11 research outputs found

    Collaborative Reinforcement Learning for Multi-Service Internet of Vehicles

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    Internet of Vehicles (IoV) is a recently introduced paradigm aiming at extending the Internet of Things (IoT) toward the vehicular scenario in order to cope with its specific requirements. Nowadays, there are several types of vehicles, with different characteristics, requested services, and delivered data types. In order to efficiently manage such heterogeneity, Edge Computing facilities are often deployed in the urban environment, usually co-located with the Roadside Units (RSUs), for creating what is referenced as Vehicular Edge Computing (VEC). In this paper, we consider a joint network selection and computation offloading optimization problem in multi-service VEC environments, aiming at minimizing the overall latency and the consumed energy in an IoV scenario. Two novel collaborative Q-learning based approaches are proposed, where Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) and Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) communication paradigms are exploited, respectively. In the first approach, we define a collaborative Q-learning method in which, through V2I communications, several vehicles participate in the training process of a centralized Q-agent. In the second approach, by exploiting the V2V communications, each vehicle is made aware of the surrounding environment and the potential offloading neighbors, leading to better decisions in terms of network selection and offloading. In addition to the tabular method, an advanced deep learning-based approach is also used for the action value estimation, allowing to handle more complex vehicular scenarios. Simulation results show that the proposed approaches improve the network performance in terms of latency and consumed energy with respect to some benchmark solutions

    CoPace:Edge Computation Offloading and Caching for Self-Driving with Deep Reinforcement Learning

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    Currently, self-driving, emerging as a key automatic application, has brought a huge potential for the provision of in-vehicle services (e.g., automatic path planning) to mitigate urban traffic congestion and enhance travel safety. To provide high-quality vehicular services with stringent delay constraints, edge computing (EC) enables resource-hungry self-driving vehicles (SDVs) to offload computation-intensive tasks to the edge servers (ESs). In addition, caching highly reusable contents decreases the redundant transmission time and improves the quality of services (QoS) of SDVs, which is envisioned as a supplement to the computation offloading. However, the high mobility and time-varying requests of SDVs make it challenging to provide reliable offloading decisions while guaranteeing the resource utilization of content caching. To this end, in this paper we propose a \underline{co}llaborative com\underline{p}utation offlo\underline{a}ding and \underline{c}ont\underline{e}nt caching method, named CoPace, by leveraging deep reinforcement learning (DRL) in EC for self-driving system. Specifically, we resort to a deep learning model to predict the future time-varying content popularity, taking into account the temporal-spatial attributes of requests. Moreover, a DRL-based algorithm is developed to jointly optimize the offloading and caching decisions, as well as the resource allocation (i.e., computing and communication resources) strategies. Extensive experiments with real-world datasets in Shanghai, China, are conducted to evaluate the performance, which demonstrates that CoPace is both effective and well-performed

    Hybrid edge-cloud collaborator resource scheduling approach based on deep reinforcement learning and multi-objective optimization

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    Collaborative resource scheduling between edge ter- minals and cloud centers is regarded as a promising means of effectively completing computing tasks and enhancing quality of service. In this paper, to further improve the achievable perfor- mance, the edge cloud resource scheduling (ECRS) problem is transformed into a multi-objective Markov decision process based on task dependency and features extraction. A multi-objective ECRS model is proposed by considering the task completion time, cost, energy consumption and system reliability as the four objectives. Furthermore, a hybrid approach based on deep reinforcement learning (DRL) and multi-objective optimization are employed in our work. Specifically, DRL preprocesses the workflow, and a multi-objective optimization method strives to find the Pareto-optimal workflow scheduling decision. Various experiments are performed on three real data sets with different numbers of tasks. The results obtained demonstrate that the proposed hybrid DRL and multi-objective optimization design outperforms existing design approaches

    URLLC for 5G and Beyond: Requirements, Enabling Incumbent Technologies and Network Intelligence

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    The tactile internet (TI) is believed to be the prospective advancement of the internet of things (IoT), comprising human-to-machine and machine-to-machine communication. TI focuses on enabling real-time interactive techniques with a portfolio of engineering, social, and commercial use cases. For this purpose, the prospective 5{th} generation (5G) technology focuses on achieving ultra-reliable low latency communication (URLLC) services. TI applications require an extraordinary degree of reliability and latency. The 3{rd} generation partnership project (3GPP) defines that URLLC is expected to provide 99.99% reliability of a single transmission of 32 bytes packet with a latency of less than one millisecond. 3GPP proposes to include an adjustable orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) technique, called 5G new radio (5G NR), as a new radio access technology (RAT). Whereas, with the emergence of a novel physical layer RAT, the need for the design for prospective next-generation technologies arises, especially with the focus of network intelligence. In such situations, machine learning (ML) techniques are expected to be essential to assist in designing intelligent network resource allocation protocols for 5G NR URLLC requirements. Therefore, in this survey, we present a possibility to use the federated reinforcement learning (FRL) technique, which is one of the ML techniques, for 5G NR URLLC requirements and summarizes the corresponding achievements for URLLC. We provide a comprehensive discussion of MAC layer channel access mechanisms that enable URLLC in 5G NR for TI. Besides, we identify seven very critical future use cases of FRL as potential enablers for URLLC in 5G NR