146 research outputs found

    Friction, Vibration and Dynamic Properties of Transmission System under Wear Progression

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    This reprint focuses on wear and fatigue analysis, the dynamic properties of coating surfaces in transmission systems, and non-destructive condition monitoring for the health management of transmission systems. Transmission systems play a vital role in various types of industrial structure, including wind turbines, vehicles, mining and material-handling equipment, offshore vessels, and aircrafts. Surface wear is an inevitable phenomenon during the service life of transmission systems (such as on gearboxes, bearings, and shafts), and wear propagation can reduce the durability of the contact coating surface. As a result, the performance of the transmission system can degrade significantly, which can cause sudden shutdown of the whole system and lead to unexpected economic loss and accidents. Therefore, to ensure adequate health management of the transmission system, it is necessary to investigate the friction, vibration, and dynamic properties of its contact coating surface and monitor its operating conditions

    Fast Spectral Correlation Detector for Periodic Impulse Extraction of Rotating Machinery

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    Phase Synchrony Analysis of Rolling Bearing Vibrations and Its Application to Failure Identification

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    As the failure-induced component (FIC) in the vibration signals of bearings transmits through housings and shafts, potential phase synchronization is excited among multichannel signals. As phase synchrony analysis (PSA) does not involve the chaotic behavior of signals, it is suitable for characterizing the operating state of bearings considering complicated vibration signals. Therefore, a novel PSA method was developed to identify and track the failure evolution of bearings. First, resonance demodulation and variational mode decomposition (VMD) were combined to extract the mono-component or band-limited FIC from signals. Then, the instantaneous phase of the FIC was analytically solved using Hilbert transformation. The generalized phase difference (GPD) was used to quantify the relationship between FICs extracted from different vibration signals. The entropy of the GPD was regarded as the indicator for quantifying failure evolution. The proposed method was applied to the vibration signals obtained from an accelerated failure experiment and a natural failure experiment. Results showed that phase synchronization in bearing failure evolution was detected and evaluated effectively. Despite the chaotic behavior of the signals, the phase synchronization indicator could identify bearing failure during the initial stage in a robust manner

    Information Theory and Its Application in Machine Condition Monitoring

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    Condition monitoring of machinery is one of the most important aspects of many modern industries. With the rapid advancement of science and technology, machines are becoming increasingly complex. Moreover, an exponential increase of demand is leading an increasing requirement of machine output. As a result, in most modern industries, machines have to work for 24 hours a day. All these factors are leading to the deterioration of machine health in a higher rate than before. Breakdown of the key components of a machine such as bearing, gearbox or rollers can cause a catastrophic effect both in terms of financial and human costs. In this perspective, it is important not only to detect the fault at its earliest point of inception but necessary to design the overall monitoring process, such as fault classification, fault severity assessment and remaining useful life (RUL) prediction for better planning of the maintenance schedule. Information theory is one of the pioneer contributions of modern science that has evolved into various forms and algorithms over time. Due to its ability to address the non-linearity and non-stationarity of machine health deterioration, it has become a popular choice among researchers. Information theory is an effective technique for extracting features of machines under different health conditions. In this context, this book discusses the potential applications, research results and latest developments of information theory-based condition monitoring of machineries

    An improved variational mode decomposition method and its application in diesel engine fault diagnosis

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    The diesel engine is a complex mechanical device, with the characteristics of multi-source, multi moving parts, complex work. For the complex multi-component signal, it is usually necessary to decompose it into a number of single-component AM-FM signals, and each component is analyzed to extract amplitude and frequency information. VMD is essentially composed of a plurality of adaptive Wiener filter and has good noise robustness. Compared with EMD, EEMD, CEEMDAN, LMD and ITD, VMD has strong mathematical theory basis. At the same time, VMD rejects the method of recursive screening stripping. So VMD can effectively alleviate or avoid a series of problems which appear in other methods. However, it is a problem how to determine the number of decomposition layers and the penalty factor, because human factors will affect the decomposition results. In order to solve the problem, an improved adaptive genetic algorithm (IAGA) is proposed to optimize the parameters of VMD. Genetic algorithms mainly include 3 genetic operators: selection, crossover and mutation. The cross probability and mutation probability will directly affect the optimization results. In the traditional genetic algorithm, the probability of cross and mutation are fixed, and the genetic algorithm is easy to fall into the local optimal. According to the regulation of hormone regulation, the cross probability and mutation probability in evolution were improved. The permutation entropy is a new method of mutation detection, which mainly aims at the spatial characteristics of the time series itself. Therefore, the entropy of the components obtained by the VMD decomposition is used as the fitness function of the IAGA. The modal number K and penalty factor α of VMD were iteratively optimized by IAGA, and the optimal combination of parameters was obtained. Based on the proposed method, the vibration signals of the crankshaft bearing fault simulation experiment were decomposed into several components. According to the value of the permutation entropy, the fault components were selected and the energy was extracted. The fault pattern is identified by the support vector machine (SVM) successfully. The simulation analysis and the simulation experiment of the crankshaft bearing fault show that the proposed method is effective. For the diagnosis of other engines, a large number of validation experiments are needed for further research

    Application of variational mode decomposition in vibration analysis of machine components

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    Monitoring and diagnosis of machinery in maintenance are often undertaken using vibration analysis. The machine vibration signal is invariably complex and diverse, and thus useful information and features are difficult to extract. Variational mode decomposition (VMD) is a recent signal processing method that able to extract some of important features from machine vibration signal. The performance of the VMD method depends on the selection of its input parameters, especially the mode number and balancing parameter (also known as quadratic penalty term). However, the current VMD method is still using a manual effort to extract the input parameters where it subjects to interpretation of experienced experts. Hence, machine diagnosis becomes time consuming and prone to error. The aim of this research was to propose an automated parameter selection method for selecting the VMD input parameters. The proposed method consisted of two-stage selections where the first stage selection was used to select the initial mode number and the second stage selection was used to select the optimized mode number and balancing parameter. A new machine diagnosis approach was developed, named as VMD Differential Evolution Algorithm (VMDEA)-Extreme Learning Machine (ELM). Vibration signal datasets were then reconstructed using VMDEA and the multi-domain features consisted of time-domain, frequency-domain and multi-scale fuzzy entropy were extracted. It was demonstrated that the VMDEA method was able to reduce the computational time about 14% to 53% as compared to VMD-Genetic Algorithm (GA), VMD-Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and VMD-Differential Evolution (DE) approaches for bearing, shaft and gear. It also exhibited a better convergence with about two to nine less iterations as compared to VMD-GA, VMD-PSO and VMD-DE for bearing, shaft and gear. The VMDEA-ELM was able to illustrate higher classification accuracy about 11% to 20% than Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD)-ELM, Ensemble EMD (EEMD)-ELM and Complimentary EEMD (CEEMD)-ELM for bearing shaft and gear. The bearing datasets from Case Western Reserve University were tested with VMDEA-ELM model and compared with Support Vector Machine (SVM)-Dempster-Shafer (DS), EEMD Optimal Mode Multi-scale Fuzzy Entropy Fault Diagnosis (EOMSMFD), Wavelet Packet Transform (WPT)-Local Characteristic-scale Decomposition (LCD)- ELM, and Arctangent S-shaped PSO least square support vector machine (ATSWPLM) models in term of its classification accuracy. The VMDEA-ELM model demonstrates better diagnosis accuracy with small differences between 2% to 4% as compared to EOMSMFD and WPT-LCD-ELM but less diagnosis accuracy in the range of 4% to 5% as compared to SVM-DS and ATSWPLM. The diagnosis approach VMDEA-ELM was also able to provide faster classification performance about 6 40 times faster than Back Propagation Neural Network (BPNN) and Support Vector Machine (SVM). This study provides an improved solution in determining an optimized VMD parameters by using VMDEA. It also demonstrates a more accurate and effective diagnostic approach for machine maintenance using VMDEA-ELM

    Vibro-acoustic Analysis of Reciprocating Compressor in the Context of Fault Diagnosis

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    This project assessed the behaviour of a positive displacement type of compressor utilising airborne acoustic signatures. The study concentrated on finding an improved method based on airborne sound that can be suitable for diagnosing some common faults in reciprocating compressor (RC). Being a critical component of the industry, the condition monitoring of reciprocating compressor is very much needed to avoid any failure of its machine parts that can cause a sudden breakdown of RC. The compressor acoustic signal is a result of various mechanical forces related to the varied cylinder pressure, valve movement, turbulence air flow which in terms contribute to the periodic excitation along with the non-linearity caused by the valve fluttering, hence making the airborne signal complex and non-stationary in nature. The transient response due to the periodic impact of the valves, modulation effect due to the fluid-mechanical interaction and low signal to noise ratio (SNR) are the challenging aspects of this study. To demonstrate the vibro-acoustic property of the reciprocating compressor, first a model was developed. The leakages in valve and intercooler are very common in RC. The second most common fault which is often neglected is a clogged filter. Hence, taking into consideration, filter blockage fault is introduced for the first time in the existing test set up. Three faults (discharge valve leakage, intercooler leakage and filter blockage) are simulated, and corresponding acoustic responses are recorded for further study of the signal-nature. The model is then validated by the actual data from RC test bed. Along with the modelling of compressor acoustics, various signal processing techniques like Minimum Entropy Deconvolution (MED), Teager Energy Operator (TEO) are used on the test data to detect abnormalities present. MED in this case, is proved to be effective in finding the transient responses whereas, TEO serves as an energy detection tool for tracking the total mechanical energy. Still both methods find it difficult to come up with the best possible diagnosis results as they fail to take all the major characteristics of the RC acoustics into consideration. To overcome this challenge, higher order spectral analysis as a form of Modulation Signal Bi-Spectrum (MSB) is used to find out the most effective modulating components by enhancing the modulating characteristics and suppressing the noise. Moreover, the quadratic phase coupling allows MSB to handle the non-linearity that might be present in RC due to the valve fluttering. The proposed MSB based method not only provides a more consistent and accurate diagnosis of compressor faults but also shows that airborne acoustics has a good aspect in fault identification of RC by validating both model and test results. Recognizing that there is perpetual room for improvement, the performance of the proposed RC fault diagnosis method can be enhanced by incorporating a denoising technique developed using the Variational Mode Decomposition (VMD) associated with Kalman filtering method. The future study must also consider several other individual and compound faults that can be incorporated in the study for understanding vibro-acoustic phenomena of RC

    Novel bearing fault diagnosis model integrated with dual-tree complex wavelet transform, permutation entropy and optimized FCM

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    In order to enhance the capability of feature extraction and fault classification of bearings, this study proposes a feature extraction approach based on dual-tree complex wavelet transform (DTCWT) and permutation entropy (PE), using the fuzzy c means clustering (FCM) to identify fault types. The vibration signal of bearings can be decomposed into several wavelet components with DTCWT which can describe the local characteristics of vibration signals accurately. And the PE of each wavelet component, which can describe the complexity of a time series, is calculated to be regarded as the fault features. Then forming the standard clustering centers by the FCM, we defined a standard using the Hamming approach degree to evaluate the classification results in the FCM. In order to verify the effectiveness of the proposed approach, compared with two other typical signal analysis methods: ensemble empirical mode decomposition (EEMD) and variational mode decomposition (VMD), through extracting fault features, it required to identify the fault types and severities under variable operating conditions. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed approach has a better accuracy and performance to diagnose a bearing fault under different fault severities and variable operating conditions. The proposed approach is suitable for a fault diagnosis due to its good ability to the feature extraction and fault classification

    A rolling bearing fault diagnosis method based on VMD – multiscale fractal dimension/energy and optimized support vector machine

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    To achieve the goal of automated rolling bearing fault diagnosis, a variational mode decomposition (VMD) based diagnosis scheme was proposed. VMD was firstly used to decompose the vibration signals into a series of band-limited intrinsic mode functions (BLIMFs). Subsequently, the multiscale fractal dimension (MSFD) and multiscale energy (MSEN) of each BLIMF were calculated and combined together as features of the original vibration signals. In an attempt to accelerate the classification speed, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) test was adopted to extract significant features from the redundant features. Finally, those significant features were fed into the optimized support vector machine (SVM), which was optimized by the genetic algorithm (GA), for classification. Experimental results on the international public Case Western Reserve University bearing data indicate the effectiveness of the proposed method with a classification accuracy of 99.75 % for seven classes. Moreover, our approach also shows good anti-noise performance in different signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs)