53 research outputs found

    Efficient ECG Compression and QRS Detection for E-Health Applications

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    Current medical screening and diagnostic procedures have shifted toward recording longer electrocardiogram (ECG) signals, which have traditionally been processed on personal computers (PCs) with high-speed multi-core processors and efficient memory processing. Battery-driven devices are now more commonly used for the same purpose and thus exploring highly efficient, low-power alternatives for local ECG signal collection and processing is essential for efficient and convenient clinical use. Several ECG compression methods have been reported in the current literature with limited discussion on the performance of the compressed and the reconstructed ECG signals in terms of the QRS complex detection accuracy. This paper proposes and evaluates different compression methods based not only on the compression ratio (CR) and percentage root-mean-square difference (PRD), but also based on the accuracy of QRS detection. In this paper, we have developed a lossy method (Methods III) and compared them to the most current lossless and lossy ECG compression methods (Method I and Method II, respectively). The proposed lossy compression method (Method III) achieves CR of 4.5×, PRD of 0.53, as well as an overall sensitivity of 99.78% and positive predictivity of 99.92% are achieved (when coupled with an existing QRS detection algorithm) on the MIT-BIH Arrhythmia database and an overall sensitivity of 99.90% and positive predictivity of 99.84% on the QT database.This work was made possible by NPRP grant #7-684-1-127 from the Qatar National Research Fund (a member of Qatar Foundation). The statements made herein are solely the responsibility of the authors.Scopu

    Low Power Circuits for Smart Flexible ECG Sensors

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    Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the world leading cause of death. In-home heart condition monitoring effectively reduced the CVD patient hospitalization rate. Flexible electrocardiogram (ECG) sensor provides an affordable, convenient and comfortable in-home monitoring solution. The three critical building blocks of the ECG sensor i.e., analog frontend (AFE), QRS detector, and cardiac arrhythmia classifier (CAC), are studied in this research. A fully differential difference amplifier (FDDA) based AFE that employs DC-coupled input stage increases the input impedance and improves CMRR. A parasitic capacitor reuse technique is proposed to improve the noise/area efficiency and CMRR. An on-body DC bias scheme is introduced to deal with the input DC offset. Implemented in 0.35m CMOS process with an area of 0.405mm2, the proposed AFE consumes 0.9W at 1.8V and shows excellent noise effective factor of 2.55, and CMRR of 76dB. Experiment shows the proposed AFE not only picks up clean ECG signal with electrodes placed as close as 2cm under both resting and walking conditions, but also obtains the distinct -wave after eye blink from EEG recording. A personalized QRS detection algorithm is proposed to achieve an average positive prediction rate of 99.39% and sensitivity rate of 99.21%. The user-specific template avoids the complicate models and parameters used in existing algorithms while covers most situations for practical applications. The detection is based on the comparison of the correlation coefficient of the user-specific template with the ECG segment under detection. The proposed one-target clustering reduced the required loops. A continuous-in-time discrete-in-amplitude (CTDA) artificial neural network (ANN) based CAC is proposed for the smart ECG sensor. The proposed CAC achieves over 98% classification accuracy for 4 types of beats defined by AAMI (Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation). The CTDA scheme significantly reduces the input sample numbers and simplifies the sample representation to one bit. Thus, the number of arithmetic operations and the ANN structure are greatly simplified. The proposed CAC is verified by FPGA and implemented in 0.18m CMOS process. Simulation results show it can operate at clock frequencies from 10KHz to 50MHz. Average power for the patient with 75bpm heart rate is 13.34W

    Simple real-time QRS detector with the MaMeMi filter

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    AbstractDetection of QRS complexes in ECG signals is required to determine heart rate, and it is an important step in the study of cardiac disorders. ECG signals are usually affected by noise of low and high frequency. To improve the accuracy of QRS detectors several methods have been proposed to filter out the noise and detect the characteristic pattern of QRS complex. Most of the existing methods are at a disadvantage from relatively high computational complexity or high resource needs making them less optimized for its implementation on portable embedded systems, wearable devices or ultra-low power chips. We present a new method to detect the QRS signal in a simple way with minimal computational cost and resource needs using a novel non-linear filter

    Verification and comparison of MIT-BIH arrhythmia database based on number of beats

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    The ECG signal processing methods are tested and evaluated based on many databases. The most ECG database used for many researchers is the MIT-BIH arrhythmia database. The QRS-detection algorithms are essential for ECG analyses to detect the beats for the ECG signal. There is no standard number of beats for this database that are used from numerous researches. Different beat numbers are calculated for the researchers depending on the difference in understanding the annotation file. In this paper, the beat numbers for existing methods are studied and compared to find the correct beat number that should be used. We propose a simple function to standardize the beats number for any ECG PhysioNet database to improve the waveform database toolbox (WFDB) for the MATLAB program. This function is based on the annotation's description from the databases and can be added to the Toolbox. The function is removed the non-beats annotation without any errors. The results show a high percentage of 71% from the reviewed methods used an incorrect number of beats for this database

    Revisiting QRS detection methodologies for portable, wearable, battery-operated, and wireless ECG systems

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    Cardiovascular diseases are the number one cause of death worldwide. Currently, portable battery-operated systems such as mobile phones with wireless ECG sensors have the potential to be used in continuous cardiac function assessment that can be easily integrated into daily life. These portable point-of-care diagnostic systems can therefore help unveil and treat cardiovascular diseases. The basis for ECG analysis is a robust detection of the prominent QRS complex, as well as other ECG signal characteristics. However, it is not clear from the literature which ECG analysis algorithms are suited for an implementation on a mobile device. We investigate current QRS detection algorithms based on three assessment criteria: 1) robustness to noise, 2) parameter choice, and 3) numerical efficiency, in order to target a universal fast-robust detector. Furthermore, existing QRS detection algorithms may provide an acceptable solution only on small segments of ECG signals, within a certain amplitude range, or amid particular types of arrhythmia and/or noise. These issues are discussed in the context of a comparison with the most conventional algorithms, followed by future recommendations for developing reliable QRS detection schemes suitable for implementation on battery-operated mobile devices.Mohamed Elgendi, Björn Eskofier, Socrates Dokos, Derek Abbot

    Ultra Low-power Wireless Sensor Node Design for ECG Sensing Applications

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    Ubiquitous computing, such as smart homes, smart cars, and smart grid, connects our world closely so that we can easily access to the world through such virtual infrastructural systems. The ultimate vision of this is Internet of Things (IoT) through which intelligent monitoring and management is feasible via networked sensors and actuators. In this system, devices transmit sensed information, and execute instructions distributed via sensor networks. A wireless sensor network (WSN) is such a network where many sensor nodes are interconnected such that a sensor node can transmit information via its adjacent sensor nodes when physical phenomenon is detected. Accordingly, the information can be delivered to the destination through this process. The concept of WSN is also applicable to biomedical applications, especially ECG sensing applications, in a form of a sensor network, so-called body sensor network (BSN), where affixed or implanted biosignal sensors gather bio-signals and transmit them to medical providers. The main challenge of BSN is energy constraint since implanted sensor nodes cannot be replaced easily, so they should prolong with a limited amount of battery energy or by energy harvesting. Thus, we will discuss several power saving techniques in this thesis.PhDElectrical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/137081/1/hesed_1.pd


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    In most hospitals and clinics patient waiting times are continuously increasing due to a shortage of trained physicians. Wireless Doc is a device that integrates an Electrocardiogram (ECG), (EEG) and BP together for further medical examination. Wireless Doc aims at a faster and an efficient way for providing this information to assist a physician in acquiring an accurate diagnosis sooner thereby reducing patient wait times in emergency. The Electroencephalography (EEG) is used in the evaluation of brain disorders. Most commonly it is used to show the type and location of the activity in the brain during a seizure. It also is used to evaluate people who are having problems associated with brain function. The Electrocardiogram (ECG) aims to measure the cardiac rhythm and rate of a patient. It ensures that the QRS complex is intact for the diagnosis of cardiac arrhythmias. The ECG system is used to detect Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia (RSA). Design considerations that need to be taken into account when designing an ECG, EEG and BP are discussed. By using the electrodes attached to the patient from which the electrical activity of the heart and brain are acquired, amplified, filtered and sent wirelessly through Zigbee networks to a base station for post processing

    Embedded computing systems design: architectural and application perspectives

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    Questo elaborato affronta varie problematiche legate alla progettazione e all'implementazione dei moderni sistemi embedded di computing, ponendo in rilevo, e talvolta in contrapposizione, le sfide che emergono all'avanzare della tecnologia ed i requisiti che invece emergono a livello applicativo, derivanti dalle necessità degli utenti finali e dai trend di mercato. La discussione sarà articolata tenendo conto di due punti di vista: la progettazione hardware e la loro applicazione a livello di sistema. A livello hardware saranno affrontati nel dettaglio i problemi di interconnettività on-chip. Aspetto che riguarda la parallelizzazione del calcolo, ma anche l'integrazione di funzionalità eterogenee. Sarà quindi discussa un'architettura d'interconnessione denominata Network-on-Chip (NoC). La soluzione proposta è in grado di supportare funzionalità avanzate di networking direttamente in hardware, consentendo tuttavia di raggiungere sempre un compromesso ottimale tra prestazioni in termini di traffico e requisiti di implementazioni a seconda dell'applicazione specifica. Nella discussione di questa tematica, verrà posto l'accento sul problema della configurabilità dei blocchi che compongono una NoC. Quello della configurabilità, è un problema sempre più sentito nella progettazione dei sistemi complessi, nei quali si cerca di sviluppare delle funzionalità, anche molto evolute, ma che siano semplicemente riutilizzabili. A tale scopo sarà introdotta una nuova metodologia, denominata Metacoding che consiste nell'astrarre i problemi di configurabilità attraverso linguaggi di programmazione di alto livello. Sulla base del metacoding verrà anche proposto un flusso di design automatico in grado di semplificare la progettazione e la configurazione di una NoC da parte del designer di rete. Come anticipato, la discussione si sposterà poi a livello di sistema, per affrontare la progettazione di tali sistemi dal punto di vista applicativo, focalizzando l'attenzione in particolare sulle applicazioni di monitoraggio remoto. A tal riguardo saranno studiati nel dettaglio tutti gli aspetti che riguardano la progettazione di un sistema per il monitoraggio di pazienti affetti da scompenso cardiaco cronico. Si partirà dalla definizione dei requisiti, che, come spesso accade a questo livello, derivano principalmente dai bisogni dell'utente finale, nel nostro caso medici e pazienti. Verranno discusse le problematiche di acquisizione, elaborazione e gestione delle misure. Il sistema proposto introduce vari aspetti innovativi tra i quali il concetto di protocollo operativo e l'elevata interoperabilità offerta. In ultima analisi, verranno riportati i risultati relativi alla sperimentazione del sistema implementato. Infine, il tema del monitoraggio remoto sarà concluso con lo studio delle reti di distribuzione elettrica intelligenti: le Smart Grid, cercando di fare uno studio dello stato dell'arte del settore, proponendo un'architettura di Home Area Network (HAN) e suggerendone una possibile implementazione attraverso Commercial Off the Shelf (COTS)


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    The primary objective of this research work is the development of a low power single-lead ECG analog front-end (AFE) architecture which includes acquisition, digitization, process aware efficient gain and frequency control mechanism and a low complexity classifier for the detecting asystole, extreme bardycardia and tachycardia. Recent research on ECG recording systems focuses on the design of a compact single-lead wearable/portable devices with ultra-low-power consumption and in-built hardware for diagnosis and prognosis. Since, the amplitude of the ECG signal varies from hundreds of µV to a few mV, and has a bandwidth of DC to 250 Hz, conventional front-ends use an instrument amplifier followed by a programmable gain amplifier (PGA) to amplify the input ECG signal appropriately. This work presents an mixed signal ECG fronted with an ultra-low power two-stage capacitive-coupled signal conditioning circuit (or an AFE), providing programmable amplification along with tunable 2nd order high pass and lowpass filter characteristics. In the contemporary state-of-the-art ECG recording systems, the gain of the amplifier is controlled by external digital control pins which are in turn dynamically controlled through a DSP. Therefore, an efficient automatic gain control mechanism with minimal area overhead and consuming power in the order of nano watts only. The AGC turns the subsequent ADC on only after output of the PGA (or input of the ADC) reaches a level for which the ADC achieves maximum signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR), hence saving considerable startup power and avoiding the use of DSP. Further, in any practical filter design, the low pass cut-off frequency is prone to deviate from its nominal value across process and temperature variations. Therefore, post-fabrication calibration is essential, before the signal is fed to an ADC, to minimize this deviation, prevent signal degradation due to aliasing of higher frequencies into the bandwidth for classification of ECG signals, to switch to low resolution processing, hence saving power and enhances battery lifetime. Another short-coming noticed in the literature published so far is that the classification algorithm is implemented in digital domain, which turns out to be a power hungry approach. Moreover, Although analog domain implementations of QRS complexes detection schemes have been reported, they employ an external micro-controller to determine the threshold voltage. In this regard, finally a power-efficient low complexity CMOS fully analog classifier architecture and a heart rate estimator is added to the above scheme. It reduces the overall system power consumption by reducing the computational burden on the DSP. The complete proposed scheme consists of (i) an ultra-low power QRS complex detection circuit using an autonomous dynamic threshold voltage, hence discarding the need of any external microcontroller/DSP and calibration (ii) a power efficient analog classifier for the detection of three critical alarm types viz. asystole, extreme bradycardia and tachycardia. Additionally, a heart rate estimator that provides the number of QRS complexes within a period of one minute for cardiac rhythm (CR) and heart rate variability (HRV) analysis. The complete proposed architecture is implemented in UMC 0.18 µm CMOS technology with 1.8 V supply. The functionality of each of the individual blocks are successfully validated using postextraction process corner simulations and through real ECG test signals taken from the PhysioNet database. The capacitive feedback amplifier, Σ∆ ADC, AGC and the AFT are fabricated, and the measurement results are discussed here. The analog classification scheme is successfully validated using embed NXP LPC1768 board, discrete peak detector prototype and FPGA software interfac