327 research outputs found

    Improving interoperability on industrial standards through ontologies

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    Interoperability refers to the effective exchange of information and understanding to collectively pursue common objectives. System developers commonly use ontologies to enhance semantic and syntactic interoperability within this context. This work aims to evaluate the contribution of ontology in making explicit the meaning of the entities described in a Piping and Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID) model and to provide an architecture that allows the representation of a P&ID in ontological knowledge bases. To understand the semantics of the P&ID entities and relations, we map each class of the P&ID to the corresponding entity of the Offshore Petroleum Production Plant Ontology (O3PO). The ontology describes the definition of each vocable associated with the axioms that clarify and regulate the meaning and utilization of this vocabulary. We intend to guarantee that the integration of P&ID with other models respects the original semantics and avoids unintended data exchanges. We follow this ontological analysis with a case study of a model that conforms to the Data Exchange in the Process Industry (DEXPI) specification, intended to provide homogeneous data interchange between CAD systems from diverse vendors. The ontological analysis of the DEXPI P&ID specification, to build a relation with a well-founded ontology, raises a set of desirable properties for a model intended for use in interoperability. While achieving technical interoperability between DEXPI P&IDs and ontologies represented in OWL is evident, we identified several challenges within the realm of semantic interoperability, specifically concerning clarity/intelligibility, conciseness, extendibility, consistency, and essence. These issues present significant hurdles to achieving seamless systems integration. Moreover, if the DEXPI standard were to evolve into a de facto standard for representing P&IDs across a broader range of domains than initially intended, these highlighted issues could potentially bottleneck its adoption and hinder its integration into different systems.Interoperabilidade se refere à troca efetiva de informação e entendimento na busca por objetivos comuns. Neste contexto, desenvolvedores de sistemas comumente utilizam ontologias para aprimorar a interoperabilidade semântica e sintática. O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar a contribuição da ontologia para tornar explícito o significado das entidades descritas em um modelo de Diagrama de Tubulação e Instrumentação (DTI) e fornecer uma arquitetura que permita a representação de um DTI em bases de conhecimento ontológicas. Para entender a semântica das entidades e relações do DTI, mapeamos cada classe do DTI para a entidade correspondente da Ontologia de Planta de Produção de Petróleo Offshore (O3PO). A ontologia descreve a definição de cada vocábulo associado com os axiomas que esclarecem e regulam o significado e a utilização desse vocabulário. Pretendemos garantir que a integração do DTI com outros modelos respeite a semântica original e, assim, evite trocas de dados não intencionais. Seguimos essa análise ontológica com um estudo de caso de um modelo que se conforma à especificação "Data Exchange in the Process Industry" (DEXPI), destinada a fornecer uma troca de dados homogênea entre sistemas CAD de diversos fabricantes. A análise ontológica da especificação DEXPI DTI, para construir uma relação com uma ontologia bem fundamentada, levanta um conjunto de propriedades desejáveis para um modelo destinado a ser usado na interoperabilidade. Embora a conquista da interoperabilidade técnica entre DTIs DEXPI e ontologias representadas em OWL seja evidente, diversos desafios foram identificados no âmbito da interoperabilidade semântica, especificamente em relação à clareza/inteligibilidade, concisão, extensibilidade, consistência e essência. Essas questões representam obstáculos significativos para alcançar uma integração de sistemas perfeita. Além disso, se o padrão DEXPI evoluir para um padrão de facto para a representação de DTIs em um conjunto mais amplo de domínios do que inicialmente pretendido, essas questões destacadas poderiam potencialmente atrasar sua adoção e dificultar sua integração em sistemas diferentes

    Understanding the Benefits of Ontology Use for Australian Industry: A Conceptual Study

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    In IT, rather than philosophy, an ontology makes explicit the meanings of terms used in domains, or concerning a specific reality, so that people and machines can precisely discuss the meaning of data. Specifically, ontology makes data sharing and analysis easier by making the meaning of data, and of the reality to which the database refers, explicit. Ontology has significant uptake in biomedicine but not yet in industry despite much technical development and reporting of specific successes. This research seeks to determine how and why organisations gain benefits from using ontology leading to a rigorously tested model of how business gains benefit from ontology use. This research in progress paper develops a model explaining the benefit of ontology use to firms and outlines our plans to test the model empirically. The outcome is significant for Australian industry because it will guide the efforts of organisations to use ontology effectively

    Frameworks for data-driven quality management in cyber-physical systems for manufacturing: A systematic review

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    Recent advances in the manufacturing industry have enabled the deployment of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) at scale. By utilizing advanced analytics, data from production can be analyzed and used to monitor and improve the process and product quality. Many frameworks for implementing CPS have been developed to structure the relationship between the digital and the physical worlds. However, there is no systematic review of the existing frameworks related to quality management in manufacturing CPS. Thus, our study aims at determining and comparing the existing frameworks. The systematic review yielded 38 frameworks analyzed regarding their characteristics, use of data science and Machine Learning (ML), and shortcomings and open research issues. The identified issues mainly relate to limitations in cross-industry/cross-process applicability, the use of ML, big data handling, and data security.publishedVersio

    Koneoppimiskehys petrokemianteollisuuden sovelluksille

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    Machine learning has many potentially useful applications in process industry, for example in process monitoring and control. Continuously accumulating process data and the recent development in software and hardware that enable more advanced machine learning, are fulfilling the prerequisites of developing and deploying process automation integrated machine learning applications which improve existing functionalities or even implement artificial intelligence. In this master's thesis, a framework is designed and implemented on a proof-of-concept level, to enable easy acquisition of process data to be used with modern machine learning libraries, and to also enable scalable online deployment of the trained models. The literature part of the thesis concentrates on studying the current state and approaches for digital advisory systems for process operators, as a potential application to be developed on the machine learning framework. The literature study shows that the approaches for process operators' decision support tools have shifted from rule-based and knowledge-based methods to machine learning. However, no standard methods can be concluded, and most of the use cases are quite application-specific. In the developed machine learning framework, both commercial software and open source components with permissive licenses are used. Data is acquired over OPC UA and then processed in Python, which is currently almost the de facto standard language in data analytics. Microservice architecture with containerization is used in the online deployment, and in a qualitative evaluation, it proved to be a versatile and functional solution.Koneoppimisella voidaan osoittaa olevan useita hyödyllisiä käyttökohteita prosessiteollisuudessa, esimerkiksi prosessinohjaukseen liittyvissä sovelluksissa. Jatkuvasti kerääntyvä prosessidata ja toisaalta koneoppimiseen soveltuvien ohjelmistojen sekä myös laitteistojen viimeaikainen kehitys johtavat tilanteeseen, jossa prosessiautomaatioon liitettyjen koneoppimissovellusten avulla on mahdollista parantaa nykyisiä toiminnallisuuksia tai jopa toteuttaa tekoälysovelluksia. Tässä diplomityössä suunniteltiin ja toteutettiin prototyypin tasolla koneoppimiskehys, jonka avulla on helppo käyttää prosessidataa yhdessä nykyaikaisten koneoppimiskirjastojen kanssa. Kehys mahdollistaa myös koneopittujen mallien skaalautuvan käyttöönoton. Diplomityön kirjallisuusosa keskittyy prosessioperaattoreille tarkoitettujen digitaalisten avustajajärjestelmien nykytilaan ja toteutustapoihin, avustajajärjestelmän tai sen päätöstukijärjestelmän ollessa yksi mahdollinen koneoppimiskehyksen päälle rakennettava ohjelma. Kirjallisuustutkimuksen mukaan prosessioperaattorin päätöstukijärjestelmien taustalla olevat menetelmät ovat yhä useammin koneoppimiseen perustuvia, aiempien sääntö- ja tietämyskantoihin perustuvien menetelmien sijasta. Selkeitä yhdenmukaisia lähestymistapoja ei kuitenkaan ole helposti pääteltävissä kirjallisuuden perusteella. Lisäksi useimmat tapausesimerkit ovat sovellettavissa vain kyseisissä erikoistapauksissa. Kehitetyssä koneoppimiskehyksessä on käytetty sekä kaupallisia että avoimen lähdekoodin komponentteja. Prosessidata haetaan OPC UA -protokollan avulla, ja sitä on mahdollista käsitellä Python-kielellä, josta on muodostunut lähes de facto -standardi data-analytiikassa. Kehyksen käyttöönottokomponentit perustuvat mikropalveluarkkitehtuuriin ja konttiteknologiaan, jotka osoittautuivat laadullisessa testauksessa monipuoliseksi ja toimivaksi toteutustavaksi

    Plastics pollution as waste colonialism in Te Moananui

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    Plastics pollution is a global, relational, integrated, and intersectoral issue. Here, we undertook narrative analysis of semi-structured interviews with nineteen key plastic pollution decision-makers. They offered a contextual lens to understand challenges facing Pacific Island (Te Moananui) nations in preventing plastics pollution. We build on the work of Ngata (2014-2021) and Liboiron (2014-2021) to situate the narrative analysis within a "waste colonialism" framework. We argue that plastics pollution as waste colonialism transcends environmental, policy, and industry concerns. "Indigenous political ecologies" of plastics pollution provide an understanding by which plastics pollution prevention can be examined at multiple scales. These include, at the international level: trade agreements and import dependency, donor aid and duplication, and transnational industry influence. At the local level: pressure from local plastics manufacturers, importers and suppliers, and barriers to accessing the latest science. Located within a global and regional context, our findings capture the systemic and long-standing impacts of colonialism on Indigenous responses to plastics pollution prevention and management, highlighting its effects on human and environment health and wellbeing. Sustainable solutions to plastics pollution for Te Moananui require the centering of its peoples and their deep, lived, and intergenerationally transmitted knowledges in the identification of challenges and solutions, the implementation of activities, and amplification of a shared regional voice.fals

    BIM and GIS applications in bridge projects : a critical review

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    In recent years, interest in BIM and GIS applications in civil engineering has been growing. For bridge engineering, BIM/GIS applications such as simulation, visualization, and secondary development have been used to assist practitioners in managing bridge construction and decision-making, including selection of bridge location maintenance decisions. In situ 3D modelling of existing bridges with detailed images from UAV camera has allowed engineers to conduct remote condition assessments of bridges and decide on required maintenance actions. Several studies have investigated the applications of BIM/GIS technology on bridge projects. However, there has been limited focus on reviewing the outcomes of these studies to identify the limitations of BIM and GIS applications on bridge projects. Therefore, the aim of this study was to review the research on BIM/GIS technology applications in bridge projects over the last decade. Using a systematic review process, a total of 90 publications that met the inclusion criteria were reviewed in this study. The review identified the state-of-the-art methods of BIM and GIS applications, respectively, at the planning and design, construction, and operation and maintenance phases of bridge projects. However, the findings point to segregated application of BIM and GIS at all phases of bridge projects. The findings of this study will contribute to guiding practitioners in selecting appropriate BIM and GIS technologies for different aspects of bridge projects

    Towards semantics-driven modelling and simulation of context-aware manufacturing systems

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    Systems modelling and simulation are two important facets for thoroughly and effectively analysing manufacturing processes. The ever-growing complexity of the latter, the increasing amount of knowledge, and the use of Semantic Web techniques adhering meaning to data have led researchers to explore and combine together methodologies by exploiting their best features with the purpose of supporting manufacturing system's modelling and simulation applications. In the past two decades, the use of ontologies has proven to be highly effective for context modelling and knowledge management. Nevertheless, they are not meant for any kind of model simulations. The latter, instead, can be achieved by using a well-known workflow-oriented mathematical modelling language such as Petri Net (PN), which brings in modelling and analytical features suitable for creating a digital copy of an industrial system (also known as "digital twin"). The theoretical framework presented in this dissertation aims to exploit W3C standards, such as Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL) and Web Ontology Language (OWL), to transform each piece of knowledge regarding a manufacturing system into Petri Net modelling primitives. In so doing, it supports the semantics-driven instantiation, analysis and simulation of what we call semantically-enriched PN-based manufacturing system digital twins. The approach proposed by this exploratory research is therefore based on the exploitation of the best features introduced by state-of-the-art developments in W3C standards for Linked Data, such as OWL and SWRL, together with a multipurpose graphical and mathematical modelling tool known as Petri Net. The former is used for gathering, classifying and properly storing industrial data and therefore enhances our PN-based digital copy of an industrial system with advanced reasoning features. This makes both the system modelling and analysis phases more effective and, above all, paves the way towards a completely new field, where semantically-enriched PN-based manufacturing system digital twins represent one of the drivers of the digital transformation already in place in all companies facing the industrial revolution. As a result, it has been possible to outline a list of indications that will help future efforts in the application of complex digital twin support oriented solutions, which in turn is based on semantically-enriched manufacturing information systems. Through the application cases, five key topics have been tackled, namely: (i) semantic enrichment of industrial data using the most recent ontological models in order to enhance its value and enable new uses; (ii) context-awareness, or context-adaptiveness, aiming to enable the system to capture and use information about the context of operations; (iii) reusability, which is a core concept through which we want to emphasize the importance of reusing existing assets in some form within the industrial modelling process, such as industrial process knowledge, process data, system modelling primitives, and the like; (iv) the ultimate goal of semantic Interoperability, which can be accomplished by adding data about the metadata, linking each data element to a controlled, shared vocabulary; finally, (v) the impact on modelling and simulation applications, which shows how we could automate the translation process of industrial knowledge into a digital manufacturing system and empower it with quantitative and qualitative analytical technics