8 research outputs found

    Characterizations of fuzzy fated filters of R0-algebras based on fuzzy points

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    More general form of the notion of quasi-coincidence of a fuzzy point with a fuzzy subset is considered, and generalization of fuzzy fated of R0-algebras is discussed. The notion of an (∈,∈∨ qk)-fuzzy fated filter in a R0-algebra is introduced, and several properties are investigated. Characterizations of an (∈, ∈ ∨ qk)-fuzzy fated filter in an R0-algebra are discussed. Using a collection of fated filters, a (∈,∈∨ qk)-fuzzy fated filter is established

    Consideraciones para el uso de simulaciones en entornos virtuales para el aprendizaje de las estrategias de programación de computadoras

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    El presente documento brinda algunas consideraciones en relación con el uso de las simulaciones para la enseñanza de la programación en entornos virtuales, se consideran factores como el rol del tutor, el rol del estudiante, las condiciones del entorno virtual, las características de las simulaciones y de qué manera podrían apoyar el desarrollo cognitivo al aprender a programar una computadora utilizando diversos lenguajes de programación


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    Este documento presenta los resultados parciales de una disertación para obtener el grado de doctorado. Uno de los propósitos fue evaluar los efectos del uso del portafolio como motivación dirigida al aprendizaje de la programación.La metodología utilizada fue cuasi experimental; se consideró como población al estudiantado de Informática Educativa, por lo que la muestra estuvo conformada por personas matriculadas en el primer curso de Programación. El grupo recibió tutorías presenciales y acceso a la plataforma virtual, además desarrolló un portafolio electrónico.Se utilizaron una encuesta y una rúbrica para recopilar la opinión del estudiantado y de la tutora acerca del efecto del portafolio.   Los resultados revelan que la población estudiantil seleccionada considera que el portafolio incrementó su motivación durante el curso.Palabras clave: desarrollo cognitivo, procesos de aprendizaje, pensamiento lógico, motivación del estudiante, diseño instruccional, portafolios de aprendizaje.AbstractThis paper presents the partial results of a dissertation for the degree of PhD. One of the purposes was to assess the effects of the use of the portfolio in motivation to learning of programming.The methodology was quasi-experimental, was considered as population students of Educational Informatics, the shows were the students enrolled in the first year of programming. The Group received face-to-face mentoring, access to virtual platform and developed an electronic portfolio.A survey and a header were used to collect the opinion of students about the effect of the portfolio.  The results revealed that students considered that the portfolio increased their motivation during the course.Keywords: cognitive development, learning processes, logical thinking, student motivation, instructional design, learning portfolios

    The development of design guidelines for educational programming environments

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    Introductory programming courses at university are currently experiencing a significant dropout and failure rate. Whilst several reasons have been attributed to these numbers by researchers, such as cognitive factors and aptitude, it is still unclear why programming is a natural skill for some students and a cause of struggle for others. Most of the research in the computer science literature suggests that methods of teaching programming and students’ learning styles as reasons behind this trend. In addition to the choice of the first programming language taught. With the popularity of virtual learning environments and online courses, several instructors are incorporating these e-learning tools in their lectures in an attempt to increase engagement and achievement. However, many of these strategies fail as they do not use effective teaching practices or recognise the learning preferences exhibited by a diverse student population. Therefore this research proposes that combining multiple teaching methods to accommodate different learners' preferences will significantly improve performance in programming. To test the hypothesis, an interactive web based learning tool to teach Python programming language (PILeT) was developed. The tool’s novel contribution is that it offers a combination of pedagogical methods to support student’s learning style based on the Felder-Silverman model. First, PILeT was evaluated by both expert and representative users to detect any usability or interface design issues that might interfere with students’ learning. Once the problems were detected and fixed, PILeT was evaluated again to measure the learning outcomes that resulted from its use. The experimental results show that PILeT has a positive impact on students learning programming

    Re-designing program animation

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    VINCE—an on-line tutorial tool for teaching introductory programming (poster)

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    The effects of web-mediated instructional strategies and cognitive preferences in the acquisition of introductory programming concepts: a Rasch model approach

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    This is a quasi-experimental study that aims to examine the interactive effects of web-mediated instructional strategies and learners’ cognitive preferences in their acquisition of introductory programming concepts. The thesis knowledge domain is an introduction to computer programming knowledge, designed for non-computer science students. It is the intention of this study to extend the McKay (2000a) research to examine the interactive effects of web-mediated instructional strategies and cognitive preferences in the acquisition of introductory programming concepts in Malaysian universities. Whereas the instructional strategies investigated by McKay (2000a) were paper-based, they involved graphical metaphors. Instead, this thesis interrogates whether or not information communications technology (ICT) elements such as signals (or cues), interactive animation, navigational tools, words and graphics influence students’ cognitive performance, and whether there are interactive effects of their cognitive preferences that contribute to the results. This study recognises the complex nature of the web-mediated learning environment and the difficulties experienced by students due to their lack of prior programming knowledge, which were first analysed by Bagley (1990) and revised by McKay (2000a). This empirical study examined the performance of novice-learners (or -programmers) with different cognitive preferences using two web-mediated instructional strategies: 1) text-plus-textual format and 2) text-plus-graphical format. The participants were primarily second year undergraduate students, in Malaysia, who are required to enrol in an Introductory Programming course as part of their program requirement for the first time. They were classified for the purpose of this research as novice-learners. The subsequent data collected included scores from three instruments: 1) pre-test; 2) post-test and 3) cognitive styles analysis. The validity and reliability of the cognitive performance measurements (pre- and post-test) were confirmed according to Rasch model using the Quest interactive test analysis system software (Adam & Khoo, 1996). These cognitive performance measurements were found to have strong validity with the item fit statistics produced by the Quest estimate and ranged from 0.81 to 1.22, strongly upholding that the test-items sampled the one construct. Further analyses were conducted, based on effect size (Cohen’s d) to compare the magnitude of difference between groups (Cohen, 1977). The results suggest that there is no clear evidence that a cognitive preference plays an important role in cognitive performance when learning from web-mediated instructional modules. However, it has been observed that the analytic-verbalisers performed better when the instructional format they received suit their cognitive preferences with a medium effect size. As the participants were novice-learners, the influence of prior domain knowledge cannot be ignored. The findings of this doctoral study contribute new knowledge to the existing literature in the related disciplines of human–computer interaction, web-mediated instruction, human cognitive processing and research methodology. Firstly, the use of high-quality measurement tools to assess the effectiveness of web-mediated instructional strategies is important. Secondly, the findings can provide guidelines on how to design web-mediated instruction for high-element interactivity knowledge domains such as the acquisition of programming concepts. Finally, the learner’s cognitive learning preference profile should be considered when designing web-mediated instruction and in particular their level of prior domain knowledge