838 research outputs found

    Using Centroidal Voronoi Tessellations to Scale Up the Multi-dimensional Archive of Phenotypic Elites Algorithm

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    The recently introduced Multi-dimensional Archive of Phenotypic Elites (MAP-Elites) is an evolutionary algorithm capable of producing a large archive of diverse, high-performing solutions in a single run. It works by discretizing a continuous feature space into unique regions according to the desired discretization per dimension. While simple, this algorithm has a main drawback: it cannot scale to high-dimensional feature spaces since the number of regions increase exponentially with the number of dimensions. In this paper, we address this limitation by introducing a simple extension of MAP-Elites that has a constant, pre-defined number of regions irrespective of the dimensionality of the feature space. Our main insight is that methods from computational geometry could partition a high-dimensional space into well-spread geometric regions. In particular, our algorithm uses a centroidal Voronoi tessellation (CVT) to divide the feature space into a desired number of regions; it then places every generated individual in its closest region, replacing a less fit one if the region is already occupied. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the new "CVT-MAP-Elites" algorithm in high-dimensional feature spaces through comparisons against MAP-Elites in maze navigation and hexapod locomotion tasks

    Group Reverse Nearest Neighbor Search using Modified Skip Graph

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    The reverse nearest neighbor search is used for spatial queries. The reverse nearest neighbor search, the object in high dimensional space has a certain region where all objects inside the region will think of query object as their nearest neighbor. The existing methods for reverse nearest neighbor search are limited to the single query point, which is inefficient for the high dimensional spatial databases etc. Therefore, in this paper we proposed a group reverse nearest neighbor search which can find multiple query objects in a specific region. In this paper we proposed method for group reverse nearest neighbor queries using modified skip graph

    Towards a Scalable Dynamic Spatial Database System

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    With the rise of GPS-enabled smartphones and other similar mobile devices, massive amounts of location data are available. However, no scalable solutions for soft real-time spatial queries on large sets of moving objects have yet emerged. In this paper we explore and measure the limits of actual algorithms and implementations regarding different application scenarios. And finally we propose a novel distributed architecture to solve the scalability issues.Comment: (2012

    Dynamic Detection of Topological Information from Grid-Based Generalized Voronoi Diagrams

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    In the context of robotics, the grid-based Generalized Voronoi Diagrams (GVDs) are widely used by mobile robots to represent their surrounding area. Current approaches for incrementally constructing GVDs mainly focus on providing metric skeletons of underlying grids, while the connectivity among GVD vertices and edges remains implicit, which makes high-level spatial reasoning tasks impractical. In this paper, we present an algorithm named Dynamic Topology Detector (DTD) for extracting a GVD with topological information from a grid map. Beyond the construction and reconstruction of a GVD on grids, DTD further extracts connectivity among the GVD edges and vertices. DTD also provides efficient repair mechanism to treat with local changes, making it work well in dynamic environments. Simulation tests in representative scenarios demonstrate that (1) compared with the static algorithms, DTD generally makes an order of magnitude improvement regarding computation times when working in dynamic environments; (2) with negligible extra computation, DTD detects topologies not computed by existing incremental algorithms. We also demonstrate the usefulness of the resulting topological information for high-level path planning tasks

    Mitigating Autonomous Vehicle GPS Spoofing Attacks through Scene Text Observations

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    This paper investigates both from an empirical and a systems-based perspective, how surrounding textual information can be leveraged towards the mitigation of Autonomous Vehicle (AV) and self-driving cars Global Positioning System (GPS) signal spoofing attacks. The paper presents and proposes methods of how AVs and self-driving cars can extract, as they travel along a trajectory, surrounding textual information through machine-learning based Scene Text Recognition (STR). The paper researches and proposes geospatial models which can be applied to the extracted textual information in order to build a text-based geolocation system for the purposes of validating the received GPS signal. The ultimate contribution of the paper is to lay the groundwork towards enhancing the Cybersecurity of the current and future Autonomous Vehicle and self-driving car ecosystem by addressing its Achilles heel, namely insecure and inaccurate geolocation due to GPS spoofing attacks

    Path planning algorithms for autonomous navigation of a non-holonomic robot in unstructured environments

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    openPath planning is a crucial aspect of autonomous robot navigation, enabling robots to efficiently and safely navigate through complex environments. This thesis focuses on autonomous navigation for robots in dynamic and uncertain environments. In particular, the project aims to analyze the localization and path planning problems. A fundamental review of the existing literature on path planning algorithms has been carried on. Various factors affecting path planning, such as sensor data fusion, map representation, and motion constraints, are also analyzed. Thanks to the collaboration with E80 Group S.p.A., the project has been developed using ROS (Robot Operating System) on a Clearpath Dingo-O, an indoor mobile robot. To address the challenges posed by unstructured and dynamic environments, ROS follows a combined approach of using a global planner and a local planner. The global planner generates a high-level path, considering the overall environment, while the local planner handles real-time adjustments to avoid moving obstacles and optimize the trajectory. This thesis describes the role of the global planner in a ROS-framework. Performance benchmarking of traditional algorithms like Dijkstra and A*, as well as other techniques, is fundamental in order to understand the limits of these methods. In the end, the Hybrid A* algorithm is introduced as a promising approach for addressing the issues of unstructured environments for autonomous navigation of a non-holonomic robot. The core concepts and implementation details of the algorithm are discussed, emphasizing its ability to efficiently explore continuous state spaces and generate drivable paths.The effectiveness of the proposed path planning algorithms is evaluated through extensive simulations and real-world experiments using the mobile platform. Performance metrics such as path length, execution time, and collision avoidance are analyzed to assess the efficiency and reliability of the algorithms.Path planning is a crucial aspect of autonomous robot navigation, enabling robots to efficiently and safely navigate through complex environments. This thesis focuses on autonomous navigation for robots in dynamic and uncertain environments. In particular, the project aims to analyze the localization and path planning problems. A fundamental review of the existing literature on path planning algorithms has been carried on. Various factors affecting path planning, such as sensor data fusion, map representation, and motion constraints, are also analyzed. Thanks to the collaboration with E80 Group S.p.A., the project has been developed using ROS (Robot Operating System) on a Clearpath Dingo-O, an indoor mobile robot. To address the challenges posed by unstructured and dynamic environments, ROS follows a combined approach of using a global planner and a local planner. The global planner generates a high-level path, considering the overall environment, while the local planner handles real-time adjustments to avoid moving obstacles and optimize the trajectory. This thesis describes the role of the global planner in a ROS-framework. Performance benchmarking of traditional algorithms like Dijkstra and A*, as well as other techniques, is fundamental in order to understand the limits of these methods. In the end, the Hybrid A* algorithm is introduced as a promising approach for addressing the issues of unstructured environments for autonomous navigation of a non-holonomic robot. The core concepts and implementation details of the algorithm are discussed, emphasizing its ability to efficiently explore continuous state spaces and generate drivable paths.The effectiveness of the proposed path planning algorithms is evaluated through extensive simulations and real-world experiments using the mobile platform. Performance metrics such as path length, execution time, and collision avoidance are analyzed to assess the efficiency and reliability of the algorithms

    Unsupervised landmark analysis for jump detection in molecular dynamics simulations

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    Molecular dynamics is a versatile and powerful method to study diffusion in solid-state ionic conductors, requiring minimal prior knowledge of equilibrium or transition states of the system's free energy surface. However, the analysis of trajectories for relevant but rare events, such as a jump of the diffusing mobile ion, is still rather cumbersome, requiring prior knowledge of the diffusive process in order to get meaningful results. In this work, we present a novel approach to detect the relevant events in a diffusive system without assuming prior information regarding the underlying process. We start from a projection of the atomic coordinates into a landmark basis to identify the dominant features in a mobile ion's environment. Subsequent clustering in landmark space enables a discretization of any trajectory into a sequence of distinct states. As a final step, the use of the smooth overlap of atomic positions descriptor allows distinguishing between different environments in a straightforward way. We apply this algorithm to ten Li-ionic systems and conduct in-depth analyses of cubic Li7_{7}La3_{3}Zr2_{2}O12_{12}, tetragonal Li10_{10}GeP2_{2}S12_{12}, and the ÎČ\beta-eucryptite LiAlSiO4_{4}. We compare our results to existing methods, underscoring strong points, weaknesses, and insights into the diffusive behavior of the ionic conduction in the materials investigated

    Continuous Spatial Query Processing:A Survey of Safe Region Based Techniques

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    In the past decade, positioning system-enabled devices such as smartphones have become most prevalent. This functionality brings the increasing popularity of location-based services in business as well as daily applications such as navigation, targeted advertising, and location-based social networking. Continuous spatial queries serve as a building block for location-based services. As an example, an Uber driver may want to be kept aware of the nearest customers or service stations. Continuous spatial queries require updates to the query result as the query or data objects are moving. This poses challenges to the query efficiency, which is crucial to the user experience of a service. A large number of approaches address this efficiency issue using the concept of safe region . A safe region is a region within which arbitrary movement of an object leaves the query result unchanged. Such a region helps reduce the frequency of query result update and hence improves query efficiency. As a result, safe region-based approaches have been popular for processing various types of continuous spatial queries. Safe regions have interesting theoretical properties and are worth in-depth analysis. We provide a comparative study of safe region-based approaches. We describe how safe regions are computed for different types of continuous spatial queries, showing how they improve query efficiency. We compare the different safe region-based approaches and discuss possible further improvements

    Clustering-Based Robot Navigation and Control

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    In robotics, it is essential to model and understand the topologies of configuration spaces in order to design provably correct motion planners. The common practice in motion planning for modelling configuration spaces requires either a global, explicit representation of a configuration space in terms of standard geometric and topological models, or an asymptotically dense collection of sample configurations connected by simple paths. In this short note, we present an overview of our recent results that utilize clustering for closing the gap between these two complementary approaches. Traditionally an unsupervised learning method, clustering offers automated tools to discover hidden intrinsic structures in generally complex-shaped and high-dimensional configuration spaces of robotic systems. We demonstrate some potential applications of such clustering tools to the problem of feedback motion planning and control. In particular, we briefly present our use of hierarchical clustering for provably correct, computationally efficient coordinated multirobot motion design, and we briefly describe how robot-centric Voronoi diagrams can be used for provably correct safe robot navigation in forest-like cluttered environments, and for provably correct collision-free coverage and congestion control of heterogeneous disk-shaped robots.For more information: Kod*la
