13 research outputs found

    Compensation-aware runtime monitoring

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    To avoid large overheads induced by runtime monitoring, the use of asynchronous log-based monitoring is sometimes adopted — even though this implies that the system may proceed further despite having reached an anomalous state. Any actions performed by the system after the error occurring are undesirable, since for instance, an unchecked malicious user may perform unauthorized actions. Since stopping such actions is not feasible, in this paper we investigate the use of compensations to enable the undoing of actions, thus enriching asynchronous monitoring with the ability to restore the system to the original state in which the anomaly occurred. Furthermore, we show how allowing the monitor to adaptively synchronise and desynchronise with the system is also possible and report on the use of the approach on an industrial case study of a financial transaction system.peer-reviewe

    Scalable Uncertainty-tolerant Business Rules

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-07617-1_16Business rules are of key importance for maintaining the correctness of business processes and the reliability of business data. When they take the form of integrity constraints, business rules also can help to contain the amount of uncertainty associated to business data and decisions based on those data. However, business rule enforcement may not scale up easily to systems with concurrent transactions. To a large extent, the problem is due to two common exigencies: the postulates of total and of isolated business rule satisfaction. In order to limit the accumulation of business rule violations, and thus of uncertainty, we are going to outline how a measure-based uncertainty-tolerant approach to business rules maintenance scales up to concurrent transactions. The scale-up is achieved by refraining from the postulates of total and isolated business rule satisfaction.Supported by ERDF/FEDER and the MEC grant TIN2012-37719-C03-01.Cuzzocrea, A.; Decker, H.; Muñoz-Escoí, FD. (2014). Scalable Uncertainty-tolerant Business Rules. En Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems: 9th International Conference, HAIS 2014, Salamanca, Spain, June 11-13, 2014. Proceedings. Springer Verlag (Germany). 179-190. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-07617-1_16S179190Abiteboul, S., Hull, R., Vianu, V.: Foundations of Databases. Addison-Wesley (1995)Abraham, A.: Hybrid approaches for approximate reasoning. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 23(2-3), 41–42 (2012)Bayer, R.: Integrity, concurrency, and recovery in databases. In: Samelson, K. (ed.) ECI 1976. LNCS, vol. 44, pp. 79–106. Springer, Heidelberg (1976)Berenson, H., Bernstein, P.A., Gray, J., Melton, J., O’Neil, E.J., O’Neil, P.E.: A critique of ansi sql isolation levels. 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Morgan Kaufmann (2002)Ziwich, R.P., Duarte Jr., E.P., Albini, L.C.P.: Distributed integrity checking for systems with replicated data. In: ICPADS (1), pp. 363–369 (2005

    Structure and Complexity of Bag Consistency

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    Since the early days of relational databases, it was realized that acyclic hypergraphs give rise to database schemas with desirable structural and algorithmic properties. In a by-now classical paper, Beeri, Fagin, Maier, and Yannakakis established several different equivalent characterizations of acyclicity; in particular, they showed that the sets of attributes of a schema form an acyclic hypergraph if and only if the local-to-global consistency property for relations over that schema holds, which means that every collection of pairwise consistent relations over the schema is globally consistent. Even though real-life databases consist of bags (multisets), there has not been a study of the interplay between local consistency and global consistency for bags. We embark on such a study here and we first show that the sets of attributes of a schema form an acyclic hypergraph if and only if the local-to global consistency property for bags over that schema holds. After this, we explore algorithmic aspects of global consistency for bags by analyzing the computational complexity of the global consistency problem for bags: given a collection of bags, are these bags globally consistent? We show that this problem is in NP, even when the schema is part of the input. We then establish the following dichotomy theorem for fixed schemas: if the schema is acyclic, then the global consistency problem for bags is solvable in polynomial time, while if the schema is cyclic, then the global consistency problem for bags is NP-complete. The latter result contrasts sharply with the state of affairs for relations, where, for each fixed schema, the global consistency problem for relations is solvable in polynomial time

    Recovery within long running transactions

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    As computer systems continue to grow in complexity, the possibilities of failure increase. At the same time, the increase in computer system pervasiveness in day-to-day activities brought along increased expectations on their reliability. This has led to the need for effective and automatic error recovery techniques to resolve failures. Transactions enable the handling of failure propagation over concurrent systems due to dependencies, restoring the system to the point before the failure occurred. However, in various settings, especially when interacting with the real world, reversal is not possible. The notion of compensations has been long advocated as a way of addressing this issue, through the specification of activities which can be executed to undo partial transactions. Still, there is no accepted standard theory; the literature offers a plethora of distinct formalisms and approaches. In this survey, we review the compensations from a theoretical point of view by: (i) giving a historic account of the evolution of compensating transactions; (ii) delineating and describing a number of design options involved; (iii) presenting a number of formalisms found in the literature, exposing similarities and differences; (iv) comparing formal notions of compensation correctness; (v) giving insights regarding the application of compensations in practice; and (vi) discussing current and future research trends in the area.peer-reviewe

    Compression and query execution within column oriented databases

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    Thesis (M. Eng.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2005.Includes bibliographical references (p. 65-66).Compression is a known technique used by many database management systems ("DBMS") to increase performance[4, 5, 14]. However, not much research has been done in how compression can be used within column oriented architectures. Storing data in column increases the similarity between adjacent records, thus increase the compressibility of the data. In addition, compression schemes not traditionally used in row-oriented DBMSs can be applied to column-oriented systems. This thesis presents a column-oriented query executor designed to operate directly on compressed data. 'We show that operating directly on compressed data can improve query performance. Additionally, the choice of compression scheme depends on the expected query workload, suggesting that for ad-hoc queries we may wish to store a column redundantly under different coding schemes. Furthermore, the executor is designed to be extensible so that the addition of new compression schemes does not impact operator implementation. The executor is part of a larger database system, known as CStore [10].by Miguel C. Ferreira.M.Eng

    Techniques for online analysis of large distributed data

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    With the advancement of technology, there has been an exponential growth in the volume of data that is continuously being generated by several applications in domains such as finance, networking, security. Examples of such continuously streaming data include internet traffic data, sensor readings, tweets, stock market data, telecommunication records. As a result, processing and analyzing data to derive useful insights from them in real time is becoming increasingly important. The goal of my research is to propose techniques to effectively find aggregates and patterns from massive distributed data stream in real time. In many real world applications, there may be specific user requirements for analyzing data. We consider three different user requirements for our work - Sliding window, Distributed data stream, and a Union of historical and streaming data. We aim to address the following problems in our research : First, we present a detailed experimental evaluation of streaming algorithms over sliding window for distinct counting, which is a fundamental aggregation problem widely applied in database query optimization and network monitoring. Next, we present the first communication-efficient distributed algorithm for tracking persistent items in a distributed data stream over both infinite and sliding window. We present theoretical analysis on communication cost and accuracy, and provide experimental results to validate the guarantees. Finally, we present the design and evaluation of a low cost algorithm that identifies quantiles from a union of historical and streaming data with improved accuracy

    Spray: programming with a persistent distributed heap

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    We introduce a programming paradigm for distributed applications based on a persistent distributed heap. A proof-of-concept implementation is provided as a Javascript library, together with several examples that embody popular patterns for web applications

    Quality of (Digital) Services in e-Government

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    Internet growth in the nineties supported government ambition to provide better services to citizens through the development of Information and Communication Technologies based solutions. Thanks to the Lisbon conference, which in 2000 covered and investigated this topic, e-government has been recognized as one of the major priorities in Public Administration innovation process. As a matter of\ud fact in the last 10 years the number of services provided to citizens through Information and Communication Technologies has increased rapidly. Nevertheless the increasing rate, the access and usage of digital services do not follow the same trend. Nowadays Public Administrations deliver many electronic services which\ud are seldom used by citizens. Different reasons contribute to the highlighted situation.\ud The main assumption of the thesis is that quality of e-government digital services strongly affects real access to services by citizens. According to the complexity of quality in e-government, one of the main challenges was to define a suitable quality model. To reach such aim, domain-dependent characteristics on the services delivery have been investigated. The defined model refers to citizen,\ud technology and service related quality characteristics. Correspondingly a suitable way to represent, assess, and continuously improve services quality according to\ud such domain requirements has been introduced.\ud Concerning the service related quality aspects a methodology and a tool permitting to formally and automatically assess the quality of a designed service with\ud respect to the quality model has been defined. Starting from an user friendly notation, both for service and quality requirements, the proposed methodology has\ud been implemented as an user friendly tool supported by a mapping from user friendly notations to formal language. The tool allows to verify formally via model checking, if the given service satisfies one by one the quality requirements addressed by the quality model.\ud Additionally in some case an unique view on e-government service quality is quite useful. A mathematical model provides a single value for quality starting from the assessment of all the requirements defined in the quality model. It relies on the following activities: homogeneity, interaction and grouping.\ud A set of experiments has been performed in order to validate the goodness of the work. Services already implemented in a local Public Administration has\ud been considered. Literature review and domain experts knowledge were the main drivers of this work. It proofs the goodness of the quality model, the application of formal techniques in the complex field of study such as e-government and the quality aggregation via the mathematical model.\ud This thesis introduces advance research in e-government by providing the contributions that quality oriented service delivery in Public Administration promotes services used by the citizens. Further applications of the proposed approaches could be investigated in the areas of practical benchmarking and Service Level Agreement specification

    Linear Scalability of Distributed Applications

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    The explosion of social applications such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter, of electronic commerce with companies like Amazon.com and Ebay.com, and of Internet search has created the need for new technologies and appropriate systems to manage effectively a considerable amount of data and users. These applications must run continuously every day of the year and must be capable of surviving sudden and abrupt load increases as well as all kinds of software, hardware, human and organizational failures. Increasing (or decreasing) the allocated resources of a distributed application in an elastic and scalable manner, while satisfying requirements on availability and performance in a cost-effective way, is essential for the commercial viability but it poses great challenges in today's infrastructures. Indeed, Cloud Computing can provide resources on demand: it now becomes easy to start dozens of servers in parallel (computational resources) or to store a huge amount of data (storage resources), even for a very limited period, paying only for the resources consumed. However, these complex infrastructures consisting of heterogeneous and low-cost resources are failure-prone. Also, although cloud resources are deemed to be virtually unlimited, only adequate resource management and demand multiplexing can meet customer requirements and avoid performance deteriorations. In this thesis, we deal with adaptive management of cloud resources under specific application requirements. First, in the intra-cloud environment, we address the problem of cloud storage resource management with availability guarantees and find the optimal resource allocation in a decentralized way by means of a virtual economy. Data replicas migrate, replicate or delete themselves according to their economic fitness. Our approach responds effectively to sudden load increases or failures and makes best use of the geographical distance between nodes to improve application-specific data availability. We then propose a decentralized approach for adaptive management of computational resources for applications requiring high availability and performance guarantees under load spikes, sudden failures or cloud resource updates. Our approach involves a virtual economy among service components (similar to the one among data replicas) and an innovative cascading scheme for setting up the performance goals of individual components so as to meet the overall application requirements. Our approach manages to meet application requirements with the minimum resources, by allocating new ones or releasing redundant ones. Finally, as cloud storage vendors offer online services at different rates, which can vary widely due to second-degree price discrimination, we present an inter-cloud storage resource allocation method to aggregate resources from different storage vendors and provide to the user a system which guarantees the best rate to host and serve its data, while satisfying the user requirements on availability, durability, latency, etc. Our system continuously optimizes the placement of data according to its type and usage pattern, and minimizes migration costs from one provider to another, thereby avoiding vendor lock-in