8 research outputs found

    QoS integration in web services

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    With the growing popularity of Web services, a general QoS support for Web services will play an important role for the success of this emerging technology. Unfortunately, current Web service environments do not offer comprehensive QoS support. In this paper, we present an approach that does not only enable the QoS integration in Web services, but also the selection of appropriate services based on QoS requirements regarding server and network performance as well as the mapping of QoS requirements onto the underlying QoS aware network at runtime

    Propiedades de Calidad de Servicio en el Descubrimiento de Recursos Grid

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    Uno de los problemas abiertos en el contexto de las Arquitecturas Orientadas a Servicios es del descubrimiento de recursos y/o servicios adecuados para llevar a cabo una tarea determinada. Los proveedores de información Grid básicamente ofrecen información funcional sobre los recursos Grid que monitorizan, por lo que los modelos de información Grid básicamente representan esta información sintáctica, y los consumidores de información Grid usan normalmente dichas propiedades funcionales para seleccionar recursos. En la práctica, muchos trabajos se reinician debido a fallos en los recursos, aunque existen iniciativas que tratan de usar técnicas aisladas para manejar algunas propiedades de calidad de servicio. En el presente artículo se propone un nuevo enfoque para modelar recursos Grid junto con propiedades de calidad de servicio. Por un lado, este modelo está basado en una ontología desarrollada para integrar los modelos existentes tanto a nivel de representación de información Grid como de calidad de servicio en general. Por otro lado, también propone la creación de un sistema de medida - actualmente en desarrollo - para algunas propiedades de calidad de servicio (disponibilidad, rendimiento y fiabilidad)

    Uma abordagem para busca por web services com requisitos de QoS

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Computação.O objetivo dos Web Services é resolver problemas de interoperabilidade entre aplicações da Web. Um dos principais problemas recorrente aos Web Services atualmente está no fato de o cliente não conseguir a QoS (quality of service) necessária para receber ou acessar determinado serviço ou aplicação. Esta dissertação apresenta uma especificação para obtenção de QoS entre Web Services. Esta especificação utiliza um broker como módulo intermediário entre cliente, servidor e UDDI, coletando informações de QoS e tomando decisões para que o cliente consiga a qualidade de serviço desejada. Para a definição dos parâmetros de QoS forem criados Esquemas XML. São apresentados o Esquema XML e um estudo de caso para a validação da arquitetura

    A Framework for Secure Management of Web Services (SMaWS) in Enterprise Application Integration

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    This dissertation addresses challenges currently faced by enterprises that have embraced the new technology called Web Service in order to reduce the cost of enterprise application integration (EAI) as well as improve operational efficiency of their mission-critical business processes. The nature of Web Service introduces new challenges such as dependency among applications, and a failure in one application can lead to a failure in other dependent applications. Such challenges have led to a growing need for enterprises to confront Web Service monitoring and management issues as a priority. As a solution, this dissertation proposes a SMaWS (Secure Management of Web Services) infrastructure for secure monitoring and management of Web Services. Its goals are to provide deeper visibility into Web Service runtime activities as compared to currently Web Service management tools; access to information about the Quality of Service (QoS) of these Web Services; and a unified monitoring environment for Web Services deployed across enterprise business units. This enables an earlier detection of poor performance problem in each interdependent Web Service, which would lead to a faster diagnose and fixing of possible performance issue, and thus maximize availability. This dissertation describes the requirements analysis for monitoring and management of Web Services across an enterprise environment. It describes the architecture and design of the SMaWS infrastructure proposed for secure monitoring and management of Web Service. The proposed SMaWS framework enables the instrumentation of existing and newly developed Web Service applications, and extracts Web Service performance statistics. It determines Web Service identity, reliability, availability, security, usage, and license used by Web Service consumers to access a given service. This dissertation describes the SMaWS Repository and Security concepts that are proposed to address the challenges faced by most distributed architectures to enable the client applications determine the location of the server (“bootstrapping problem”), and at the same time ensuring both the integrity and confidentiality of parties involved. Finally, this dissertation presents a prototype implementation of SMaWS Manager Application and Sample SMaWS Web Service applications. The experimental results obtained, in terms of overhead induced by the SMaWS framework on the monitored Web Service applications, demonstrate the feasibility of the SMaWS infrastructure


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    Context/Background: Use of Service Level Agreements (SLAs) is crucial to provide the value added services to consumers to achieve their requirements successfully. SLAs also ensure the expected Quality of Service to consumers. Aim: This study investigates how efficient structural representation and management of SLAs can help to ensure the Quality of Service (QoS) in Web services during Web service composition. Method: Existing specifications and structures for SLAs for Web services do not fully formalize and provide support for different automatic and dynamic behavioral aspects needed for QoS calculation. This study addresses the issues on how to formalize and document the structures of SLAs for better service utilization and improved QoS results. The Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is extended in this study with addition of an SLAAgent, which helps to automate the QoS calculation using Fuzzy Inference Systems, service discovery, service selection, SLA monitoring and management during service composition with the help of structured SLA documents. Results: The proposed framework improves the ways of how to structure, manage and monitor SLAs during Web service composition to achieve the better Quality of Service effectively and efficiently. Conclusions: To deal with different types of computational requirements the automation of SLAs is a challenge during Web service composition. This study shows the significance of the SLAs for better QoS during composition of services in SOA

    Web service composition : architecture, frameworks, and techniques

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    OASIS defines Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) as a paradigm for organizing and utilizing distributed capabilities that may be under the control of different ownership domains. One approach to realize SOA is Web services. A Web service is a software system that has a machine processable Web Services Description Language (WSDL) interface; other systems interact with it using SOAP messages in a manner prescribed by its description. Descriptions enable Web services to be discovered, used by other Web services, and composed into new Web services. Composition is a mechanism for rapid creation of new Web services by reusing existing ones. Web services have functional, behavioral, semantic, and non-functional characteristics. These characteristics have to be considered for composition, as they provide essential information about the services. In order to compose Web services with these characteristics, they have to be described appropriately. However, the existing techniques do not consider all these aspects together for description and composition. This thesis proposes a business model, also referred to as architecture, a description framework, and a composition framework for Web service composition. Techniques for matching, categorizing, and assembling the composite services are also proposed as a part of the composition framework. The architecture, frameworks, and techniques describe, discover, manipulate, and compose Web services by taking into account all their characteristics. The standard Web service business model is extended by the proposed business model to support Web service composition. In the model, based on their demand, the requested Web services are composed by the Web service composer. In the proposed architecture, Web services are described using the description framework languages. The proposed framework combines Semantic Annotations for WSDL and XML Schema (SAWSDL) for functional and semantic description, Message Sequence Charts (MSC) for behavioral description, and a simple and new Non Functional Specification Language (NFSL) for the non-functional properties description of Web services. It uses Higher Order Logic (HOL) for formalizing and integrating the three languages. The role of Web service composer in the architecture is realized by the composition framework. It essentially defines the architecture of the composer. In this framework, matchmaking, categorization, and assembly techniques are used to create the requested composite service. These techniques manipulate the Web services at HOL-level. The formal matchmaking technique discovers the primitive Web services by using a HOL theorem prover. The categorization and the assembly techniques manipulate the matched services and orchestrate the composite service. The concepts of the model, frameworks, and techniques are implemented, and their working is illustrated using case studies. Prototypes of the model's components (extended registry and extended requester) and the composition framework are developed, and their performance is analyzed. Case studies to illustrate the description and the composition frameworks are also presente