47 research outputs found

    Mixed marker-based/marker-less visual odometry system for mobile robots

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    When moving in generic indoor environments, robotic platforms generally rely solely on information provided by onboard sensors to determine their position and orientation. However, the lack of absolute references often leads to the introduction of severe drifts in estimates computed, making autonomous operations really hard to accomplish. This paper proposes a solution to alleviate the impact of the above issues by combining two vision‐based pose estimation techniques working on relative and absolute coordinate systems, respectively. In particular, the unknown ground features in the images that are captured by the vertical camera of a mobile platform are processed by a vision‐based odometry algorithm, which is capable of estimating the relative frame‐to‐frame movements. Then, errors accumulated in the above step are corrected using artificial markers displaced at known positions in the environment. The markers are framed from time to time, which allows the robot to maintain the drifts bounded by additionally providing it with the navigation commands needed for autonomous flight. Accuracy and robustness of the designed technique are demonstrated using an off‐the‐shelf quadrotor via extensive experimental test

    Visual landmark sequence-based indoor localization

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    This paper presents a method that uses common objects as landmarks for smartphone-based indoor localization and navigation. First, a topological map marking relative positions of common objects such as doors, stairs and toilets is generated from floor plan. Second, a computer vision technique employing the latest deep learning technology has been developed for detecting common indoor objects from videos captured by smartphone. Third, second order Hidden Markov model is applied to match detected indoor landmark sequence to topological map. We use videos captured by users holding smartphones and walking through corridors of an office building to evaluate our method. The experiment shows that computer vision technique is able to accurately and reliably detect 10 classes of common indoor objects and that second order hidden Markov model can reliably match the detected landmark sequence with the topological map. This work demonstrates that computer vision and machine learning techniques can play a very useful role in developing smartphone-based indoor positioning applications

    Scene Segmentation and Object Classification for Place Recognition

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    This dissertation tries to solve the place recognition and loop closing problem in a way similar to human visual system. First, a novel image segmentation algorithm is developed. The image segmentation algorithm is based on a Perceptual Organization model, which allows the image segmentation algorithm to ‘perceive’ the special structural relations among the constituent parts of an unknown object and hence to group them together without object-specific knowledge. Then a new object recognition method is developed. Based on the fairly accurate segmentations generated by the image segmentation algorithm, an informative object description that includes not only the appearance (colors and textures), but also the parts layout and shape information is built. Then a novel feature selection algorithm is developed. The feature selection method can select a subset of features that best describes the characteristics of an object class. Classifiers trained with the selected features can classify objects with high accuracy. In next step, a subset of the salient objects in a scene is selected as landmark objects to label the place. The landmark objects are highly distinctive and widely visible. Each landmark object is represented by a list of SIFT descriptors extracted from the object surface. This object representation allows us to reliably recognize an object under certain viewpoint changes. To achieve efficient scene-matching, an indexing structure is developed. Both texture feature and color feature of objects are used as indexing features. The texture feature and the color feature are viewpoint-invariant and hence can be used to effectively find the candidate objects with similar surface characteristics to a query object. Experimental results show that the object-based place recognition and loop detection method can efficiently recognize a place in a large complex outdoor environment

    Survey on video anomaly detection in dynamic scenes with moving cameras

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    The increasing popularity of compact and inexpensive cameras, e.g.~dash cameras, body cameras, and cameras equipped on robots, has sparked a growing interest in detecting anomalies within dynamic scenes recorded by moving cameras. However, existing reviews primarily concentrate on Video Anomaly Detection (VAD) methods assuming static cameras. The VAD literature with moving cameras remains fragmented, lacking comprehensive reviews to date. To address this gap, we endeavor to present the first comprehensive survey on Moving Camera Video Anomaly Detection (MC-VAD). We delve into the research papers related to MC-VAD, critically assessing their limitations and highlighting associated challenges. Our exploration encompasses three application domains: security, urban transportation, and marine environments, which in turn cover six specific tasks. We compile an extensive list of 25 publicly-available datasets spanning four distinct environments: underwater, water surface, ground, and aerial. We summarize the types of anomalies these datasets correspond to or contain, and present five main categories of approaches for detecting such anomalies. Lastly, we identify future research directions and discuss novel contributions that could advance the field of MC-VAD. With this survey, we aim to offer a valuable reference for researchers and practitioners striving to develop and advance state-of-the-art MC-VAD methods.Comment: Under revie

    A review on challenges of autonomous mobile robot and sensor fusion methods

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    Autonomous mobile robots are becoming more prominent in recent time because of their relevance and applications to the world today. Their ability to navigate in an environment without a need for physical or electro-mechanical guidance devices has made it more promising and useful. The use of autonomous mobile robots is emerging in different sectors such as companies, industries, hospital, institutions, agriculture and homes to improve services and daily activities. Due to technology advancement, the demand for mobile robot has increased due to the task they perform and services they render such as carrying heavy objects, monitoring, search and rescue missions, etc. Various studies have been carried out by researchers on the importance of mobile robot, its applications and challenges. This survey paper unravels the current literatures, the challenges mobile robot is being faced with. A comprehensive study on devices/sensors and prevalent sensor fusion techniques developed for tackling issues like localization, estimation and navigation in mobile robot are presented as well in which they are organised according to relevance, strengths and weaknesses. The study therefore gives good direction for further investigation on developing methods to deal with the discrepancies faced with autonomous mobile robot.http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/RecentIssue.jsp?punumber=6287639pm2021Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineerin

    Indoor topological localization using a visual landmark sequence

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    This paper presents a novel indoor topological localization method based on mobile phone videos. Conventional methods suffer from indoor dynamic environmental changes and scene ambiguity. The proposed Visual Landmark Sequence-based Indoor Localization (VLSIL) method is capable of addressing problems by taking steady indoor objects as landmarks. Unlike many feature or appearance matching-based localization methods, our method utilizes highly abstracted landmark sematic information to represent locations and thus is invariant to illumination changes, temporal variations, and occlusions. We match consistently detected landmarks against the topological map based on the occurrence order in the videos. The proposed approach contains two components: a convolutional neural network (CNN)-based landmark detector and a topological matching algorithm. The proposed detector is capable of reliably and accurately detecting landmarks. The other part is the matching algorithm built on the second order hidden Markov model and it can successfully handle the environmental ambiguity by fusing sematic and connectivity information of landmarks. To evaluate the method, we conduct extensive experiments on the real world dataset collected in two indoor environments, and the results show that our deep neural network-based indoor landmark detector accurately detects all landmarks and is expected to be utilized in similar environments without retraining and that VLSIL can effectively localize indoor landmarks

    Deep Learning Based Methods for Outdoor Robot Localization and Navigation

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    The number of elderly people is increasing around the globe. In order to support the growing of ageing society, mobile robot is one of viable choices for assisting the elders in their daily activities. These activities happen in any places, either indoor or outdoor. Although outdoor activities benefit the elders in many ways, outdoor environments contain difficulties from their unpredictable natures. Mobile robots for supporting humans in outdoor environments must automatically traverse through various difficulties in the environments using suitable navigation systems.Core components of mobile robots always include the navigation segments. Navigation system helps guiding the robot to its destination where it can perform its designated tasks. There are various tools to be chosen for navigation systems. Outdoor environments are mostly open for conventional navigation tools such as Global Positioning System (GPS) devices. In this thesis three systems for localization and navigation of mobile robots based on visual data and deep learning algorithms are proposed. The first localization system is based on landmark detection. The Faster Regional-Convolutional Neural Network (Faster R-CNN) detects landmarks and signs in the captured image. A Feed-Forward Neural Network (FFNN) is trained to determine robot location coordinates and compass orientation from detected landmarks. The dataset consists of images, geolocation data and labeled bounding boxes to train and test two proposed localization methods. Results are illustrated with absolute errors from the comparisons between localization results and reference geolocation data in the dataset. The second system is the navigation system based on visual data and a deep reinforcement learning algorithm called Deep Q Network (DQN). The employed DQN automatically guides the mobile robot with visual data in the form of images, which received from the only Universal Serial Bus (USB) camera that attached to the robot. DQN consists of a deep neural network called convolutional neural network (CNN), and a reinforcement learning algorithm named Q-Learning. It can make decisions with visual data as input, using experiences from consequences of trial-and-error attempts. Our DQN agents are trained in the simulation environments provided by a platform based on a First-Person Shooter (FPS) game named ViZDoom. Simulation is implemented for training to avoid any possible damage on the real robot during trial-and-error process. Perspective from the simulation is the same as if a camera is attached to the front of the mobile robot. There are many differences between the simulation and the real world. We applied a markerbased Augmented Reality (AR) algorithm to reduce differences between the simulation and the world by altering visual data from the camera with resources from the simulation.The second system is assigned the task of simple navigation to the robot, in which the starting location is fixed but the goal location is random in the designated zone. The robot must be able to detect and track the goal object using a USB camera as its only sensor. Once started, the robot must move from its starting location to the designated goal object. Our DQN navigation method is tested in the simulation and on the real robot. Performances of our DQN are measured quantitatively via average total scores and the number of success navigation attempts. The results show that our DQN can effectively guide a mobile robot to the goal object of the simple navigation tasks, for both the simulation and the real world.The third system employs a Transfer Learning (TL) strategy to reduce training time and resources required for the training of newly added tasks of DQN agents. The new task is the task of reaching the goal while also avoiding obstacles at the same time. Additionally, the starting and the goal locations are all random within the specified areas. The employed transfer learning strategy uses the whole network of the DQN agent trained for the first simple navigation task as the base for training the DQN agent for the second task. The training in our TL strategy decrease the exploration factor, which cause the agent to rely on the existing knowledge from the base network more than randomly selecting actions during the training. It results in the decreased training time, in which optimal solutions can be found faster than training from scratch.We evaluate performances of our TL strategy by comparing the DQN agents trained with our TL at different exploration factor values and the DQN agent trained from scratch. Additionally, agents trained from our TL are trained with the decreased number of episodes to extensively display performances of our TL agents. All DQN agents for the second navigation task are tested in the simulation to avoid any possible and uncontrollable damages from the obstacles. Performances are measured through success attempts and average total scores, same as in the first navigation task. Results show that DQN agents trained via the TL strategy can greatly outperform the agent trained from scratch, despite the lower number of training episodes.博士(工学)法政大学 (Hosei University

    Autonomous Vehicles

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    This edited volume, Autonomous Vehicles, is a collection of reviewed and relevant research chapters, offering a comprehensive overview of recent developments in the field of vehicle autonomy. The book comprises nine chapters authored by various researchers and edited by an expert active in the field of study. All chapters are complete in itself but united under a common research study topic. This publication aims to provide a thorough overview of the latest research efforts by international authors, open new possible research paths for further novel developments, and to inspire the younger generations into pursuing relevant academic studies and professional careers within the autonomous vehicle field