15,048 research outputs found

    Editorial : living labs and user innovation (December 2015)

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    Welcome to the January 2016 issue of the Technology Innovation Management Review – the second of two issues on the theme of Living Labs and User Innovation. It is my pleasure welcome back our guest editors for December and January: Seppo Leminen (Laurea University of Applied Sciences and Aalto University, Finland), Dimitri Schuurman (iMinds and Ghent University, Belgium), Mika Westerlund (Carleton University, Canada), and Eelko Huizingh (University of Groningen, Netherlands)

    The nature and implications of the part-time employment of secondary school pupils

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    This paper reports on the results of a review of existing measures of enterprising skills and attitudes. The review was undertaken firstly to identify definitions of enterprising skills and attitudes and secondly to inform the design of the questionnaire of school pupils and of the focused studies. It has been written by Linda Brownlow and Sheila Semple, both members of the research team. This paper is being circulated to advisory group members only at this stage [2004]

    The Critical Incident Technique

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    {Excerpt} Organizations are often challenged to identify and resolve workplace problems. The Critical Incident technique gives them a starting point and a process for advancing organizational development through learning experiences. It helps them study “what people do” in various situations. One might think there are no answers to the following questions: How fast can you think on your feet? How do you react in the face of the unexpected? How can you prepare if you cannot predict? And yet, there are. Evidently, some behaviors contribute to the successor failure of individuals—and organizations—in specific situations. And so, responses to the unforeseen lie in identifying before the fact events or circumstances, or series of them, that are outside the range of ordinary human experiences. The questions posed earlier are as old as mankind; but our ability to address them owes largely to the relatively recent work of John Flanagan. These days critical incidents can be harvested to provide a rich, personal perspective of life that facilitates understanding of the issues and obstacles people face every now and then and illuminates avenues for improvement (or replication if outcomes are effective)—avenues that may not be apparent through purely quantitative methods of data collection. This should matter to high-performance organizations

    Spot Your Leadership Style – Build Your Leadership Brand

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    The purpose of the research paper is to present various leadership styles with illustrations of international leader types. It helps the reader spot a particular leadership style for building a leadership brand. It attempts to motivate senior level leaders to appreciate what style of leadership is essential in the current scenario

    volume 25, no. 1 (Spring 2018)

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    Clean Power Players: Landing a Job in Clean Energy

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    A new, first-of-its-kind guidebook by Environmental Entrepreneurs (E2) and the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) offers practical, how-to advice for young people seeking careers in clean energy

    Advancing Climate Change Research and Hydrocarbon Leak Detection : by Combining Dissolved Carbon Dioxide and Methane Measurements with ADCP Data

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    With the emergence of largescale, comprehensive environmental monitoring projects, there is an increased need to combine state-of-the art technologies to address complicated problems such as ocean acidifi cation and hydrocarbon leak detection


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    The purpose of this thesis was to study the development of tourism in Vuokatti. The aim was to find out how tourism has developed in the Vuokatti area in years 2000 – 2008 and make a power point presentation of the findings for Pohjolan Mylly. The theoretical part of the thesis consists of some of the main tourism development and marketing theories, but the main focus is on Thomas Gad’s 4D brand model. Pohjolan Mylly is the only advertising agency in Finland which uses Thomas Gad’s 4D brand model as a basis for its marketing. The results have been positive and therefore prove the model’s usefulness. We used secondary data to carry out our research. The numbers were put into diagrams and graphs which are easy to interpret. There is no earlier research made on this subject during this time period and Pohjolan Mylly really needs this kind of data to show their current and potential customers. Vuokatti is the most popular and fastest growing tourism destination in Finland at the moment. One reason for this is that Vuokatti is so versatile both in winter and also in summertime. Vuokatti is a very strong brand and functional marketing and networking with the municipality of Sotkamo, sport clubs, and local tourism companies have had a big influence on the development of Vuokatti’s image. Positive images about Vuokatti have attracted tourists from Finland, Russia and Europe.TĂ€mĂ€n lopputyön aiheena oli tutkia Vuokatin matkailun kehitystĂ€. Tarkoituksena oli selvittÀÀ kuinka matkailu on kehittynyt Vuokatin alueella vuosina 2000–2008 ja tehdĂ€ lopputuotteena power point -esitys saaduista tuloksista Pohjolan Myllylle. OpinnĂ€ytetyön teoreettinen osuus koostuu muutamasta keskeisimmĂ€stĂ€ matkailun kehitys- ja markkinointiteoriasta mutta pÀÀpaino on Thomas Gadin 4D-brandimallilla. Pohjolan Mylly on tĂ€llĂ€ hetkellĂ€ Suomessa ainoa markkinointiyritys, joka kĂ€yttÀÀ Thomas Gadin 4D brandimallia pohjana alueen markkinoinnissa. Tulokset ovat positiivisia ja nĂ€in ollen todistavat mallin kĂ€yttökelpoisuuden. KĂ€ytimme toissijaisia lĂ€hteitĂ€ toteuttaessamme tĂ€tĂ€ tutkimusta. Luvuista tehtiin kaavioita ja taulukoita, joita on helppo tulkita. TĂ€llaista tutkimusta ei ole aikaisemmin tehty Vuokatista tĂ€ltĂ€ aikavĂ€liltĂ€ ja Pohjolan Mylly kaipaa tĂ€llaista tietoa voidakseen esittÀÀ ne nykyisille ja tuleville asiakkailleen. Vuokatti on tĂ€llĂ€ hetkellĂ€ suosituin ja nopeimmin kasvava matkailukeskus Suomessa. Yksi syy tĂ€hĂ€n on Vuokatin monipuolisuus sekĂ€ kesĂ€llĂ€ ettĂ€ talvella. Vuokatti on erittĂ€in vahva brandi. Toiminnallisella markkinoinnilla ja verkostoitumisella Sotkamon kunnan kanssa, urheiluseuroilla ja alueen matkailuyrityksillĂ€ on ollut suuri vaikutus Vuokatin imagon kehittymiseen. Vuokatin positiivinen imago on houkutellut matkailijoita Suomesta, VenĂ€jĂ€ltĂ€ ja Euroopasta
