2,443 research outputs found


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    The main worship activities of Muslims are praying and reading the Qur'an. Activities are carried out in Arabic which are presented in Hijaiyah letters. The ability to read Hijaiyah letters is very mandatory for Muslims, so this activity needs to be taught to children from an early age. Through learning and playing activities, TK Salman al Farisi I Yogyakarta has taught its students to learn to read Hijaiyah letters. One of the learning activities to recognize hijaiyah letters is a puzzle game. This study aims to develop a multimedia application for learning Hijaiyah letters. How applications are developed according to the needs of early childhood with the concept of a learning and playing environment through smartphone devices The method used in this study is the User-Centered Design (UCD) method, which consists of six steps: Identify Needs, Determine Context of Use, Determine Needs, Generate Solution Design, Design Evaluation, and Implementation. This research produces applications that suit the system needs and user needs with good multimedia quality. The results of the multimedia quality test show that the application gets a score of 4.53 out of a scale of 5. This score indicates that the application has a very good predicate

    SIGANA Banjir: Game Edukasi Kesiapsiagaan Bencana Banjir Untuk Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pemahaman kesiapsiagaan menghadapi bencana banjir pada anak usia dini, karena pemahaman kesiapsiagaan bencana bagi anak usia dini di Indonesia masih sangat rendah. Kurangnya pemberian pengetahuan kesiapsiagaan bencana khususnya bencana banjir pada anak disebabkan oleh praktik pembelajaran yang kurang efektif, karena guru belum menggunakan media pembelajaran yang beragam. Maka penelitian ini merancang produk aplikasi game edukasi berbasis komputer yaitu media pembelajaran yang menampilkan simulasi kesiapsiagaan bencana banjir. Penelitian dilakukan untuk mendesain media pembelajaran untuk pemahaman kesiapsiagaan bencana banjir pada anak usia 5-6 tahun. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian dan pengembangan dengan desain model ADDIE (Analize, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluate). Teknik pengumpulan data berupa validasi ahli (Ahli PAUD, Media, Bahasa, dan Kesiapsiagaan Bencana) data uji coba lapangan. Penelitian dilakukan di TK Kelompok B wilayah Kabupaten Lebak. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa permainan edukasi SIGANA Banjir layak digunakan untuk memberikan pemahaman kesiapsiagaan bencana banjir pada anak. Materi pemahaman kesiapsiagaan bencana banjir pada game ini mencakup : pemahaman bahaya dan sistem peringatan dini; pemahaman mengambil tindakan untuk melindungi diri; pemahaman mengurangi dampak bencana

    Pemanfaatan Game Edukatif dalam Pembelajaran Matematika : Bagaimana Persepsi Siswa?

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat persepsi siswa terhadap penggunaan game edukasi dalam pembelajaran matematika. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif deskriptif dengan melibatkan 150 siswa sebagai responden. Kuisioner persepsi digunakan dengan indikator Kepuasan, Keyakinan, Harapan, Preferensi, Penilaian, dan Pengalaman yang telah memenuhi validitas dan reabilitas instrumen. Analisis deskriptif digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi pola dan karakteristik dari data yang dikumpulkan dengan tujuannya adalah untuk menjelaskan fenomena yang diteliti dari segi statistik, dan bukan untuk menguji hipotesis. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa siswa merasa puas dan yakin bahwa penggunaan game edukasi dapat membantu meningkatkan pemahaman konsep matematika dan memotivasi mereka untuk belajar dengan harapan yang tinggi terhadap penggunaan game edukasi dalam pembelajaran matematika di masa depan. Sementara itu, preferensi siswa juga cukup tinggi dengan penilaian positif terhadap manfaat penggunaan game edukasi dalam meningkatkan pemecahan masalah matematika dan keterlibatan aktif dalam proses pembelajaran. Namun, beberapa siswa juga mengungkapkan kebutuhan akan panduan yang lebih jelas dalam menggunakan game edukasi serta penyesuaian konten game dengan kurikulum dan tingkat kesulitan yang sesuai. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini merekomendasikan perlunya upaya dalam meningkatkan ketersediaan game edukasi yang sesuai agar manfaat penggunaan game edukasi dapat lebih optimal dalam pembelajaran matematika

    Building resilience beyond the COVID-19 pandemic: can it work through creative play with digital puzzles?

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    The COVID-19 pandemic worldwide has had significant repercussions for early childhood education. In this article, we begin by discussing the impact of a world health pandemic on education and the challenges of conducting a literature review following the COVID-19 pandemic. Specifically, we examine the challenges of conducting a literature review on building resilience in young children in the digital era. The four sections categorize the resilience literature into the following themes: (1) defining resilience in young children, (2) powerful play for resilience in young children beyond the COVID-19 pandemic, (3) creative play building resilience in young children, and (4) digital puzzles for resilience: the case of early childhood classrooms in Indonesia. Each of the four themes is presented with a narrative whose content is current, followed by a literary consensus. The article ends with changes to build resilience in young children using creative play through digital puzzles. Digital puzzles as media for creative play support young children in developing skills that will make them happier and more resilient in overcoming daily hardships. Young children can become individuals who successfully face daily hardships creatively to reconstruct themselves after experiencing bad conditions due to the COVID-19 pandemic

    Using Communicative Approach in Teaching Speaking Competence of Young Learners through Home-based Learning

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    This study aims to probe into the use of communicative approach in teaching speaking competence of young learners through a Home-based Learning approach. To master a language, the learner should sharpen their speaking skills/competences. In Indonesia, English is taught as a foreign/second language to young learners. Developing speaking competence will teach young learners English beyond grammar and word function, so that they could freely express their opinions. Being able to express themselves, young learners will have good self-esteem which would, in turn, help them in learning new things and other languages. However, the COVID-19 pandemic urged teachers to alter their method of teaching speaking to young learners as they learn from home and meet their teachers online through a virtual meeting platform. This study found that the materials designed by the teacher do impact in stimulating young language learners to improve their communication skills in English. Keywords: communicative approach, speaking skill, teaching young learner

    Pengaruh Puzzle Terhadap Kapasitas Working Memory yang Diukur Menggunakan Digit Span

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    Eksperimen ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh terhadap pemberian permainann edukatif puzzle dengan peningkatan kapasitas working memory pada anak. Penulisian ini akan menggunakan desain pretest-posttest control group design, dengan menggunakan anak-anak dengan rentang usia 11 hingga 12 tahun, atau yang duduk di bangku SD sebagai partisipan. Bentuk intervensi yang diberikan adalah permainann edukatif puzzle, sedangkan untuk melihat ada atau tidaknya peningkatan kapasitas working memory, penulisian ini akan menggunakan digit span forward dan digit span backward. Hasil menunjukkan bahwaa tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara nilai post-test kelompok eksperimen dan kelompok kontrol (t > 0.05, Asymp. Sig. = 0.41). Sehingga diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara pemberian permainann edukatif puzzle dengan berbagai tingkatan dan lebih menantang yang disesuaikan dengan usia. Implikasi dari penulisian ini adalah permainann edukatif puzzle tidak memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kapasitas working memory anak

    Developing Children's Creativity Through the TikTok Social Media Platform

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    Stimulating children's creativity through social media is important by utilizing platforms that are relevant to their interests and daily interactions. This research aims to determine the benefits of using smartphone technology in stimulating creativity in early childhood through exploratory whipping activities. With the increasing adoption of technology into various aspects of life, including early childhood education, it is important to understand its positive and negative impacts. This research method uses a qualitative approach with a case study approach and focused observation on group B children at RA Al-Islam Petabumi, Seberida District, Indragiri Hulu Regency, Riau Province who are involved in TikTok exploration activities using smartphones. Data collection was carried out through direct observation, interviews, and field notes. This research shows that the use of smartphone technology, especially through applications such as TikTok, can trigger creativity in young children. By taking part in various creative content and challenges on TikTok, children can engage in a process of self-exploration that allows them to develop their creative skills. This shows that social media can be an effective tool for stimulating imagination and innovation in young children. Keywords: early childhood education, creativity, social media TikTok References: Adawiyah, D. P. R. (2020). Pengaruh Penggunaan Aplikasi TikTok Terhadap Kepercayaan Diri Remaja Di Kabupaten Sampang. In Jurnal Komunikasi. https://doi.org/10.21107/ilkom.v14i2.7504 Aditya, B. R., Andrisyah, Ismiatun, A. N., Atika, A. R., & Permadi, A. (2021). Digital disruption in early childhood education: A qualitative research from teachers’ perspective. 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    With three years to the implementation of ASEAN Community in 2015, knowledge about ASEAN is the basic fundamental building block to the success of the ASEAN Community. A research has revealed that currently there is still a significant knowledge gap about ASEAN among young generation. Therefore, this project aims to fulfill this gap by designing and developing an interactive application for learning ASEAN culture named “ASEAN 4 KIDS”. Objective of this project are to develop an interactive application that encourages young children especially primary school students to learn some basic knowledge about ASEAN and culture of each member countries. The project also aims to raise awareness and understanding of ASEAN, its people and cultures to the target users through ICT. Additionally, the objectives are to explore the use of game-based approach in promoting culture learning as well as to evaluate the effectiveness of the application in learning ASEAN culture. Currently in the market, there are limited numbers of culture teaching applications that integrate various aspects of culture. Furthermore, the products that actually focus on teaching ASEAN Culture are very scarce. Using Flash and Augmented Reality, the system exposes the young children to the technology while they learn from the animation lessons and play the interactive games which are the mechanism to teach about ASEAN and deliver the educational content. Besides, the proposed system, this project also involves the study of how culture is being taught in school and the study of young children nature. As a result, the lessons and games are age-appropriate and match the abilities of the children. As a consequence the system is not only creating a joyful learning for the children but also help create awareness and understanding about ASEAN among them. The prototype system was tested with 5 primary school children aged between nine to twelve years old under the instruction of the developer and parents. The result of the testing showed the excitement of the children towards the system which is a good sign for the implementation in the real learning environment later on

    Socialization Skills and Cooperative Games During The Pandemic: An Experimental Study on Students Having Slow Development of Communication

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    Children are affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, which has lasted nearly three years. The pandemic condition, which requires everyone to stay at home and interact at home, has a negative impact on the development of children's social interactions, particularly their socialization skills. It was discovered that there was a delay in the development of children's socialization due to hampered social learning processes, lack of direct social interaction, lack of social stimulation, and so on, causing children to grow up as individuals who were shy, inferior, and lacked social confidence, necessitating an intensive effort to accelerate their socialization skills so that children's mental development is not hampered, and they can re-adapt to their peers. The experimental design used was a two-sample pre-test-post-test design, with all respondents divided into experimental and control groups. Purposive sampling was used in this study. A socialization skills questionnaire was used as the research instrument. Pearson's alpha was used for validity tests, and Cronbach's alpha was used for reliability tests. Multiple regression was used in hypothesis testing. The data analysis revealed that the difference between pre-test and post-test scores had a t-value of 5.079 and a probability value (sig. 2-tailed) of 0.000 (P0.01) . This finding indicates a difference in socialization skills between KE and KK
