276 research outputs found

    Using ACL2 to Verify Loop Pipelining in Behavioral Synthesis

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    Behavioral synthesis involves compiling an Electronic System-Level (ESL) design into its Register-Transfer Level (RTL) implementation. Loop pipelining is one of the most critical and complex transformations employed in behavioral synthesis. Certifying the loop pipelining algorithm is challenging because there is a huge semantic gap between the input sequential design and the output pipelined implementation making it infeasible to verify their equivalence with automated sequential equivalence checking techniques. We discuss our ongoing effort using ACL2 to certify loop pipelining transformation. The completion of the proof is work in progress. However, some of the insights developed so far may already be of value to the ACL2 community. In particular, we discuss the key invariant we formalized, which is very different from that used in most pipeline proofs. We discuss the needs for this invariant, its formalization in ACL2, and our envisioned proof using the invariant. We also discuss some trade-offs, challenges, and insights developed in course of the project.Comment: In Proceedings ACL2 2014, arXiv:1406.123

    Full proof cryptography: verifiable compilation of efficient zero-knowledge protocols

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    Developers building cryptography into security-sensitive applications face a daunting task. Not only must they understand the security guarantees delivered by the constructions they choose, they must also implement and combine them correctly and efficiently. Cryptographic compilers free developers from having to implement cryptography on their own by turning high-level specifications of security goals into efficient implementations. Yet, trusting such tools is risky as they rely on complex mathematical machinery and claim security properties that are subtle and difficult to verify. In this paper, we present ZKCrypt, an optimizing cryptographic compiler that achieves an unprecedented level of assurance without sacrificing practicality for a comprehensive class of cryptographic protocols, known as Zero-Knowledge Proofs of Knowledge. The pipeline of ZKCrypt tightly integrates purpose-built verified compilers and verifying compilers producing formal proofs in the CertiCrypt framework. By combining the guarantees delivered by each stage in the pipeline, ZKCrypt provides assurance that the implementation it outputs securely realizes the high-level proof goal given as input. We report on the main characteristics of ZKCrypt, highlight new definitions and concepts at its foundations, and illustrate its applicability through a representative example of an anonymous credential system.(undefined

    Exploring formal verification methodology for FPGA-based digital systems.

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    Formal verification of concurrent programs

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    Interactive theorem proving provides a general approach to modeling and verification of both finite-state and infinite-state systems but requires significant human efforts to deal with many tedious proofs. On the other hand, model-checking is limited to some application domain with small finite-state space. A natural thought for this problem is to integrate these two approaches. To keep the consistency of the integration and ensure the correctness of verification, we suggest to use type theory based theorem provers (e.g. Lego) as the platform for the integration and build a model-checker to do parts of the verification automatically. We formalise a verification system of both CCS and an imperative language in the proof development system Lego which can be used to verify both finite-state and infinite-state problems. Then a model-checker, LegoMC, is implemented to generate Lego proof terras for finite-state problems automatically. Therefore people can use Lego to verify a general problem with some of its finite sub-problems verified by LegoMC. On the other hand, this integration extends the power of model-checking to verify more complicated and infinite-state models as well. The development of automatic techniques and the integration of different reasoning methods would directly benefit the verification community. It is expected that further extension and development of this verification environment would be able to handle real life systems. On the other hand, the research gives us some experiences about how to automate proofs in interactive theorem provers and therefore will improve the usability and applicability of the theorem proving technology

    Formal Computational Unlinkability Proofs of RFID Protocols

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    We set up a framework for the formal proofs of RFID protocols in the computational model. We rely on the so-called computationally complete symbolic attacker model. Our contributions are: i) To design (and prove sound) axioms reflecting the properties of hash functions (Collision-Resistance, PRF); ii) To formalize computational unlinkability in the model; iii) To illustrate the method, providing the first formal proofs of unlinkability of RFID protocols, in the computational model

    A Direct Lazy Sampling Proof Technique in Probabilistic Relational Hoare Logic

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    Programs using random values can either make all choices in advance (eagerly) or sample as needed (lazily). In formal proofs, we focus on indistinguishability between two lazy programs, a common requirement in the random oracle model (ROM). While rearranging sampling instructions often solves this, it gets complex when sampling is spread across procedures. The traditional approach, introduced by Bellare and Rogaway in 2004, converts programs to eager sampling, but requires assuming finite memory, a polynomial bound, and artificial resampling functions. We introduce a novel approach in probabilistic Relational Hoare Logic (pRHL) that directly proves indistinguishability, eliminating the need for conversions and the mentioned assumptions. We also implement this approach in the EasyCrypt theorem prover, showing that it can be a convenient alternative to the traditional method.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figures, 1 tabl

    Emerging trends proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics: TPHOLs 2004

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    technical reportThis volume constitutes the proceedings of the Emerging Trends track of the 17th International Conference on Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics (TPHOLs 2004) held September 14-17, 2004 in Park City, Utah, USA. The TPHOLs conference covers all aspects of theorem proving in higher order logics as well as related topics in theorem proving and verification. There were 42 papers submitted to TPHOLs 2004 in the full research cate- gory, each of which was refereed by at least 3 reviewers selected by the program committee. Of these submissions, 21 were accepted for presentation at the con- ference and publication in volume 3223 of Springer?s Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. In keeping with longstanding tradition, TPHOLs 2004 also offered a venue for the presentation of work in progress, where researchers invite discussion by means of a brief introductory talk and then discuss their work at a poster session. The work-in-progress papers are held in this volume, which is published as a 2004 technical report of the School of Computing at the University of Utah

    Cyber-security for embedded systems: methodologies, techniques and tools

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