12 research outputs found

    4kUHD H264 Wireless Live Video Streaming Using CUDA

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    Ultrahigh definition video streaming has been explored in recent years. Most recently the possibility of 4kUHD video streaming over wireless 802.11n was presented, using preencoded video. Live encoding for streaming using x264 has proven to be very slow. The use of parallel encoding has been explored to speed up the process using CUDA. However there hasnot been a parallel implementation for video streaming. We therefore present for the first time a novel implementation of 4kUHD live encoding for streaming over a wireless network at low bitrate indoors, using CUDA for parallel H264 encoding. Our experimental results are used to verify our claim.</jats:p

    Real-time Video Quality Assessment for Analog Television Based on Adaptive Fuzzy Membership Function Tuning

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    Real-time VQA (Video Quality Assessment) is an important part in the effort to build tracking antenna system especially for analog TV. In this case, VQA must work in real-time to assess the video clarity level. VQA assessment results are valuable information for the decision-making process. Thus, the antenna can rotate automatically looking for the ideal direction without user’s control. In addition, the video clarity level on the TV screen can reach optimum according to the user's wishes. The biggest challenge to VQA is, VQA must be able to assess the video clarity level according to the user’s visual perception. Therefore, in this study, the MOS-VQS (Mean Opinion Score-Video Quality Subjective) was used as a visual perception approach. In addition, Adaptive FIS (Fuzzy Inference System) with membership function tuning was implemented for decision making. This was conducted as an effort to build a reliable real-time VQA. The test results show that real-time VQA that has been built has a good performance. This is shown from the average accuracy percentage of the lowest assessment reached 77.2% and the highest reached 88.2%

    Video Quality Assessment

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    Estimation of signal distortion using effective sampling density for light field-based free viewpoint video

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    In a light field-based free viewpoint video (LF-based FVV) system, effective sampling density (ESD) is defined as the number of rays per unit area of the scene that has been acquired and is selected in the rendering process for reconstructing an unknown ray. This paper extends the concept of ESD and shows that ESD is a tractable metric that quantifies the joint impact of the imperfections of LF acquisition and rendering. By deriving and analyzing ESD for the commonly used LF acquisition and rendering methods, it is shown that ESD is an effective indicator determined by system parameters and can be used to directly estimate output video distortion without access to the ground truth. This claim is verified by extensive numerical simulations and comparison to PSNR. Furthermore, an empirical relationship between the output distortion (in PSNR) and the calculated ESD is established to allow direct assessment of the overall video distortion without an actual implementation of the system. A small scale subjective user study is also conducted which indicates a correlation of 0.91 between ESD and perceived quality


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    AbstrakTracking antena otomatis untuk televisi analog membutuhkan parameter acuan yang dapat digunakan sebagai referensi. Salah satu parameter yang berpotensi untuk dapat digunakan adalah sinyal keluaran AV-Out pada perangkat televisi. Sinyal video analog CVBS pada AV-Out diubah menjadi deret pulsa agar dapat diolah oleh prosessor. Hasil pengolahan akan menghasilkan data yang dapat mendeskripsikan tingkat kejernihan video pada layar televisi. Selanjutnya, data tersebut akan digunakan oleh antena dalam menentukan arah terbaik guna mendapatkan kejernihan video maksimum. Sebagai upaya realisasi, maka dibangun sistem deteksi kejernihan video pada televisi berbasis pengolahan sinyal analog CVBS (Composite Video Baseband Signal) dan menggunakan pendekatan subyektif MOS-VQS (Mean Opinion Score - Video Quality Subjective). Beberapa hasil uji coba menunjukan bahwa, rangkaian CVBS to Pulse Converter yang telah didesain mampu mengkonversikan sinyal analog CVBS menjadi deret pulsa berlevel tegangan TTL (Transistor Transistor Logic). Secara keseluruhan, sistem dapat bekerja dengan baik saat tingkat kejernihan video pada kondisi jernih, kabur dan noisy. Akurasi dapat dicapai 100% saat kondisi jernih dan noisy, sementara akurasi mencapai 75% saat kondisi kabur. Kata kunci: Televisi  Analog, Tracking Antena , AV-Out, CVBS, MOS-VQ

    Objective Quality Assessment in Free-Viewpoint Video Production

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