8 research outputs found

    An analysis of congestion controls in centralized control systems

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    International audienceThis article studies different congestion control methods applied to a centralized control system, consisting in several sensors/actuators and one controller. Sensors/actuators are linked to the controller through an IP network. Depending on the data exchanged, the network can be congested. In such case, the congestion control used by data exchange becomes important. We evaluate four congestion control methods used by three classical transport protocols, UDP, TCP and DCCP. This evaluation uses ns2 network simulator. Results on a centralised control system show that TCP and DCCP offer a good tradeoff on reliability vs. throughput, whereas UDP has best results provided that the network is well configured

    Optimisation of relay placement in wireless butterfly networks

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    As a typical model of multicast network, wireless butterfly networks (WBNs) have been studied for modelling the scenario when two source nodes wish to convey data to two destination nodes via an intermediary node namely relay node. In the context of wireless communications, when receiving two data packets from the two source nodes, the relay node can employ either physical-layer network coding or analogue network coding on the combined packet prior to forwarding to the two destination nodes. Evaluating the energy efficiency of these combination approaches, energy-delay trade-off (EDT) is worth to be investigated and the relay placement should be taken into account in the practical network design. This chapter will first investigate the EDT of network coding in the WBNs. Based on the derived EDT, algorithms that optimize the relay position will be developed to either minimize the transmission delay or minimize the energy consumption subject to constraints on power allocation and location of nodes. Furthermore, considering an extended model of the WBN, the relay placement will be studied for a general wireless multicast network with multiple source, relay and destination nodes

    Impact of media-related SIFs on QoE for H.265/HEVC video streaming

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    Long term evolution (LTE) is the fastest-deployed mobile broadband technology driven by demand for improved user experience. It has distinguished itself compared to other mobile broadband technologies in its ability to handle the growth of video traffic that has become an important part of user鈥檚 mobile broadband experience. Growing trend of video consumption implies that that media-related system influence factors (SIFs) should be identified and well-understood in order to determine how they affect the user鈥檚 quality of experience (QoE). Therefore, this paper aims to provide a deeper understanding of media-related SIFs and their impact on QoE for video streaming. Experimental study has included two phases, i.e., H.265/ high efficiency video coding (HEVC) coded video streaming emulation over LTE network and end-user survey for collecting mean opinion score (MOS). Results obtained from statistical analysis imply that there exists strong and statistically significant impact of individual media-related SIFs and their interaction on QoE for video streaming

    Cooperative diversity techniques for high-throughput wireless relay networks

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    Relay communications has attracted a growing interest in wireless communications with application to various enhanced technologies. This thesis considers a number of issues related to data throughput in various wireless relay network models. Particularly, new implementations of network coding (NC) and space-time coding (STC) techniques are investigated to offer various means of achieving high-throughput relay communications. Firstly, this thesis investigates different practical automatic repeat request (ARQ) retransmission protocols based on NC for two-way wireless relay networks to improve throughput efficiency. Two improved NC-based ARQ schemes are designed based on go-back-N and selective-repeat (SR) protocols. Addressing ARQ issues in multisource multidestination relay networks, a new NC-based ARQ protocol is proposed and two packet-combination algorithms are developed for retransmissions at relay and sources to significantly improve the throughput. In relation to the concept of channel quality indicator (CQI) reporting in two-way relay networks, two new efficient CQI reporting schemes are designed based on NC to improve the system throughput by allowing two terminals to simultaneously estimate the CQI of the distant terminal-relay link without incurring additional overhead. The transmission time for CQI feedback at the relays is reduced by half while the increase in complexity and the loss of performance are shown to be negligible. Furthermore, a low-complexity relay selection scheme is suggested to reduce the relay searching complexity. For the acknowledgment (ACK) process, this thesis proposes a new block ACK scheme based on NC to significantly reduce the ACK overheads and therefore produce an enhanced throughput. The proposed scheme is also shown to improve the reliability of block ACK transmission and reduce the number of data retransmissions for a higher system throughput. Additionally, this thesis presents a new cooperative retransmission scheme based on relay cooperation and NC to considerably reduce the number of retransmission packets and im- prove the reliability of retransmissions for a more power efficient and higher throughput system with non-overlapped retransmissions. Moreover, two relay selection schemes are recommended to determine the optimised number of relays for the retransmission. Finally, with respect to cognitive wireless relay networks (CWRNs), this thesis proposes a new cooperative spectrum sensing (CSS) scheme to improve the spectrum sensing performance and design a new CSS scheme based on NC for three-hop CWRNs to improve system throughput. Furthermore, a new distributed space-time-frequency block code (DSTFBC) is designed for a two- hop nonregenerative CWRN over frequency-selective fading channels. The proposed DSTFBC design achieves higher data rate, spatial diversity gain, and decoupling detection of data blocks at all destination nodes with a low-complexity receiver structure

    Specification of Cooperative Access Points Functionalities version 1

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    The What to do With the Wi-Fi Wild West H2020 project (Wi-5) combines research and innovation to propose an architecture based on an integrated and coordinated set of smart Wi-Fi networking solutions. The resulting system will be able to efficiently reduce interference between neighbouring Access Points (APs) and provide optimised connectivity for new and emerging services. The project approach is expected to develop and incorporate a variety of different solutions, which will be made available through academic publications, in addition to other dissemination channels. The present document includes the specification of the first version of the Cooperative AP Functionalities, which are being defined within Work Package (WP) 4 of the Wi-5 project. In this deliverable after the Executive Summary and the literature review, the first version of the Cooperative Access Point Solutions are illustrated. In particular, a section with a general cooperative framework that jointly includes functionalities for an optimized AP channel assignment, Radio Resource Management (RRM) and smart AP allocation is presented. The optimized APs channel assignment enables an important improvement of the network performance in terms of SINR. Furthermore, the results analysed in this deliverable validate the flexibility and practicality of the proposed algorithm in different scenarios. The smart AP allocation solution introduces the innovative Fittingness Factor (FF) concept that efficiently matches the suitability of the available spectrum resource to the application requirements. Moreover, the basis required for a seamless mobility functionality in the framework is also included in the section. Next, a first assessment of the algorithms proposed in this deliverable is presented through the analysis of several performance results in a simulated environment. In detail, the AP channel assignment and the smart AP allocation algorithms are assessed and compared against other strategies found in the literature. Finally, a set of monitoring procedures to be conducted on the Wi-5 APs and on the Wi-5 controller are presented. These procedures will allow the correct deployment of the cooperative APs functionalities proposed in this deliverable. After summarising the main conclusions, the document ends with future work

    Cognitive management frameworks and spectrum management strategies exploiting cognitive radio paradigm

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    Cognitive Radio (CR) paradigm represents an innovative solution to mitigate the spectrum scarcity problem by enabling Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA), defined in order to conciliate the existing conflicts between the ever-increasing spectrum demand growth and the currently inefficient spectrum utilization. The basic idea of DSA is to provide proper solutions that allow sharing radio spectrum among several radio communication systems with sake of optimizing the overall spectrum utilization. This dissertation addressed the problem of modelling cognitive management frameworks that provide innovative strategies for spectrum management suitable to different scenarios and use cases in the context of DSA/CR Networks (CRNs). The first solution presented in this dissertation initially addressed the development of a framework that provides spectrum management strategies for Opportunistic Networks (ONs) defined as extended infrastructures created temporarily to serve specific regions following the policies dictated by the operator. The development of systems based on the CR paradigm to support the ONs is considered a key aspect to allow autonomous decisions and reconfiguration ability mechanisms because of the temporarily nature of these networks and the highly dynamic nature of the radio environment. Then, in order to expand the design of cognitive management frameworks providing spectrum management solutions that have applicability in a number of different scenarios and use cases, a cognitive management framework that exploits the Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (POMDP) concept has been proposed to combine the CR capabilities of radio environment awareness with a statistical characterization of the system dynamic. Finally, the framework based on POMDPs has been further extended with new functionalities able to characterize the environment dynamic through long-term predictions carried out exploiting the so-called belief vector. These frameworks as a whole aimed at demonstrating that a reliable characterization of the radio environment that combines awareness of its surrounding with a statistical evaluation of the system dynamics is able to guarantee an effcient utilization of the available spectrum resources. From a methodological point of view, the development and assessment of the proposed cognitive management frameworks and the corresponding spectrum management solutions involved analytical studies, system-level simulations and a real-time platform implementation. Overall, the research conducted in the context of this dissertation has revealed that proper cognitive management functionalities can be extremely beneficial to support spectrum management in a wide variety of scenarios and use cases.El paradigma de radio cognitiva (CR) representa una soluci贸n innovadora para mitigar el problema de escasez de los recursos radio, permitiendo el acceso din谩mico al espectro (DSA), definido con el fin de conciliar los conflictos existentes entre el crecimiento de la demanda de espectro, cada vez mayor, y la utilizaci贸n de los recursos radio actualmente ineficiente. La idea b谩sica del DSA es proporcionar soluciones adecuadas que permitan compartir el espectro radioel茅ctrico entre varios sistemas de comunicaciones radio con el objetivo de optimizar la utilizaci贸n general del espectro. Esta tesis doctoral aborda el problema de la modelizaci贸n de marcos de gesti贸n cognitiva que proporcionan estrategias innovadoras y adecuadas para la gesti贸n del espectro en diferentes escenarios y casos de uso en el contexto de las redes de radio cognitiva (CRN). La primera soluci贸n que se presenta en esta tesis aborda inicialmente el desarrollo de un marco que ofrece estrategias de gesti贸n del espectro para redes oportunistas (ONs) definidas como infraestructuras extendidas, creadas temporalmente para servir a regiones espec铆ficas siguiendo las pol铆ticas dictadas por el operador. Debido a la naturaleza temporal de estas redes y a la naturaleza altamente din谩mica del entorno radio, el desarrollo de sistemas basados en el paradigma de CR para apoyar las ONs se considera un aspecto clave que permite decisiones aut贸nomas y mecanismos de reconfiguraci贸n. Luego, con el fin de ampliar el dise帽o de los marcos de gesti贸n cognitiva para proporcionar soluciones de gesti贸n del espectro con aplicabilidad en una serie de diferentes escenarios y casos de uso, se ha propuesto un marco de gesti贸n cognitiva que explota el concepto de Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (POMDP) para combinar las capacidades de conocimiento del entorno radio del CR, con una caracterizaci贸n estad铆stica de la din谩mica del sistema. Finalmente, el marco basado en el POMDP se ha ampliado con nuevas funcionalidades capaces de caracterizar el entorno din谩mico a trav茅s de predicciones a largo plazo llevadas a cabo explotando el concepto de belief vector. Estos marcos en su conjunto tienen el objetivo de demostrar que una caracterizaci贸n fiable del entorno radio que combina el conocimiento de su entorno con una evaluaci贸n estad铆stica de la din谩mica del sistema, es capaz de garantizar una utilizaci贸n eficiente de los recursos disponibles del espectro. Desde un punto de vista de la metodolog铆a, el desarrollo y la evaluaci贸n de los marcos de gesti贸n cognitiva propuestos y las correspondientes soluciones de gesti贸n del espectro han involucrado estudios anal铆ticos, simulaciones y la implementaci贸n de una plataforma que permite evaluaciones en tiempo real. En general, la investigaci贸n llevada a cabo en el contexto de esta tesis doctoral ha revelado que funcionalidades adecuadas de gesti贸n cognitiva pueden ser extremadamente eficientes para apoyar la gesti贸n del espectro en una amplia variedad de escenarios y casos de estudio