APOLLO: Automatic speculative POLyhedral Loop Optimizer


International audienceA few weeks ago, we were glad to announce the first release of Apollo, the Automatic speculative POLyhedral Loop Opti-mizer. Apollo applies polyhedral optimizations on-the-fly to loop nests, whose control flow and memory access patterns cannot be determined at compile-time. In contrast to existing tools, Apollo can handle any kind of loop nest, whose memory accesses can be performed through pointers and in-directions. At runtime, Apollo builds a predictive polyhedral model, which is used for speculative optimization including parallelization. Being a dynamic system, Apollo can even apply the polyhedral model to nonlinear loops. This paper describes Apollo from the perspective of a user, as well as some of its main contributions and mechanisms, including the just-in-time polyhedral compilation, that significantly extends the scope of polyhedral techniques

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