19 research outputs found

    Visual analytics methodology for eye movement studies

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    Eye movement analysis is gaining popularity as a tool for evaluation of visual displays and interfaces. However, the existing methods and tools for analyzing eye movements and scanpaths are limited in terms of the tasks they can support and effectiveness for large data and data with high variation. We have performed an extensive empirical evaluation of a broad range of visual analytics methods used in analysis of geographic movement data. The methods have been tested for the applicability to eye tracking data and the capability to extract useful knowledge about users' viewing behaviors. This allowed us to select the suitable methods and match them to possible analysis tasks they can support. The paper describes how the methods work in application to eye tracking data and provides guidelines for method selection depending on the analysis tasks

    Geographical Counterpoint to Choreographic Information based on Approaches in GIScience and Visualization

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    This study provides geographical counterpoint to existing knowledge of a dance piece through approaches from GIScience and visualization by focusing on spatio-temporal movement of dancers in a large dataset of the dance. The goal of this study is to introduce a new application to bridging art and science in the domain of dance and geography disciplines. The study utilizes existing methodologies in GIScience, including exploratory spatial data analysis (ESDA), spatial analysis, Relative Motion (REMO) analysis, and Qualitative Trajectory Calculus (QTC) analysis for the reasoning of the dance data. The results of the study demonstrate the following. First, spatio-temporal information in the dance can be better understood by using approaches in geography, including ESDA, spatial analysis, REMO analysis, QTC analysis, and visualization. Second, the REMO analysis measured relative azimuth, speed, and δ-speed of the dancers per space and time and intuitively visualized their interactions. Third, the QTC analysis showed an example of measuring similarity and difference between repetitive movements of the dancers. The study exhibits how approaches of GIScience in geography could contribute to finding new knowledge of choreographic information that has been, in general, hard to recognize through other disciplines such as dance and statistics

    Visual analytics of movement: An overview of methods, tools and procedures

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    Analysis of movement is currently a hot research topic in visual analytics. A wide variety of methods and tools for analysis of movement data has been developed in recent years. They allow analysts to look at the data from different perspectives and fulfil diverse analytical tasks. Visual displays and interactive techniques are often combined with computational processing, which, in particular, enables analysis of a larger number of data than would be possible with purely visual methods. Visual analytics leverages methods and tools developed in other areas related to data analytics, particularly statistics, machine learning and geographic information science. We present an illustrated structured survey of the state of the art in visual analytics concerning the analysis of movement data. Besides reviewing the existing works, we demonstrate, using examples, how different visual analytics techniques can support our understanding of various aspects of movement

    Análisis de la movilidad espacial de la población asociada a huracanes a partir de la sombra digital geoespacial derivada de Twitter

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    Múltiples investigadores creen que el estudio del comportamiento y movilidad espacial de la población ha alcanzado un cuello de botella debido a la rigidez de los métodos tradicionales de investigación en el campo y a la dificultad de acceso a información relevante y de confianza. La sombra digital geoespacial es una de las oportunidades más prometedoras para poder desarrollar y probar nuevas hipótesis en el estudio del comportamiento espacial, pero la aplicación de estos nuevos métodos todavía no ha sido suficientemente explorada en el campo de los riesgos y desastres. Este artículo recoge los últimos avances en este ámbito centrándose en la capacidad de la sombra digital geoespacial de redes sociales (Twitter) como un método innovador para el estudio del comportamiento espacial humano durante emergencias. Esta investigación rastrea las localizaciones de usuarios de Twitter durante el periodo pre-desastre para producir estimaciones del número de evacuados, y en los meses posteriores al desastre para estimaciones de desplazados y del impacto del evento en el turismo