384 research outputs found

    Vehicular Networking Road Weather Information System Tailored for Arctic Winter Conditions

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    In order to conduct successful long-term service and system architecture development, permanent infrastructures and development environment are essential. For this purpose, FMI is operating a vehicle winter testing track with advanced communication capabilities within ITS-G5 and 5G test network, along with accurate road weather data and services supported by road weather stations, IoT road weather sensor network and on-board weather measurements. The track is in Sodankylä, Northern Finland, where the long arctic winter period of more than half year allows road weather services development in (and for) severe weather conditions. This environment provides appropriate conditions for the development of advanced ITS safety services equally for traditional, autonomous and alternate energy vehicles, tailored road weather services for each special use case and accurate estimation of performance. Not forgetting the energy efficiency of traffic and communication infrastructures themselves, which are critical elements in the development of the future ITS. This paper introduces the test track infrastructures, related research ambitions and future plans

    Proceedings of the 20th SIRWEC conference, Druskininkai, Lithuania (14-16th June 2022)

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    SIRWEC (The Standing International Road Weather Commission) exists to encourage meteorologists, weather forecasters, highway engineers, road masters and others, who are interested in road weather problems, to exchange ideas to make our roads safer to drive on in all weather conditions. Every two years SIRWEC conference is being organized to gather all of the road weather enthusiasts and encourage them to share new scientific discoveries they have accomplished, new products or technologies they have made or any other topic in road weather field

    Distributed Channel and Power Level Selection in VANET Based on SINR using Game Model

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    This paper proposes a scheme of channel selection and transmission power adjustment in Vehicular Ad hoc Network (VANET) using game theoretic approach. The paradigm of VANET enables groups of vehicles to establish a mesh-like communication network. However, the mobility of vehicle, highly dynamic network environment, and the shared-spectrum concept used in VANET pose some challenges such as interference that can decrease the quality of signal. Channel selection and transmit power adjustment are aimed to obtain the higher signal to interference and noise ratio (SINR). In this paper, game theory is implemented to model the channel and power level selection in VANET. Each vehicle represents the player and the combination of channel and power level represents the strategy used by the player to obtain the utility i.e. the SINR. Strategy selection is arranged distributively to each player using Regret Matching Learning (RML) algorithm. Each vehicle evaluates current utility obtained by selecting a strategy to define the probability of that strategy to be selected in the next time. However, RML has a shortcoming for using assumption that hard to be implemented in real VANET environment. Therefore modification of RML devised for this application is also proposed. The simulation model of channel and power level selection is build to evaluate the performance of the proposed scheme. The results of simulation display the improvement of VANET performance in term of SINR and throughput from the proposed scheme

    A Driving Path Based Opportunistic Routing in Vehicular Ad Hoc Network

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    Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks is a promising technologythat can widely apply to monitor the physical world in urban areas.Efficient data delivery is important in these networks and optimalroute selection is vital to improve this factor. Vehicular mobility isa reflection of human social activity and human trajectories show ahigh degree of temporal and spatial regularity. Therefore, vehiculardriving paths are predictable in a large extent. A new opportunisticrouting protocol (DPOR) is proposed in this study that uses drivingpath predictability and vehicular distribution in its route selectionprocedure. This protocol is composed of two phases: intersectionand next hop selection phases. A utility function is calculated toselect the next intersection and a new mechanism is also proposedfor the next hop selection phase. Simulation results show thatDPOR achieves high delivery ratio and low end-to-end delay in thenetwork

    Mobility Adaptive Density Connected Clustering Approach in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks

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    Clustering is one of the popular topology management approaches that can positively influence the performance of networks. It plays significant role in VANETs. However, VANETs having highly mobile nodes lead to dynamic topology and hence, it is very difficult to construct stable clusters. More homogeneous environment produces more stable clusters. Homogeneous neighbourhood for a vehicle is strongly driven by density and standard deviation of average relative velocity of vehicles in its communication range. So, we propose Mobility Adaptive Density Connected Clustering Algorithm (MADCCA), a density based clustering algorithm. The Cluster Heads (CHs) are selected based on the standard deviation of average relative velocity and density matrices in their neighbourhood. Vehicle, which is having more homogeneous environments, will become the cluster heads and rest of the vehicles in their communication range will be the Cluster Members (CMs). The simulation results demonstrates the better performance of MADCCA over other clustering algorithms new ALM and MOBIC

    Improving Vehicular Authentication in VANET Using

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    In the last several years, many types of research are focusing on Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs) field due to the lifesaving factor. VANETs are defined as a set of vehicles in the road interact with other vehicles or with the Road Side Unit (RSU) through wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) technologies. The fundamental advantages of VANETs are enhancing the road and driver's safety and improving the vehicle security against adversaries’ attacks. Security is the most difficult issue belonging to VANETs since messages are exchanged through open wireless environments. Especially in the authentication process, the vehicles need to be authenticated before accessing or sending messages through the network. Any violation of the authentication process will open the whole network for the attack. In this paper, we applied security algorithms to improve authentication in VANETs with four stages of cryptography techniques: challenge-response authentication, digital signature, timestamping, and encryption/decryption respectively. Also, we also proposed an algorithm model and framework. Finally, we implemented the challenge-response authentication technique, and then measured and evaluated the result from the implementatio

    RoadAhead - Removing Uncertainty in Travel. Creating a Data Warehouse for Green Transportation Nudging

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    This paper describes a data warehouse approach to environmentally friendly transportation nudging. Transportation makes up a significant part of global carbon emissions. These emissions impacts both the climate and the health of individuals. As such, efforts should be done to address transportation patterns and habits. In addition to the reduction of air pollution, making people more active through active transportation has health benefits of its own. Nudging is a tool meant to affect a person's choice in a non-coercive manner. An example of a transportation nudge is giving reminders of when a bus to a chosen destination is close to a nearby bus stop. The goal of this project is to nudge people to use healthier and greener transportation options by providing certainty in travel. We believe that we can affect a person's choice by providing them with relevant information about their travel paths. In this thesis research into relevant data sources are investigated and an initial system was created to reach the goal of this project. An IoT device was also developed and tested for this purpose. The system created provides information relevant for in-city traveling based on data analysed from multiple sources. In addition to the initial system, research into possible enhancements and the future of the system is investigated

    Teknologinen kehitys ja sen vaikutus autoteollisuuden arvoketjuihin

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    This Master’s thesis studies the ways new technologies affect the automotive industry’s value chains. The industry’s revenues are shifting from hardware to software and from products to services, influencing the traditional players’ roles, business models and operations, and attracting new players from other industries. The trends driving these changes are based on connectivity, infotainment, ADAS, autonomous driving, and new mobility services. This thesis also investigates what possibilities these changes can bring to Finland. In this thesis, theory about value creation and value chains was studied from literature. Technology trends and changes in the industry’s value chain structures were studied by getting information from literature and interviews, and by analyzing the traditional players’ activity on acquiring capabilities related to new technologies. Many of the new innovations will come from other industries, and especially the number of agile players entering the automotive market from the ICT-industry are likely to increase. These new technology suppliers and service providers have become a part of the automotive value chain, complementing it to help answer the customer demand and safety regulations. New technologies are shaping the value chain and forming a value network around the traditional tiered value chain. The traditional players need to gain internal and external software know-how and cooperate with the new entrants to succeed in developing intelligent vehicles and bringing new kinds of services to the customers. The broad Finnish expertize on multiple areas can be transferred to answer the needs of the automotive industry on connected cars, autonomous driving and developing new services. However, Finland needs more companies, deeper understanding on how the automotive industry works, and raising awareness about Finland’s innovative ecosystem in order to succeed in the automotive market and to attract foreign investments
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