248 research outputs found

    A Study of trellis coded quantization for image compression

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    Trellis coded quantization has recently evolved as a powerful quantization technique in the world of lossy image compression. The aim of this thesis is to investigate the potential of trellis coded quantization in conjunction with two of the most popular image transforms today; the discrete cosine transform and the discrete wavelet trans form. Trellis coded quantization is compared with traditional scalar quantization. The 4-state and the 8-state trellis coded quantizers are compared in an attempt to come up with a quantifiable difference in their performances. The use of pdf-optimized quantizers for trellis coded quantization is also studied. Results for the simulations performed on two gray-scale images at an uncoded bit rate of 0.48 bits/pixel are presented by way of reconstructed images and the respective peak signal-to-noise ratios. It is evident from the results obtained that trellis coded quantization outperforms scalar quantization in both the discrete cosine transform and the discrete wavelet transform domains. The reconstructed images suggest that there does not seem to be any considerable gain in going from a 4-state to a 8-state trellis coded quantizer. Results also suggest that considerable gain can be had by employing pdf-optimized quantizers for trellis coded quantization instead of uniform quantizers

    Distributed video coding for wireless video sensor networks: a review of the state-of-the-art architectures

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    Distributed video coding (DVC) is a relatively new video coding architecture originated from two fundamental theorems namely, Slepian–Wolf and Wyner–Ziv. Recent research developments have made DVC attractive for applications in the emerging domain of wireless video sensor networks (WVSNs). This paper reviews the state-of-the-art DVC architectures with a focus on understanding their opportunities and gaps in addressing the operational requirements and application needs of WVSNs

    An efficient system for reliably transmitting image and video data over low bit rate noisy channels

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    This research project is intended to develop an efficient system for reliably transmitting image and video data over low bit rate noisy channels. The basic ideas behind the proposed approach are the following: employ statistical-based image modeling to facilitate pre- and post-processing and error detection, use spare redundancy that the source compression did not remove to add robustness, and implement coded modulation to improve bandwidth efficiency and noise rejection. Over the last six months, progress has been made on various aspects of the project. Through our studies of the integrated system, a list-based iterative Trellis decoder has been developed. The decoder accepts feedback from a post-processor which can detect channel errors in the reconstructed image. The error detection is based on the Huber Markov random field image model for the compressed image. The compression scheme used here is that of JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group). Experiments were performed and the results are quite encouraging. The principal ideas here are extendable to other compression techniques. In addition, research was also performed on unequal error protection channel coding, subband vector quantization as a means of source coding, and post processing for reducing coding artifacts. Our studies on unequal error protection (UEP) coding for image transmission focused on examining the properties of the UEP capabilities of convolutional codes. The investigation of subband vector quantization employed a wavelet transform with special emphasis on exploiting interband redundancy. The outcome of this investigation included the development of three algorithms for subband vector quantization. The reduction of transform coding artifacts was studied with the aid of a non-Gaussian Markov random field model. This results in improved image decompression. These studies are summarized and the technical papers included in the appendices

    Combined Industry, Space and Earth Science Data Compression Workshop

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    The sixth annual Space and Earth Science Data Compression Workshop and the third annual Data Compression Industry Workshop were held as a single combined workshop. The workshop was held April 4, 1996 in Snowbird, Utah in conjunction with the 1996 IEEE Data Compression Conference, which was held at the same location March 31 - April 3, 1996. The Space and Earth Science Data Compression sessions seek to explore opportunities for data compression to enhance the collection, analysis, and retrieval of space and earth science data. Of particular interest is data compression research that is integrated into, or has the potential to be integrated into, a particular space or earth science data information system. Preference is given to data compression research that takes into account the scien- tist's data requirements, and the constraints imposed by the data collection, transmission, distribution and archival systems

    Wavelet-based distributed source coding of video

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    Publication in the conference proceedings of EUSIPCO, Antalya, Turkey, 200

    2-step scalar deadzone quantization for bitplane image coding

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    Modern lossy image coding systems generate a quality progressive codestream that, truncated at increasing rates, produces an image with decreasing distortion. Quality progressivity is commonly provided by an embedded quantizer that employs uniform scalar deadzone quantization (USDQ) together with a bitplane coding strategy. This paper introduces a 2-step scalar deadzone quantization (2SDQ) scheme that achieves same coding performance as that of USDQ while reducing the coding passes and the emitted symbols of the bitplane coding engine. This serves to reduce the computational costs of the codec and/or to code high dynamic range images. The main insights behind 2SDQ are the use of two quantization step sizes that approximate wavelet coefficients with more or less precision depending on their density, and a rate-distortion optimization technique that adjusts the distortion decreases produced when coding 2SDQ indexes. The integration of 2SDQ in current codecs is straightforward. The applicability and efficiency of 2SDQ are demonstrated within the framework of JPEG2000

    Efficient Coding of Transform Coefficient Levels in Hybrid Video Coding

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    All video coding standards of practical importance, such as Advanced Video Coding (AVC), its successor High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC), and the state-of-the-art Versatile Video Coding (VVC), follow the basic principle of block-based hybrid video coding. In such an architecture, the video pictures are partitioned into blocks. Each block is first predicted by either intra-picture or motion-compensated prediction, and the resulting prediction errors, referred to as residuals, are compressed using transform coding. This thesis deals with the entropy coding of quantization indices for transform coefficients, also referred to as transform coefficient levels, as well as the entropy coding of directly quantized residual samples. The entropy coding of quantization indices is referred to as level coding in this thesis. The presented developments focus on both improving the coding efficiency and reducing the complexity of the level coding for HEVC and VVC. These goals were achieved by modifying the context modeling and the binarization of the level coding. The first development presented in this thesis is a transform coefficient level coding for variable transform block sizes, which was introduced in HEVC. It exploits the fact that non-zero levels are typically concentrated in certain parts of the transform block by partitioning blocks larger than \square{4} samples into \square{4} sub-blocks. Each \square{4} sub-block is then coded similarly to the level coding specified in AVC for \square{4} transform blocks. This sub-block processing improves coding efficiency and has the advantage that the number of required context models is independent of the set of supported transform block sizes. The maximum number of context-coded bins for a transform coefficient level is one indicator for the complexity of the entropy coding. An adaptive binarization of absolute transform coefficient levels using Rice codes is presented that reduces the maximum number of context-coded bins from 15 (as used in AVC) to three for HEVC. Based on the developed selection of an appropriate Rice code for each scanning position, this adaptive binarization achieves virtually the same coding efficiency as the binarization specified in AVC for bit-rate operation points typically used in consumer applications. The coding efficiency is improved for high bit-rate operation points, which are used in more advanced and professional applications. In order to further improve the coding efficiency for HEVC and VVC, the statistical dependencies among the transform coefficient levels of a transform block are exploited by a template-based context modeling developed in this thesis. Instead of selecting the context model for a current scanning position primarily based on its location inside a transform block, already coded neighboring locations inside a local template are utilized. To further increase the coding efficiency achieved by the template-based context modeling, the different coding phases of the initially developed level coding are merged into a single coding phase. As a consequence, the template-based context modeling can utilize the absolute levels of the neighboring frequency locations, which provides better conditional probability estimates and further improves coding efficiency. This template-based context modeling with a single coding phase is also suitable for trellis-coded quantization (TCQ), since TCQ is state-driven and derives the next state from the current state and the parity of the current level. TCQ introduces different context model sets for coding the significance flag depending on the current state. Based on statistical analyses, an extension of the state-dependent context modeling of TCQ is presented, which further improves the coding efficiency in VVC. After that, a method to reduce the complexity of the level coding at the decoder is presented. This method separates the level coding into a coding phase exclusively consisting of context-coded bins and another one consisting of bypass-coded bins only. For retaining the state-dependent context selection, which significantly contributes to the coding efficiency of TCQ, a dedicated parity flag is introduced and coded with context models in the first coding phase. An adaptive approach is then presented that further reduces the worst-case complexity, effectively lowering the maximum number of context-coded bins per transform coefficient to 1.75 without negatively affecting the coding efficiency. In the last development presented in this thesis, a dedicated level coding for transform skip blocks, which often occur in screen content applications, is introduced for VVC. This dedicated level coding better exploits the statistical properties of directly quantized residual samples for screen content. Various modifications to the level coding improve the coding efficiency for this type of content. Examples for these modifications are a binarization with additional context-coded flags and the coding of the sign information with adaptive context models
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