28 research outputs found

    Wastewater treatment plants as a source of microplastics in river catchments

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    It is now well established that the oceans contain significant accumulations of plastic debris but only very recently have studies began to look at sources of microplastics (MPs) in river catchments. This work measured MPs up- and downstream of six wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) in different catchments with varying characteristics and found that all led to an increase in MPs in rivers. Nevertheless, the data collected indicated that there were other important sources of MPs in the catchments studied and that these may include atmospheric deposition, agricultural land to which sewage sludge has been applied, and diffuse release of secondary MPs following the breakdown of larger plastic items. MPs were comprised mainly of fibres, fragments, and flakes with pellets and beads only dominating at one site. Variation in MP pollution occurred over time and this difference was greater at some sites than others. A key research need is the further study of MP sources in river catchments to facilitate management efforts to reduce their presence in freshwater and marine environments

    Analysis, Prevalence & Impact of Microplastics in Freshwater and Estuarine Environments Evidence Review 2 What are the sources of the microplastics found in freshwater environments?

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    This Rapid Evidence Assessment used the systematic review procedure to assess the current evidence available on the sources of the microplastics found in freshwater and estuarine environments. To fully comprehend the prevalence of microplastics in freshwater and estuarine environments, it is important to understand which sources contribute to the microplastics present and the relative importance of those sources. Furthermore, we need to understand the influence of any physical and biologically-mediated processes that affect the concentrations, characteristics and profile of the microplastic particles present, so that their influence can be taken into account when interpreting the microplastics present in terms of contributing sources. A review was conducted of literature, including grey literature, which reported evidence of the sources of the microplastics found in freshwater and estuarine environments. The factors influencing the transport and modification of microplastics in freshwater and estuarine environments were also considered, noting in particular those that alter the profile of microplastics thus obscuring identification of sources. Publications released prior to April 2019 were included in this review. Evidence was acquired according to a predefined set of questions, compiled into a database containing full details of the source and its relevance to the project questions, and the evidence analysed, taking into account reporting biases in the literature, to produce a digestible summary of the evidence base available to answer the main project question and sub-questions, namely, What are the sources of microplastics reported to have been found in freshwater and estuarine environments? a) Are these primary (i.e. manufactured) or secondary (i.e. degradation products) microplastics? b) Within studies reporting the predominant types of microplastics found, is there a link identified to local land use or industry? c) How are microplastics transported and modified in the freshwater and estuarine environments? d) Are microplastics from different sources prevalent in different matrices of the aquatic environment (biota, water, or sediment)

    Pathways of human exposure to microplastics, and estimation of the total burden

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    Altres ajuts: Acord transformatiu CRUE-CSICJ. Domenech was supported by a Predoctoral Fellowship (PIF) from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.Plastic production is continuously growing and their wastes contaminate practically all environmental niches. In the environment, large plastics undergo continuous degradation processes generating a broad amount of microplastics and nanoplastics (MNPLs) that spread through air, land, and seas. Thus, humans suffer chronic exposures to MNPLs through different pathways: ingestion, inhalation, and dermal contact. Here, we have reviewed the recently published data regarding human exposure to MNPLs. The total load of plastic particles that humans are exposed to has been estimated based on these newly reported studies. This analysis of novel literature shows that despite ingestion is the most studied route of exposure, other routes of contact with MNPLs should not be underestimated. At the same time, gaps regarding the investigation of human exposures to environmental MNPLs have been detected, as well as the lack of robust and standardized protocols, operating procedures, and methodologies to detect/quantify MNPL in human/biological matrices

    Existence of Microplastics in Indonesia's Surface Water: A Review

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    Plastic waste is often being an issue that needs to be overcome since mostly plastic waste ends up in the environment. Some studies stated that plastic waste found in the marine environment are mostly sourced from the land which transported along the river systems. It is nearly impossible for nature to completely breakdown plastic waste, regarding its durability and resistance to degradation. Small fragment resulted from the slowly breakdown of plastic waste is an emerging contaminant in water environment called as microplastic. This study is conducted as a short review of microplastics existence on the surface water in Indonesia, particularly on the Citarum River as the most polluted river in the world. Besides, only few papers regarding microplastic occurrence on the surface water in Indonesia that have been published, which mostly focuses on Citarum River. It is known that microplastic tend to persist in water and has possible risks to the living organisms. Hence, managing microplastic pollution is needed which can be in the form of management strategy and treatment technologies used to remove microplastics from water

    Impact of Nitrate Vulnerable Zones and Catchment Sensitive Farming on Water Quality in UK: Case Study of Ingbirchworth and Scout Dyke Reservoirs

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    The rivers and water streams are considered as a source of fresh drinking water for the human being on earth. The main source of water entering to these reservoirs is surface run off, snow melting and underground water. The water at the river’s mouth is generally in the form of small streams which are considered clean but as they flow down the catchment, pollutants and nutrients start to enter in larger amounts due to anthropogenic activities and advanced land use by human beings. As per inspection of chief inspector “Drinking Water Inspectorate (DWI)” in 2016, out of more than 4600 water bodies and 3700 rivers in England, only one sixth could get “good” status and two third could get “moderate” status as per European union standards. This is though a good achievement in Europe but alarming also, as all rivers are required to have achieved specified “good” standards by 2021 (extended to 2027 for some categories). This phenomenon is pronouncing more complications in drinking water reservoirs or compensatory reservoirs from where water is taken out to utility companies and treated for domestic water supply incurring an enormous cost on its treatment before human consumption. The clean water standards can be achieved only if a strict control is implemented on entry of pollutants/ nutrients from surface run off using thorough catchment scale sensitive strategies. UK has been implementing strict measures under Environment Agency (EA), Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) and other organizations like “Natural England”, “River Trust” and water utility/ supply companies to achieve desired standards of water quality in rivers by managing the whole catchment as per European union water framework directive (EU WFD) 2000.The catchment sensitive farming and nitrate vulnerable zones policies were started in 1992 and has been in full practice by implementing different stewardship schemes and fertilizers control measures in farmlands and arable lands. Ingbirchworth reservoir and Scout Dyke compensatory reservoir have been under catchment sensitive stewardship schemes to control quantities of nutrients especially nitrates and other pollutants since 2006 to maintain good quality water reservoirs for drinking and compensation to Don river. A partial success has been achieved in controlling the values of nitrates, phosphates, and suspended solids to enter from catchment farmlands by controlling the use of slurry/ fertilizers and implementation of good farming techniques. However, temporal and special variations show a variable result of presence of nitrates, phosphates and suspended solids at different streams in different times, more than specified limits of 11.3mg/L, 0.1mg/L and 25mg/L respectively. This requires more holistic efforts to control the bad practices in farming in adjacent farm/arable lands and improvements in stewardship schemes for catchment sensitive farming in Ingbirchworth areas

    Bacterial cellulose biopolymers: the sustainable solution to water-polluting microplastics

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    Microplastics (MPs) pollution has become one of our time’s most consequential issue. These micropolymeric particles are ubiquitously distributed across all natural and urban ecosystems. Current filtration systems in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) rely on non-biodegradable fossil-based polymeric filters whose mainte nance procedures are environmentally damaging and unsustainable. Following the need to develop sustainable filtration frameworks for MPs water removal, years of R&D lead to the conception of bacterial cellulose (BC) biopolymers. These bacterial-based naturally secreted polymers display unique features for biotechnological applications, such as straightforward production, large surface areas, nanoporous structures, biodegradability, and utilitarian circularity. Diligently, techniques such as flow cytometry, scanning electron microscopy and fluorescence microscopy were used to evaluate the feasibility and characterise the removal dynamics of highly concentrated MPs-polluted water by BC biopolymers. Results show that BC biopolymers display removal effi ciencies of MPs of up to 99%, maintaining high performance for several continuous cycles. The polymer’s characterisation showed that MPs were both adsorbed and incorporated in the 3D nanofibrillar network. The use of more economically- and logistics-favourable dried BC biopolymers preserves their physicochemical properties while maintaining high efficiency (93–96%). These polymers exhibited exceptional structural preservation, conserving a high water uptake capacity which drives microparticle retention. In sum, this study provides clear evidence that BC biopolymers are high performing, multifaceted and genuinely sustainable/circular alternatives to synthetic water treatment MPs-removal technologies.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    From wastewater discharge to the beach: Survival of human pathogens bound to microplastics during transfer through the freshwater-marine continuum

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    Large quantities of microplastics are regularly discharged from wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) into the aquatic environment. Once released, these plastics can rapidly become colonised by microbial biofilm, forming distinct plastisphere communities which may include potential pathogens. We hypothesised that the protective environment afforded by the plastisphere would facilitate the survival of potential pathogens during transitions between downstream environmental matrices and thus increase persistence and the potential for environmental dissemination of pathogens. The survival of Escherichia coli, Enterococcus faecalis and Pseudomonas aeruginosa colonising polyethylene or glass particles has been quantified in mesocosm incubation experiments designed to simulate, (1) the direct release of microplastics from WWTPs into freshwater and seawater environments; and (2) the movement of microplastics downstream following discharge from the WWTP through the river-estuary-marine-beach continuum. Culturable E. coli, E. faecalis and P. aeruginosa were successfully able to survive and persist on particles whether they remained in one environmental matrix or transitioned between different environmental matrices. All three bacteria were still detectable on both microplastic and glass particles after 25 days, with higher concentrations on microplastic compared to glass particles; however, there were no differences in bacterial die-off rates between the two materials. This potential for environmental survival of pathogens in the plastisphere could facilitate their transition into places where human exposure is greater (e.g., bathing waters and beach environments). Therefore, risks associated with pathogen-microplastic co-pollutants in the environment, emphasises the urgency for updated regulations on wastewater discharge and the management of microplastic generation and release

    Numerical modeling of microplastic interaction with fine sediment under estuarine conditions

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    Microplastic (MP) pollution is an important challenge for human life which has consequently affected the natural system of other organisms. Mismanagement and also careless handling of plastics in daily life has led to an accelerating contamination of air, water and soil compartments with MP. Under estuarine conditions, interactions with suspended particulate matter (SPM) like fine sediment in the water column play an important role on the fate of MP. Further studies to better understand the corresponding transport and accumulation mechanisms are required. This paper aims at providing a new modeling approach improving the MP settling velocity formulation based on higher suspended fine sediment concentrations, as i.e. existent in estuarine turbidity zones (ETZ). The capability of the suggested approach is examined through the modeling of released MP transport in water and their interactions with fine sediment (cohesive sediment/fluid mud). The model results suggest higher concentrations of MP in ETZ, both in the water column as well as the bed sediment, which is also supported by measurements. The key process in the modeling approach is the integration of small MP particles into estuarine fine sediment aggregates. This is realized by means of a threshold sediment concentration, above which the effective MP settling velocity increasingly approaches that of the sediment aggregates. The model results are in good agreement with measured MP mass concentrations. Moreover, the model results also show that lighter small MP particles can easier escape the ETZ towards the open sea

    Stream microbial communities and ecosystem functioning show complex responses to multiple stressors in wastewater

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    Multiple anthropogenic drivers are changing ecosystems globally, with a disproportionate and intensifying impact on freshwater habitats. A major impact of urbanization are inputs from wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). Initially designed to reduce eutrophication and improve water quality, WWTPs increasingly release a multitude of micropollutants (MPs; i.e., synthetic chemicals) and microbes (including antibiotic-resistant bacteria) to receiving environments. This pollution may have pervasive impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem services. Viewed through multiple lenses of macroecological and ecotoxicological theory, we combined field, flume, and laboratory experiments to determine the effects of wastewater (WW) on microbial communities and organic-matter processing using a standardized decomposition assay. First, we conducted a mensurative experiment sampling 60 locations above and below WWTP discharges in 20 Swiss streams. Microbial respiration and decomposition rates were positively influenced by WW inputs via warming and nutrient enrichment, but with a notable exception: WW decreased the activation energy of decomposition, indicating a "slowing" of this fundamental ecosystem process in response to temperature. Second, next-generation sequencing indicated that microbial community structure below WWTPs was altered, with significant compositional turnover, reduced richness, and evidence of negative MP influences. Third, a series of flume experiments confirmed that although diluted WW generally has positive influences on microbial-mediated processes, the negative effects of MPs are "masked" by nutrient enrichment. Finally, transplant experiments suggested that WW-borne microbes enhance decomposition rates. Taken together, our results affirm the multiple stressor paradigm by showing that different aspects of WW (warming, nutrients, microbes, and MPs) jointly influence ecosystem functioning in complex ways. Increased respiration rates below WWTPs potentially generate ecosystem "disservices" via greater carbon evasion from streams and rivers. However, toxic MP effects may fundamentally alter ecological scaling relationships, indicating the need for a rapprochement between ecotoxicological and macroecological perspectives