43 research outputs found

    Lojistik merkezi yer seçimi için aralık değerli sezgisel bulanık sayılara dayalı genişletilmiş VIKOR yöntemi

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    Identifying the appropriate location for logistics centres (LC) is key to gaining and maintaining a competitive advantage and increasing the efficiency of supply chain activities. Increasing customer expectations, efforts to reduce logistics costs and the intensity of competition in the logistics sector have led to the establishment of many new LMs in recent years. These centers contribute significantly to increasing efficiency in freight transportation, optimizing logistics services and reducing the traffic. The increasing importance of LCs and the significant impact of their location on logistics activities have made the choice of installation site a strategic consideration. However, evaluating LC location alternatives is a complex process that must take many factors into account. The aim of the present study is to propose an extended VlseKriterijuska Optimizacija I Komoromisno Resenje (VIKOR) approach based on interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy numbers (IVIFN) and test its feasibility. Applying IVIFN contributes to coping with uncertainty in human thought and decision processes. On the other hand, VIKOR is a decision-making technique that facilitates ranking criteria that are contradictory and represented by different units, and it offers a compromise solution. The feasibility of the extended VIKOR approach through IVIFN proposed in this study was tested in a numerical example in which LC location alternatives were evaluated. Three experts were consulted to determine the criterion weights and to rank the alternatives. Decision makers serve as logistics and planning specialist, logistics operations manager and supply chain chief engineer. In practice, alternatives were evaluated by considering six criteria. As a result, criteria are listed in the form of intermodal connection (0.255), infrastructure (0.194), security/safety (0.169), proximity to customers (0.158), proximity to suppliers (0.131), and labour supply (0.093), according to their weighted importance. It is expected that the findings obtained in the study will contribute to researchers and sector managers.Lojistik merkezler (LM) için uygun yerin belirlenmesi, rekabet avantajı elde etmenin, sürdürmenin ve tedarik zinciri faaliyetlerinin verimliliğini artırmanın anahtarıdır. Artan müşteri beklentileri, lojistik maliyetlerinin azaltılmasına yönelik çabalar ve lojistik sektöründe yaşanan rekabet yoğunluğu son yıllarda birçok yeni LM kurulmasına neden olmuştur. Bu merkezler yük taşımacılığında verimliliğin artmasına, lojistik hizmetlerin optimize edilmesine ve bulundukları kentteki trafiğin azaltılmasında önemli ölçüde katkı sağlamaktadır. LM'lerin artan önemi ve konumlarının lojistik faaliyetler üzerindeki önemli etkisi, kurulum yeri seçimini stratejik bir değerlendirme haline getirmiştir. Ancak, LM konum alternatiflerini değerlendirmek, birçok faktörün hesaba katılması gereken karmaşık bir süreçtir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, aralık değerli sezgisel bulanık sayılara (ADSBS) dayalı genişletilmiş bir VlseKriterijuska Optimizacija I Komoromisno Resenje (VIKOR) yaklaşımı önermek ve uygulanabilirliğini test etmektir. ADSBS'ın uygulanması, insan düşünce ve karar süreçlerindeki belirsizlikle başa çıkmaya katkıda bulunur. Öte yandan VIKOR birbiriyle çelişen ve farklı birimler tarafından temsil edilen kriterleri sıralamayı kolaylaştıran ve uzlaşmacı bir çözüm sunan bir karar verme tekniğidir. Bu çalışmada önerilen ADSBS aracılığıyla genişletilmiş VIKOR yaklaşımının uygulanabilirliği, LM konum alternatiflerinin değerlendirildiği sayısal bir örnekte test edilmiştir. Kriter ağırlıklarının belirlenmesi ve alternatiflerin sıralanması için üç uzman karar vericiye danışılmıştır. Karar vericiler, lojistik ve planlama uzmanı, lojistik operasyon yöneticisi ve tedarik zinciri başmühendisi olarak görev yapmaktadır. Uygulamada alternatifler altı kriter (altyapı, müşteriye yakınlık, tedarikçilere yakınlık, intermodal bağlantı, işgücü arzı ve güvenlik/güvenirlilik) dikkate alınarak değerlendirilmiştir. Sonuç olarak kriterler ağırlıklarına göre intermodal bağlantı (0,255), altyapı (0,194), güvenlik/güvenlik (0,169), müşterilere yakınlık (0,158), tedarikçilere yakınlık (0,131) ve iş gücü arzı (0,093) biçiminde sıralanmıştır. Çalışmada elde edilen bulguların araştırmacılara ve sektör yöneticilerine katkı sağlaması beklenmektedir

    VIKOR method for multiple criteria group decision making under 2-tuple linguistic neutrosophic environment

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    In this article, the VIKOR method is proposed to solve the multiple criteria group decision making (MCGDM) with 2-tuple linguistic neutrosophic numbers (2TLNNs). Firstly, the fundamental concepts, operation formulas and distance calculating method of 2TLNNs are introduced. Then some aggregation operators of 2TLNNs are reviewed. Thereafter, the original VIKOR method is extended to 2TLNNs and the calculating steps of VIKOR method with 2TLNNs are proposed. In the proposed method, it’s more reasonable and scientific for considering the conflicting criteria. Furthermore, the VIKOR are extended to interval-valued 2-tuple linguistic neutrosophic numbers (IV2TLNNs). Moreover, a numerical example for green supplier selection has been given to illustrate the new method and some comparisons are also conducted to further illustrate advantages of the new method

    Modified EDAS Method Based on Cumulative Prospect Theory for Multiple Attributes Group Decision Making with Interval-valued Intuitionistic Fuzzy Information

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    The Interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy sets (IVIFSs) based on the intuitionistic fuzzy sets combines the classical decision method is in its research and application is attracting attention. After comparative analysis, there are multiple classical methods with IVIFSs information have been applied into many practical issues. In this paper, we extended the classical EDAS method based on cumulative prospect theory (CPT) considering the decision makers (DMs) psychological factor under IVIFSs. Taking the fuzzy and uncertain character of the IVIFSs and the psychological preference into consideration, the original EDAS method based on the CPT under IVIFSs (IVIF-CPT-MABAC) method is built for MAGDM issues. Meanwhile, information entropy method is used to evaluate the attribute weight. Finally, a numerical example for project selection of green technology venture capital has been given and some comparisons is used to illustrate advantages of IVIF-CPT-MABAC method and some comparison analysis and sensitivity analysis are applied to prove this new methods effectiveness and stability.Comment: 48 page

    COPRAS method for multiple attribute group decision making under picture fuzzy environment and their application to green supplier selection

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    The green supplier selection (GSS) is a significant part in green supply chain management (GSCM). Choosing optimal green supplier can not only realize the sustainable development of enterprises, but also maximize the utilization rate of resources and diminish the negative effect of environmental issues, which conforms to the theme of green development. As a multiple attribute group decision-making (MAGDM) issue, selecting optimal green supplier is of vital important to enterprises. However, how to select the optimal supplier for enterprises is a great challenge. To handle this issue, a novel picture fuzzy COPRAS (COmplex PRoportional Assessment) method is devised. First, some necessary theories related to picture fuzzy sets (PFSs) are briefly reviewed. In addition, a method called CRITIC (Criteria Importance Though Intercrieria Correlation) is utilized to calculate criteria’s weights. Afterwards, the conventional COPRAS method is extended to the PFSs to calculate each alternative’s utility degree. At last, the designed method is exacted to an application which is related to GSS and there also conduct some comparative analysis to demonstrate the designed method’s superiority. The final results show that the proposed model can be utilized to decide the optimum green supplier

    Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process Utilization in Government Projects : A Systematic Review of Implementation Processes

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    Uncertain assessments challenge the aggregation of expert knowledge in the field of decision-making. Valuable, yet sometimes hesitant, insight of expert decision makers needs to be converted into numerically comparative form in the age of information management. . Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) enables the comparison of decision elements through expert judgements, even when the information at hand is uncertain. The present study explores Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) implementation in government projects in a systematic literature review. Theoretical framework for Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), Fuzzy Set Theory (FST) and their combination, namely Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) is provided. The systematic literature review categorizes research results under three categories and examines each paper by utilizing review questions. Three main application purposes rise from the literature review; policy planning and assessment, project selection and project and performance evaluation. Overall implementation processes of the three application areas are discussed. The conclusion provides comprehensive evaluation of the approach and considerations for practitioners.Asiantuntijanäkemysten epävarmuus vaikeuttaa tiedon keräämistä päätöksenteossa. Päätöksentekoprosessin kannalta arvokkaat, vaikkakin joskus epävarmat, asiantuntijanäkemykset tulee voida muuttaa numerollisesti vertailtavaan muotoon tietojohtamisen aikakautena. Sumea Analyyttinen Hierarkiaprosessi mahdollistaa päätöksenteossa käytettävien elementtien vertailun asiantuntija-arviointien avulla, jopa silloin kun käytettävissä oleva tieto on epävarmaa. Opinnäytetyössä tutkitaan systemaattisen kirjallisuuskatsauksen keinoin Sumean Analyyttisen Hierarkiaprosessin, eng. Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP), implementointia julkishallinnon hankkeissa. Tutkimus sisältää teoreettisen viitekehyksen Analyyttisen Hierarkiaprosessin, Sumean joukko-opin, eng. Fuzzy Set Theory (FST) ja niiden yhdistelmän, Sumean Analyyttisen Hierarkiaprosessin, eng. Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP), ymmärtämisen tueksi. Systemaattisen kirjallisuuskatsauksen myötä valittu aineisto luokitellaan kolmeen kategoriaan ja jokaista tutkimusta tarkastellaan ennalta määrättyjen kysymysten avulla. Systemaattisen kirjallisuuskatsaukseen myötä valittujen tutkimusten kolme olennaisinta käyttötarkoitusta ovat; käytännön suunnittelu ja arviointi, hankevalinta sekä hankkeiden ja suoritusten arviointi. Aineiston luokittelun jälkeen tutkimus etenee tarkastelemaan erilaisiin käyttötarkoituksiin suunnattujen Sumean Analyyttisen Hierarkiaprosessi -metodin implementointiprosesseja. Johtopäätös -osio tarjoaa pohdintaa ja huomioita siitä, miten päätöksentekijät voivat suhtautua Sumean Analyyttisen Hierarkiaprosessin hyödyntämiseen julkishankkeiden yhteydessä

    Algorithms for probabilistic uncertain linguistic multiple attribute group decision making based on the GRA and CRITIC method: application to location planning of electric vehicle charging stations

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    Electric vehicles (EVs) could be regarded as one of the most innovative and high technologies all over the world to cope with the fossil fuel energy resource crisis and environmental pollution issues. As the initiatory task of EV charging station (EVCS) construction, site selection play an important part throughout the whole life cycle, which is deemed to be multiple attribute group decision making (MAGDM) problem involving many experts and many conflicting attributes. In this paper, a grey relational analysis (GRA) method is investigated to tackle the probabilistic uncertain linguistic MAGDM in which the attribute weights are completely unknown information. Firstly, the definition of the expected value is then employed to objectively derive the attribute weights based on the CRiteria Importance Through Intercriteria Correlation (CRITIC) method. Then, the optimal alternative is chosen by calculating largest relative relational degree from the probabilistic uncertain linguistic positive ideal solution (PULPIS) which considers both the largest grey relational coefficient from the PULPIS and the smallest grey relational coefficient from the probabilistic uncertain linguistic negative ideal solution (PULNIS). Finally, a numerical case for site selection of electric vehicle charging stations (EVCS) is designed to illustrate the proposed method. The result shows the approach is simple, effective and easy to calculate

    Green supplier selection based on CODAS method in probabilistic uncertain linguistic environment

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    Probabilistic uncertain linguistic sets (PULTSs) have widely been used in MADM or MAGDM. The CODAS method, which is a novel MADM or MAGDM tool, aims to acquire the optimal choice which have the largest Euclidean & Hamming distances from the NIS. This paper designs the probabilistic uncertain linguistic CODAS (PUL-CODAS) method with sine entropy weight. Finally, a numerical example for green supplier selection is given and the obtained results are compared with some existing models. First published online 05 February 202

    CODAS method for 2-tuple linguistic Pythagorean fuzzy multiple attribute group decision making and its application to financial management performance assessment

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    Financial management performance evaluation (FMPE) has a significant effect on the identifying an investment chance. We can usually consider FMPE as a multiple attribute group decision making (MAGDM) issue, and the MAGDM method is needed to address it. Uncertainty may be one of the significant factors which could influence the process of MAGDM. In order to handle the uncertainty of group decision-making issues, MAGDM approaches along with 2-tuple linguistic Pythagorean fuzzy sets (2TLPFSs) have been designed. In this essay, CODAS method is extended to 2TLPFSs to tackle MAGDM issues. Linguistic variables and 2TLPFSs are also used to extend the CODAS method. An application of the presented 2-tuple linguistic Pythagorean fuzzy CODAS (2TLPF-CODAS) method to a case study of FMPE problem with 2-tuple linguistic Pythagorean fuzzy numbers (2TLPFNs) is given. To confirm the results, a comparative analysis between the fuzzy CODAS and 2TLPF-TODIM is performed. The results of the comparison illustrate that the presented 2TLPF-CODAS method offers effective and steady results

    An extended COPRAS model for multiple attribute group decision making based on single-valued neutrosophic 2-tuple linguistic environment

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    In this article, we develop the COPRAS model to solve the multiple attribute group decision making (MAGDM) under single-valued neutrosophic 2-tuple linguistic sets (SVN2TLSs). Firstly, we introduce the relevant knowledge about SVN2TLSs in a nutshell, such as the definition, the operation laws, a few of fused operators and so on. Then, combine the traditional COPRAS model with SVN2TLNs, and structure as well as elucidate the computing steps of the SVN2TLNCOPRAS pattern. Furthermore, in this article, we propose a method for determining attribute weights in different situations relying on the maximizing deviation method with SVN2TLNs. Last but not least, a numerical example about assessing the safety of construction project has been designed. And for further demonstrating the advantage of the new designed method, we also select a number of existed methods to have comparisons. First published online 13 January 202