43 research outputs found

    Visibly Pushdown Languages over Sliding Windows

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    We investigate the class of visibly pushdown languages in the sliding window model. A sliding window algorithm for a language L receives a stream of symbols and has to decide at each time step whether the suffix of length n belongs to L or not. The window size n is either a fixed number (in the fixed-size model) or can be controlled by an adversary in a limited way (in the variable-size model). The main result of this paper states that for every visibly pushdown language the space complexity in the variable-size sliding window model is either constant, logarithmic or linear in the window size. This extends previous results for regular languages

    Low-Latency Sliding Window Algorithms for Formal Languages

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    Low-latency sliding window algorithms for regular and context-free languages are studied, where latency refers to the worst-case time spent for a single window update or query. For every regular language LL it is shown that there exists a constant-latency solution that supports adding and removing symbols independently on both ends of the window (the so-called two-way variable-size model). We prove that this result extends to all visibly pushdown languages. For deterministic 1-counter languages we present a O(log⁥n)\mathcal{O}(\log n) latency sliding window algorithm for the two-way variable-size model where nn refers to the window size. We complement these results with a conditional lower bound: there exists a fixed real-time deterministic context-free language LL such that, assuming the OMV (online matrix vector multiplication) conjecture, there is no sliding window algorithm for LL with latency n1/2−ϔn^{1/2-\epsilon} for any Ï”>0\epsilon>0, even in the most restricted sliding window model (one-way fixed-size model). The above mentioned results all refer to the unit-cost RAM model with logarithmic word size. For regular languages we also present a refined picture using word sizes O(1)\mathcal{O}(1), O(log⁥log⁥n)\mathcal{O}(\log\log n), and O(log⁥n)\mathcal{O}(\log n).Comment: A short version will be presented at the conference FSTTCS 202

    Low-Latency Sliding Window Algorithms for Formal Languages

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    Low-latency sliding window algorithms for regular and context-free languages are studied, where latency refers to the worst-case time spent for a single window update or query. For every regular language L it is shown that there exists a constant-latency solution that supports adding and removing symbols independently on both ends of the window (the so-called two-way variable-size model). We prove that this result extends to all visibly pushdown languages. For deterministic 1-counter languages we present a ?(log n) latency sliding window algorithm for the two-way variable-size model where n refers to the window size. We complement these results with a conditional lower bound: there exists a fixed real-time deterministic context-free language L such that, assuming the OMV (online matrix vector multiplication) conjecture, there is no sliding window algorithm for L with latency n^(1/2-?) for any ? > 0, even in the most restricted sliding window model (one-way fixed-size model). The above mentioned results all refer to the unit-cost RAM model with logarithmic word size. For regular languages we also present a refined picture using word sizes ?(1), ?(log log n), and ?(log n)

    Sliding Windows over Context-Free Languages

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    We study the space complexity of sliding window streaming algorithms that check membership of the window content in a fixed context-free language. For regular languages, this complexity is either constant, logarithmic or linear [Moses Ganardi et al., 2016]. We prove that every context-free language whose sliding window space complexity is log_2(n) - omega(1) must be regular and has constant space complexity. Moreover, for every c in N, c >= 1 we construct a (nondeterministic) context-free language whose sliding window space complexity is O(n^(1/c)) o(n^(1/c)). Finally, we give an example of a deterministic one-counter language whose sliding window space complexity is Theta((log n)^2)

    Property Testing of Regular Languages with Applications to Streaming Property Testing of Visibly Pushdown Languages

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    In this work, we revisit the problem of testing membership in regular languages, first studied by Alon et al. [Alon et al., 2001]. We develop a one-sided error property tester for regular languages under weighted edit distance that makes ?(?^{-1} log(1/?)) non-adaptive queries, assuming that the language is described by an automaton of constant size. Moreover, we show a matching lower bound, essentially closing the problem for the edit distance. As an application, we improve the space bound of the current best streaming property testing algorithm for visibly pushdown languages from ?(?^{-4} log? n) to ?(?^{-3} log? n log log n), where n is the size of the input. Finally, we provide a ?(max(?^{-1}, log n)) lower bound on the memory necessary to test visibly pushdown languages in the streaming model, significantly narrowing the gap between the known bounds

    Streamability of nested word transductions

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    We consider the problem of evaluating in streaming (i.e., in a single left-to-right pass) a nested word transduction with a limited amount of memory. A transduction T is said to be height bounded memory (HBM) if it can be evaluated with a memory that depends only on the size of T and on the height of the input word. We show that it is decidable in coNPTime for a nested word transduction defined by a visibly pushdown transducer (VPT), if it is HBM. In this case, the required amount of memory may depend exponentially on the height of the word. We exhibit a sufficient, decidable condition for a VPT to be evaluated with a memory that depends quadratically on the height of the word. This condition defines a class of transductions that strictly contains all determinizable VPTs

    Querying Regular Languages over Sliding Windows

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    We study the space complexity of querying regular languages over data streams in the sliding window model. The algorithm has to answer at any point of time whether the content of the sliding window belongs to a fixed regular language. A trichotomy is shown: For every regular language the optimal space requirement is either in Theta(n), Theta(log(n)), or constant, where nn is the size of the sliding window

    Sliding Window Property Testing for Regular Languages

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    We study the problem of recognizing regular languages in a variant of the streaming model of computation, called the sliding window model. In this model, we are given a size of the sliding window n and a stream of symbols. At each time instant, we must decide whether the suffix of length n of the current stream ("the active window") belongs to a given regular language. Recent works [Moses Ganardi et al., 2018; Moses Ganardi et al., 2016] showed that the space complexity of an optimal deterministic sliding window algorithm for this problem is either constant, logarithmic or linear in the window size n and provided natural language theoretic characterizations of the space complexity classes. Subsequently, [Moses Ganardi et al., 2018] extended this result to randomized algorithms to show that any such algorithm admits either constant, double logarithmic, logarithmic or linear space complexity. In this work, we make an important step forward and combine the sliding window model with the property testing setting, which results in ultra-efficient algorithms for all regular languages. Informally, a sliding window property tester must accept the active window if it belongs to the language and reject it if it is far from the language. We show that for every regular language, there is a deterministic sliding window property tester that uses logarithmic space and a randomized sliding window property tester with two-sided error that uses constant space

    Automata Theory on Sliding Windows

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    In a recent paper we analyzed the space complexity of streaming algorithms whose goal is to decide membership of a sliding window to a fixed language. For the class of regular languages we proved a space trichotomy theorem: for every regular language the optimal space bound is either constant, logarithmic or linear. In this paper we continue this line of research: We present natural characterizations for the constant and logarithmic space classes and establish tight relationships to the concept of language growth. We also analyze the space complexity with respect to automata size and prove almost matching lower and upper bounds. Finally, we consider the decision problem whether a language given by a DFA/NFA admits a sliding window algorithm using logarithmic/constant space

    Programming Using Automata and Transducers

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    Automata, the simplest model of computation, have proven to be an effective tool in reasoning about programs that operate over strings. Transducers augment automata to produce outputs and have been used to model string and tree transformations such as natural language translations. The success of these models is primarily due to their closure properties and decidable procedures, but good properties come at the price of limited expressiveness. Concretely, most models only support finite alphabets and can only represent small classes of languages and transformations. We focus on addressing these limitations and bridge the gap between the theory of automata and transducers and complex real-world applications: Can we extend automata and transducer models to operate over structured and infinite alphabets? Can we design languages that hide the complexity of these formalisms? Can we define executable models that can process the input efficiently? First, we introduce succinct models of transducers that can operate over large alphabets and design BEX, a language for analysing string coders. We use BEX to prove the correctness of UTF and BASE64 encoders and decoders. Next, we develop a theory of tree transducers over infinite alphabets and design FAST, a language for analysing tree-manipulating programs. We use FAST to detect vulnerabilities in HTML sanitizers, check whether augmented reality taggers conflict, and optimize and analyze functional programs that operate over lists and trees. Finally, we focus on laying the foundations of stream processing of hierarchical data such as XML files and program traces. We introduce two new efficient and executable models that can process the input in a left-to-right linear pass: symbolic visibly pushdown automata and streaming tree transducers. Symbolic visibly pushdown automata are closed under Boolean operations and can specify and efficiently monitor complex properties for hierarchical structures over infinite alphabets. Streaming tree transducers can express and efficiently process complex XML transformations while enjoying decidable procedures