92 research outputs found

    Weakly supervised 3D Reconstruction with Adversarial Constraint

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    Supervised 3D reconstruction has witnessed a significant progress through the use of deep neural networks. However, this increase in performance requires large scale annotations of 2D/3D data. In this paper, we explore inexpensive 2D supervision as an alternative for expensive 3D CAD annotation. Specifically, we use foreground masks as weak supervision through a raytrace pooling layer that enables perspective projection and backpropagation. Additionally, since the 3D reconstruction from masks is an ill posed problem, we propose to constrain the 3D reconstruction to the manifold of unlabeled realistic 3D shapes that match mask observations. We demonstrate that learning a log-barrier solution to this constrained optimization problem resembles the GAN objective, enabling the use of existing tools for training GANs. We evaluate and analyze the manifold constrained reconstruction on various datasets for single and multi-view reconstruction of both synthetic and real images

    Bridging the gap between reconstruction and synthesis

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    Aplicat embargament des de la data de defensa fins el 15 de gener de 20223D reconstruction and image synthesis are two of the main pillars in computer vision. Early works focused on simple tasks such as multi-view reconstruction and texture synthesis. With the spur of Deep Learning, the field has rapidly progressed, making it possible to achieve more complex and high level tasks. For example, the 3D reconstruction results of traditional multi-view approaches are currently obtained with single view methods. Similarly, early pattern based texture synthesis works have resulted in techniques that allow generating novel high-resolution images. In this thesis we have developed a hierarchy of tools that cover all these range of problems, lying at the intersection of computer vision, graphics and machine learning. We tackle the problem of 3D reconstruction and synthesis in the wild. Importantly, we advocate for a paradigm in which not everything should be learned. Instead of applying Deep Learning naively we propose novel representations, layers and architectures that directly embed prior 3D geometric knowledge for the task of 3D reconstruction and synthesis. We apply these techniques to problems including scene/person reconstruction and photo-realistic rendering. We first address methods to reconstruct a scene and the clothed people in it while estimating the camera position. Then, we tackle image and video synthesis for clothed people in the wild. Finally, we bridge the gap between reconstruction and synthesis under the umbrella of a unique novel formulation. Extensive experiments conducted along this thesis show that the proposed techniques improve the performance of Deep Learning models in terms of the quality of the reconstructed 3D shapes / synthesised images, while reducing the amount of supervision and training data required to train them. In summary, we provide a variety of low, mid and high level algorithms that can be used to incorporate prior knowledge into different stages of the Deep Learning pipeline and improve performance in tasks of 3D reconstruction and image synthesis.La reconstrucció 3D i la síntesi d'imatges són dos dels pilars fonamentals en visió per computador. Els estudis previs es centren en tasques senzilles com la reconstrucció amb informació multi-càmera i la síntesi de textures. Amb l'aparició del "Deep Learning", aquest camp ha progressat ràpidament, fent possible assolir tasques molt més complexes. Per exemple, per obtenir una reconstrucció 3D, tradicionalment s'utilitzaven mètodes multi-càmera, en canvi ara, es poden obtenir a partir d'una sola imatge. De la mateixa manera, els primers treballs de síntesi de textures basats en patrons han donat lloc a tècniques que permeten generar noves imatges completes en alta resolució. En aquesta tesi, hem desenvolupat una sèrie d'eines que cobreixen tot aquest ventall de problemes, situats en la intersecció entre la visió per computador, els gràfics i l'aprenentatge automàtic. Abordem el problema de la reconstrucció i la síntesi 3D en el món real. És important destacar que defensem un paradigma on no tot s'ha d'aprendre. Enlloc d'aplicar el "Deep Learning" de forma naïve, proposem representacions novedoses i arquitectures que incorporen directament els coneixements geomètrics ja existents per a aconseguir la reconstrucció 3D i la síntesi d'imatges. Nosaltres apliquem aquestes tècniques a problemes com ara la reconstrucció d'escenes/persones i a la renderització d'imatges fotorealistes. Primer abordem els mètodes per reconstruir una escena, les persones vestides que hi ha i la posició de la càmera. A continuació, abordem la síntesi d'imatges i vídeos de persones vestides en situacions quotidianes. I finalment, aconseguim, a través d'una nova formulació única, connectar la reconstrucció amb la síntesi. Els experiments realitzats al llarg d'aquesta tesi demostren que les tècniques proposades milloren el rendiment dels models de "Deepp Learning" pel que fa a la qualitat de les reconstruccions i les imatges sintetitzades alhora que redueixen la quantitat de dades necessàries per entrenar-los. En resum, proporcionem una varietat d'algoritmes de baix, mitjà i alt nivell que es poden utilitzar per incorporar els coneixements previs a les diferents etapes del "Deep Learning" i millorar el rendiment en tasques de reconstrucció 3D i síntesi d'imatges.Postprint (published version

    AI-generated Content for Various Data Modalities: A Survey

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    AI-generated content (AIGC) methods aim to produce text, images, videos, 3D assets, and other media using AI algorithms. Due to its wide range of applications and the demonstrated potential of recent works, AIGC developments have been attracting lots of attention recently, and AIGC methods have been developed for various data modalities, such as image, video, text, 3D shape (as voxels, point clouds, meshes, and neural implicit fields), 3D scene, 3D human avatar (body and head), 3D motion, and audio -- each presenting different characteristics and challenges. Furthermore, there have also been many significant developments in cross-modality AIGC methods, where generative methods can receive conditioning input in one modality and produce outputs in another. Examples include going from various modalities to image, video, 3D shape, 3D scene, 3D avatar (body and head), 3D motion (skeleton and avatar), and audio modalities. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive review of AIGC methods across different data modalities, including both single-modality and cross-modality methods, highlighting the various challenges, representative works, and recent technical directions in each setting. We also survey the representative datasets throughout the modalities, and present comparative results for various modalities. Moreover, we also discuss the challenges and potential future research directions

    From light rays to 3D models

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    Depth Image-Based Rendering for Full Parallax Displays: Rendering, Compression, and Interpolation of Content for Autostereoscopic Poster and Video Displays

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    Advancements in production and display techniques allowed for novel displays to emerge that project a high-resolution light field for static poster content and video content, as well. These displays allow a full parallax, hence an audience can perceive a stereoscopic view of a scene without special glasses, which adjusts to the observer's position. The application of such displays are public places where the audience does not wear special glasses and is not restricted in movement. The rendering, storage, and transfer of the large amount of data required by those displays is a challenge. The image data for a static poster display is about 200 GB and the data rate for video displays are to be expected two to four orders of magnitude higher than HDTV. In this work the challenges are met by utilising DIBR to reduce the amount of data at the very beginning, during rendering. A fraction of the full amount of colour and depth images are rendered and used to interpolate the full data set. The rendering with state of the art ray tracers is described and a novel method to render image data for full parallax displays using OpenGL is contributed, that addresses some shortcomings of previous approaches. For static poster displays a scene based representation for image interpolation is introduced, which efficiently utilises multi-core processors and graphics hardware for parallelization, found on modern workstations. The introduced approach implements lossy compression of the input data, and handles arbitrary scenes, using a novel BNV selection algorithm. For video displays the real-time constraint does not allow for a costly interpolation or scene analysis. Hence, a novel approach is presented that uses a basic and computational inexpensive interpolation, and combines the interpolation results of different image representations without introducing prominent artefacts