2,290 research outputs found

    \u3ci\u3eMedicine Meets Virtual Reality 21\u3c/i\u3e

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    Editors: James D. Westwood, Susan W. Westwood, Li FellÀnder-Tsai, Cali M. Fidopiastis, Randy S. Haluck, Richard A. Robb, Steven Senger, Kirby G. Vosburgh. Chapter, Varying the Speed of Perceived Self-Motion Affects Postural Control During Locomotion, co-authored by Joshua Pickhinke, Jung Hung Chien, Mukul Mukherjee, UNO faculty and staff members. Virtual reality environments have been used to show the importance of perception of self-motion in controlling posture and gait. In this study, the authors used a virtual reality environment to investigate whether varying optical flow speed had any effect on postural control during locomotion. Healthy young adult participants walked under two conditions, with optical flow matching their preferred walking speed, and with a randomly varying optic flow speed compared to their preferred walking speed. Exposure to the varying optic flow increased the variability in their postural control as measured by area of COP when compared with the matched speed condition. If perception of self-motion becomes less predictable, postural control during locomotion becomes more variable and possibly riskier.https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/facultybooks/1261/thumbnail.jp

    Changes in the Dynamics of Postural and Locomotor Control as a Result of Varying Task Demands

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    The aim of this study was to examine changes in postural and locomotor control under varying task demands. Three experiments were designed to address the impact that fast walking had on standing posture over time, slow walking had on gait dynamics over time, and the extent to which gait speed interacts with the ability to walk randomly. For experiment I, the aim was to identify the time course in which postural adaptation occurred while walking at faster than preferred speeds. Postural motion was assessed at specific intervals over a 35-min walking trial. Findings revealed that walking at a faster speed increased the amount, variability, and structure (Approximate Entropy-ApEn) of postural motion compared to baseline assessments. Subsequent trials following baseline assessments revealed a leveling-off for specific center of pressure (COP) variables and decline in path length, although heart rate (HR) and rate of perceived exertion (RPE) increased over the entire walking trial. In experiment II, the aim was to examine changes in stride-to-stride variability over time while walking at slower than preferred speeds. The results revealed an increased stride-to-stride variability and signal regularity (lower ApEn) during walking at 80% preferred walking speed (PWS) compared to PWS. After 10-15 mins a decrease stride-to-stride variability and increase in signal irregularity was seen. Changes leveled-off for the remainder of the session. Experiment III was designed to examine the effect that intentionally increasing variability (random) had on gait dynamics. Participants were asked to vary their gait while walking on a treadmill at three different speeds. The results revealed gait speed was a significant factor in the amount of variability (CV, range), with higher levels produced during the slower speed than at PWS and the faster speed. Higher levels of complexity (higher SampEn) were seen in stride time and knee joint motion during the random condition irrespective of gait speed. Overall, young adults are able to walk at speeds faster or slower than preferred as well as increase gait variability when instructed. These changes in postural and locomotor dynamics reveal that a healthy motor control system can quickly adapt to the task demands imposed upon it

    The Role of Optic Flow and Gaze Direction on Postural Control

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    Objective: The observers use the optic flow to control self-motion. However, the current state of knowledge indicates that it is difficult to understand how optic flow is used by the visual system without a direct measurement of the changes in the flow patterns caused by eye movements during natural behaviour. The purpose of this literature review is to highlight the importance of the integration between optic flow and eye movements for postural control. Methods: A literature review of the electronic papers through July 2022 was independently performed by three investigators. The selection of the studies was made by a search on PubMed, Scopus, and Google Scholar with two groups of selected keywords. We excluded papers performed on subjects with pathologies, children, and the elderly. Results: The results of this literature analysis highlight that eye movements are required to drive visual motion processing and heading perception in both static and dynamic contexts. Conclusion: Although we now know many neural mechanisms that process heading direction from the optic flow field, a consideration of optic flow patterns relative to gaze direction provides more detailed information on how the retinal flow field is used to control body balance. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2022-06-06-020 Full Text: PD

    Locomotor Sensory Organization Test: How Sensory Conflict Affects the Temporal Structure of Sway Variability During Gait

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    When maintaining postural stability temporally under increased sensory conflict, a more rigid response is used where the available degrees of freedom are essentially frozen. The current study investigated if such a strategy is also utilized during more dynamic situations of postural control as is the case with walking. This study attempted to answer this question by using the Locomotor Sensory Organization Test (LSOT). This apparatus incorporates SOT inspired perturbations of the visual and the somatosensory system. Ten healthy young adults performed the six conditions of the traditional SOT and the corresponding six conditions on the LSOT. The temporal structure of sway variability was evaluated from all conditions. The results showed that in the anterior posterior direction somatosensory input is crucial for postural control for both walking and standing; visual input also had an effect but was not as prominent as the somatosensory input. In the medial lateral direction and with respect to walking, visual input has a much larger effect than somatosensory input. This is possibly due to the added contributions by peripheral vision during walking; in standing such contributions may not be as significant for postural control. In sum, as sensory conflict increases more rigid and regular sway patterns are found during standing confirming the previous results presented in the literature, however the opposite was the case with walking where more exploratory and adaptive movement patterns are present

    Larger Head Displacement to Optic Flow Presented in the Lower Visual Field

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    Optic flow that simulates self-motion often produces postural adjustment. Although literature has suggested that human postural control depends largely on visual inputs from the lower field in the environment, effects of the vertical location of optic flow on postural responses are not well investigated. Here, we examined whether optic flow presented in the lower visual field produces stronger responses than optic flow in the upper visual field. Either expanding or contracting optic flow was presented in upper, lower, or full visual fields through an Oculus Rift head-mounted display. Head displacement and vection strength were measured. Results showed larger head displacement under the optic flow presentation in the full visual field and the lower visual field than the upper visual field, during early period of presentation of the contracting optic flow. Vection was strongest in the full visual field and weakest in the upper visual field. Our findings of lower field superiority in head displacement and vection support the notion that ecologically relevant information has a particularly important role in human postural control and self-motion perception

    Math Modeling of Interlimb Coordination in Cat Locomotion

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    Locomotion is an evolutionary adaptation that allows animals to move in 3-D space. The way that mammalian locomotion is controlled has been studied for generations. It remains unclear how the neuronal network that controls locomotion is structured and how the mammalian locomotor network keeps balance in the face of a changing environment. In this body of research, we build mathematical models of locomotion and fit our models to experimental data of walking cats to gain understanding of network connectivity and of balance control. Specifically, we test the biological plausibility of a particular connectivity of the mammalian locomotor network by matching network activity to phases of walking in different experimental conditions. We gain understanding of balance control with an inverted pendulum model that fits the center of mass oscillations during walking in different experimental conditions

    The effects of expectancy and control on the perception of ego-motion in space: a combined postural and electrophysiological study

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    In the beginning of this work was the scientific question: does the amount of control over visual self-motion cues influence their processing and/or perception? In Experiment 1, we tried to explore the possibility to use optic flow as a visual motion cue and see whether we can observe a sensory attenuation or modulation on the behavioural level in trials in which the optic flow was self-initiated using putative different levels of control by instructed or uninstructed button-presses compared to passive flow. This experiment, while not able to demonstrate a sensory modulation and with several important limitations (see below), was however an important basis for the planning of Experiment 2 and a proof-of-concept that this method has the potential to address our research question and is feasible given our facilities. In Experiment 2, we tried to overcome some of the limitations, further improved the re-producibility (e.g. stimuli and instructions) and extended our methodology to the measurement of neurophysiological and postural data to enquire about not only the behavioural level but also the processing on the physiological level. This experiment presented evidence that self-motion cues with the same physical properties are somehow processed differently at the cortical level depending on whether they are self-initiated or not. In addition to overcoming certain limitations in Experiment 3 (e.g. having a no optic flow control condition and using the standard EEG setup besides the mobile setup from Experiment 2), we were able to reproduce our findings in different subjects, a larger population and under a different posture. We were also able to show that our results are highly robust (e.g. removal of half the participants from the analysis did not change the pattern). Further outcomes from our study are that the scientific community can put more trust into mobile EEG setups given robust effects and diligent artifact removal. Additionally, we contributed findings on the relationship of vection and VIMS and tried to bridge the gap between the highly relevant fields of research on visual motion perception and sense of agency. This might act as an exploratory foundation for further research which will be essential for the economical and medical applicability of VR devices and for a deeper understanding of locomotion and navigation per se. The ability to perceive self-motion cues and dissociate them from cues for motion in the environment is fundamental for being able to take actions in the complex, dynamic environments which are our daily lives. In fact, it could be seen as a classical example of the dynamic coupling of action and perception to reach goals which is one of the most fundamental abilities not only for humans, but throughout the animal kingdom which may have lain the evolutionary basis for the later development of the human brain with its complexity as we see it nowadays (Godfrey-Smith 2016).Den Grundstein fĂŒr diese Arbeit legte die Frage: spielt es fĂŒr die Wahrnehmung und Verarbeitung von visuellem Feedback, das in Folge von Eigenbewegung im Raum entsteht, eine Rolle wie viel Kontrolle wir ĂŒber die Bewegung haben? Wird das Feedback von aktiven Bewegungen anders verarbeitet als das von passiven? Im ersten Experiment explorierten wir die Möglichkeit uns dieser Fragestellung mit optic flow als visuellem Stimulus zu nĂ€hern. Wir haben dazu ein Experiment entwickelt bei dem gesunde Proband:innen unterschiedlich viel Kontrolle ĂŒber den optic flow haben und sie anschließend zu ihrem Bewegungsempfinden (Vection) befragt. WĂ€hrend dieses Experiment keine relevante Modulation nachweisen konnte, so stellte es doch eine wichtige methodologische Grundlage fĂŒr die Entwicklung der weiteren Experimente dar. Die wichtigsten Änderungen in Experiment 2 umfassten zum einen Modifikationen an den Stimuli und eine ausgeprĂ€gtere Formalisierung der Instruktionen, zum anderen die zusĂ€tzliche Erhebung von neurophysiologischen und posturalen Daten. Diese Änderungen erlaubten uns nicht nur explizite Unterschiede in der IntensitĂ€t der Wahrnehmung von Vection zu erfassen, sondern auch eventuelle Modifikationen in der Verarbeitung der Stimuli messbar zu machen. Dieses Experiment lieferte Hinweise darauf, dass Stimuli mit denselben physikalischen Eigenschaften auf kortikaler Ebene anders verarbeitet werden, je nachdem ob sie selbst initiiert oder Computer-generiert sind. In Experiment 3 fĂŒhrten wir klassische Kontrollbedingungen wie zum Beispiel Versuche mit statischen Stimuli ein. Wir verĂ€nderten weiterhin die Körperposition, so dass Proband:innen nun saßen und die HĂ€lfte der Versuche mit einer KinnstĂŒtze stattfand. Damit konnten wir das Risiko, das unsere neurophysiologischen Effekte Bewegungsartefakte sind, minimieren. Insgesamt waren wir dazu in der Lage die Haupteffekte von Experiment 2 (agency-abhĂ€ngige Modulation der evozierten Desynchronisation und der Amplitude der evozierten Potentiale) in Experiment 3 zu reproduzieren, obwohl wir hier eine deutlich grĂ¶ĂŸere Kohorte sowie andere Pro-band:innen in einer anderen Körperhaltung testeten. Diese Resultate sind sehr robust, so dass sie weiterhin deutlich erkennbar sind, auch nachdem wir ver-suchsweise die HĂ€lfte der Proband:innen aus der Analyse ausgeschlossen hatten. ZusĂ€tzlich zu unserer ursprĂŒnglichen Fragestellung zeigten unsere Experimente, dass die wissenschaftliche Community mehr auf die Ergebnisse von Studien, die ein mobiles EEG-Setup verwenden, vertrauen kann, solange es sich um robuste Effekte handelt und ausreichend auf die Identifikation und Entfernung von Bewegungsartefakten geachtet wird. Außerdem konnten wir mit unseren Daten dazu beitragen die ZusammenhĂ€nge zwischen Vection und visuell-induzierter Bewegungskrankheit besser zu verstehen. Unsere Experimente versuchen die BrĂŒcke zu schlagen zwischen den jeweils fĂŒr sich gesehen hoch relevanten Forschungsfeldern rund um die visuelle Bewegung-swahrnehmung und den Sense of Agency. Diese Felder zusammenzubringen wird eine essenzielle Rolle spielen, sowohl um das volle Potential von VR-Applikationen zu entfalten als auch um Lokomotion und Navigation umfassender zu begreifen. Die FĂ€higkeit Eigenbewegung von Bewegungen in der Umgebung anhand von visuellen Informationen zu unterscheiden, ist entscheidend um in der komplexen, dynamischen Umwelt unseres tĂ€glichen Lebens erfolgreich agieren und navigieren zu können. Diese FĂ€higkeit ist ein schönes Beispiel fĂŒr die dynamische Koppelung von Handlung und Wahrnehmung zum Erreichen unserer Ziele und vermutlich eine der fundamentalsten FĂ€higkeiten nicht nur fĂŒr Menschen, sondern auch im ĂŒbrigen Tierreich. Möglicherweise so fundamental, dass sie die evolutionĂ€re Basis fĂŒr die spĂ€tere Entwicklung des menschlichen Gehirns in all seiner KomplexitĂ€t und Schönheit, gelegt haben könnte (Godfrey-Smith 2016)

    Effects of footwear cushioning on walking performance in females with multiple sclerosis, The

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    2018 Fall.Includes bibliographical references.Multiple sclerosis is a chronic and progressive neurodegenerative disease which incurs a multitude of walking impairments. Protective strategies targeted at maintaining postural stability during walking include increasing stance and double support time with reciprocal decreases in swing and single support time, however these adaptions inadvertently increase fall risk. The midsole construct of footwear has demonstrated the ability to mediate these deficits in running but has not been explored in a neurologic population with known fall risk. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of two different midsole conditions on the spatiotemporal parameters of gait in females with multiple sclerosis (MS). Gait testing was conducted while 18 females with MS performed two-minute walk tests in 1) a high-cushion and 2) a standard-cushion midsole shoe. Spatiotemporal gait parameters were assessed using wireless inertial sensors. Participants spent less time in double support and stance phase with concomitantly more time in single support and swing phase in the high-cushion midsole shoe as compared to the standard-cushion. The high-cushion shoe may decrease fall risk by improving gait parameters associated with increased risk of falls
