16 research outputs found

    Visualisasi Batas Fisik dan Yuridis Hak Strata Title Menggunakan Building Information Modelling (Studi Kasus: Rusunawa Buring II Malang)

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    Kebutuhan akan implementasi kadaster tiga dimensi (3D) semakin mendesak. Pendekatan yang saat ini terfokus pada bidang tanah 2D sudah saatnya dikembangkan kearah pendekatan 3D yang mengakomodasi aspek ruang. Salah satu penerapan konsep strata title adalah sertifikat hak milik satuan rumah susun (SHMSRS). Penerapan sistem 2D pada hak strata title menjadi kurang tepat karena tidak dapat menggambarkan keadaan sebenarnya. Kebutuhan rumah susun di Kota Malang hingga Tahun 2032 diasumsikan sekitar 30% dari jumlah kebutuhan rumah secara keseluruhan. Sebesar 17% dari kebutuhan rumah tambahan tipe kecil yang dialokasikan menjadi rumah susun, dengan jenis rumah susun umum atau khusus. Oleh karena itu diperlukan pemahaman yang komprehensif tentang batas fisik dan yuridis pada sistem kepemilikan dan penguasaan hak atas properti satuan rumah susun (sarusun) bagi stake holder yang terlibat didalamnya. Stake holder yang dimaksud antara lain pemerintah, subyek hak atas sarusun, notaris, surveyor dan pengelola sarusun. Visualisasi secara 3D akan memberikan gambaran kepastian batas yang jelas dan meminimalkan munculnya permasalahan dalam pemanfaatan ruang secara keseluruhan. BIM digunakan untuk membuat model geometri bangunan gedung secara lebih detail dalam bentuk 3D. BIM memiliki keunggulan pada informasi geometris dan semantik yang beragam. Penggunaan BIM dapat dimanfaatkan untuk mengintegrasikan batas yuridis dan fisik tingkat bangunan secara detail. Melalui penelitian ini akan dilakukan visualisasi batas yuridis dan fisik dari bangunan secara 3D sehingga akan merepresentasikan perspektif real dari fitur bangunan yang akan memudahkan pemahaman interpretasi bahasa hukum dalam UU No. 20 Tahun 2011 tentang Rumah Susun


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    Recent advances in open-source geospatial technologies in WebGIS allowed the visualization of a 3D complex environment on the web, exploiting realistic Globe reproduction of the real territorial asset. At the same time, in the field of gaming technologies, the new possibilities offered by open-source WebGL JavaScript libraries allowed the creation of Virtual Reality navigation models on the web. The integration between 3D GIS globe navigation models and VR environment navigation is a solution that offers a further level of detail in web navigation, exploiting the capabilities of web browsers in the best way. This research further contributes to this field, showing a workflow to integrate different 3D data in a VR and 3D WebGIS navigation model. The case study for this research is the new building of the University of Twente, Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC) of Enschede (The Netherlands). This work tests the online integration of variety of 3D input data that can lead to different Levels of Details (LoD) of the buildings inside the Globe-based WebGIS platform. The developed solution works on desktop and mobile devices using the capabilities of the most common web browsers, avoiding any software installation. The result of this work is based on completely open-source solutions that offers the possibility to navigate within a 3D model, which is useful for citizens, governmental or private institutions in decision-making processes. This work represents a first step towards the ambition to generate a web Digital Twin platform to combine datasets from different sources in a unique open-source solution

    Integrating expertises and ambitions for data-driven digital building permits - the EUNET4DBP

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    The digitalization of the process for building permit (involving the use of 3D information systems) is seen as a priority in a wide part of the world. Since it is a very multidisciplinary use case, involving a variety of stakeholders tackling complex issues and topics, some of them joined their efforts and skills in the European Network for Digital Building Permit. The initial activity of the network, after a review of on-going experiences, was a workshop to share knowledge about the topics involved and to identify the main ambitions of the network with respect to three pillars (i.e. Process - Rules and Requirements - Technology) and the related requirements. It was achieved through a collective brainstorming activity guided by digital tools, whose results were further analysed in a post-processing phase. Such results are presented in this paper and will be the base for planning the future network activity. © Authors 2020


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    The digitalization of the process for building permit (involving the use of 3D information systems) is seen as a priority in a wide part of the world. Since it is a very multidisciplinary use case, involving a variety of stakeholders tackling complex issues and topics, some of them joined their efforts and skills in the European Network for Digital Building Permit. The initial activity of the network, after a review of on-going experiences, was a workshop to share knowledge about the topics involved and to identify the main ambitions of the network with respect to three pillars (i.e. Process - Rules and Requirements - Technology) and the related requirements. It was achieved through a collective brainstorming activity guided by digital tools, whose results were further analysed in a post-processing phase. Such results are presented in this paper and will be the base for planning the future network activity


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    Abstract. The construction sector is undergoing an important digital revolution. The integration between Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Geographical Information System (GIS) is a key component of this revolution and is increasingly discussed. Although benefits are already recognised, several challenges still remain. The purpose of this paper is to present the method proposed by the GEOBIMM project to overcome the existing barriers towards the integration between BIM and GIS domains and to present the first results applied to the maintenance of underground networks. The results are a set of guidelines essential for the integration of BIM files in GIS platforms within the GEOBIMM domain, to ensure: the appropriate geometric description of the elements; the correct georeferencing; the geospatial semantic and topological interoperability between the two systems; the appropriate definition of the information parameters. These pillars are further used to develop a guideline for planners and construction companies supporting them in developing compliant BIM models

    CadaSPACE: A Cloud Based Platform for a low - cost 3D visualization of property rights available in a 2D cadastral registry. An example for urban multi – storey buildings

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    This paper presents a methodology for a low – cost 3D visualization of property rights in multi – storey urban buildings using available and other relevant open geometric and legal data. An online, free platform is created, named “CadaSPACE”, to support the homogenous visualization of volumetric property units and open property rights included in 2D cadaster. The platform is directly interconnected with open – access pages such as the National Cadastral Portal, Autodesk Online Viewer, Tandem, Google Earth and Online 3D Viewer. It offers a wide range of statistical tools such as tables and diagrams to present, filter and manage the sematic information of the 3D property volumes. An application is presented for the Greek Cadaster. Legal information about the property rights is collected from the open - access cadastral records; building footprints are digitized on the available Orthophotos; architectural floor plans of each individual property unit are either taken from the documents included in the electronic building identity records (under construction) or are provided by the owners, and an approximate BIM (Building Information Model) is created for each building using additional approximate geometric information derived from Google Earth Pro and Streetview. The 3D property units are modelled and visualized as volumes. The whole 3D neighborhood model is uploaded online for further categorization and management through various visual and semantic filters. Considerations for further legal and technical improvements are given towards the implementation of the proposed methodology

    Evaluation CityGML and CityJSON Data Format for 3D Cadastre in Indonesia

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    Infrastruktur, prosedur serta rangkaian kebijakan perlu disiapkan oleh pemerintah dalam rangka implementasi kadaster 3D di Indonesia. Untuk mendukung upaya pengembangan sistem kadaster 3D di Indonesia, terlebih dahulu perlu menyusun dan mempersiapkan beberapa kebutuhan. Salah satu kebutuhan yang paling mendukung implementasi kadaster 3D di Indonesia adalah terkait dengan penggunaan format data. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi model CityGML dan CityJSON melalui proses konversi IFC menjadi CityGML dan CityGML ke CityJSON berdasarkan hasil pengecekan dan validasi terhadap setiap fitur dan elemen model CityGML dan CityJSON sehingga dapat memberikan rekomendasi kepada pemerintah dalam menentukan format data yang tepat untuk menyimpan dan memvisualisasikan model kadaster 3D. Data yang digunakan adalah elemen IfcSpace dan IfcWallStandardCase pada model IFC stasiun MRT Bundaran HI dan Blok M Jakarta. Konversi IFC ke CityGML dilakukan di perangkat eveBIM, FME, dan FZK. Pada masing-masing software dilakukan percobaan untuk membandingkan representasi geometri fitur dari model CityGML berdasarkan ada tidaknya kesalahan berupa penambahan atau pengurangan geometri fitur. Dengan demikian dapat dievaluasi model CityGML manakah yang memiliki representasi model 3D paling baik dan software yang paling tepat digunakan untuk konversi IFC ke CityGML. Dari evaluasi tersebut dapat diketahui pula apakah model CityGML dapat dikonversi menjadi model CityJSON serta apakah model 3D tersebut memiliki kesalahan. Dari hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa model CityGML yang dikonversi pada perangkat FME dan FZK memiliki representasi geometri fitur yang baik dan sesuai dengan geometri fitur asalnya yaitu model IFC, sedangkan model CityGML hasil konversi eveBIM tidak representatif karena banyak ditemukan kesalahan. Selanjutnya, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa visualisasi model CityJSON tidak dapat dilakukan pada elemen CityGML yang direpresentasikan dalam LoD-4. Sampai dengan penelitian ini dilakukan, skema encoding CityGML versi 3 belum ditetapkan sebagai standar resmi sehingga perangkat lunak yang menangani konversi IFC ke CityGML masih menggunakan CityGML versi 2

    Digital real estate: a review of the technologies and tools transforming the industry and society

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    © 2023 The Author(s); Shantou University. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY), https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/Real estate plays a crucial role in driving national economies. However, the process of transferring properties and engaging with various stakeholders can be hindered by a lack of adequate information, complex procedures, and excessive paperwork. The advent of digital real estate has revolutionized the industry and how stakeholders interact. The present study aims to conduct a bibliometric and systematic review of digital real estate, utilizing historical, institutional, country, and keyword analyses for the bibliometric review and Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) guidelines for the systematic review. Through thematic analysis, the study identified four key themes for transforming digital real estate: information communication technologies, data collection technologies, data networking tools, and digital decision-making systems. Additionally, the study proposes a digital real estate transformation framework that can assist stakeholders, urban planners, and decision-makers in embracing digital tools and technologies. The study concludes that digital real estate has the potential to revolutionize future urban planning and real estate development through the use of decision support systems and advanced technologies.Peer reviewe