42 research outputs found

    Quantitative Skills and Reasoning (Armstrong)

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    This Grants Collection for Quantitative Skills and Reasoning was created under a Round Five ALG Textbook Transformation Grant. Affordable Learning Georgia Grants Collections are intended to provide faculty with the frameworks to quickly implement or revise the same materials as a Textbook Transformation Grants team, along with the aims and lessons learned from project teams during the implementation process. Documents are in .pdf format, with a separate .docx (Word) version available for download. Each collection contains the following materials: Linked Syllabus Initial Proposal Final Reporthttps://oer.galileo.usg.edu/mathematics-collections/1021/thumbnail.jp

    Web-based Management and Assessment System for Postgraduate Research Symposium of Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS

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    This research project is to develop a management system that computerizes the process of managing and assessing in educational organizations. It will be applied in the case of postgraduate research symposium in Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP). The society has evolved in a more modern and educational background, many countries has considered education as one of the most important factors in development. Due to the increasing number of students every year, the management and assessment processes have always been an administrative burden for academic staffs to collaborate and keep track of the student performance. The objective of this system is to become a centralized management and assessment portal for students, academic staffs, supervisors, and external examiners, which provides full control over the entire submission and evaluation processes. In the scope of UTP, the research symposium of postgraduate students is focused and the system is built on a web-based architecture which allows postgraduate students to submit their symposiums for their supervisors to evaluate and approve by digitalized assessment forms

    Персональне освітнє середовище – як один із трендів сучасної освіти

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    To meet the needs of the modern information society one must constantly improve the education system. The effectiveness of teaching today’s students fully depends on the implementation and use in the study of modern information and communication technologies, including network services that allow you to create an appropriate pedagogy and technology support base of modern information systems for educational purposes, and effectively organize the electronic learning university environment. An analysis of e-learning environments of modern domestic and foreign universities demonstrates quite a high level of qualitative and quantitative indicators of the implementation of electronic resources for educational purposes. However, despite the relatively high level of organization and content of university portals, the creation and implementation of students‘ personalized e-learning environment, which in turn is based on personalization in a global network, student-centered learning, which acts as a basis for the formation of ICT and key competencies of modern student, is still an open issue. The selfspontaneous creation of personalized e-learning environment does not cover the training needs of students, but is only partially able to satisfy them, as knowledge students cannot improve the quality of both formal and informal learning. This paper focuses on the study of students‘ ICT competencies and their ability to use information and communication technologies to carry out information activities in their professional field. The authors also discuss the results of studies on personalized and adaptive learning, based on consideration of learning styles. Based on a statistical analysis of the pedagogical experiments, some recommendations are suggested for technology training for teachers and students in order to to improve training efficiency

    Web-based Management and Assessment System for Postgraduate Research Symposium of Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS

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    This research project is to develop a management system that computerizes the process of managing and assessing in educational organizations. It will be applied in the case of postgraduate research symposium in Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP). The society has evolved in a more modern and educational background, many countries has considered education as one of the most important factors in development. Due to the increasing number of students every year, the management and assessment processes have always been an administrative burden for academic staffs to collaborate and keep track of the student performance. The objective of this system is to become a centralized management and assessment portal for students, academic staffs, supervisors, and external examiners, which provides full control over the entire submission and evaluation processes. In the scope of UTP, the research symposium of postgraduate students is focused and the system is built on a web-based architecture which allows postgraduate students to submit their symposiums for their supervisors to evaluate and approve by digitalized assessment forms

    Coherently Organized Digital Exercises and Expositions

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    We describe an organising principle for online learning materials we term coherently organised digital exercises and expositions. Larger in scale than individual lessons but smaller than a programme of study, this innovation in instructional practice is increasingly guiding our thinking in the development of university mathematics courses. Essentially we have taken the book and put it inside automatically assessed online quizzes. In doing this we embrace the potential provided by new technology to implement evidence-based practices such as spaced retrieval practice. This paper discusses details of this innovation, and how we have implemented it. On the basis of these experiences, we believe this innovation has the potential to change the model of education for university mathematics courses in substantial and non-trivial ways

    Breaking Customs in an Algebra Classroom for Mature Students and Providing Them With Opportunities to Engage in Theoretical Thinking

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    When an adult student returns to mathematics classes, it can sometimes be after a years- long absence, and often they may hold a negative attitude towards the subject as a whole. They arrive with a clear belief about what a mathematics classroom should look like, specifically with regards to the role of the teacher and the role of the student – a belief that has been formed over many years of exposure to ‘traditional’ mathematics classrooms. There are also certain customs that the students have come to believe should be features of all mathematics courses – that the teacher will lecture on how to solve the different kinds of problems they will encounter, that the teacher will always tell them whether their work is correct or incorrect, and that there is only one ‘acceptable’ method of solving a given mathematics problem. In this thesis we discuss a teaching approach that was taken in an algebra course designed for adults – a teaching approach that tried to break away from these customs. The Teachers of the course felt that by breaking custom they would be better able to succeed in achieving the three goals that they had set up for their course: First, they wanted to engage their students in theoretical thinking, following Sierpinska et. al’s (2002) model. Second, they wanted to respect and acknowledge the students’ different (mathematics) backgrounds and life goals. Third, they wanted their students to succeed in the institutional sense. As Researchers, we will be investigating the design and implementation of this teaching approach to discuss whether or not the Teachers were successful in achieving their goals

    Intelligent tutorial system based on personalized system of instruction to teach or remind mathematical concepts

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    The growth of the higher education population and different school paths to access an academic degree has increased the heterogeneity of students inside the classroom. Consequently, the effectiveness of traditional teaching methods has reduced. This paper describes the design, development, implementation and evaluation of a tutorial system (TS) to improve student's engagement in higher mathematics. The TS design was based on the Personalized System of Instruction of the Mastery Learning pedagogical approach and can be implemented in any higher education course with mathematics needs. The TS consists on small self-paced modularized units of educational contents, including tutorial videos, notes and formative e-assessment with personalized feedback. The TS ensures that the student is only allowed to proceed to the next unit after he or she achieves the required mastery criterion of the current unit. The TS was implemented in the Quantitative Methods course of an undergraduate degree and received good acceptance from students. It was also recognized that TS contributed to learning and engagement with the discipline. Through an experimental research experience it has been shown that the imposition of restrictions on the advance to the next level by a mastery criterion leads to a significant improvement in student’s engagement and performance

    MathLex: A Web-Based Mathematical Entry System

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    Mathematical formulas are easy to convey in handwritten media, but how should they be represented in electronic format? Unfortunately, mathematical content has not been as well-implemented on the Web as images and video. There are two sides to this problem: display and input. The former has been solved in multiple ways by representing formulas as images, MathML, or LaTeX (via MathJax). Representing math input is much more difficult and is the subject of this thesis. The goal is to enable users to enter complex formulas. Unfortunately, existing languages either are too complex for an average user (difficult to learn and/or read), only work in a particular environment (they have system and browser compatibility issues), or lack certain math concepts. Some do not even retain mathematical meaning. This thesis presents MathLex, an intuitive, easy-to-type, unambiguous, mathematically faithful input language and processing system intended for representing math input (and potentially display) on the web. It aims to mimic handwritten math as much as possible while maintaining semantic meaning

    Розробка інструментального засобу прогнозування обсягу програмного забезпечення, створюваного мовою Java на основі UML метрик

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    Каратай, М. В. Розробка інструментального засобу прогнозування обсягу програмного забезпечення, створюваного мовою Java на основі UML метрик : бакалаврська робота ; спец. 122 “Комп’ютерні науки“ / М. В. Каратай ; наук. кер. Є. Ю. Беркунський. – Миколаїв : НУК, 2020. – 120 с.Представлена робота присвячена розробці інструментального засобу для прогнозування обсягу ПЗ створюваного мовою Java на основі UML метрик. Призначення системи – надати можливість користувачам прогнозувати обсяг програмного забезпечення, яке планується створювати за допомогою мови програмування Java ще на етапі проєктування UML діаграм, що надає змогу більш точно розрахувати необхідні ресурси для створення кінцевого продукту користуючись моделями розрахунків виду «COCOMO II». В роботі аналізуються існуючі рішення та методи створення моделей прогнозування, досліджуються архітектурні підходи і засоби створення таких систем, формуються вимоги до системи, розробляються концепції системи і проводиться вибір найкращої, розробляється технічне завдання. Проводиться розробка основних проектних рішень за технічним, інформаційним та програмним забезпеченням, формується робоча документація для реалізованого програмного забезпечення. Дипломна робота виконана на 118 аркушах машинописного тексту, містить 34 рисунки, 3 таблиці, 3 додатки, список використаних джерел із 20 посилань.This work is dedicated to the development of a tool for predicting the size of software, that will be created via the Java language, based on the UML metrics. The main goal of the system is to allows users to forecast the size of the software that planned to be created via Java language as early as the UML diagrams building stage, which enable them to more accurately estimate the resource required to create end product using estimation models like “COCOMO II”. In the work analyzes the existing solutions and methods for the forecasting model creation, investigates the architectural approaches, and means of creating such a system. Forms the requirements for the system, develops the concepts of the system, and selects the best one, develops the technical task. Main design solutions for technical, information, and software being developed, working documentation for the implemented software is being formed. The work is done on 118 sheets of typewritten text, contains 34 drawings, 3 tables, 3 appendices, 20 references