738 research outputs found

    Visual discomfort whilst viewing 3D stereoscopic stimuli

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    3D stereoscopic technology intensifies and heightens the viewer s experience by adding an extra dimension to the viewing of visual content. However, with expansion of this technology to the commercial market concerns have been expressed about the potential negative effects on the visual system, producing viewer discomfort. The visual stimulus provided by a 3D stereoscopic display differs from that of the real world, and so it is important to understand whether these differences may pose a health hazard. The aim of this thesis is to investigate the effect of 3D stereoscopic stimulation on visual discomfort. To that end, four experimental studies were conducted. In the first study two hypotheses were tested. The first hypothesis was that the viewing of 3D stereoscopic stimuli, which are located geometrically beyond the screen on which the images are displayed, would induce adaptation changes in the resting position of the eyes (exophoric heterophoria changes). The second hypothesis was that participants whose heterophoria changed as a consequence of adaptation during the viewing of the stereoscopic stimuli would experience less visual discomfort than those people whose heterophoria did not adapt. In the experiment an increase of visual discomfort change in the 3D condition in comparison with the 2D condition was found. Also, there were statistically significant changes in heterophoria under 3D conditions as compared with 2D conditions. However, there was appreciable variability in the magnitude of this adaptation among individuals, and no correlation between the amount of heterophoria change and visual discomfort change was observed. In the second experiment the two hypotheses tested were based on the vergence-accommodation mismatch theory, and the visual-vestibular mismatch theory. The vergence-accommodation mismatch theory predicts that a greater mismatch between the stimuli to accommodation and to vergence would produce greater symptoms in visual discomfort when viewing in 3D conditions than when viewing in 2D conditions. An increase of visual discomfort change in the 3D condition in comparison with the 2D condition was indeed found; however the magnitude of visual discomfort reported did not correlate with the mismatch present during the watching of 3D stereoscopic stimuli. The visual-vestibular mismatch theory predicts that viewing a stimulus stereoscopically will produce a greater sense of vection than viewing it in 2D. This will increase the conflict between the signals from the visual and vestibular systems, producing greater VIMS (Visually- Induced Motion Sickness) symptoms. Participants did indeed report an increase in motion sickness symptoms in the 3D condition. Furthermore, participants with closer seating positions reported more VIMS than participants sitting farther away whilst viewing 3D stimuli. This suggests that the amount of visual field stimulated during 3D presentation affects VIMS, and is an important factor in terms of viewing comfort. In the study more younger viewers (21 to 39 years old) than older viewers (40 years old and older) reported a greater change in visual discomfort during the 3D condition than the 2D condition. This suggests that the visual system s response to a stimulus, rather than the stimulus itself, is a reason for discomfort. No influence of gender on viewing comfort was found. In the next experiment participants fusion capability, as measured by their fusional reserves, was examined to determine whether this component has an impact on reported discomfort during the watching of movies in the 3D condition versus the 2D condition. It was hypothesised that participants with limited fusional range would experience more visual discomfort than participants with a wide fusion range. The hypothesis was confirmed but only in the case of convergent and not divergent eye movement. This observation illustrates that participants capability to convergence has a significant impact on visual comfort. The aim of the last experiment was to examine responses of the accommodation system to changes in 3D stimulus position and to determine whether discrepancies in these responses (i.e. accommodation overshoot, accommodation undershoot) could account for visual discomfort experienced during 3D stereoscopic viewing. It was found that accommodation discrepancy was larger for perceived forwards movement than for perceived backwards movement. The discrepancy was slightly higher in the group susceptible to visual discomfort than in the group not susceptible to visual discomfort, but this difference was not statistically significant. When considering the research findings as a whole it was apparent that not all participants experienced more discomfort whilst watching 3D stereoscopic stimuli than whilst watching 2D stimuli. More visual discomfort in the 3D condition than in the 2D condition was reported by 35% of the participants, whilst 24% of the participants reported more headaches and 17% of the participants reported more VIMS. The research indicates that multiple causative factors have an impact on reported symptoms. The analysis of the data suggests that discomfort experienced by people during 3D stereoscopic stimulation may reveal binocular vision problems. This observation suggests that 3D technology could be used as a screening method to diagnose un-treated binocular vision disorder. Additionally, this work shows that 3D stereoscopic technology can be easily adopted to binocular vision measurement. The conclusion of this thesis is that many people do not suffer adverse symptoms when viewing 3D stereoscopic displays, but that if adverse symptoms are present they can be caused either by the conflict in the stimulus, or by the heightened experience of self-motion which leads to Visually-Induced Motion Sickness (VIMS)

    Viewing 3D TV over two months produces no discernible effects on balance, coordination or eyesight

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    With the rise in stereoscopic 3D media, there has been concern that viewing stereoscopic 3D (S3D) content could have long-term adverse effects, but little data are available. In the first study to address this, 28 households who did not currently own a 3D TV were given a new TV set, either S3D or 2D. The 116 members of these households all underwent tests of balance, coordination and eyesight, both before they received their new TV set, and after they had owned it for 2 months. We did not detect any changes which appeared to be associated with viewing 3D TV. We conclude that viewing 3D TV does not produce detectable effects on balance, coordination or eyesight over the timescale studied. Practitioner Summary: Concern has been expressed over possible long-term effects of stereoscopic 3D (S3D). We looked for any changes in vision, balance and coordination associated with normal home S3D TV viewing in the 2 months after first acquiring a 3D TV. We find no evidence of any changes over this timescale

    Engineering data compendium. Human perception and performance. User's guide

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    The concept underlying the Engineering Data Compendium was the product of a research and development program (Integrated Perceptual Information for Designers project) aimed at facilitating the application of basic research findings in human performance to the design and military crew systems. The principal objective was to develop a workable strategy for: (1) identifying and distilling information of potential value to system design from the existing research literature, and (2) presenting this technical information in a way that would aid its accessibility, interpretability, and applicability by systems designers. The present four volumes of the Engineering Data Compendium represent the first implementation of this strategy. This is the first volume, the User's Guide, containing a description of the program and instructions for its use

    Human factors in the perception of stereoscopic images

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    Research into stereoscopic displays is largely divided into how stereo 3D content looks, a field concerned with distortion, and how such content feels to the viewer, that is, comfort. However, seldom are these measures presented simultaneously. Both comfortable displays with unacceptable 3D and uncomfortable displays with great 3D are undesirable. These two scenarios can render conclusions based on research into these measures both moot and impractical. Furthermore, there is a consensus that more disparity correlates directly with greater viewer discomfort. These experiments, and the dissertation thereof, challenge this notion and argue for a more nuanced argument related to acquisition factors such as interaxial distance (IA) and post processing in the form of horizontal image translation (HIT). Indeed, this research seeks to measure tolerance limits for viewing comfort and perceptual distortions across different camera separations. In the experiments, HIT and IA were altered together. Following Banks et al. (2009), our stimuli were simple stereoscopic hinges, and we measured the perceived angle as a function of camera separation. We compared the predictions based on a ray-tracing model with the perceived 3D shape obtained psychophysically. Participants were asked to judge the angles of 250 hinges at different camera separations (IA and HIT remained linked across a 20 to 100mm range, but the angles ranged between 50° and 130°). In turn, comfort data was obtained using a five-point Likert scale for each trial. Stimuli were presented in orthoscopic conditions with screen and observer field of view (FOV) matched at 45°. The 3D hinge and experimental parameters were run across three distinct series of experiments. The first series involved replicating a typical laboratory scenario where screen position was unchanged (Experiment I), the other presenting scenarios representative of real-world applications for a single viewer (Experiments II, III, and IV), and the last presenting real-world applications for multiple viewers (Experiment V). While the laboratory scenario revealed greatest viewer comfort occurred when a virtual hinge was placed on the screen plane, the single-viewer experiment revealed into-the-screen stereo stimuli was judged flatter while out-of-screen content was perceived more veridically. The multi-viewer scenario revealed a marked decline in comfort for off-axis viewing, but no commensurate effect on distortion; importantly, hinge angles were judged as being the same regardless of off-axis viewing for angles of up to 45. More specifically, the main results are as follows. 1) Increased viewing distance enhances viewer comfort for stereoscopic perception. 2) The amount of disparity present was not correlated with comfort. Comfort is not correlated with angular distortion. 3) Distortion is affected by hinge placement on-screen. There is only a significant effect on comfort when the Camera Separation is at 60mm. 4) A perceptual bias between into the depth orientation of the screen stimuli, in to the screen stimuli were judged as flatter than out of the screen stimuli. 5) Perceived distortion not being affected by oblique viewing. Oblique viewing does not affect perceived comfort. In conclusion, the laboratory experiment highlights the limitations of extrapolating a controlled empirical stimulus into a less controlled “real world” environment. The typical usage scenarios consistently reveal no correlation between the amount of screen disparity (parallax) in the stimulus and the comfort rating. The final usage scenario reveals a perceptual constancy in off-axis viewer conditions for angles of up to 45, which, as reported, is not reflected by a typical ray-tracing model. Stereoscopic presentation with non-orthoscopic HIT may give comfortable 3D. However, there is good reason to believe that this 3D is not being perceived veridically. Comfortable 3D is often incorrectly converged due to the differences between distances specified by disparity and monocular cues. This conflict between monocular and stereo cues in the presentation of S3D content leads to loss of veridicality i.e. a perception of flatness. Therefore, correct HIT is recommended as the starting point for creating realistic and comfortable 3D, and this factor is shown by data to be far more important than limiting screen disparity (i.e. parallax). Based on these findings, this study proposes a predictive model of stereoscopic space for 3D content generators who require flexibility in acquisition parameters. This is important as there is no data for viewing conditions where the acquisition parameters are changed

    A Neurophysiologic Study Of Visual Fatigue In Stereoscopic Related Displays

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    Two tasks were investigated in this study. The first study investigated the effects of alignment display errors on visual fatigue. The experiment revealed the following conclusive results: First, EEG data suggested the possibility of cognitively-induced time compensation changes due to a corresponding effect in real-time brain activity by the eyes trying to compensate for the alignment. The magnification difference error showed more significant effects on all EEG band waves, which were indications of likely visual fatigue as shown by the prevalence of simulator sickness questionnaire (SSQ) increases across all task levels. Vertical shift errors were observed to be prevalent in theta and beta bands of EEG which probably induced alertness (in theta band) as a result of possible stress. Rotation errors were significant in the gamma band, implying the likelihood of cognitive decline because of theta band influence. Second, the hemodynamic responses revealed that significant differences exist between the left and right dorsolateral prefrontal due to alignment errors. There was also a significant difference between the main effect for power band hemisphere and the ATC task sessions. The analyses revealed that there were significant differences between the dorsal frontal lobes in task processing and interaction effects between the processing lobes and tasks processing. The second study investigated the effects of cognitive response variables on visual fatigue. Third, the physiologic indicator of pupil dilation was 0.95mm that occurred at a mean time of 38.1min, after which the pupil dilation begins to decrease. After the average saccade rest time of 33.71min, saccade speeds leaned toward a decrease as a possible result of fatigue on-set. Fourth, the neural network classifier showed visual response data from eye movement were identified as the best predictor of visual fatigue with a classification accuracy of 90.42%. Experimental data confirmed that 11.43% of the participants actually experienced visual fatigue symptoms after the prolonged task

    3D display size matters: Compensating for the perceptual effects of S3D display scaling

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    Abstract Introduction In recent years the consumer electronics market has been flooded with a variety of S3D products, which rely on a variety of display and image segregation technologies. For each display system, the ideal viewing conditions (eg. viewing angle) can be defined in order to obtain the desired 3D experience. SMPTE and THX [1, 2] have provided specific standards and guidelines for the ideal viewing angle for theatre and television. However, screen dimension 1 is an uncontrolled variable since the same content could be displayed on a mobile autostereoscopic device, 3D monitor, HD 3DTV or in a 3D movie theatre. Adapting a S3D film to a variety of screen sizes is necessary for most, if not all, popular movies if the distributors are to maximize their exposure and therefore earnings. However, unlike 2D film the S3D scaling process is complicated by a variety of 1 The range of viewing distances typically used are correlated with the size of the display, with audiences moving closer as screens get smaller. If field of view is constant it is often the distance that is more important. Since they normally co-vary here we will focus on screen size and related disparity scaling issues, but will point out the role of viewing distance in particular when it is warranted. computational and perceptual issues that can significantly impact the audience experience. As outlined below, the existing approaches to scaling S3D content for a variety of delivery form factors can be divided into two main categories: those applied during acquisition and those applied during postproduction or display. The most common strategy is some combination of pre and post-production approaches. However, inevitably some degree of perceptual and geometric distortion will remain. A better understanding of these distortions and their perceptual consequences will provide S3D content creators with insight and context for using sophisticated scaling approaches based on both acquisition and post-production techniques. This paper will review the principal issues related to S3D content scaling, some of the technical solutions available to content makers/ providers and the perceptual consequences for audiences. Stereoscopic Geometry As was shown by Spottiswood in the early 1950's [3], displaying stereoscopic 3D content at different sizes may dramatically influence the audience's S3D experience. Given the interdependence of acquisition and display parameters; most filmmakers, while trying to protect for different screen dimensions will have a target viewing condition when they begin filming. Figures 1 and 2 depict stereoscopic viewing and acquisition geometry, respectivel

    Ocular biomechanics modelling for visual fatigue assessment in virtual environments

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    The study objectively quantifies visual fatigue caused by immersion in virtual reality. Visual fatigue assessment is done through ocular biomechanics modelling and eye tracking to analyse eye movement and muscle forces into a visual fatigue index

    Une méthode pour l'évaluation de la qualité des images 3D stéréoscopiques.

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    Dans le contexte d'un intérêt grandissant pour les systèmes stéréoscopiques, mais sans méthodes reproductible pour estimer leur qualité, notre travail propose une contribution à la meilleure compréhension des mécanismes de perception et de jugement humains relatifs au concept multi-dimensionnel de qualité d'image stéréoscopique. Dans cette optique, notre démarche s'est basée sur un certain nombre d'outils : nous avons proposé un cadre adapté afin de structurer le processus d'analyse de la qualité des images stéréoscopiques, nous avons implémenté dans notre laboratoire un système expérimental afin de conduire plusieurs tests, nous avons crée trois bases de données d'images stéréoscopiques contenant des configurations précises et enfin nous avons conduit plusieurs expériences basées sur ces collections d'images. La grande quantité d'information obtenue par l'intermédiaire de ces expérimentations a été utilisée afin de construire un premier modèle mathématique permettant d'expliquer la perception globale de la qualité de la stéréoscopie en fonction des paramètres physiques des images étudiée.In a context of ever-growing interest in stereoscopic systems, but where no standardized algorithmic methods of stereoscopic quality assessment exist, our work stands as a step forward in the understanding of the human perception and judgment mechanisms related to the multidimensional concept of stereoscopic image quality. We used a series of tools in order to perform in-depth investigations in this direction: we proposed an adapted framework to structure the process of stereoscopic quality assessment, we implemented a stereoscopic system in our laboratory for performing various tests, we created three stereoscopic datasets with precise structures, and we performed several experimental studies using these datasets. The numerous experimental data obtained were used in order to propose a first mathematical framework for explaining the overall percept of stereoscopic quality in function of the physical parameters of the stereoscopic images under study.SAVOIE-SCD - Bib.électronique (730659901) / SudocGRENOBLE1/INP-Bib.électronique (384210012) / SudocGRENOBLE2/3-Bib.électronique (384219901) / SudocSudocFranceF