4 research outputs found

    The dynamic behavior investigation of electric power wheelchair during the obstacle avoidance

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    The increment of the People with Disabilities (PWDs) keep increasing in each year and an urge of assisting these PWDs is demanding. Commercial manual wheelchair eases the mobility of the PWDs but there is side effect for the manual wheelchair users that is pain on shoulder area due to extensive daily propulsion of manual wheelchair for mobility. Therefore, this paper presents an approach towards the autonomous wheelchair whereas concerning the PWDs that have disabilities from upper to lower limbs. These paper investigates the dynamic behavior of the autonomous wheelchair during the obstacle avoidance. The experiment conducted on the Electric Power Wheelchair (EPW) and several participants divided base on gender and age for this particular investigation. This experiment uses the EPW as a first step before taking next step towards self-navigation system in order to understand the behavior of the autonomous wheelchair by using the intervention of human input on EPW. The participants will maneuver the EPW via joystick with several speed justifications that is determined during the pre-experimental set-up. This study focused on the changes in speed of both left and right tires and yaw angle during the obstacle avoidance. The data will be used as a reference for the autonomous wheelchair during the obstacle avoidance. The data that maneuvered manually by the participants also serve as the human-machine relationship whereas the data will be interpreted into the control systems that will be developed for the autonomous wheelchair. Based on the results, the changes of velocity could be seen from both left and right tires during the obstacle avoidance base on gender is different but the trend of the results significantly same for both male and female. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Laser-Based Control Law For Autonomous Parallel And Perpendicular Parking

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    International audienceThis paper addresses the perpendicular and parallel parking problems of car-like vehicles for both forward and reverse maneuvers in one trial by extending the work presented in [1] using a multi sensor based controller with a weighted control scheme. The perception problem is discussed briefly considering a Velodyne VLP-16 and a SICK LMS151 as the sensors providing the required exteroceptive information. The results obtained from simulations and real experimentation for different parking scenarios show the validity and potential of the proposed approach. Furthermore, it is shown that, despite the need of handling several constraints for collision avoidance, the required computation time of the proposed approach is small enough to be used online

    Metodología de Navegación de robots móviles para detección de vanos y discontinuidades en su trayectoria

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    En la presente tesis de maestría, se pretende plantear el estudio e implementación de 2 estrategias de navegación autónoma que permitan a una plataforma robótica llegar al cumplimiento de la tarea asignada en entornos interiores estáticos, incluyendo trabajar con algunas discontinuidades, tales como puertas y/o pasillos. La primera estrategia que se evaluara será un sistema hibrido, teniendo en cuenta un sistema neuro-difuso, donde la parte de redes neuronales en combinación con comportamientos reactivos estimaran una decisión en cuanto a la orientación, y la parte difusa entregara mediante el uso de reglas, la velocidad a seguir por la plataforma, teniendo en cuenta las restricciones físicas y mecánicas del robot, el segundo método a analizar estará basado en estrategias estadísticas y/o probabilísticas, donde se enfocara en redes bayesianas. Se elaboraran pruebas en diversos entornos y cada una con diversos niveles de complejidad, donde datos representativos podrán ser comparados con métricas de desempeño y así poder establecer en alguna medida la mejor opciónIn this master thesis, intends to present the study and implementation of 2 autonomous navigation strategies that lead to a robotic platform to fulfilling the task assigned in normal indoor environments, including work with some discontinuities, such as Corridor or hallways. The first strategy to be evaluated will be a hybrid system, taking into account a neuronal-fuzzy system, where the part of neuronal networks in combination with reactive behaviors estimate a decision on orientation, and the fuzzy logic part delivered through the use of rules , The speed to be followed by the platform, taking into account the physical and mechanical constraints of the robot, the second method to analyze will be based on statistical and / or probabilistic strategies, where it will focus on Bayesian networks. Tests will be developed in different environments and each with different levels of complexity, where representative data can be compared with performance metrics and thus be able to establish to some extent the best optionMagister en Automatización y Contro