδομένα κρυπτονομίσματα, το Monero προσπαθεί να τον διατηρήσει στην κοινότητά του. Ένα από τα δομικά στοιχεία του Monero είναι η διατήρηση της ισότητας μεταξύ των "ανθρακωρύχων" (miners), η οποία επιτυγχάνεται μέσω της ισονομίας (egalitarianism). Η ισονομία είναι συνέπεια μιας ιδιότητας της κρυπτογραφικής συνάρτησης που χρησιμοποιείται για την "εξόρυξη" νομισμάτων. Η συνάρτηση που χρησιμοποιείται στο Monero για αυτόν τον σκοπό λέγεται CryptoNight και είναι μέρος του CryptoNote πρωτοκόλλου. Το στοιχείο της συνάρτησης που επιτυγχάνει την ισονομία είναι μια κρυπτογραφική ιδιότητα, η οποία ονομάζεται memory-hardness. Η CryptoNight συνάρ- τηση θεωρείται ότι διαθέτει αυτήν την ιδιότητα. Όμως, μέχρι σήμερα αυτό παραμένει ισχυρισμός. Απ' όσο γνωρίζουμε, δεν υπάρχει μαθηματική απόδειξη για αυτόν τον ισχυρισμό αλλά ούτε και κάποια επίθεση που να τον διαψεύδει. Θέλοντας να ελέγξουμε την ορθότητα αυτού του ισχυρισμού, προσπαθήσαμε να κατασκευάσουμε μια μαθηματική απόδειξη. Αναφέρουμε τους λόγους για τους οποίους αποτυγχάνουμε να διατυπώσουμε μία τέτοια απόδειξη και προσπαθούμε να τους χρησι- μοποιήσουμε για να καταρρίψουμε αυτόν τον ισχυρισμό. Απ' όσο γνωρίζουμε, η παρού- σα εργασία είναι η πρώτη που μελετά αυτήν την ιδιότητα για την συνάρτηση CryptoNight και παρουσιάζεται για πρώτη φορά γραφικά η εσωτερική δομή της. Τέλος, παρουσιάζουμε την γνώση που αποκτήσαμε και ελπίζουμε αυτή η εργασία να φανεί χρήσιμη μελλοντικά σε συναδέλφους που θέλουν να συμβάλλουν στην έρευνα στο ευρύτερο πεδίο. Στόχος αυτής της έρευνας είναι να συνεισφέρει στην προσπάθεια του εγχειρήματος Monero για την διασφάλιση της ιδιωτικότητας, της ανωνυμίας και της ισότητας.Bitcoin has been a successful implementation of the concept of peer-to-peer electronic cash. Based on this technology several cryptocurrency projects have arisen, each one focusing on its purposes and goals. Monero is a decentralized cryptocurrency focusing on privacy and anonymity. In a world of surveillance, Monero raises the alarm about one of the fundamental human rights, which is continuously violated: Privacy. In addition, Monero is built to achieve equality between miners. Corporations are taking over almost every successful cryptocurrency, by making mining participation harder and harder for the hobbyists and supporters. Monero tries to keep its community clean of unhealthy competition. This is achieved through egalitarianism, which is based οn a cryptographic mining function. This function is called CryptoNight and is part of the CryptoNote protocol, the heart of Monero's structure. The feature of this function that makes it egalitarian is a cryptographic property, named memory-hardness. CryptoNight is alleged to be memory-hard. But, still today, this is just a claim. We put to the test this claim, trying to construct a formal mathematical proof, but we fail to do so. We discuss the reasons for our failure and try to use them to construct an attack on this feature. To our knowledge, we are the first to study this CryptoNight's property and the first to present graphically all the stages of CryptoNight's functionality. Finally, we present the knowledge gained and wish for this document to be useful in the future to colleagues that want to contribute in this field. The aim of this work is to contribute to Monero's fight for privacy, anonymity and equality