465 research outputs found

    An algorithm of the wildfire classification by its acoustic emission spectrum using Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Crown fires are extremely dangerous as the speed of their distribution is dozen times higher compared to surface fires. Therefore, it is important to classify the fire type as early as possible. A method for forest fires classification exploits their computed acoustic emission spectrum compared with a set of samples of the typical fire acoustic emission spectrum stored in the database. This method implies acquisition acoustic data using Wireless Sensors Networks (WSNs) and their analysis in a central processing and a control center. The paper deals with an algorithm which can be directly implemented on a sensor network node that will allow reducing considerably the network traffic and increasing its efficiency. It is hereby suggested to use the sum of the squares ratio, with regard to amplitudes of low and high frequencies of the wildfire acoustic emission spectrum, as the indicator of a forest fire type. It is shown that the value of the crown fires indicator is several times higher than that of the surface ones. This allows classifying the fire types (crown, surface) in a short time interval and transmitting a fire type indicator code alongside with an alarm signal through the network

    Novel evaluation framework for sensing spread spectrum in cognitive radio

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    The cognitive radio network is designed to cater to the optimization demands of restricted spectrum availability. A review of existing literature on spectrum sensing shows that there is still a broader scope for its improvement. Therefore, this paper introduces an efficient computational framework capable of evaluating the effectiveness of the spread spectrum concept in the context of cognitive radio network in a more scalable and granular way. The proposed method introduces a dual hypothesis using a different set of dependable parameters to emphasize the detection of optimal energy for a low signal quality state over the noise. The proposed evaluation framework is benchmarked using a statistical analysis method not present in any existing approaches toward spread spectrum sensing. The simulated outcome of the study exhibits that the proposed system offers a significantly better probability of detection than the current system using a simplified evaluation scheme with multiple test parameters

    A Hardware Based Audio Event Detection System

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    Audio event detection and analysis is an important tool in many fields, from entertainment to security. Recognition technologies are used daily for parsing voice commands, tagging songs, and real time detection of crimes or other undesirable events. The system described in this work is a hardware based application of an audio detection system, implemented on an FPGA. It allows for the detection and characterization of gunshots and other events, such as breaking glass, by comparing a recorded audio sample to 20+ stored fingerprints in real time. Additionally, it has the ability to record flagged events and supports integration with mesh networks to send alerts

    Review on smartphone sensing technology for structural health monitoring

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    Sensing is a critical and inevitable sector of structural health monitoring (SHM). Recently, smartphone sensing technology has become an emerging, affordable, and effective system for SHM and other engineering fields. This is because a modern smartphone is equipped with various built-in sensors and technologies, especially a triaxial accelerometer, gyroscope, global positioning system, high-resolution cameras, and wireless data communications under the internet-of-things paradigm, which are suitable for vibration- and vision-based SHM applications. This article presents a state-of-the-art review on recent research progress of smartphone-based SHM. Although there are some short reviews on this topic, the major contribution of this article is to exclusively present a compre- hensive survey of recent practices of smartphone sensors to health monitoring of civil structures from the per- spectives of measurement techniques, third-party apps developed in Android and iOS, and various application domains. Findings of this article provide thorough understanding of the main ideas and recent SHM studies on smartphone sensing technology

    Etude et réalisation d'un système de communications par lumière visible (VLC/LiFi). Application au domaine automobile.

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    The scientific problematic of this PhD is centered on the usage of Visible LightCommunications (VLC) in automotive applications. By enabling wireless communication amongvehicles and also with the traffic infrastructure, the safety and efficiency of the transportation canbe substantially increased. Considering the numerous advantages of the VLC technologyencouraged the study of its appropriateness for the envisioned automotive applications, as analternative and/or a complement for the traditional radio frequency based communications.In order to conduct this research, a low-cost VLC system for automotive application wasdeveloped. The proposed system aims to ensure a highly robust communication between a LEDbasedVLC emitter and an on-vehicle VLC receiver. For the study of vehicle to vehicle (V2V)communication, the emitter was developed based on a vehicle backlight whereas for the study ofinfrastructure to vehicle (I2V) communication, the emitter was developed based on a traffic light.Considering the VLC receiver, a central problem in this area is the design of a suitable sensorable to enhance the conditioning of the signal and to avoid disturbances due to the environmentalconditions, issues that are addressed in the thesis. The performances of a cooperative drivingsystem integrating the two components were evaluated as well.The experimental validation of the VLC system was performed in various conditions andscenarios. The results confirmed the performances of the proposed system and demonstrated thatVLC can be a viable technology for the considered applications. Furthermore, the results areencouraging towards the continuations of the work in this domain.La problématique scientifique de cette thèse est centrée sur le développement decommunications par lumière visible (Visible Light Communications - VLC) dans lesapplications automobiles. En permettant la communication sans fil entre les véhicules, ou entreles véhicules et l’infrastructure routière, la sécurité et l'efficacité du transport peuvent êtreconsidérablement améliorées. Compte tenu des nombreux avantages de la technologie VLC,cette solution se présente comme une excellente alternative ou un complément pour lescommunications actuelles plutôt basées sur les technologies radio-fréquences traditionnelles.Pour réaliser ces travaux de recherche, un système VLC à faible coût pour applicationautomobile a été développé. Le système proposé vise à assurer une communication très robusteentre un émetteur VLC à base de LED et un récepteur VLC monté sur un véhicule. Pour l'étudedes communications véhicule à véhicule (V2V), l'émetteur a été développé sur la base d’un pharearrière rouge de voiture, tandis que pour l'étude des communications de l'infrastructure auvéhicule (I2V), l'émetteur a été développé sur la base d'un feu de circulation. Considérant lerécepteur VLC, le problème principal réside autour d’un capteur approprié, en mesured'améliorer le conditionnement du signal et de limiter les perturbations dues des conditionsenvironnementales. Ces différents points sont abordés dans la thèse, d’un point de vue simulationmais également réalisation du prototype.La validation expérimentale du système VLC a été réalisée dans différentes conditions etscénarii. Les résultats démontrent que la VLC peut être une technologie viable pour lesapplications envisagées