6 research outputs found


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    PENGARUH DAYA LEDAK OTOT LENGAN, KOORDINASI MATA TANGAN DAN MOTIVASI BERPRESTASI TERHADAP KETERAMPILAN SPIN PASS PADA ATLET RUGBY DKI JAKARTA Agus Maulana Setiawan Pendidikan Jasmani, Universitas Negeri Jakarta [email protected] ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Daya Ledak Otot Lengan, Koordinasi Mata Tangan dan Motivasi Berprestasi Terhadap Keterampilan Spin Pass Pada Atlet Rugby DKI Jakarta. Sampel penelitian adalah 45 Atlet Rugby DKI Jakarta Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah asosiatif multivatiat, dengan metode survei dan teknik test dan non tes dengan metode total sampling. Teknik analisis menggunakan pendekatan analisis jalur (path analysis) pada taraf signifikansi senilai 0,05. Secara umum, hasil penelitian berdasarkan hasil pengujian alanisis jalur terhadap setiap hipotesis didapat P-value < taraf signifikansi 0,05 yang berarti bahwa setiap hipotesis penelitian (H1) diterima. Yang artinya simpulan dari setiap temuan hasil penelitian menunjukkan (1) Terdapat pengaruh langsung antara setiap variabel bebas {Daya Ledak Otot Lengan (X1), Koordinasi Mata Tangan (X2), dan Motivasi Berprestasi (X3), (2) Terdapat pengaruh langsung dari setiap variabel bebas {Daya Ledak Otot Lengan (X1), Koordinasi Mata Tangan (X2), dan Motivasi Berprestasi (X3) memberikan pengaruh langsung terhadap Keterampilan Spin Pass (Y)}. (3). Terdapat Pengaruh tidak langsung Daya Ledak Otot Lengan (X1) melalui Motivasi Berprestasi (X3) terhadap Keterampilan Spin Pass. (Y). Terdapat Pengaruh tidak langsung Koordinasi Mata Tangan (X2) melalui Motivasi Berprestasi (X3) terhadap Keterampilan Spin Pass. (Y). Dengan demikian Keterampilan Spin Pass dapat ditingkatkan melalui peningkatan Daya Ledak Otot Lengan, Koordinasi Mata Tangan dan Motivasi Berprestasi. Kata kunci: Daya Ledak Otot Lengan, Koordinasi Mata Tangan, Motivasi Berprestasi. Keterampilan Spin Pass. ********* THE INFLUENCE OF ARM MUSCLE EXPLOSIVE POWER, HAND EYE COORDINATION AND ACHIEVEMENT MOTIVATION SPIN PASS IN DKI JAKARTA RUGBY ATHLETES Agus Maulana Setiawan Physical Education, State University of Jakarta [email protected] ABSTRACT This study aims to determine the effect of Arm Muscle Explosive Power, Hand Eye Coordination and Achievement Motivation Spin Pass in DKI Jakarta Rugby Athletes. The research sample was 45 DKI Jakarta Rugby Athletes. The research approach used in this study was associative multivariate, with survey methods and test and non-test techniques, with methods total sampling. The analysis technique uses a path analysis approach significance level of 0.05. In general, the research results based on the results of path analysis testing for each hypothesis obtained P-value < 0.05 significance level, which means that each research hypothesis (H1) is accepted. Which means that the conclusions from each research finding show (1) There is a direct influence between each independent variable {Arm Muscle Explosive Power (X1), Hand Eye Coordination (X2), and Achievement Motivation (X3), (2) There is an influence directly from each independent variable {Arm Muscle Explosive Power (X1), Hand Eye Coordination (X2), and Achievement Motivation (X3) have a direct influence on Spin Pass (Y)}. (3). There is an indirect effect of Arm Muscle Explosive Power (X1) through Achievement Motivation (X3) on Spin Pass. (Y). There is an indirect effect of Eye-Hand Coordination (X2) through Achievement Motivation (X3) on Spin Pass. (Y). Spin Pass can be improved through increased Arm Muscle Explosive Power, Hand Eye Coordination and Achievement Motivation. Keywords: Arm Muscle Explosive Power, Hand Eye Coordination, Achievement Motivation.Skill Spin Pass

    The Effect of Arm Muscle Explosion, Hands Eye Coordination and Achievement Motivation on Spin Pass Skills at DKI Jakarta Rugby Athletes

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    This study aims to determine the effect of Arm Muscle Explosive Power, Hand Eye Coordination and Achievement Motivation on Spin Pass Skills in DKI Jakarta Rugby Athletes. The research sample was 45 DKI Jakarta Rugby Athletes. The research approach used in this study was multivariate associative, with survey methods and test and non-test techniques. The analysis technique uses a path analysis approach at a significance level of 0.05. the conclusion of each research finding shows (1) There is a direct influence between each independent variable {Arm Muscle Explosive Power (X1), Hand Eye Coordination (X2), and Achievement Motivation (X3), (2) There is a direct effect of each independent variable {Arm Muscle Explosive Power (X1), Hand Eye Coordination (X2), and Achievement Motivation (X3) have a direct influence on Spin Pass Skills (Y)}, (3) There is an indirect effect of Arm Muscle Explosive Power (X1) through Achievement Motivation (X3) on Spin Pass Skills. (Y). There is an indirect effect of Eye-Hand Coordination (X2) through Achievement Motivation (X3) on Spin Pass Skills. (Y). Thus, Spin Pass Skills can be improved through increased Arm Muscle Explosive Power, Hand Eye Coordination and Achievement Motivatio

    Visualizing rugby game styles using Self-Organizing Maps

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    Rugby coaches and analysts often use notational data describing match events to assess their team’s performance and to devise strategic plans for upcoming matches. However, given the volume and complexity of the data available, it is difficult for them to recognize high-dimensional relationships among the available performance variables. A nonlinear approach using self-organizing maps (SOM) can help visualize the performance of a team and its opponents as well as the subsequent suitability of certain game styles, given the style of the opponent.Peer Reviewe

    Analítica visual de datos para representación de la interacción en una red social privada y con restricciones de privacidad

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    TFM Máster Universitario en Sistemas Inteligentes - Universidad de Salamanca En este trabajo se realiza una propuesta para estudiar los datos que se van a generar en la red social privada y anónima del proyecto WYRED, con el n de extraer conocimiento sobre cómo interaccionan sus usuarios, tanto entre ellos, como con la propia plataforma. Para ello se parte de la creación de un sistema que generará un conjunto de datos de prueba, lo más parecido posible al original, y de una revisión sistemática de la literatura que ha permitido conocer las principales visualizaciones y el contexto en el que se aplican. Con esta información y teniendo en cuenta el impacto de la privacidad a la hora de tratar los datos del proyecto, se ha propuesto una arquitectura exible y completa para el desarrollo de las visualizaciones interactivas que van a permitir visualizar los datos anteriormente generados. Finalmente, se presentan varios casos de uso donde se demuestra la idoneidad de la analítica visual para realizar análisis de los datos del proyecto y extraer conocimiento, de manera sencilla

    “The Best or the Rest”: An exploration of UK Rugby Union coaches’ team selection decisions

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    Coaches play a crucial yet complex role in sport, including selecting players for games - a key decision many coaches regularly make. Despite this, little is known about why or how coaches make team selection decisions. The purpose of this thesis, therefore, is to investigate rugby union coaches’ team selection decisions, with specific reference to the cues (pieces of information) they use. Chapter 1 provides the context and rationale for this thesis. Chapter 2 comprises a systematic review which reveals the only study that has investigated coaches’ team selection decisions directly (by asking coaches), and the 15 studies that examined the differences between selected and non-selected players after selection had occurred. Given the small number of studies found in the systematic review, Chapter 3 contains a narrative literature review which summarises the cues that could influence coaches’ judgements and decisions made on their athletes while viewing them. Through a longitudinal interview study, Chapter 4 portrays the large number of diverse cues six rugby union coaches reported using to make team selection decisions and how this information changed dramatically from pre-season to post-season interviews. In Chapter 5, a case study of five rugby union coaches working within the same coaching team revealed the breadth and variety of the cues the coaches reportedly used to make team selection decisions, the processes these coaches went through (“the best or the rest” selection strategy), and how the power relationships among the coaching team impacted their selection decisions. This study also found through visual and audio observations of the head coach that most selection cues were only stated in one training session, suggesting an absence of a clear, long-term selection strategy. Chapter 6 provides coaches with a practical overview of the key results of this thesis and the implications for their coaching practices. Finally, Chapter 7 concludes this thesis by summarising the key findings and making several future recommendations for researchers and coaches