22 research outputs found

    A continuum robotic platform for endoscopic non-contact laser surgery: design, control, and preclinical evaluation

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    The application of laser technologies in surgical interventions has been accepted in the clinical domain due to their atraumatic properties. In addition to manual application of fibre-guided lasers with tissue contact, non-contact transoral laser microsurgery (TLM) of laryngeal tumours has been prevailed in ENT surgery. However, TLM requires many years of surgical training for tumour resection in order to preserve the function of adjacent organs and thus preserve the patient’s quality of life. The positioning of the microscopic laser applicator outside the patient can also impede a direct line-of-sight to the target area due to anatomical variability and limit the working space. Further clinical challenges include positioning the laser focus on the tissue surface, imaging, planning and performing laser ablation, and motion of the target area during surgery. This dissertation aims to address the limitations of TLM through robotic approaches and intraoperative assistance. Although a trend towards minimally invasive surgery is apparent, no highly integrated platform for endoscopic delivery of focused laser radiation is available to date. Likewise, there are no known devices that incorporate scene information from endoscopic imaging into ablation planning and execution. For focusing of the laser beam close to the target tissue, this work first presents miniaturised focusing optics that can be integrated into endoscopic systems. Experimental trials characterise the optical properties and the ablation performance. A robotic platform is realised for manipulation of the focusing optics. This is based on a variable-length continuum manipulator. The latter enables movements of the endoscopic end effector in five degrees of freedom with a mechatronic actuation unit. The kinematic modelling and control of the robot are integrated into a modular framework that is evaluated experimentally. The manipulation of focused laser radiation also requires precise adjustment of the focal position on the tissue. For this purpose, visual, haptic and visual-haptic assistance functions are presented. These support the operator during teleoperation to set an optimal working distance. Advantages of visual-haptic assistance are demonstrated in a user study. The system performance and usability of the overall robotic system are assessed in an additional user study. Analogous to a clinical scenario, the subjects follow predefined target patterns with a laser spot. The mean positioning accuracy of the spot is 0.5 mm. Finally, methods of image-guided robot control are introduced to automate laser ablation. Experiments confirm a positive effect of proposed automation concepts on non-contact laser surgery.Die Anwendung von Lasertechnologien in chirurgischen Interventionen hat sich aufgrund der atraumatischen Eigenschaften in der Klinik etabliert. Neben manueller Applikation von fasergefĂŒhrten Lasern mit Gewebekontakt hat sich die kontaktfreie transorale Lasermikrochirurgie (TLM) von Tumoren des Larynx in der HNO-Chirurgie durchgesetzt. Die TLM erfordert zur Tumorresektion jedoch ein langjĂ€hriges chirurgisches Training, um die Funktion der angrenzenden Organe zu sichern und damit die LebensqualitĂ€t der Patienten zu erhalten. Die Positionierung des mikroskopis chen Laserapplikators außerhalb des Patienten kann zudem die direkte Sicht auf das Zielgebiet durch anatomische VariabilitĂ€t erschweren und den Arbeitsraum einschrĂ€nken. Weitere klinische Herausforderungen betreffen die Positionierung des Laserfokus auf der GewebeoberflĂ€che, die Bildgebung, die Planung und AusfĂŒhrung der Laserablation sowie intraoperative Bewegungen des Zielgebietes. Die vorliegende Dissertation zielt darauf ab, die Limitierungen der TLM durch robotische AnsĂ€tze und intraoperative Assistenz zu adressieren. Obwohl ein Trend zur minimal invasiven Chirurgie besteht, sind bislang keine hochintegrierten Plattformen fĂŒr die endoskopische Applikation fokussierter Laserstrahlung verfĂŒgbar. Ebenfalls sind keine Systeme bekannt, die Szeneninformationen aus der endoskopischen Bildgebung in die Ablationsplanung und -ausfĂŒhrung einbeziehen. FĂŒr eine situsnahe Fokussierung des Laserstrahls wird in dieser Arbeit zunĂ€chst eine miniaturisierte Fokussieroptik zur Integration in endoskopische Systeme vorgestellt. Experimentelle Versuche charakterisieren die optischen Eigenschaften und das Ablationsverhalten. Zur Manipulation der Fokussieroptik wird eine robotische Plattform realisiert. Diese basiert auf einem lĂ€ngenverĂ€nderlichen Kontinuumsmanipulator. Letzterer ermöglicht in Kombination mit einer mechatronischen Aktuierungseinheit Bewegungen des Endoskopkopfes in fĂŒnf Freiheitsgraden. Die kinematische Modellierung und Regelung des Systems werden in ein modulares Framework eingebunden und evaluiert. Die Manipulation fokussierter Laserstrahlung erfordert zudem eine prĂ€zise Anpassung der Fokuslage auf das Gewebe. DafĂŒr werden visuelle, haptische und visuell haptische Assistenzfunktionen eingefĂŒhrt. Diese unterstĂŒtzen den Anwender bei Teleoperation zur Einstellung eines optimalen Arbeitsabstandes. In einer Anwenderstudie werden Vorteile der visuell-haptischen Assistenz nachgewiesen. Die Systemperformanz und Gebrauchstauglichkeit des robotischen Gesamtsystems werden in einer weiteren Anwenderstudie untersucht. Analog zu einem klinischen Einsatz verfolgen die Probanden mit einem Laserspot vorgegebene Sollpfade. Die mittlere Positioniergenauigkeit des Spots betrĂ€gt dabei 0,5 mm. Zur Automatisierung der Ablation werden abschließend Methoden der bildgestĂŒtzten Regelung vorgestellt. Experimente bestĂ€tigen einen positiven Effekt der Automationskonzepte fĂŒr die kontaktfreie Laserchirurgie

    Neurocomputational Principles of Action Understanding: Perceptual Inference, Predictive Coding, and Embodied Simulation

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    The social alignment of the human mind is omnipresent in our everyday life and culture. Yet, what mechanisms of the brain allow humans to be social, and how do they work and interact? Despite the apparent importance of this question, the nexus of cognitive processes underlying social intelligence is still largely unknown. A system of mirror neurons has been under deep, interdisciplinary consideration over recent years, and farreaching contributions to social cognition have been suggested, including understanding others' actions, intentions, and emotions. Theories of embodied cognition emphasize that our minds develop by processing and inferring structures given the encountered bodily experiences. It has been suggested that also action understanding is possible by simulating others' actions by means of the own embodied representations. Nonetheless, it remains largely unknown how the brain manages to map visually perceived biological motion of others onto principally embodied states like intentions and motor representations, and which processes foster suitable simulations thereof. Seeing that our minds are generative and predictive in nature, and that cognition is elementally anticipatory, also principles of predictive coding have been suggested to be involved in action understanding. This thesis puts forward a unifying hypothesis of embodied simulation, predictive coding, and perceptual inferences, and supports it with a neural network model. The model (i) learns encodings of embodied, self-centered visual and proprioceptive, modal and submodal perceptions as well as kinematic intentions in separate modules, (ii) learns temporal, recurrent predictions inside and across these modules to foster distributed and consistent simulations of unobservable embodied states, (iii) and applies top-down expectations to drive perceptual inferences and imagery processes that establish the correspondence between action observations and the unfolding, simulated self-representations. All components of the network are evaluated separately and in complete scenarios on motion capture data of human subjects. In the results, I show that the model becomes capable of simulating and reenacting observed actions based on its embodied experience, leading to action understanding in terms of motor preparations and inference of kinematic intentions. Furthermore, I show that perceptual inferences by means of perspective-taking and feature binding can establish the correspondence between self and other and might thus be deeply anchored in action understanding and other abilities attributed to the mirror neuron system. In conclusion, the model shows that it is indeed possible to develop embodied, neurocomputational models of the alleged principles of social cognition, providing support for the above hypotheses and opportunities for further investigations.Die soziale Orientierung des menschlichen Geistes ist in unserem Alltag sowie unserer Kultur allgegenwĂ€rtig. Welche VorgĂ€nge im Gehirn fĂŒhren jedoch dazu, und wie funktionieren und interagieren sie? Trotz des offensichtlichen Gewichts dieser Fragestellung sind die der sozialen Intelligenz zugrundeliegenden ZusammenhĂ€nge und kognitiven Prozesse weitestgehend ungeklĂ€rt. Seit einigen Jahren wird ein als Spiegelneuronensystem benannter neuronaler Komplex umfangreich und interdisziplinĂ€r betrachtet. Ihm werden weitreichende Implikationen fĂŒr die soziale Kognition zugeschrieben, so etwa das Verstehen der Aktionen, Intentionen und Emotionen anderer. Die Theorie der 'Embodied Cognition' betont, dass die verarbeiteten und hergeleiteten Strukturen in unserem Geist erst durch unser Handeln und unsere körperlichen Erfahrungen hervorgebracht werden. So soll auch unser VerstĂ€ndnis anderer dadurch zustande kommen, dass wir ihre Handlungen mittels der durch unseren eigenen Körper erworbenen Erfahrungen simulieren. Es bleibt jedoch zunĂ€chst offen, wie etwa visuell wahrgenommene Bewegungen anderer Personen auf grundsĂ€tzlich sensomotorisch koordinierte ZustĂ€nde abgebildet werden, und welche mentalen Prozesse entsprechende Simulationen anstoßen. In Anbetracht der antizipatorischen Natur unseres Geistes wurden auch Prinzipien der prĂ€diktiven Codierung ('Predictive Coding') mit HandlungsverstĂ€ndnis in Zusammenhang gebracht. In dieser Arbeit schlage ich eine kombinierende Hypothese aus 'Embodied Simulation', prĂ€diktiven Codierungen, und perzeptuellen Inferenzen vor, und untermauere diese mithilfe eines neuronalen Modells. Das Modell lernt (i) Codierungen von körperlich kontextualisierten, selbst-bezogenen, visuellen und propriozeptiven, modalen und submodalen Reizen sowohl als auch kinematische Intentionen in separaten Modulen, lernt (ii) zeitliche, rekurrente Vorhersagen innerhalb der Module und modulĂŒbergreifend um konsistente Simulation teilweise nicht beobachtbarer, verteilter Zustandssequenzen zu ermöglichen, und wendet (iii) top-down Erwartungen an um perzeptuelle Inferenzen und perspektivische Vorstellungsprozesse anzustoßen, so dass die Korrespondenz von Beobachtungen zu den gelernten SelbstreprĂ€sentationen hergestellt wird. Die Komponenten des Netzwerks werden sowohl einzeln als auch in vollstĂ€ndigen Szenarien anhand von Bewegungsaufzeichnungen menschlicher Versuchspersonen ausgewertet. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass das Modell bestimmte Handlungtypen simulieren und unter Zuhilfenahme der eigenen körperlichen Erfahrungen beobachtete Handlungen nachvollziehen kann, indem motorische Resonanzen und intentionale Inferenzen resultieren. Desweiteren zeigen die Auswertungen, das perzeptuelle Inferencen im Sinne von PerspektivĂŒbernahme und Merkmalsintegration die Korrespondenz zwischen dem Selbst und Anderen herstellen können, und dass diese Prozesse daher tief in unserem HandlungsverstĂ€ndnis und anderen den Spiegelneuronen zugeschriebenen FĂ€higkeiten verankert sein können. Schlussfolgernd zeigt das neuronale Netz, dass es in der Tat möglich ist, die vermeintlichen Prinzipien der sozialen Kognition mit einem körperlich grundierten Ansatz zu modellieren, so dass die oben genannten Theorien unterstĂŒtzt werden und sich neue Gelegenheiten fĂŒr weitere Untersuchungen ergeben

    Expert-in-the-Loop Multilateral Telerobotics for Haptics-Enabled Motor Function and Skills Development

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    Among medical robotics applications are Robotics-Assisted Mirror Rehabilitation Therapy (RAMRT) and Minimally-Invasive Surgical Training (RAMIST) that extensively rely on motor function development. Haptics-enabled expert-in-the-loop motor function development for such applications is made possible through multilateral telerobotic frameworks. While several studies have validated the benefits of haptic interaction with an expert in motor learning, contradictory results have also been reported. This emphasizes the need for further in-depth studies on the nature of human motor learning through haptic guidance and interaction. The objective of this study was to design and evaluate expert-in-the-loop multilateral telerobotic frameworks with stable and human-safe control loops that enable adaptive “hand-over-hand” haptic guidance for RAMRT and RAMIST. The first prerequisite for such frameworks is active involvement of the patient or trainee, which requires the closed-loop system to remain stable in the presence of an adaptable time-varying dominance factor. To this end, a wave-variable controller is proposed in this study for conventional trilateral teleoperation systems such that system stability is guaranteed in the presence of a time-varying dominance factor and communication delay. Similar to other wave-variable approaches, the controller is initially developed for the Velocity-force Domain (VD) based on the well-known passivity assumption on the human arm in VD. The controller can be applied straightforwardly to the Position-force Domain (PD), eliminating position-error accumulation and position drift, provided that passivity of the human arm in PD is addressed. However, the latter has been ignored in the literature. Therefore, in this study, passivity of the human arm in PD is investigated using mathematical analysis, experimentation as well as user studies involving 12 participants and 48 trials. The results, in conjunction with the proposed wave-variables, can be used to guarantee closed-loop PD stability of the supervised trilateral teleoperation system in its classical format. The classic dual-user teleoperation architecture does not, however, fully satisfy the requirements for properly imparting motor function (skills) in RAMRT (RAMIST). Consequently, the next part of this study focuses on designing novel supervised trilateral frameworks for providing motor learning in RAMRT and RAMIST, each customized according to the requirements of the application. The framework proposed for RAMRT includes the following features: a) therapist-in-the-loop mirror therapy; b) haptic feedback to the therapist from the patient side; c) assist-as-needed therapy realized through an adaptive Guidance Virtual Fixture (GVF); and d) real-time task-independent and patient-specific motor-function assessment. Closed-loop stability of the proposed framework is investigated using a combination of the Circle Criterion and the Small-Gain Theorem. The stability analysis addresses the instabilities caused by: a) communication delays between the therapist and the patient, facilitating haptics-enabled tele- or in-home rehabilitation; and b) the integration of the time-varying nonlinear GVF element into the delayed system. The platform is experimentally evaluated on a trilateral rehabilitation setup consisting of two Quanser rehabilitation robots and one Quanser HD2 robot. The framework proposed for RAMIST includes the following features: a) haptics-enabled expert-in-the-loop surgical training; b) adaptive expertise-oriented training, realized through a Fuzzy Interface System, which actively engages the trainees while providing them with appropriate skills-oriented levels of training; and c) task-independent skills assessment. Closed-loop stability of the architecture is analyzed using the Circle Criterion in the presence and absence of haptic feedback of tool-tissue interactions. In addition to the time-varying elements of the system, the stability analysis approach also addresses communication delays, facilitating tele-surgical training. The platform is implemented on a dual-console surgical setup consisting of the classic da Vinci surgical system (Intuitive Surgical, Inc., Sunnyvale, CA), integrated with the da Vinci Research Kit (dVRK) motor controllers, and the dV-Trainer master console (Mimic Technology Inc., Seattle, WA). In order to save on the expert\u27s (therapist\u27s) time, dual-console architectures can also be expanded to accommodate simultaneous training (rehabilitation) for multiple trainees (patients). As the first step in doing this, the last part of this thesis focuses on the development of a multi-master/single-slave telerobotic framework, along with controller design and closed-loop stability analysis in the presence of communication delays. Various parts of this study are supported with a number of experimental implementations and evaluations. The outcomes of this research include multilateral telerobotic testbeds for further studies on the nature of human motor learning and retention through haptic guidance and interaction. They also enable investigation of the impact of communication time delays on supervised haptics-enabled motor function improvement through tele-rehabilitation and mentoring

    Biomechatronics: Harmonizing Mechatronic Systems with Human Beings

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    This eBook provides a comprehensive treatise on modern biomechatronic systems centred around human applications. A particular emphasis is given to exoskeleton designs for assistance and training with advanced interfaces in human-machine interaction. Some of these designs are validated with experimental results which the reader will find very informative as building-blocks for designing such systems. This eBook will be ideally suited to those researching in biomechatronic area with bio-feedback applications or those who are involved in high-end research on manmachine interfaces. This may also serve as a textbook for biomechatronic design at post-graduate level

    Sensor based systems for quantification of sensorimotor function and rehabilitation of the upper limb

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    The thesis presents targeted sensor-based devices and methods for the training and assessment of upper extremity. These systems are all passive (non-actuated) thus intrinsically safe for (semi) independent use. An isometric assessment system is first presented, which uses a handle fixed on a force/torque sensor to investigate the force signal parameters and their relation to functional disability scales. The results from multiple sclerosis and healthy populations establish relation of isometric control and strength measures, its dependence on direction and how they are related to functional scales. The dissertation then introduces the novel platform MIMATE, Multimodal Interactive Motor Assessment and Training Environment, which is a wireless embedded platform for designing systems for training and assessing sensorimotor behaviour. MIMATE’s potential for designing clinically useful neurorehabilitation systems was demonstrated in a rehabilitation technology course. Based on MIMATE, intelligent objects (IObjects) are presented, which can measure position and force during training and assessing of manipulation tasks relevant to activities of daily living. A preliminary study with an IObject exhibits potential metrics and techniques that can be used to assess motor performance during fine manipulation tasks. The IObjects are part of the SITAR system, which is a novel sensor-based platform based on a force sensitive touchscreen and IObjects. It is used for training and assessment of sensorimotor deficits by focusing on meaningful functional tasks. Pilot assessment study with SITAR indicated a significant difference in performance of stroke and healthy populations during different sensorimotor tasks. Finally the thesis presents LOBSTER, a low cost, portable, bimanual self-trainer for exercising hand opening/closing, wrist flexion/extension or pronation/supination. The major novelty of the system relies on exploiting the movement of the unaffected limb to train the affected limb, making it safe for independent use. Study with LOBSTER will determine its usability for home based use.Open Acces

    From First Contact to Close Encounters: A Developmentally Deep Perceptual System for a Humanoid Robot

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    This thesis presents a perceptual system for a humanoid robot that integrates abilities such as object localization and recognition with the deeper developmental machinery required to forge those competences out of raw physical experiences. It shows that a robotic platform can build up and maintain a system for object localization, segmentation, and recognition, starting from very little. What the robot starts with is a direct solution to achieving figure/ground separation: it simply 'pokes around' in a region of visual ambiguity and watches what happens. If the arm passes through an area, that area is recognized as free space. If the arm collides with an object, causing it to move, the robot can use that motion to segment the object from the background. Once the robot can acquire reliable segmented views of objects, it learns from them, and from then on recognizes and segments those objects without further contact. Both low-level and high-level visual features can also be learned in this way, and examples are presented for both: orientation detection and affordance recognition, respectively. The motivation for this work is simple. Training on large corpora of annotated real-world data has proven crucial for creating robust solutions to perceptual problems such as speech recognition and face detection. But the powerful tools used during training of such systems are typically stripped away at deployment. Ideally they should remain, particularly for unstable tasks such as object detection, where the set of objects needed in a task tomorrow might be different from the set of objects needed today. The key limiting factor is access to training data, but as this thesis shows, that need not be a problem on a robotic platform that can actively probe its environment, and carry out experiments to resolve ambiguity. This work is an instance of a general approach to learning a new perceptual judgment: find special situations in which the perceptual judgment is easy and study these situations to find correlated features that can be observed more generally

    Industrial Robotics

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    This book covers a wide range of topics relating to advanced industrial robotics, sensors and automation technologies. Although being highly technical and complex in nature, the papers presented in this book represent some of the latest cutting edge technologies and advancements in industrial robotics technology. This book covers topics such as networking, properties of manipulators, forward and inverse robot arm kinematics, motion path-planning, machine vision and many other practical topics too numerous to list here. The authors and editor of this book wish to inspire people, especially young ones, to get involved with robotic and mechatronic engineering technology and to develop new and exciting practical applications, perhaps using the ideas and concepts presented herein

    Visual system identiïŹcation: learning physical parameters and latent spaces from pixels

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    In this thesis, we develop machine learning systems that are able to leverage the knowledge of equations of motion (scene-specific or scene-agnostic) to perform object discovery, physical parameter estimation, position and velocity estimation, camera pose estimation, and learn structured latent spaces that satisfy physical dynamics rules. These systems are unsupervised, learning from unlabelled videos, and use as inductive biases the general equations of motion followed by objects of interest in the scene. This is an important task as in many complex real world environments ground-truth states are not available, although there is physical knowledge of the underlying system. Our goals with this approach, i.e. integration of physics knowledge with unsupervised learning models, are to improve vision-based prediction, enable new forms of control, increase data-efficiency and provide model interpretability, all of which are key areas of interest in machine learning. With the above goals in mind, we start by asking the following question: given a scene in which the objects’ motions are known up to some physical parameters (e.g. a ball bouncing off the floor with unknown restitution coefficient), how do we build a model that uses such knowledge to discover the objects in the scene and estimate these physical parameters? Our first model, PAIG (Physics-as-Inverse-Graphics), approaches this problem from a vision-as-inverse-graphics perspective, describing the visual scene as a composition of objects defined by their location and appearance, which are rendered onto the frame in a graphics manner. This is a known approach in the unsupervised learning literature, where the fundamental problem then becomes that of derendering, that is, inferring and discovering these locations and appearances for each object. In PAIG we introduce a key rendering component, the Coordinate-Consistent Decoder, which enables the integration of the known equations of motion with an inverse-graphics autoencoder architecture (trainable end-to-end), to perform simultaneous object discovery and physical parameter estimation. Although trained on simple simulated 2D scenes, we show that knowledge of the physical equations of motion of the objects in the scene can be used to greatly improve future prediction and provide physical scene interpretability. Our second model, V-SysId, tackles the limitations shown by the PAIG architecture, namely the training difficulty, the restriction to simulated 2D scenes, and the need for noiseless scenes without distractors. Here, we approach the problem from rst principles by asking the question: are neural networks a necessary component to solve this problem? Can we use simpler ideas from classical computer vision instead? With V- SysId, we approach the problem of object discovery and physical parameter estimation from a keypoint extraction, tracking and selection perspective, composed of 3 separate stages: proposal keypoint extraction and tracking, 3D equation tting and camera pose estimation from 2D trajectories, and entropy-based trajectory selection. Since all the stages use lightweight algorithms and optimisers, V-SysId is able to perform joint object discovery, physical parameter and camera pose estimation from even a single video, drastically improving data-efficiency. Additionally, due to the fact that it does not use a rendering/derendering approach, it can be used in real 3D scenes with many distractor objects. We show that this approach enables a number of interest applications, such as vision-based robot end-effector localisation and remote breath rate measurement. Finally, we move into the area of structured recurrent variational models from vision, where we are motivated by the following observation: in existing models, applying a force in the direction from a start point and an end point (in latent space), does not result in a movement from the start point towards the end point, even on the simplest unconstrained environments. This means that the latent space learned by these models does not follow Newton’s law, where the acceleration vector has the same direction as the force vector (in point-mass systems), and prevents the use of PID controllers, which are the simplest and most well understood type of controller. We solve this problem by building inductive biases from Newtonian physics into the latent variable model, which we call NewtonianVAE. Crucially, Newtonian correctness in the latent space brings about the ability to perform proportional (or PID) control, as opposed to the more computationally expensive model predictive control (MPC). PID controllers are ubiquitous in industrial applications, but had thus far lacked integration with unsupervised vision models. We show that the NewtonianVAE learns physically correct latent spaces in simulated 2D and 3D control systems, which can be used to perform goal-based discovery and control in imitation learning, and path following via Dynamic Motion Primitives

    Intelligent in-vehicle interaction technologies

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    With rapid advances in the field of autonomous vehicles (AVs), the ways in which human–vehicle interaction (HVI) will take place inside the vehicle have attracted major interest and, as a result, intelligent interiors are being explored to improve the user experience, acceptance, and trust. This is also fueled by parallel research in areas such as perception and control of robots, safe human–robot interaction, wearable systems, and the underpinning flexible/printed electronics technologies. Some of these are being routed to AVs. Growing number of network of sensors are being integrated into the vehicles for multimodal interaction to draw correct inferences of the communicative cues from the user and to vary the interaction dynamics depending on the cognitive state of the user and contextual driving scenario. In response to this growing trend, this timely article presents a comprehensive review of the technologies that are being used or developed to perceive user's intentions for natural and intuitive in-vehicle interaction. The challenges that are needed to be overcome to attain truly interactive AVs and their potential solutions are discussed along with various new avenues for future research

    From locomotion to cognition: Bridging the gap between reactive and cognitive behavior in a quadruped robot

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    The cognitivistic paradigm, which states that cognition is a result of computation with symbols that represent the world, has been challenged by many. The opponents have primarily criticized the detachment from direct interaction with the world and pointed to some fundamental problems (for instance the symbol grounding problem). Instead, they emphasized the constitutive role of embodied interaction with the environment. This has motivated the advancement of synthetic methodologies: the phenomenon of interest (cognition) can be studied by building and investigating whole brain-body-environment systems. Our work is centered around a compliant quadruped robot equipped with a multimodal sensory set. In a series of case studies, we investigate the structure of the sensorimotor space that the application of different actions in different environments by the robot brings about. Then, we study how the agent can autonomously abstract the regularities that are induced by the different conditions and use them to improve its behavior. The agent is engaged in path integration, terrain discrimination and gait adaptation, and moving target following tasks. The nature of the tasks forces the robot to leave the ``here-and-now'' time scale of simple reactive stimulus-response behaviors and to learn from its experience, thus creating a ``minimally cognitive'' setting. Solutions to these problems are developed by the agent in a bottom-up fashion. The complete scenarios are then used to illuminate the concepts that are believed to lie at the basis of cognition: sensorimotor contingencies, body schema, and forward internal models. Finally, we discuss how the presented solutions are relevant for applications in robotics, in particular in the area of autonomous model acquisition and adaptation, and, in mobile robots, in dead reckoning and traversability detection