165 research outputs found

    Nondestructive Evaluation of Wet Aged Beef by Novel Electrical Indexes: A Preliminary Study

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the suitability of electrical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) as a nondestructive quality monitoring tool of aged beef, focusing on the development of accurate electrical indexes. The relationship between the electrical indexes derived from the impedance ratio (IR) or admittance was established. Quality parameters such as the drip loss, cooking loss, water-holding capacity, and shear force of beef loin wet-aged for 0 to 21 days were evaluated to develop the new electrical indexes. In addition, the predictive capability of EIS was trialed using different indexes and frequencies. This study revealed that the most appropriate choice is to use electrical parameters at a lower frequency to determine or predict the physical properties of aged beef. The IR was derived from the ratio between the electrical impedance measured parallel to and perpendicular to the muscle fibers in the low-frequency domain. Furthermore, the degradation of muscle fibers was observed by optical microscopy. The investigated electrical indexes had higher correlations with shear force (0.52 ≤ R2 ≤ 0.58) compared to correlations with aging days (0.34 ≤ R2 ≤ 0.39). The findings of the study could be used for meat quality inspection in slaughterhouses as well as during aging

    Shaping Event-Based Haptic Transients Via an Improved Understanding of Real Contact Dynamics

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    Haptic interactions with stiff virtual surfaces feel more realistic when a short-duration transient is added to the spring force at contact. But how should this event-based transient be shaped? To answer this question, we present a targeted user study on virtual surface realism that demonstrates the importance of scaling transients correctly and hints at the complexity of this dynamic relationship. We then present a detailed examination of the dynamics of tapping on a rigid surface with a hand-held probe; theoretical modeling is combined with empirical data to determine the influence of impact velocity, impact acceleration, and user grip force on the resulting transient surface force. The derived mathematical relationships provide a formula for generating open-loop, event-based force transients upon impact with a virtual surface. By incorporating an understanding of the dynamics of real interactions into the re-creation of virtual contact, these findings promise to improve the performance and realism of a wide range of haptic simulations

    Annex 4: The Role of Indigenous and Customary Knowledges in Nature-Culture Linkage

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    This paper reports some reflections on our participation in the Capacity Building Workshop on Nature-Culture Linkages in Heritage Conservation in Asia and the Pacific, Sacred Landscapes, in September 2017, at the University of Tsukuba. The workshop explored the nature-culture linkages for integrated conservation as part of the World Heritage Capacity Building Programme. The learning framework revolved around, among other activities, a fieldtrip to the Sacred Sites and Pilgrimage Routes in the Kii Mountain Range, World Heritage Cultural Landscape since 2004. In contemplating the capacity building process, we present our reflection regarding three areas relevant to Indigenous and customary practices - governance, language and stewardship - in order to contribute to strengthening nature-culture linkages in the Asia-Pacific region. We also present some challenges for the integration of the sacred into the management of World Heritage sites. We conclude that a greater understanding of Indigenous and customary knowledges and their historical development within World Heritage processes will enable more effective management of heritage sites in the Asia-Pacific region

    The Intangibility of the Intangible in Cross-cultural Contexts: Assessing the Value Gaps in Heritage Protection

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    This paper highlights shortcomings in the cultural heritage evaluation process that focuses on the tangible rather than the intangible, thus leading to the exclusion of certain communities. The paper summarizes the results of published research on the exclusion of the so-called Kakure Kirishitan (Hidden Christians) communities in Hirado on the north-western tip of Nagasaki Prefecture. The study investigated the heritage-making process using triangulation methodology combining document analysis and fieldwork in Hirado. The results showed that in the face of cultural differences in evaluating the intangible and religious, the authorities — the Japan Agency for Cultural Affairs and UNESCO — followed the global authenticity and integrity criteria. I argue that privileging tangible secular elements of the religious heritage led to the disregarding of cultural values that make the nominated site of Hirado unique. 要旨本論文では、無形文化財よりも有形文化財を重視する文化財評価プロセスの欠点を明らかにし、これにより、世界遺産の構成資産から特定のコミュニティを対象外とする傾向につながっていることを指摘する。本論文は、長崎県の北西端に位置する平戸市のカクレキリシタン集落を研究対象とする。本研究では、世界遺産登録に関わる公式資料の分析と平戸でのフィールドワークを組み合わせた多角的な分析手法を用いて、世界遺産形成のプロセスを調査した。その結果、無形文化財や宗教的文化財を評価する際に、文化庁とユネスコは、「世界的な真正性と完全性の基準」に従っていることが明らかになった。宗教的な遺産が世俗的な有形要素に偏ることによっ)て、平戸市のコミュニティが保持してきた文化的価値が軽視され、平戸の文化財の独自性が損なわれていると考えられる

    Design and Performance Analysis of a Skin-Stretcher Device for Urging Head Rotation

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    This paper introduces a novel skin-stretcher device for gently urging head rotation. The device pulls and/or pushes the skin on the user's neck by using servo motors. The user is induced to rotate his/her head based on the sensation caused by the local stretching of skin. This mechanism informs the user when and how much the head rotation is requested; however it does not force head rotation, i.e., it allows the user to ignore the stimuli and to maintain voluntary movements. We implemented a prototype device and analyzed the performance of the skin stretcher as a human-in-the-loop system. Experimental results define its fundamental characteristics, such as input-output gain, settling time, and other dynamic behaviors. Features are analyzed, for example, input-output gain is stable within the same installation condition, but various between users

    MEATabolomics: Muscle and Meat Metabolomics in Domestic Animals

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    In the past decades, metabolomics has been used to comprehensively understand a variety of food materials for improvement and assessment of food quality. Farm animal skeletal muscles and meat are one of the major targets of metabolomics for the characterization of meat and the exploration of biomarkers in the production system. For identification of potential biomarkers to control meat quality, studies of animal muscles and meat with metabolomics (MEATabolomics) has been conducted in combination with analyses of meat quality traits, focusing on specific factors associated with animal genetic background and sensory scores, or conditions in feeding system and treatments of meat in the processes such as postmortem storage, processing, and hygiene control. Currently, most of MEATabolomics approaches combine separation techniques (gas or liquid chromatography, and capillary electrophoresis)–mass spectrometry (MS) or nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) approaches with the downstream multivariate analyses, depending on the polarity and/or hydrophobicity of the targeted metabolites. Studies employing these approaches provide useful information to monitor meat quality traits efficiently and to understand the genetic background and production system of animals behind the meat quality. MEATabolomics is expected to improve the knowledge and methodologies in animal breeding and feeding, meat storage and processing, and prediction of meat quality

    MEATabolomics: Muscle and Meat Metabolomics in Domestic Animals

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    In the past decades, metabolomics has been used to comprehensively understand a variety of food materials for improvement and assessment of food quality. Farm animal skeletal muscles and meat are one of the major targets of metabolomics for the characterization of meat and the exploration of biomarkers in the production system. For identification of potential biomarkers to control meat quality, studies of animal muscles and meat with metabolomics (MEATabolomics) has been conducted in combination with analyses of meat quality traits, focusing on specific factors associated with animal genetic background and sensory scores, or conditions in feeding system and treatments of meat in the processes such as postmortem storage, processing, and hygiene control. Currently, most of MEATabolomics approaches combine separation techniques (gas or liquid chromatography, and capillary electrophoresis)–mass spectrometry (MS) or nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) approaches with the downstream multivariate analyses, depending on the polarity and/or hydrophobicity of the targeted metabolites. Studies employing these approaches provide useful information to monitor meat quality traits efficiently and to understand the genetic background and production system of animals behind the meat quality. MEATabolomics is expected to improve the knowledge and methodologies in animal breeding and feeding, meat storage and processing, and prediction of meat quality

    ILSA Journal of International & Comparative Law

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