13 research outputs found

    Aplicación y valoración de la verificación y validación de software: una encuesta realizada en Buenos Aires

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    La verificación y validación del software no sólo comprueban que se está construyendo la aplicación informática correctamente, sino también buscan que la aplicación a construir sea la correcta. Es posible identificar un conjunto de actividades, procesos y herramientas donde se concreta su aplicación. Con la finalidad de comprender el grado de aplicación y la valoración de éstas, se define una encuesta realizada a personas involucradas en el proceso de desarrollo de software en la ciudad de Buenos Aires. Los resultados muestran que existe una mayor valoración y aplicación de las actividades de validación con respecto a las de verificación y que existe una oportunidad de mejora en la gestión de la verificación y validación, y consecuentemente su eficiencia.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO

    Aplicación y valoración de la verificación y validación de software: una encuesta realizada en Buenos Aires

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    La verificación y validación del software no sólo comprueban que se está construyendo la aplicación informática correctamente, sino también buscan que la aplicación a construir sea la correcta. Es posible identificar un conjunto de actividades, procesos y herramientas donde se concreta su aplicación. Con la finalidad de comprender el grado de aplicación y la valoración de éstas, se define una encuesta realizada a personas involucradas en el proceso de desarrollo de software en la ciudad de Buenos Aires. Los resultados muestran que existe una mayor valoración y aplicación de las actividades de validación con respecto a las de verificación y que existe una oportunidad de mejora en la gestión de la verificación y validación, y consecuentemente su eficiencia.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO

    A Content Analysis-Based Approach to Explore Simulation Verification and Identify Its Current Challenges

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    Verification is a crucial process to facilitate the identification and removal of errors within simulations. This study explores semantic changes to the concept of simulation verification over the past six decades using a data-supported, automated content analysis approach. We collect and utilize a corpus of 4,047 peer-reviewed Modeling and Simulation (M&S) publications dealing with a wide range of studies of simulation verification from 1963 to 2015. We group the selected papers by decade of publication to provide insights and explore the corpus from four perspectives: (i) the positioning of prominent concepts across the corpus as a whole; (ii) a comparison of the prominence of verification, validation, and Verification and Validation (V&V) as separate concepts; (iii) the positioning of the concepts specifically associated with verification; and (iv) an evaluation of verification\u27s defining characteristics within each decade. Our analysis reveals unique characterizations of verification in each decade. The insights gathered helped to identify and discuss three categories of verification challenges as avenues of future research, awareness, and understanding for researchers, students, and practitioners. These categories include conveying confidence and maintaining ease of use; techniques\u27 coverage abilities for handling increasing simulation complexities; and new ways to provide error feedback to model users

    A Structured Narrative Prompt for Prompting Narratives from Large Language Models: Sentiment Assessment of ChatGPT-Generated Narratives and Real Tweets

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    Large language models (LLMs) excel in providing natural language responses that sound authoritative, reflect knowledge of the context area, and can present from a range of varied perspectives. Agent-based models and simulations consist of simulated agents that interact within a simulated environment to explore societal, social, and ethical, among other, problems. Simulated agents generate large volumes of data and discerning useful and relevant content is an onerous task. LLMs can help in communicating agents\u27 perspectives on key life events by providing natural language narratives. However, these narratives should be factual, transparent, and reproducible. Therefore, we present a structured narrative prompt for sending queries to LLMs, we experiment with the narrative generation process using OpenAI\u27s ChatGPT, and we assess statistically significant differences across 11 Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) sentiment levels between the generated narratives and real tweets using chi-squared tests and Fisher\u27s exact tests. The narrative prompt structure effectively yields narratives with the desired components from ChatGPT. In four out of forty-four categories, ChatGPT generated narratives which have sentiment scores that were not discernibly different, in terms of statistical significance (alpha level α = 0.05), from the sentiment expressed in real tweets. Three outcomes are provided: (1) a list of benefits and challenges for LLMs in narrative generation; (2) a structured prompt for requesting narratives of an LLM chatbot based on simulated agents\u27 information; (3) an assessment of statistical significance in the sentiment prevalence of the generated narratives compared to real tweets. This indicates significant promise in the utilization of LLMs for helping to connect a simulated agent\u27s experiences with real people


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    The research topic focuses on the characterization of software quality considering the main software elements such as people, process and product. Many attributes (size, language, testing techniques etc.) probably could have an effect on the quality of software. In this thesis we aim to understand the impact of attributes of three P’s (people, product, process) on the quality of software by empirical means. Software quality can be interpreted in many ways, such as customer satisfaction, stability and defects etc. In this thesis we adopt ‘defect density’ as a quality measure. Therefore the research focus on the empirical evidences of the impact of attributes of the three P’s on the software defect density. For this reason empirical research methods (systematic literature reviews, case studies, and interviews) are utilized to collect empirical evidence. Each of this research method helps to extract the empirical evidences of the object under study and for data analysis statistical methods are used. Considering the product attributes, we have studied the size, language, development mode, age, complexity, module structure, module dependency, and module quality and their impact on project quality. Considering the process attributes, we have studied the process maturity and structure, and their impact on the project quality. Considering the people attributes, we have studied the experience and capability, and their impact on the project quality. Moreover, in the process category, we have studied the impact of one testing approach called ‘exploratory testing’ and its impact on the quality of software. Exploratory testing is a widely used software-testing practice and means simultaneous learning, test design, and test execution. We have analyzed the exploratory testing weaknesses, and proposed a hybrid testing approach in an attempt to improve the quality. Concerning the product attributes, we found that there exist a significant difference of quality between open and close source projects, java and C projects, and large and small projects. Very small and defect free modules have impact on the software quality. Different complexity metrics have different impact on the software quality considering the size. Product complexity as defined in Table 53 has partial impact on the software quality. However software age and module dependencies are not factor to characterize the software quality. Concerning the people attributes, we found that platform experience, application experience and language and tool experience have significant impact on the software quality. Regarding the capability we found that programmer capability has partial impact on the software quality where as analyst capability has no impact on the software quality. Concerning process attributes we found that there is no difference of quality between the project developed under CMMI and those that are not developed under CMMI. Regarding the CMMI levels there is difference of software quality particularly between CMMI level 1 and CMMI level 3. Comparing different process types we found that hybrid projects are of better quality than waterfall projects. Process maturity defined by (SEI-CMM) has partial impact on the software quality. Concerning exploratory testing, we found that exploratory testing weaknesses induce the testing technical debt therefore a process is defined in conjunction with the scripted testing in an attempt to reduce the associated technical debt of exploratory testing. The findings are useful for both researchers and practitioners to evaluate their project

    Achieving Sustainability Through Geodata: An Empirical Study of Challenges and Barriers

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    Master's thesis in Information systems (IS501)Research within data management is often based on the elements of the data lifecycle. Organizations and businesses are also becoming more interested in data lifecycle management to leverage their data streams, compounded by an interest in geographical attributes within the data –referred to as geodata. Geodata provides a richer basis for analysis and is increasingly important within urban planning. Furthermore, the pressure to achieve sustainability goals calls for improving the data lifecycle. The challenge remainsas to what can be improvedwithin the data lifecycle –with geodata as an important input –to achieve sustainability dimensions. Our main contribution through this study is shedding light on challenges withgeodata from an Information Systems (IS) and sustainability perspective. Additionally, the identified challenges are also feedback to data management research and the data lifecycle

    Methodology for Validating Mechatronic Digital Twin

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    The market place is changing rapidly along with the increasing requirements of the clients. To meet up these challenges, there is need for new and efficient methods for the identification and visualization of the problem. Additionally, these methods should allow users in designing and finding alternative solutions to achieve the desired working. In this thesis, studies related to mechatronic model was performed and an approach was presented for the validation of mechatronic digital twin. The concept of digital twin is one of the core concepts of modern industrial revolution. Digital twin can be defined as the digital representation of a physical system, which behaves exactly as actual hardware. A mechatronic digital twin of Festo MPS 500 system was modeled using Siemens NX Mechatronics Concept Designer. The methodology was implemented which involved storing the process parameters of the operation of actual hardware. The stored information was passed to the mechatronic model for verification and validation purpose. Several engineering tools were used for the implementation of the system. These tools were integrated with each other to provide the proof of concept of the methodology. The developed approach can be used with the mechatronic models of existing systems. This enables the user to test and observe different scenarios and alternative solutions in the mechatronic model before implementing it to actual hardware. The proposed methodology can be used for the troubleshooting purpose by re-playing the stored data of the operation of actual hardware in the mechatronic model. By this way, user can visualize the whole operation and identify the problem easily

    Software testing: A case study of a small Norwegian software team

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    Master's thesis in Information- and communication technology IKT590 - University of Agder 2012(Konfidensiell til/confidential until 01.07.2017

    Tuotannon porauslaitteiden etukehikon konseptikehitys

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    Product development is an important area of operations in today’s business world. Continuous development of technologies and changes in regulations force companies to develop their products and services constantly to achieve and maintain competitiveness. This thesis deals with underground mining products, in more detail with Sandvik’s production drill rigs (long-hole drilling rigs). The goal of the thesis is divided into two parts. The first goal is to investigate whether some characteristics could be added to Sandvik’s frame version of production drill rigs. The characteristics under examination are the possibility to get the drill close to the side wall in a vertical position and the ability to drill inclined fans without that a driller must leave the cabin of canopy. The second goal is to redesign the front frame of the frame model to improve its maintainability and drilling stability. The development process of this thesis bases on Pahl et al.’s and Ulrich’s & Eppinger’s product design methodologies. The design process begins from planning and proceeds via task clarification to concept design. After three iteration rounds in the concept design phase, a new proposal for the front frame is presented. The proposed front frame for the frame model is redesigned from the current horseshoe shape. Maintainability is improved by widening the side beams from 150 mm to 225 mm and by changing their profile so that the hoses can be located outside the closed beams. Drilling stability, instead, is improved by adding jack beams to the front carrier frame in front of the front wheels. The front frame is reshaped to create the space for the jack beams. Getting the drill close to the wall by adding an extra part to the structure makes the front frame approximately 850 mm longer. Allowing inclined fans by adding an extra part under the boom module, for one’s part, makes the rig approximately 100 mm higher. Both features also cause troubles in stability. Because of the increased outer dimensions and stability problems, adding these features to the frame model is discovered to be impossible to realize. As a conclusion, it can be summarized that the first goal of adding new features to the frame model was found impossible but the second goal of improving the current front frame of the frame model was fulfilled. As the changes to the structure are fairly easy to realize, the result can be considered successful.Tuotekehityksellä on tärkeä rooli nykyaikaisessa yritysmaailmassa. Teknologian kehityksen ja määräysten muuttumisen takia tuotteiden ja palveluiden jatkuva kehittäminen on elinarvoisen tärkeää kilpailukyvyn saavuttamisessa ja ylläpitämisessä. Tämän diplomityön aihe käsittelee maanalaisia kaivoslaitteita, tarkemmin sanottuna Sandvikin tuotannon porauslaitteita (pitkäreikäporauslaitteita). Työn tavoite jakautuu kahteen osaa. Ensimmäinen tavoite on tutkia, voidaanko tietyt ominaisuudet lisätä Sandvikin tuotannonporauslaitteiden kehikkoversioon. Tutkittavat ominaisuudet ovat kyky saada porakone pystysuorassa asennossa lähelle tunnelin seinää sekä porata vinoja viuhkoja siten, että porarin ei tarvitse poistua hytistä tai suojakatoksen alta. Työn toinen tavoite on parantaa kehikkomallin etukehikon huollettavuutta ja laitteen porauksen aikaista vakautta. Työn kehitysprosessi pohjautuu Pahl et al.:in ja Ulrichin & Eppingerin tuotekehitysmenetelmiin. Prosessi alkaa suunnitteluvaiheella, josta se etenee tehtävän kehittelyvaiheen kautta konseptisuunnitteluvaiheeseen. Konseptisuunnitteluvaiheessa käydään läpi kolme iteraatiokierrosta, joiden jälkeen esitellään ehdotus uudesta etukehikosta. Ehdotettu uusi etukehikko on suunniteltu nykyisestä hevosenkenkämallista. Huollettavuutta on parannettu leventämällä sivupalkkeja 150 mm:stä 225 mm:iin. Lisäksi palkkien profiilia on muutettu siten, että letkut voidaan sijoittaa umpinaisten palkkien ulkopuolelle. Porauksen aikaista vakautta on puolestaan parannettu lisäämällä maatuet laitteen etualustaan eturenkaiden eteen. Maatukien vaatiman tilan takia etukehikon muotoa jouduttiin hieman muuttamaan. Poran lähelle seinää saavan rakenteen lisääminen laitteeseen pidentää etukehikkoa noin 850 mm. Vinot viuhkat mahdollistava lisäpala puomimoduulin alla puolestaan kasvattaa laitteen korkeutta noin 100 mm:llä. Molemmat lisätyt rakenteet aiheuttavat ongelmia myös laitteen vakaudessa. Kasvaneiden ulkomittojen ja vakausongelmien vuoksi tavoitteena olleita ominaisuuksia ei voida lisätä kehikkomalliin. Johtopäätöksenä voidaan tiivistää, että työn ensimmäinen tavoite lisätä uusia ominaisuuksia kehikkomalliin todettiin mahdottomaksi toteuttaa. Sen sijaan työn toinen tavoite, nykyisen kehikkomallin parantaminen, pystyttiin täyttämään. Koska muutokset rakenteeseen ovat suhteellisen helppoja toteuttaa, tulosta voidaan pitää onnistuneena