48 research outputs found

    Variants of Collapsible Pushdown Systems

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    We analyze the relationship between three ways of generating trees using collapsible pushdown systems (CPS\u27s): using deterministic CPS\u27s, nondeterministic CPS\u27s, and deterministic word-accepting CPS\u27s. We prove that (for each level of the CPS and each input alphabet) the three classes of trees are equal. The nontrivial translations increase n-1 times exponentially the size of the level-n CPS. The same results stay true if we restrict ourselves to higher-order pushdown systems without collapse. As a second contribution we prove that the hierarchy of word languages recognized by nondeterministic CPS\u27s is infinite. This is a consequence of a lemma which bounds the length of the shortest accepting run. It also implies that the hierarchy of epsilon-closures of configuration graphs is infinite (which was already known). As a side effect we obtain a new algorithm for the reachability problem for CPS\u27s; it has the same complexity as previously known algorithms

    Reachability in Higher-Order-Counters

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    Higher-order counter automata (\HOCS) can be either seen as a restriction of higher-order pushdown automata (\HOPS) to a unary stack alphabet, or as an extension of counter automata to higher levels. We distinguish two principal kinds of \HOCS: those that can test whether the topmost counter value is zero and those which cannot. We show that control-state reachability for level kk \HOCS with 00-test is complete for \mbox{(k−2)(k-2)}-fold exponential space; leaving out the 00-test leads to completeness for \mbox{(k−2)(k-2)}-fold exponential time. Restricting \HOCS (without 00-test) to level 22, we prove that global (forward or backward) reachability analysis is \PTIME-complete. This enhances the known result for pushdown systems which are subsumed by level 22 \HOCS without 00-test. We transfer our results to the formal language setting. Assuming that \PTIME \subsetneq \PSPACE \subsetneq \mathbf{EXPTIME}, we apply proof ideas of Engelfriet and conclude that the hierarchies of languages of \HOPS and of \HOCS form strictly interleaving hierarchies. Interestingly, Engelfriet's constructions also allow to conclude immediately that the hierarchy of collapsible pushdown languages is strict level-by-level due to the existing complexity results for reachability on collapsible pushdown graphs. This answers an open question independently asked by Parys and by Kobayashi.Comment: Version with Full Proofs of a paper that appears at MFCS 201

    First-Order Model Checking on Generalisations of Pushdown Graphs

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    We study the first-order model checking problem on two generalisations of pushdown graphs. The first class is the class of nested pushdown trees. The other is the class of collapsible pushdown graphs. Our main results are the following. First-order logic with reachability is uniformly decidable on nested pushdown trees. Considering first-order logic without reachability, we prove decidability in doubly exponential alternating time with linearly many alternations. First-order logic with regular reachability predicates is uniformly decidable on level 2 collapsible pushdown graphs. Moreover, nested pushdown trees are first-order interpretable in collapsible pushdown graphs of level 2. This interpretation can be extended to an interpretation of the class of higher-order nested pushdown trees in the collapsible pushdown graph hierarchy. We prove that the second level of this new hierarchy of nested trees has decidable first-order model checking. Our decidability result for collapsible pushdown graph relies on the fact that level 2 collapsible pushdown graphs are uniform tree-automatic. Our last result concerns tree-automatic structures in general. We prove that first-order logic extended by Ramsey quantifiers is decidable on all tree-automatic structures.Comment: phd thesis, 255 page

    07441 Abstracts Collection -- Algorithmic-Logical Theory of Infinite Structures

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    From 28.10. to 02.11.2007, the Dagstuhl Seminar 07441 ``Algorithmic-Logical Theory of Infinite Structures\u27\u27 was held in the International Conference and Research Center (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl. During the seminar, several participants presented their current research, and ongoing work and open problems were discussed. Abstracts of the presentations given during the seminar as well as abstracts of seminar results and ideas are put together in this paper. The first section describes the seminar topics and goals in general. Links to extended abstracts or full papers are provided, if available

    On Bisimilarity of Higher-Order Pushdown Automata: Undecidability at Order Two

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    We show that bisimulation equivalence of order-two pushdown automata is undecidable. Moreover, we study the lower order problem of higher-order pushdown automata, which asks, given an order-k pushdown automaton and some k\u27= 2 even when the input k-PDA is deterministic and real-time

    Saturation-Based Model Checking of Higher-Order Recursion Schemes

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    Model checking of higher-order recursion schemes (HORS) has recently been studied extensively and applied to higher-order program verification. Despite recent efforts, obtaining a scalable model checker for HORS remains a big challenge. We propose a new model checking algorithm for HORS, which combines two previous, independent approaches to higher-order model checking. Like previous type-based algorithms for HORS, it directly analyzes HORS and outputs intersection types as a certificate, but like Broadbent et al.\u27s saturation algorithm for collapsible pushdown systems (CPDS), it propagates information backward, in the sense that it starts with target configurations and iteratively computes their pre-images. We have implemented the new algorithm and confirmed that the prototype often outperforms TRECS and CSHORe, the state-of-the-art model checkers for HORS

    Constrained Dynamic Tree Networks

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    We generalise Constrained Dynamic Pushdown Networks, introduced by Bouajjani\et al, to Constrained Dynamic Tree Networks.<br>In this model, we have trees of processes which may monitor their children.<br>We allow the processes to be defined by any computation model for which the alternating reachability problem is decidable.<br>We address the problem of symbolic reachability analysis for this model. More precisely, we consider the problem of computing an effective representation of their reachability<br>sets using finite state automata. <div>We show that backwards reachability sets starting from regular sets of configurations are always regular. </div><div>We provide an algorithm for computing backwards reachability sets using tree automata.<br><br></div

    Higher-Order Nonemptiness Step by Step

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    We show a new simple algorithm that checks whether a given higher-order grammar generates a nonempty language of trees. The algorithm amounts to a procedure that transforms a grammar of order n to a grammar of order n-1, preserving nonemptiness, and increasing the size only exponentially. After repeating the procedure n times, we obtain a grammar of order 0, whose nonemptiness can be easily checked. Since the size grows exponentially at each step, the overall complexity is n-EXPTIME, which is known to be optimal. More precisely, the transformation (and hence the whole algorithm) is linear in the size of the grammar, assuming that the arity of employed nonterminals is bounded by a constant. The same algorithm allows to check whether an infinite tree generated by a higher-order recursion scheme is accepted by an alternating safety (or reachability) automaton, because this question can be reduced to the nonemptiness problem by taking a product of the recursion scheme with the automaton. A proof of correctness of the algorithm is formalised in the proof assistant Coq. Our transformation is motivated by a similar transformation of Asada and Kobayashi (2020) changing a word grammar of order n to a tree grammar of order n-1. The step-by-step approach can be opposed to previous algorithms solving the nonemptiness problem "in one step", being compulsorily more complicated

    Improved Functional Flow and Reachability Analyses Using Indexed Linear Tree Grammars

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    The collecting semantics of a program defines the strongest static property of interest. We study the analysis of the collecting semantics of higher-order functional programs, cast as left-linear term rewriting systems. The analysis generalises functional flow analysis and the reachability problem for term rewriting systems, which are both undecidable. We present an algorithm that uses indexed linear tree grammars (ILTGs) both to describe the input set and compute the set that approximates the collecting semantics. ILTGs are equi-expressive with pushdown tree automata, and so, strictly more expressive than regular tree grammars. Our result can be seen as a refinement of Jones and Andersen\u27s procedure, which uses regular tree grammars. The main technical innovation of our algorithm is the use of indices to capture (sets of) substitutions, thus enabling a more precise binding analysis than afforded by regular grammars. We give a simple proof of termination and soundness, and demonstrate that our method is more accurate than other approaches to functional flow and reachability analyses in the literature