10 research outputs found

    An image-based approach for the architectural modeling of past states

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    During the modelling process, 3D models are not easily conceived to support changes over time. On the contrary, for the description of cultural heritage, it is often necessary to display not only the actual state of buildings but also their previous states so to understand their modifications. The construction and structuring of spatio-temporal models of cultural heritage demand a double conceptual effort: on one side, 3D models must be reconstructed and structured in space according to architectural concepts; on the other one, such elements should follow the criteria of temporal decomposition. For this reason, links between structured elements should be established to keep track of changes over time. Moreover, only the current state can be reconstructed in a rigorous way using a combination of different 3D measurement techniques (such as laser scanning and photogrammetry); on the contrary, knowledge about past states is conditioned by missing elements, whose morphology and dating can reveal uncertain. For this reason, this paper describes a methodological approach to make use of the existing iconographic corpus for the analysis and the 3D management of building transformations. The aim is to establish a relation between the iconography used for the hypothetical reconstruction and the 3D representation that depends on it. As a result, 3D representations can be used like visualization systems capable of reflecting the amount of knowledge produced studying historic building


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    A Tool for the 3D Spatio-Temporal Structuring of Historic Building Reconstructions

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    The difficulty in the description, the analysis and the comprehension of cultural heritage often stands on the fact that buildings undergo numerous changes over time. Three factors condition the knowledge of historical heritage. Firstly, 3D reconstructions of heritage buildings focus normally on existing states and not on the management of historical evolutions. Secondly, if on one side iconographic sources are generally used like visual memory of a building temporal state to be restored graphically, on the other side few works today focus on the use of all metric and visual information contained in sources. At last, iconographic documentation concerning building past states is sometimes contradictory, dubious and incomplete. As a consequence, in 3D reconstructions uncertainties, contradictions and gaps in information should be highlighted. We present a methodological approach basing on the existing iconographic corpus for the analysis and the 3D management of building transformations. This approach joins three main aspects in a complete workflow. Firstly, it concerns the spatial and temporal referencing of 2D iconographic sources for the 3D reconstruction of disappeared building states. Secondly, it allows the analysis of building transformations by means of a temporal state distribution. Lastly, it uses spatial relations established between 2D iconography and 3D representation for the visual browsing of information based on spatiotemporal criteria. In particular, in this paper we detail the interface developed in order to accomplish multiple related tasks concerning the spatio-temporal structuring of the morphology to be reconstructed

    An image-based approach for the architectural modeling of past states

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    During the modelling process, 3D models are not easily conceived to support changes over time. On the contrary, for the description of cultural heritage, it is often necessary to display not only the actual state of buildings but also their previous states so to understand their modifications. The construction and structuring of spatio-temporal models of cultural heritage demand a double conceptual effort: on one side, 3D models must be reconstructed and structured in space according to architectural concepts; on the other one, such elements should follow the criteria of temporal decomposition. For this reason, links between structured elements should be established to keep track of changes over time. Moreover, only the current state can be reconstructed in a rigorous way using a combination of different 3D measurement techniques (such as laser scanning and photogrammetry); on the contrary, knowledge about past states is conditioned by missing elements, whose morphology and dating can reveal uncertain. For this reason, this paper describes a methodological approach to make use of the existing iconographic corpus for the analysis and the 3D management of building transformations. The aim is to establish a relation between the iconography used for the hypothetical reconstruction and the 3D representation that depends on it. As a result, 3D representations can be used like visualization systems capable of reflecting the amount of knowledge produced studying historic building

    3DPublish: solución web para crear museos virtuales 3D dinámicos

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    [ES] Hoy en día los museos de todo el mndo ofrecen sus contenidos a través de 2 métodos básicamente: una simple vista de sus obras a través de un visualizador de contenidos, o a través de una exposición virtual 2D o 3D diseñada ad hoc en donde tanto el escenario como las obras son estáticas. Este artículo describe la aplicación 3DPublish que representa una alternativa a estas 2 soluciones estáticas ya que ofrece la posibilidad de gestionar dinámicamente un escenario 3D (real o virtual) y las obras de arte que componen la exposición. 3DPublish proporciona además al usuario una experiencia realista a través de diferentes exposiciones, usando métodos que añaden valor como los visitas virtuales guiadas o la técnica de storytelling. 3DPublish facilitará las tareas diarias de los comisarios de los museos y mejorará el resultado final de las exposiciones de los muesos virtuales en 3D. Este artículo presentará también el caso de aplicación de la Sala Kubo en San Sebastián (ESPAÑA) como ejemplo de un caso de uso de 3DPublish[EN] Today museums around the world offer their content through two basic methods: a simple view of their artworks through a content viewer, or through a custom designed 2D or 3D virtual exhibition in which the pieces and the scene are static. This article describes a 3DPublish tool which represents an alternative to thesetwo static solutions thereby giving the possibility to dynamically manage a 3D virtual scenario (real or imaginary) and the artwork that composes it. This gives the user a most realistic experience through different exhibitions, using various added value methods like storytelling or virtual tours. 3DPublish will facilitate the museum curator’s daily tasks and will improve the final results for 3D virtual museum exhibitions. This article will also present the case study of the Kubo Gallery in San Sebastian (SPAIN) as an example of 3DPublish use case.Aguirrezabal, P.; Sillaurren, S. (2012). 3DPublish: solución web para crear museos virtuales 3D dinámicos. Virtual Archaeology Review. 3(7):116-121. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2012.441111612137STYLIANI, S., FOTIS, L., KOSTAS, K., & PETROS, P. (2009): "Virtual museums, a survey and some issues for consideration", en Journal of Cultural Heritage, 10(4), pp. 520-528. doi:10.1016/j.culher.2009.03.003WAGGONER, B. (2010): Compression for Great Video and Audio (Second Edition) - Master Tips and Common Sense. Focal Press, pp. 349- 355.WOOTTON, C. (2007): Developing Quality Metadata - Building Innovative Tools and Workflow Solutions. Focal Press.WALCZAK, K., & WIZA, W. R. (2007): "Designing behaviour-rich interactive virtual museum exhibitions", The 8th International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage VAST 2007, Brighton (UK), November 26-30, pp. 101-108.YUKSEL, P., ROBIN, B. R., & MCNEIL, S. (2011): "Educational uses of digital storytelling around the world", en Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2011, pp. 1264-1271.Museum Analytics [online] http://www.museum-analytics.org/about [Consultado 13-05-12]The Museum System [online] http://www.gallerysystems.com/tms [Consultado 13-05-12]THOMAS, W., & CAREY, S. (2005): Actual/virtual visits: what are the links? In J. Trant, & D. Bearman (Eds.), Museums and the web 2005: Proceedings, toronto: Archives & museum informatics.[online] http://www.archimuse.com/mw2005/papers/thomas/thomas.html [Consultado 13-05-12

    A Tool for the 3D Spatio-Temporal Structuring of Historic Building Reconstructions

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    The difficulty in the description, the analysis and the comprehension of cultural heritage often stands on the fact that buildings undergo numerous changes over time. Three factors condition the knowledge of historical heritage. Firstly, 3D reconstructions of heritage buildings focus normally on existing states and not on the management of historical evolutions. Secondly, if on one side iconographic sources are generally used like visual memory of a building temporal state to be restored graphically, on the other side few works today focus on the use of all metric and visual information contained in sources. At last, iconographic documentation concerning building past states is sometimes contradictory, dubious and incomplete. As a consequence, in 3D reconstructions uncertainties, contradictions and gaps in information should be highlighted. We present a methodological approach basing on the existing iconographic corpus for the analysis and the 3D management of building transformations. This approach joins three main aspects in a complete workflow. Firstly, it concerns the spatial and temporal referencing of 2D iconographic sources for the 3D reconstruction of disappeared building states. Secondly, it allows the analysis of building transformations by means of a temporal state distribution. Lastly, it uses spatial relations established between 2D iconography and 3D representation for the visual browsing of information based on spatiotemporal criteria. In particular, in this paper we detail the interface developed in order to accomplish multiple related tasks concerning the spatio-temporal structuring of the morphology to be reconstructed

    Exploiting Textured 3D Models for Developing Serious Games

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    Obtención de mapas 2.5D mediante RTI (Reflectance Transformation Imaging) para su aplicación en el Patrimonio Escultórico, Arqueológico, Arquitectónico y Urbano.

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    Desde los orígenes, el ser humano ha tratado de encontrar métodos que mejoren o posibiliten alcanzar objetivos que el cuerpo humano es incapaz. Aunque éste es altamente complejo, no es perfecto y el ojo humano es limitado en términos de profundidad (visión estereo) y color. Por ello se crea el método de trabajo conocido como Flujo Clásico para RTI, que posibilita extraer información oculta de objetos con mínima variación de cota. 1. Realidad Objeto 2. Toma de Fotos Domo con Luces en determinadas posiciones y Cámara Cenital 3. Generación PTM RTIBuilder (X, Y, Normal Vector) 4. Visor RTIViewer (SnapShot) Este flujo de trabajo parte de un objeto de tamaño pequeño. Al cual se le aplica, junto a un par de esferas reflectivas, una serie de fotografías mediante una cámara cenital y diferentes posiciones de proyección de luz inscritas en un Domo geométrico para mantener las equidistancias a la superficie de análisis. Tras ello se pasa al trabajo en ordenador donde se genera un archivo de superficies de normales (*.ptm o *.hsh) mediante los algoritmos de Polynomial Texture Mapping o Hemispherical Harmonics en RTIBuilder. El cual puede ser analizado mediante el Visor que presenta el RTIViewer. Este Flujo de Trabajo Clásico no puede afrontar factores como la luz natural, transforma las direcciones de la proyección de la iluminación, o las dimensiones del objeto/edificación/terreno a trabajar. Es por ello que se propone el Nuevo Flujo de Trabajo RTI-DPh, la virtualización del Clásico Flujo de Trabajo RTI.Departamento de Urbanismo y Representación de la ArquitecturaMáster en Geotecnologías Cartográficas en Ingeniería y Arquitectur

    Electronic Imaging & the Visual Arts. EVA 2017 Florence

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    The Publication is following the yearly Editions of EVA FLORENCE. The State of Art is presented regarding the Application of Technologies (in particular of digital type) to Cultural Heritage. The more recent results of the Researches in the considered Area are presented. Information Technologies of interest for Culture Heritage are presented: multimedia systems, data-bases, data protection, access to digital content, Virtual Galleries. Particular reference is reserved to digital images (Electronic Imaging & the Visual Arts), regarding Cultural Institutions (Museums, Libraries, Palace - Monuments, Archaeological Sites). The International Conference includes the following Sessions: Strategic Issues; New Sciences and Culture Developments and Applications; New Technical Developments & Applications; Museums - Virtual Galleries and Related Initiatives; Art and Humanities Ecosystem & Applications; Access to the Culture Information. Two Workshops regard: Innovation and Enterprise; the Cloud Systems connected to the Culture (eCulture Cloud) in the Smart Cities context. The more recent results of the Researches at national and international are reported in the Area of Technologies and Culture Heritage, also with experimental demonstrations of developed Activities