186 research outputs found

    4D imaging of lithium batteries using correlative neutron and X ray tomography with a virtual unrolling technique

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    The temporally and spatially resolved tracking of lithium intercalation and electrode degradation processes are crucial for detecting and understanding performance losses during the operation of lithium batteries. Here, high throughput X ray computed tomography has enabled the identification of mechanical degradation processes in a commercial Li MnO2 primary battery and the indirect tracking of lithium diffusion; furthermore, complementary neutron computed tomography has identified the direct lithium diffusion process and the electrode wetting by the electrolyte. Virtual electrode unrolling techniques provide a deeper view inside the electrode layers and are used to detect minor fluctuations which are difficult to observe using conventional three dimensional rendering tools. Moreover, the unrolling provides a platform for correlating multi modal image data which is expected to find wider application in battery science and engineering to study diverse effects e.g. electrode degradation or lithium diffusion blocking during battery cyclin

    Virtual unrolling and deciphering of Herculaneum papyri by X-ray phase-contrast tomography

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    A collection of more than 1800 carbonized papyri, discovered in the Roman 'Villa dei Papiri' at Herculaneum is the unique classical library survived from antiquity. These papyri were charred during 79 A.D. Vesuvius eruption, a circumstance which providentially preserved them until now. This magnificent collection contains an impressive amount of treatises by Greek philosophers and, especially, Philodemus of Gadara, an Epicurean thinker of 1st century BC. We read many portions of text hidden inside carbonized Herculaneum papyri using enhanced X-ray phase-contrast tomography non-destructive technique and a new set of numerical algorithms for 'virtual-unrolling'. Our success lies in revealing the largest portion of Greek text ever detected so far inside unopened scrolls, with unprecedented spatial resolution and contrast, all without damaging these precious historical manuscripts. Parts of text have been decoded and the 'voice' of the Epicurean philosopher Philodemus is brought back again after 2000 years from Herculaneum papyri

    A 3D Framework for Characterizing Microstructure Evolution of Li-Ion Batteries

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    Lithium-ion batteries are commonly found in many modern consumer devices, ranging from portable computers and mobile phones to hybrid- and fully-electric vehicles. While improving efficiencies and increasing reliabilities are of critical importance for increasing market adoption of the technology, research on these topics is, to date, largely restricted to empirical observations and computational simulations. In the present study, it is proposed to use the modern technique of X-ray microscopy to characterize a sample of commercial 18650 cylindrical Li-ion batteries in both their pristine and aged states. By coupling this approach with 3D and 4D data analysis techniques, the present study aimed to create a research framework for characterizing the microstructure evolution leading to capacity fade in a commercial battery. The results indicated the unique capabilities of the microscopy technique to observe the evolution of these batteries under aging conditions, successfully developing a workflow for future research studies

    EduceLab-Scrolls: Verifiable Recovery of Text from Herculaneum Papyri using X-ray CT

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    We present a complete software pipeline for revealing the hidden texts of the Herculaneum papyri using X-ray CT images. This enhanced virtual unwrapping pipeline combines machine learning with a novel geometric framework linking 3D and 2D images. We also present EduceLab-Scrolls, a comprehensive open dataset representing two decades of research effort on this problem. EduceLab-Scrolls contains a set of volumetric X-ray CT images of both small fragments and intact, rolled scrolls. The dataset also contains 2D image labels that are used in the supervised training of an ink detection model. Labeling is enabled by aligning spectral photography of scroll fragments with X-ray CT images of the same fragments, thus creating a machine-learnable mapping between image spaces and modalities. This alignment permits supervised learning for the detection of "invisible" carbon ink in X-ray CT, a task that is "impossible" even for human expert labelers. To our knowledge, this is the first aligned dataset of its kind and is the largest dataset ever released in the heritage domain. Our method is capable of revealing accurate lines of text on scroll fragments with known ground truth. Revealed text is verified using visual confirmation, quantitative image metrics, and scholarly review. EduceLab-Scrolls has also enabled the discovery, for the first time, of hidden texts from the Herculaneum papyri, which we present here. We anticipate that the EduceLab-Scrolls dataset will generate more textual discovery as research continues

    A computational platform for the virtual unfolding of Herculaneum Papyri

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    Ancient Herculaneum papyrus scrolls, hopelessly charred in the 79 A.D. Vesuvius eruption, contain valuable writings of the Greek philosophers of the day, including works of the Epicurean Philodemus. X-ray phase contrast tomography has recently begun unlocking their secrets. However, only small portions of the text hidden inside the scroll have been recover. One of the challenging tasks in Herculaneum papyri investigation is their virtual unfolding because of their highly complicated structure and three-dimensional arrangement. Although this procedure is feasible, problems in segmentation and flattening hinder the unrolling of a large portion of papyrus. We propose a computational platform for the virtual unfolding procedure, and we show the results of its application on two Herculaneum papyrus fragments. This work paves the way to a comprehensive survey and to further interpretation of larger portions of text hidden inside the carbonized Herculaneum papyri

    XRF Ink Analysis of Selected Fragments from the Herculaneum Collection of the Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli

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    The most commonly used ink in antiquity was carbon-based, and the main element of carbonized papyrus is carbon, making conventional computed tomography (CT-scanning) of Herculaneum scrolls difficult. However, Roman and Greek inks containing metals have recently been identified in some papyri from Egypt, changing our understanding of ink technology in antiquity. This raises hope that some rolls can be virtually unrolled by CT-scanning. Here we present the results of a preliminary analysis, aimed at identifying scrolls whose ink contains metals

    A Geometric Feature-Based Algorithm for the Virtual Reading of Closed Historical Manuscripts

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    X-ray Computed Tomography (CT), a commonly used technique in a wide variety of research fields, nowadays represents a unique and powerful procedure to discover, reveal and preserve a fundamental part of our patrimony: ancient handwritten documents. For modern and well-preserved ones, traditional document scanning systems are suitable for their correct digitization, and, consequently, for their preservation; however, the digitization of ancient, fragile and damaged manuscripts is still a formidable challenge for conservators. The X-ray tomographic approach has already proven its effectiveness in data acquisition, but the algorithmic steps from tomographic images to real page-by-page extraction and reading are still a difficult undertaking. In this work, we propose a new procedure for the segmentation of single pages from the 3D tomographic data of closed historical manuscripts, based on geometric features and flood fill methods. The achieved results prove the capability of the methodology in segmenting the different pages recorded starting from the whole CT acquired volume