2,394 research outputs found

    A Rectangular Area Filling Display System Architecture

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    A display system architecture which has rectangular area filling as its primitive operation is presented. It is shown that lines can be drawn significantly faster while rendition of filled boxes shows an O(n^2) speed improvement. Furthermore filled polygons can be rendered with an O(n) speed improvement. Implementation of this rectangular area filling architecture is discussed and refined. A custom VLSI integrated circuit is currently being designed to implement this rectangular area filling architecture and at the same time reduce the display memory system video refresh bandwidth requirements

    Efficient algorithms for reconfiguration in VLSI/WSI arrays

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    The issue of developing efficient algorithms for reconfiguring processor arrays in the presence of faulty processors and fixed hardware resources is discussed. The models discussed consist of a set of identical processors embedded in a flexible interconnection structure that is configured in the form of a rectangular grid. An array grid model based on single-track switches is considered. An efficient polynomial time algorithm is proposed for determining feasible reconfigurations for an array with a given distribution of faulty processors. In the process, it is shown that the set of conditions in the reconfigurability theorem is not necessary. A polynomial time algorithm is developed for finding feasible reconfigurations in an augmented single-track model and in array grid models with multiple-track switche

    Programming self developing blob machines for spatial computing.

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    Computer design and optimisation of holographic phase elements

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    System on fabrics utilising distributed computing

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    The main vision of wearable computing is to make electronic systems an important part of everyday clothing in the future which will serve as intelligent personal assistants. Wearable devices have the potential to be wearable computers and not mere input/output devices for the human body. The present thesis focuses on introducing a new wearable computing paradigm, where the processing elements are closely coupled with the sensors that are distributed using Instruction Systolic Array (ISA) architecture. The thesis describes a novel, multiple sensor, multiple processor system architecture prototype based on the Instruction Systolic Array paradigm for distributed computing on fabrics. The thesis introduces new programming model to implement the distributed computer on fabrics. The implementation of the concept has been validated using parallel algorithms. A real-time shape sensing and reconstruction application has been implemented on this architecture and has demonstrated a physical design for a wearable system based on the ISA concept constructed from off-the-shelf microcontrollers and sensors. Results demonstrate that the real time application executes on the prototype ISA implementation thus confirming the viability of the proposed architecture for fabric-resident computing devices

    Algorithm to layout (ATL) systems for VLSI design

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    PhD ThesisThe complexities involved in custom VLSI design together with the failure of CAD techniques to keep pace with advances in the fabrication technology have resulted in a design bottleneck. Powerful tools are required to exploit the processing potential offered by the densities now available. Describing a system in a high level algorithmic notation makes writing, understanding, modification, and verification of a design description easier. It also removes some of the emphasis on the physical issues of VLSI design, and focus attention on formulating a correct and well structured design. This thesis examines how current trends in CAD techniques might influence the evolution of advanced Algorithm To Layout (ATL) systems. The envisaged features of an example system are specified. Particular attention is given to the implementation of one its features COPTS (Compilation Of Occam Programs To Schematics). COPTS is capable of generating schematic diagrams from which an actual layout can be derived. It takes a description written in a subset of Occam and generates a high level schematic diagram depicting its realisation as a VLSI system. This diagram provides the designer with feedback on the relative placement and interconnection of the operators used in the source code. It also gives a visual representation of the parallelism defined in the Occam description. Such diagrams are a valuable aid in documenting the implementation of a design. Occam has also been selected as the input to the design system that COPTS is a feature of. The choice of Occam was made on the assumption that the most appropriate algorithmic notation for such a design system will be a suitable high level programming language. This is in contrast to current automated VLSI design systems, which typically use a hardware des~ription language for input. These special purpose languages currently concentrate on handling structural/behavioural information and have limited ability to express algorithms. Using a language such as Occam allows a designer to write a behavioural description which can be compiled and executed as a simulator, or prototype, of the system. The programmability introduced into the design process enables designers to concentrate on a design's underlying algorithm. The choice of this algorithm is the most crucial decision since it determines the performance and area of the silicon implementation. The thesis is divided into four sections, each of several chapters. The first section considers VLSI design complexity, compares the expert systems and silicon compilation approaches to tackling it, and examines its parallels with software complexity. The second section reviews the advantages of using a conventional programming language for VLSI system descriptions. A number of alternative high level programming languages are considered for application in VLSI design. The third section defines the overall ATL system COPTS is envisaged to be part of, and considers the schematic representation of Occam programs. The final section presents a summary of the overall project and suggestions for future work on realising the full ATL system

    A taxonomy of parallel sorting

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    TR 84-601In this paper, we propose a taxonomy of parallel sorting that includes a broad range of array and file sorting algorithms. We analyze the evolution of research on parallel sorting, from the earliest sorting networks to the shared memory algorithms and the VLSI sorters. In the context of sorting networks, we describe two fundamental parallel merging schemes - the odd-even and the bitonic merge. Sorting algorithms have been derived from these merging algorithms for parallel computers where processors communicate through interconnection networks such as the perfect shuffle, the mesh and a number of other sparse networks. After describing the network sorting algorithms, we show that, with a shared memory model of parallel computation, faster algorithms have been derived from parallel enumeration sorting schemes, where keys are first ranked and then rearranged according to their rank

    Computing motion using analog and binary resistive networks

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    The authors describe recent developments in the theory of early vision that led from the formulation of the motion problem as an ill-posed one to its solution by minimizing certain 'cost' functions. These cost or energy functions can be mapped onto simple analog and digital resistive networks. The optical flow is computed by injecting currents into resistive networks and recording the resulting stationary voltage distribution at each node. The authors believe that these networks, which they implemented in complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) very-large-scale integrated (VLSI) circuits, represent plausible candidates for biological vision systems
