32 research outputs found

    Video Surveillance-Based Intelligent Traffic Management in Smart Cities

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    Visualization of video is considered as important part of visual analytics. Several challenges arise from massive video contents that can be resolved by using data analytics and consequently gaining significance. Though rapid progression in digital technologies resulted in videos data explosion that incites the requirements to create visualization and computer graphics from videos, a state-of-the-art algorithm has been proposed in this chapter for 3D conversion of traffic video contents and displaying on Google Maps. Time stamped visualization based on glyph is employed efficiently in surveillance videos and utilized for event detection. This method of visualization can possibly decrease the complexity of data, having complete view of videos from video collection. The effectiveness of proposed system has shown by obtaining numerous unprocessed videos and algorithm is tested on these videos without concerning field conditions. The proposed visualization technique produces promising results and found effective in conveying meaningful information while alleviating the need of searching exhaustively colossal amount of video data

    Analysis of biomedical data with multilevel glyphs

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    BACKGROUND: This paper presents multilevel data glyphs optimized for the interactive knowledge discovery and visualization of large biomedical data sets. Data glyphs are three- dimensional objects defined by multiple levels of geometric descriptions (levels of detail) combined with a mapping of data attributes to graphical elements and methods, which specify their spatial position. METHODS: In the data mapping phase, which is done by a biomedical expert, meta information about the data attributes (scale, number of distinct values) are compared with the visual capabilities of the graphical elements in order to give a feedback to the user about the correctness of the variable mapping. The spatial arrangement of glyphs is done in a dimetric view, which leads to high data density, a simplified 3D navigation and avoids perspective distortion. RESULTS: We show the usage of data glyphs in the disease analyser a visual analytics application for personalized medicine and provide an outlook to a biomedical web visualization scenario. CONCLUSIONS: Data glyphs can be successfully applied in the disease analyser for the analysis of big medical data sets. Especially the automatic validation of the data mapping, selection of subgroups within histograms and the visual comparison of the value distributions were seen by experts as an important functionality

    Visual analytics and rendering for tunnel crack analysis

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    Three-Dimensional Analysis of Spiny Dendrites Using Straightening and Unrolling Transforms

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    Current understanding of the synaptic organization of the brain depends to a large extent on knowledge about the synaptic inputs to the neurons. Indeed, the dendritic surfaces of pyramidal cells (the most common neuron in the cerebral cortex) are covered by thin protrusions named dendritic spines. These represent the targets of most excitatory synapses in the cerebral cortex and therefore, dendritic spines prove critical in learning, memory and cognition. This paper presents a new method that facilitates the analysis of the 3D structure of spine insertions in dendrites, providing insight on spine distribution patterns. This method is based both on the implementation of straightening and unrolling transformations to move the analysis process to a planar, unfolded arrangement, and on the design of DISPINE, an interactive environment that supports the visual analysis of 3D patterns

    Polar Cyclone Identification from 4D Climate Data in a Knowledge-Driven Visualization System

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    abstract: Arctic cyclone activity has a significant association with Arctic warming and Arctic ice decline. Cyclones in the North Pole are more complex and less developed than those in tropical regions. Identifying polar cyclones proves to be a task of greater complexity. To tackle this challenge, a new method which utilizes pressure level data and velocity field is proposed to improve the identification accuracy. In addition, the dynamic, simulative cyclone visualized with a 4D (four-dimensional) wind field further validated the identification result. A knowledge-driven system is eventually constructed for visualizing and analyzing an atmospheric phenomenon (cyclone) in the North Pole. The cyclone is simulated with WebGL on in a web environment using particle tracing. To achieve interactive frame rates, the graphics processing unit (GPU) is used to accelerate the process of particle advection. It is concluded with the experimental results that: (1) the cyclone identification accuracy of the proposed method is 95.6% when compared with the NCEP/NCAR (National Centers for Environmental Prediction/National Center for Atmospheric Research) reanalysis data; (2) the integrated knowledge-driven visualization system allows for streaming and rendering of millions of particles with an interactive frame rate to support knowledge discovery in the complex climate system of the Arctic region

    Segmentation and visualization of multivariate features using feature-local distributions

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    Abstract. We introduce an iterative feature-based transfer function design that extracts and systematically incorporates multivariate featurelocal statistics into a texture-based volume rendering process. We argue that an interactive multivariate feature-local approach is advantageous when investigating ill-defined features, because it provides a physically meaningful, quantitatively rich environment within which to examine the sensitivity of the structure properties to the identification parameters. We demonstrate the efficacy of this approach by applying it to vortical structures in Taylor-Green turbulence. Our approach identified the existence of two distinct structure populations in these data, which cannot be isolated or distinguished via traditional transfer functions based on global distributions

    A Visual Approach to Analysis of Stress Tensor Fields

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    We present a visual approach for the exploration of stress tensor fields. In contrast to common tensor visualization methods that only provide a single view to the tensor field, we pursue the idea of providing various perspectives onto the data in attribute and object space. Especially in the context of stress tensors, advanced tensor visualization methods have a young tradition. Thus, we propose a combination of visualization techniques domain experts are used to with statistical views of tensor attributes. The application of this concept to tensor fields was achieved by extending the notion of shape space. It provides an intuitive way of finding tensor invariants that represent relevant physical properties. Using brushing techniques, the user can select features in attribute space, which are mapped to displayable entities in a three-dimensional hybrid visualization in object space. Volume rendering serves as context, while glyphs encode the whole tensor information in focus regions. Tensorlines can be included to emphasize directionally coherent features in the tensor field. We show that the benefit of such a multi-perspective approach is manifold. Foremost, it provides easy access to the complexity of tensor data. Moreover, including well-known analysis tools, such as Mohr diagrams, users can familiarize themselves gradually with novel visualization methods. Finally, by employing a focus-driven hybrid rendering, we significantly reduce clutter, which was a major problem of other three-dimensional tensor visualization methods