32,522 research outputs found

    Hoare-style Specifications as Correctness Conditions for Non-linearizable Concurrent Objects

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    Designing scalable concurrent objects, which can be efficiently used on multicore processors, often requires one to abandon standard specification techniques, such as linearizability, in favor of more relaxed consistency requirements. However, the variety of alternative correctness conditions makes it difficult to choose which one to employ in a particular case, and to compose them when using objects whose behaviors are specified via different criteria. The lack of syntactic verification methods for most of these criteria poses challenges in their systematic adoption and application. In this paper, we argue for using Hoare-style program logics as an alternative and uniform approach for specification and compositional formal verification of safety properties for concurrent objects and their client programs. Through a series of case studies, we demonstrate how an existing program logic for concurrency can be employed off-the-shelf to capture important state and history invariants, allowing one to explicitly quantify over interference of environment threads and provide intuitive and expressive Hoare-style specifications for several non-linearizable concurrent objects that were previously specified only via dedicated correctness criteria. We illustrate the adequacy of our specifications by verifying a number of concurrent client scenarios, that make use of the previously specified concurrent objects, capturing the essence of such correctness conditions as concurrency-aware linearizability, quiescent, and quantitative quiescent consistency. All examples described in this paper are verified mechanically in Coq.Comment: 18 page

    Formal Verification of Pure Production Systems Programs

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    Reliability, defined as the guarantee that a program satisfies its specifications, is an important aspect of many applications for which rule-based expert systems are suited. Executing rule-based programs on a series of test cases. To show a program is reliable, it is desirable to construct formal specifications for the program and to prove that it obeys those specifications. This paper presents an assertional approach to the verification of a class of rule-based programs characterized by the absence of conflict resolution. The proof logic needed for verification is already in use by researchers in concurrent programming. The approach involves expressing the program in a language called Swarm, and its specifications as assertions over the Swarm program. Among models that employ rules-based notation, Swarm is the first to have an axiomatic proof logic. A brief review of Swarm and its proof logic is given, along with an illustration of the formal verification method used on a simple rule-based program

    Applying Formal Verification Methods to Pure Rule-Based Programs

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    Reliability, defined as the guarantee that a program satisfies its specifications, is an important aspect of many applications for which rule-based expert systems are suited. Verification refer to the process used to determine the reliability of the rule-based program. Because past approaches to verification are informal, guarantees of reliability cannot fully be made without severely restricting the system. On the other hand, by constructing formal specifications for a program and showing the program satisfies those specifications, guarantees of reliability can be made. This paper presents an assertional approach to the verification of rule-based programs. The proof logical needed for verification is adopted from one already in use by researchers in concurrent programming. The approach involves using a language called Swarm, and requires one to express program specifications as assertions over the Swarm representation of the program. Among models the employ rule-based notation, Swarm is the first to have an axiomatic proof logic

    The Paths to Choreography Extraction

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    Choreographies are global descriptions of interactions among concurrent components, most notably used in the settings of verification (e.g., Multiparty Session Types) and synthesis of correct-by-construction software (Choreographic Programming). They require a top-down approach: programmers first write choreographies, and then use them to verify or synthesize their programs. However, most existing software does not come with choreographies yet, which prevents their application. To attack this problem, we propose a novel methodology (called choreography extraction) that, given a set of programs or protocol specifications, automatically constructs a choreography that describes their behavior. The key to our extraction is identifying a set of paths in a graph that represents the symbolic execution of the programs of interest. Our method improves on previous work in several directions: we can now deal with programs that are equipped with a state and internal computation capabilities; time complexity is dramatically better; we capture programs that are correct but not necessarily synchronizable, i.e., they work because they exploit asynchronous communication

    Discourje: Runtime verification of communication protocols in clojure

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    This paper presents Discourje: a runtime verification framework for communication protocols in Clojure. Discourje guarantees safety of protocol implementations relative to specifications, based on an expressive new version of multiparty session types. The framework has a formal foundation and is itself implemented in Clojure to offer a seamless specification–implementation experience. Benchmarks show Discourje’s overhead can be less than 5% for real/existing concurrent programs


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    Synchronous programs are easy to specify because the side effects of an operation are finished by the time the invocation of the operation returns to the caller. Asynchronous programs, on the other hand, are difficult to specify because there are side effects due to pending computation scheduled as a result of the invocation of an operation. They are also difficult to verify because of the large number of possible interleavings of concurrent computation threads. We present synchronization, a new proof rule that simplifies the verification of asynchronous programs by introducing the fiction, for proof purposes, that asynchronous operations complete synchronously. Synchronization summarizes an asynchronous computation as immediate atomic effect. Modular verification is enabled via pending asynchronous calls in atomic summaries, and a complementary proof rule that eliminates pending asynchronous calls when components and their specifications are composed. We evaluate synchronization in the context of a multi-layer refinement verification methodology on a collection of benchmark programs

    Towards a formally verified microkernel using the VCC verifier

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    In this thesis we present the design by contract modular approach to formal verification of an industrial real-time microkernel which was not designed with formal verification in mind. The microkernel module targeted is a particular interrupt manager of xLuna Real Time Operating System (RTOS) for embedded systems built by Critical Software S.A. The annotations were verified automatically using the Microsoft Research Verified C Compiler (VCC) tool to reason about concurrency and safety properties of xLuna kernel. The specifications are based in Hoare-style pre- and post-conditions inlined with the real code. xLuna is a microkernel based on the RTEMS Real-Time Operating System. xLuna extends RTEMS for run a GNU/Linux Operating System, providing a runtime multitasking environment for real-time (RTEMS) and non-real-time (Linux) applications. xLuna runs in a preemptable and concurrent environment. Therefore, we use VCC for reasoning about concurrent executions and some functional and safety properties of xLuna microkernel. VCC is an automated verifier for concurrent C programs that is being developed by Microsoft Research, Redmond, USA and European Microsoft Innovation Center (EMIC), Aachen, Germany. VCC is being built and used for operating system verification which makes it suitable for our verification work. Specifications were added to xLuna code following a modular approach to the verification of a specific microkernel module, namely the Interrupt Request (IRQ) module. The Verified C Compiler (VCC) annotations added cover approximately 80% of the IRQ manager C code (the remaining 20% of the code are relative to auxiliary functions outside the scope of our verification work). All the annotations were automatically verified and proven to be correct

    Bounded Model Checking of Concurrent Data Types on Relaxed Memory Models: A Case Study

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    Many multithreaded programs employ concurrent data types to safely share data among threads. However, highly-concurrent algorithms for even seemingly simple data types are difficult to implement correctly, especially when considering the relaxed memory ordering models commonly employed by today’s multiprocessors. The formal verification of such implementations is challenging as well because the high degree of concurrency leads to a large number of possible executions. In this case study, we develop a SAT-based bounded verification method and apply it to a representative example, a well-known two-lock concurrent queue algorithm. We first formulate a correctness criterion that specifically targets failures caused by concurrency; it demands that all concurrent executions be observationally equivalent to some serial execution. Next, we define a relaxed memory model that conservatively approximates several common shared-memory multiprocessors. Using commit point specifications, a suite of finite symbolic tests, a prototype encoder, and a standard SAT solver, we successfully identify two failures of a naive implementation that can be observed only under relaxed memory models. We eliminate these failures by inserting appropriate memory ordering fences into the code. The experiments confirm that our approach provides a valuable aid for desigining and implementing concurrent data types
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