873 research outputs found

    Cyber-Threat Assessment for the Air Traffic Management System: A Network Controls Approach

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    Air transportation networks are being disrupted with increasing frequency by failures in their cyber- (computing, communication, control) systems. Whether these cyber- failures arise due to deliberate attacks or incidental errors, they can have far-reaching impact on the performance of the air traffic control and management systems. For instance, a computer failure in the Washington DC Air Route Traffic Control Center (ZDC) on August 15, 2015, caused nearly complete closure of the Centers airspace for several hours. This closure had a propagative impact across the United States National Airspace System, causing changed congestion patterns and requiring placement of a suite of traffic management initiatives to address the capacity reduction and congestion. A snapshot of traffic on that day clearly shows the closure of the ZDC airspace and the resulting congestion at its boundary, which required augmented traffic management at multiple locations. Cyber- events also have important ramifications for private stakeholders, particularly the airlines. During the last few months, computer-system issues have caused several airlines fleets to be grounded for significant periods of time: these include United Airlines (twice), LOT Polish Airlines, and American Airlines. Delays and regional stoppages due to cyber- events are even more common, and may have myriad causes (e.g., failure of the Department of Homeland Security systems needed for security check of passengers, see [3]). The growing frequency of cyber- disruptions in the air transportation system reflects a much broader trend in the modern society: cyber- failures and threats are becoming increasingly pervasive, varied, and impactful. In consequence, an intense effort is underway to develop secure and resilient cyber- systems that can protect against, detect, and remove threats, see e.g. and its many citations. The outcomes of this wide effort on cyber- security are applicable to the air transportation infrastructure, and indeed security solutions are being implemented in the current system. While these security solutions are important, they only provide a piecemeal solution. Particular computers or communication channels are protected from particular attacks, without a holistic view of the air transportation infrastructure. On the other hand, the above-listed incidents highlight that a holistic approach is needed, for several reasons. First, the air transportation infrastructure is a large scale cyber-physical system with multiple stakeholders and diverse legacy assets. It is impractical to protect every cyber- asset from known and unknown disruptions, and instead a strategic view of security is needed. Second, disruptions to the cyber- system can incur complex propagative impacts across the air transportation network, including its physical and human assets. Also, these implications of cyber- events are exacerbated or modulated by other disruptions and operational specifics, e.g. severe weather, operator fatigue or error, etc. These characteristics motivate a holistic and strategic perspective on protecting the air transportation infrastructure from cyber- events. The analysis of cyber- threats to the air traffic system is also inextricably tied to the integration of new autonomy into the airspace. The replacement of human operators with cyber functions leaves the network open to new cyber threats, which must be modeled and managed. Paradoxically, the mitigation of cyber events in the airspace will also likely require additional autonomy, given the fast time scale and myriad pathways of cyber-attacks which must be managed. The assessment of new vulnerabilities upon integration of new autonomy is also a key motivation for a holistic perspective on cyber threats

    A New Method for Assessing the Resiliency of Large, Complex Networks

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    Designing resilient and reliable networks is a principle concern of planners and private firms. Traffic congestion whether recurring or as the result of some aperiodic event is extremely costly. This paper describes an alternative process and a model for analyzing the resiliency of networks that address some of the shortcomings of more traditional approaches – e.g., the four-step modeling process used in transportation planning. It should be noted that the authors do not view this as a replacement to current approaches but rather as a complementary tool designed to augment analysis capabilities. The process that is described in this paper for analyzing the resiliency of a network involves at least three steps: 1. assessment or identification of important nodes and links according to different criteria 2. verification of critical nodes and links based on failure simulations and 3. consequence. Raster analysis, graph-theory principles and GIS are used to develop a model for carrying out each of these steps. The methods are demonstrated using two, large interdependent networks for a metropolitan area in the United States.

    Survey on Quality Analysis of Collaboration Motivation Approach in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks

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    In Wireless Ad Hoc Networks (WANETs), tasks are conducted based on the cooperation of nodes in the networks. However, since the nodes are usually constrained by limited computation resources, selfish nodes may refuse to be cooperative. Reputation system is one of the main solutions to the node non cooperation problem. A reputation system evaluates node behaviours by reputation values and uses a reputation threshold to distinguish trustworthy nodes and untrustworthy nodes. Although this system has been widely used, very little research has been devoted to investigating the effectiveness of the node cooperation incentives provided by the systems. We propose a protocol called Enhanced Reverse Ad Hoc On Demand Vector Routing Protocol (ERAODV), which uses Hybrid Reputation System (HRS). A Hybrid Reputation system is an enhanced version of Classical Reputation System (CRS). Unlike the CRS it takes into account all the reputation values from the node to determine whether it is trustworthy or not. Keywords: WANET; Reputation System; Price Based System; Quality Analysis; Multipath Routing

    Toward Reliable, Secure, and Energy-Efficient Multi-Core System Design

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    Computer hardware researchers have perennially focussed on improving the performance of computers while stipulating the energy consumption under a strict budget. While several innovations over the years have led to high performance and energy efficient computers, more challenges have also emerged as a fallout. For example, smaller transistor devices in modern multi-core systems are afflicted with several reliability and security concerns, which were inconceivable even a decade ago. Tackling these bottlenecks happens to negatively impact the power and performance of the computers. This dissertation explores novel techniques to gracefully solve some of the pressing challenges of the modern computer design. Specifically, the proposed techniques improve the reliability of on-chip communication fabric under a high power supply noise, increase the energy-efficiency of low-power graphics processing units, and demonstrate an unprecedented security loophole of the low-power computing paradigm through rigorous hardware-based experiments

    Achieving network resiliency using sound theoretical and practical methods

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    Computer networks have revolutionized the life of every citizen in our modern intercon- nected society. The impact of networked systems spans every aspect of our lives, from financial transactions to healthcare and critical services, making these systems an attractive target for malicious entities that aim to make financial or political profit. Specifically, the past decade has witnessed an astounding increase in the number and complexity of sophisti- cated and targeted attacks, known as advanced persistent threats (APT). Those attacks led to a paradigm shift in the security and reliability communities’ perspective on system design; researchers and government agencies accepted the inevitability of incidents and malicious attacks, and marshaled their efforts into the design of resilient systems. Rather than focusing solely on preventing failures and attacks, resilient systems are able to maintain an acceptable level of operation in the presence of such incidents, and then recover gracefully into normal operation. Alongside prevention, resilient system design focuses on incident detection as well as timely response. Unfortunately, the resiliency efforts of research and industry experts have been hindered by an apparent schism between theory and practice, which allows attackers to maintain the upper hand advantage. This lack of compatibility between the theory and practice of system design is attributed to the following challenges. First, theoreticians often make impractical and unjustifiable assumptions that allow for mathematical tractability while sacrificing accuracy. Second, the security and reliability communities often lack clear definitions of success criteria when comparing different system models and designs. Third, system designers often make implicit or unstated assumptions to favor practicality and ease of design. Finally, resilient systems are tested in private and isolated environments where validation and reproducibility of the results are not publicly accessible. In this thesis, we set about showing that the proper synergy between theoretical anal- ysis and practical design can enhance the resiliency of networked systems. We illustrate the benefits of this synergy by presenting resiliency approaches that target the inter- and intra-networking levels. At the inter-networking level, we present CPuzzle as a means to protect the transport control protocol (TCP) connection establishment channel from state- exhaustion distributed denial of service attacks (DDoS). CPuzzle leverages client puzzles to limit the rate at which misbehaving users can establish TCP connections. We modeled the problem of determining the puzzle difficulty as a Stackleberg game and solve for the equilibrium strategy that balances the users’ utilizes against CPuzzle’s resilience capabilities. Furthermore, to handle volumetric DDoS attacks, we extend CPuzzle and implement Midgard, a cooperative approach that involves end-users in the process of tolerating and neutralizing DDoS attacks. Midgard is a middlebox that resides at the edge of an Internet service provider’s network and uses client puzzles at the IP level to allocate bandwidth to its users. At the intra-networking level, we present sShield, a game-theoretic network response engine that manipulates a network’s connectivity in response to an attacker who is moving laterally to compromise a high-value asset. To implement such decision making algorithms, we leverage the recent advances in software-defined networking (SDN) to collect logs and security alerts about the network and implement response actions. However, the programma- bility offered by SDN comes with an increased chance for design-time bugs that can have drastic consequences on the reliability and security of a networked system. We therefore introduce BiFrost, an open-source tool that aims to verify safety and security proper- ties about data-plane programs. BiFrost translates data-plane programs into functionally equivalent sequential circuits, and then uses well-established hardware reduction, abstrac- tion, and verification techniques to establish correctness proofs about data-plane programs. By focusing on those four key efforts, CPuzzle, Midgard, sShield, and BiFrost, we believe that this work illustrates the benefits that the synergy between theory and practice can bring into the world of resilient system design. This thesis is an attempt to pave the way for further cooperation and coordination between theoreticians and practitioners, in the hope of designing resilient networked systems

    Strengthening the Anonymity of Anonymous Communication Systems

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    In this work, we examine why a popular anonymity network, Tor, is vulnerable to timing side-channel attacks. We explore removing this vulnerability from Tor without sacrificing its low-latency which is important for usability. We find that Tor is vulnerable because inter-packet delays propagate along the network path from the source to the destination. This provides an easily detected signature. We explore techniques for making the timing signature either expensive or impossible to detect. If each packet took a unique, disjoint path from source to destination the inter-packet delay signature would be undetectable. Jitter and latency would change packet arrival orders. This is impractical since the overhead for constructing these circuits would be prohibitive. We scaled this idea back to reflect how the BitTorrent protocol creates a large number of possible paths from a small number of nodes. We form a fully connected network with the source, destination, and a small number of nodes. The number of paths through this network from source to destination grows quickly with the addition of each node. Paths do not have to include every node, so the delay of each path is different. By transmitting consecutive packets on different paths, the network delays will mask the inter-packet delay signature

    Attack Graph Generation and Analysis Techniques

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    As computer networks are emerging in everyday life, network security has become an important issue. Simultaneously, attacks are becoming more sophisticated, making the defense of computer networks increasingly difficult. Attack graph is a modeling tool used in the assessment of security of enterprise networks. Since its introduction a considerable amount of research effort has been spent in the development of theory and practices around the idea of attack graph. This paper presents a consolidated view of major attack graph generation and analysis techniques
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