1,114 research outputs found

    VLSI Architectures and Rapid Prototyping Testbeds for Wireless Systems

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    The rapid evolution of wireless access is creating an ever changing variety of standards for indoor and outdoor environments. The real-time processing demands of wireless data rates in excess of 100 Mbps is a challenging problem for architecture design and verification. In this paper, we consider current trends in VLSI architecture and in rapid prototyping testbeds to evaluate these systems. The key phases in multi-standard system design and prototyping include: Algorithm Mapping to Parallel Architectures – based on the real-time data and sampling rate and the resulting area, time and power complexity; Configurable Mappings and Design Exploration – based on heterogeneous architectures consisting of DSP, programmable application-specific instruction (ASIP) processors, and co-processors; and Verification and Testbed Integration – based on prototype implementation on programmable devices and integration with RF units.Nokia Foundation FellowshipNokia CorporationNational InstrumentsNational Science Foundatio

    High-Level Design Space and Flexibility Exploration for Adaptive, Energy-Efficient WCDMA Channel Estimation Architectures

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    Due to the fast changing wireless communication standards coupled with strict performance constraints, the demand for flexible yet high-performance architectures is increasing. To tackle the flexibility requirement, software-defined radio (SDR) is emerging as an obvious solution, where the underlying hardware implementation is tuned via software layers to the varied standards depending on power-performance and quality requirements leading to adaptable, cognitive radio. In this paper, we conduct a case study for representatives of two complexity classes of WCDMA channel estimation algorithms and explore the effect of flexibility on energy efficiency using different implementation options. Furthermore, we propose new design guidelines for both highly specialized architectures and highly flexible architectures using high-level synthesis, to enable the required performance and flexibility to support multiple applications. Our experiments with various design points show that the resulting architectures meet the performance constraints of WCDMA and a wide range of options are offered for tuning such architectures depending on power/performance/area constraints of SDR

    A simple modern correctness condition for a space-based high-performance multiprocessor

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    A number of U.S. national programs, including space-based detection of ballistic missile launches, envisage putting significant computing power into space. Given sufficient progress in low-power VLSI, multichip-module packaging and liquid-cooling technologies, we will see design of high-performance multiprocessors for individual satellites. In very high speed implementations, performance depends critically on tolerating large latencies in interprocessor communication; without latency tolerance, performance is limited by the vastly differing time scales in processor and data-memory modules, including interconnect times. The modern approach to tolerating remote-communication cost in scalable, shared-memory multiprocessors is to use a multithreaded architecture, and alter the semantics of shared memory slightly, at the price of forcing the programmer either to reason about program correctness in a relaxed consistency model or to agree to program in a constrained style. The literature on multiprocessor correctness conditions has become increasingly complex, and sometimes confusing, which may hinder its practical application. We propose a simple modern correctness condition for a high-performance, shared-memory multiprocessor; the correctness condition is based on a simple interface between the multiprocessor architecture and a high-performance, shared-memory multiprocessor; the correctness condition is based on a simple interface between the multiprocessor architecture and the parallel programming system

    Study of a unified hardware and software fault-tolerant architecture

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    A unified architectural concept, called the Fault Tolerant Processor Attached Processor (FTP-AP), that can tolerate hardware as well as software faults is proposed for applications requiring ultrareliable computation capability. An emulation of the FTP-AP architecture, consisting of a breadboard Motorola 68010-based quadruply redundant Fault Tolerant Processor, four VAX 750s as attached processors, and four versions of a transport aircraft yaw damper control law, is used as a testbed in the AIRLAB to examine a number of critical issues. Solutions of several basic problems associated with N-Version software are proposed and implemented on the testbed. This includes a confidence voter to resolve coincident errors in N-Version software. A reliability model of N-Version software that is based upon the recent understanding of software failure mechanisms is also developed. The basic FTP-AP architectural concept appears suitable for hosting N-Version application software while at the same time tolerating hardware failures. Architectural enhancements for greater efficiency, software reliability modeling, and N-Version issues that merit further research are identified

    On synthesizing systolic arrays from recurrence equations with linear dependencies

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    Journal ArticleWe present a technique for synthesizing systolic architectures from Recurrence Equations. A class of such equations (Recurrence Equations with Linear Dependencies) is defined and and the problem of mapping such equations onto a two dimensional architecture is studied. We show that such a mapping is provided by means of a linear allocation and timing function. An important result is that under such a mapping the dependencies remain linear. After obtaining a two-dimensional architecture by applying such a mapping, a systolic array can be derived if t h e communication can be spatially and temporally localized. We show that a simple test consisting of finding the zeroes of a matrix is sufficient to determine whether this localization can be achieved by pipelining and give a construction that generates the array when such a pipelining is possible. The technique is illustrated by automatically deriving a well known systolic array for factoring a band matrix into lower and upper triangular factors

    New Techniques to Reduce the Execution Time of Functional Test Programs

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    The compaction of test programs for processor-based systems is of utmost practical importance: Software-Based Self-Test (SBST) is nowadays increasingly adopted, especially for in-field test of safety-critical applications, and both the size and the execution time of the test are critical parameters. However, while compacting the size of binary test sequences has been thoroughly studied over the years, the reduction of the execution time of test programs is still a rather unexplored area of research. This paper describes a family of algorithms able to automatically enhance an existing test program, reducing the time required to run it and, as a side effect, its size. The proposed solutions are based on instruction removal and restoration, which is shown to be computationally more efficient than instruction removal alone. Experimental results demonstrate the compaction capabilities, and allow analyzing computational costs and effectiveness of the different algorithms

    Computer aided design

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    technical reportThe report is based on the proposal submitted to the National Science Foundation in September 1981, as part of the Coordinated Experimental Computer Science Research Program. The sections covering the budget and biographical data on the senior research personnel have not been included. Also, the section describing the department facilities at the time of the proposal submission is not included, because it would be only of historical interest
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