2,862 research outputs found

    A formally verified compiler back-end

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    This article describes the development and formal verification (proof of semantic preservation) of a compiler back-end from Cminor (a simple imperative intermediate language) to PowerPC assembly code, using the Coq proof assistant both for programming the compiler and for proving its correctness. Such a verified compiler is useful in the context of formal methods applied to the certification of critical software: the verification of the compiler guarantees that the safety properties proved on the source code hold for the executable compiled code as well

    Get rid of inline assembly through verification-oriented lifting

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    Formal methods for software development have made great strides in the last two decades, to the point that their application in safety-critical embedded software is an undeniable success. Their extension to non-critical software is one of the notable forthcoming challenges. For example, C programmers regularly use inline assembly for low-level optimizations and system primitives. This usually results in driving state-of-the-art formal analyzers developed for C ineffective. We thus propose TInA, an automated, generic, trustable and verification-oriented lifting technique turning inline assembly into semantically equivalent C code, in order to take advantage of existing C analyzers. Extensive experiments on real-world C code with inline assembly (including GMP and ffmpeg) show the feasibility and benefits of TInA

    First steps towards the certification of an ARM simulator using Compcert

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    The simulation of Systems-on-Chip (SoC) is nowadays a hot topic because, beyond providing many debugging facilities, it allows the development of dedicated software before the hardware is available. Low-consumption CPUs such as ARM play a central role in SoC. However, the effectiveness of simulation depends on the faithfulness of the simulator. To this effect, we propose here to prove significant parts of such a simulator, SimSoC. Basically, on one hand, we develop a Coq formal model of the ARM architecture while on the other hand, we consider a version of the simulator including components written in Compcert-C. Then we prove that the simulation of ARM operations, according to Compcert-C formal semantics, conforms to the expected formal model of ARM. Size issues are partly dealt with using automatic generation of significant parts of the Coq model and of SimSoC from the official textual definition of ARM. However, this is still a long-term project. We report here the current stage of our efforts and discuss in particular the use of Compcert-C in this framework.Comment: First International Conference on Certified Programs and Proofs 7086 (2011

    How bit-vector logic can help improve the verification of LTL specifications over infinite domains

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    Propositional Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) is well-suited for describing properties of timed systems in which data belong to finite domains. However, when one needs to capture infinite domains, as is typically the case in software systems, extensions of LTL are better suited to be used as specification languages. Constraint LTL (CLTL) and its variant CLTL-over-clocks (CLTLoc) are examples of such extensions; both logics are decidable, and so-called bounded decision procedures based on Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) solving techniques have been implemented for them. In this paper we adapt a previously-introduced bounded decision procedure for LTL based on Bit-Vector Logic to deal with the infinite domains that are typical of CLTL and CLTLoc. We report on a thorough experimental comparison, which was carried out between the existing tool and the new, Bit-Vector Logic-based one, and we show how the latter outperforms the former in the vast majority of cases

    APOLLO: Automatic speculative POLyhedral Loop Optimizer

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    International audienceA few weeks ago, we were glad to announce the first release of Apollo, the Automatic speculative POLyhedral Loop Opti-mizer. Apollo applies polyhedral optimizations on-the-fly to loop nests, whose control flow and memory access patterns cannot be determined at compile-time. In contrast to existing tools, Apollo can handle any kind of loop nest, whose memory accesses can be performed through pointers and in-directions. At runtime, Apollo builds a predictive polyhedral model, which is used for speculative optimization including parallelization. Being a dynamic system, Apollo can even apply the polyhedral model to nonlinear loops. This paper describes Apollo from the perspective of a user, as well as some of its main contributions and mechanisms, including the just-in-time polyhedral compilation, that significantly extends the scope of polyhedral techniques

    High-Level Synthesis for Embedded Systems

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    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationCurrent scaling trends in transistor technology, in pursuit of larger component counts and improving power efficiency, are making the hardware increasingly less reliable. Due to extreme transistor miniaturization, it is becoming easier to flip a bit stored in memory elements built using these transistors. Given that soft errors can cause transient bit-flips in memory elements, caused due to alpha particles and cosmic rays striking those elements, soft errors have become one of the major impediments in system resilience as we move towards exascale computing. Soft errors escaping the hardware-layer may silently corrupt the runtime application data of a program, causing silent data corruption in the output. Also, given that soft errors are transient in nature, it is notoriously hard to trace back their origins. Therefore, techniques to enhance system resilience hinge on the availability of efficient error detectors that have high detection rates, low false positive rates, and lower computational overhead. It is equally important to have a flexible infrastructure capable of simulating realistic soft error models to promote an effective evaluation of newly developed error detectors. In this work, we present a set of techniques for efficiently detecting soft errors affecting control-flow, data, and structured address computations in an application. We evaluate the efficacy of the proposed techniques by evaluating them on a collection of benchmarks through fault-injection driven studies. As an important requirement, we also introduce two new LLVM-based fault injectors, KULFI and VULFI, which are geared towards scalar and vector architectures, respectively. Through this work, we aim to make contributions to the system resilience community by making our research tools (in the form of error detectors and fault injectors) publicly available

    Optimisations arithmétiques et synthèse de haut niveau

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    High-level synthesis (HLS) tools offer increased productivity regarding FPGA programming.However, due to their relatively young nature, they still lack many arithmetic optimizations.This thesis proposes safe arithmetic optimizations that should always be applied.These optimizations are simple operator specializations, following the C semantic.Other require to a lift the semantic embedded in high-level input program languages, which are inherited from software programming, for an improved accuracy/cost/performance ratio.To demonstrate this claim, the sum-of-product of floating-point numbers is used as a case study. The sum is performed on a fixed-point format, which is tailored to the application, according to the context in which the operator is instantiated.In some cases, there is not enough information about the input data to tailor the fixed-point accumulator.The fall-back strategy used in this thesis is to generate an accumulator covering the entire floating-point range.This thesis explores different strategies for implementing such a large accumulator, including new ones.The use of a 2's complement representation instead of a sign+magnitude is demonstrated to save resources and to reduce the accumulation loop delay.Based on a tapered precision scheme and an exact accumulator, the posit number systems claims to be a candidate to replace the IEEE floating-point format.A throughout analysis of posit operators is performed, using the same level of hardware optimization as state-of-the-art floating-point operators.Their cost remains much higher that their floating-point counterparts in terms of resource usage and performance. Finally, this thesis presents a compatibility layer for HLS tools that allows one code to be deployed on multiple tools.This library implements a strongly typed custom size integer type along side a set of optimized custom operators.À cause de la nature relativement jeune des outils de synthèse de haut-niveau (HLS), de nombreuses optimisations arithmétiques n'y sont pas encore implémentées. Cette thèse propose des optimisations arithmétiques se servant du contexte spécifique dans lequel les opérateurs sont instanciés.Certaines optimisations sont de simples spécialisations d'opérateurs, respectant la sémantique du C.D'autres nécéssitent de s'éloigner de cette sémantique pour améliorer le compromis précision/coût/performance.Cette proposition est démontré sur des sommes de produits de nombres flottants.La somme est réalisée dans un format en virgule-fixe défini par son contexte.Quand trop peu d’informations sont disponibles pour définir ce format en virgule-fixe, une stratégie est de générer un accumulateur couvrant l'intégralité du format flottant.Cette thèse explore plusieurs implémentations d'un tel accumulateur.L'utilisation d'une représentation en complément à deux permet de réduire le chemin critique de la boucle d'accumulation, ainsi que la quantité de ressources utilisées. Un format alternatif aux nombres flottants, appelé posit, propose d'utiliser un encodage à précision variable.De plus, ce format est augmenté par un accumulateur exact.Pour évaluer précisément le coût matériel de ce format, cette thèse présente des architectures d'opérateurs posits, implémentés avec le même degré d'optimisation que celui de l'état de l'art des opérateurs flottants.Une analyse détaillée montre que le coût des opérateurs posits est malgré tout bien plus élevé que celui de leurs équivalents flottants.Enfin, cette thèse présente une couche de compatibilité entre outils de HLS, permettant de viser plusieurs outils avec un seul code. Cette bibliothèque implémente un type d'entiers de taille variable, avec de plus une sémantique strictement typée, ainsi qu'un ensemble d'opérateurs ad-hoc optimisés
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