316 research outputs found

    A procedure for the computation of sea surface advection velocities from satellite thermal band imagery, with applications to the South East Atlantic Ocean

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    The research was carried out with a view to developing a procedure for the computation of sea surface advection velocities from pairs of NOAA AVHRR infrared images. The procedure was designed for application to the oceanic regions around South Africa and cognisance had to be taken of restrictions imposed by the specific oceanographic conditions, availability of satellite data, as well as the capabilities of the image processing system used. As a first step, a set of image navigation algorithms was developed, based on elliptical orbit and ellipsoidal earth models. Orbit parameters were obtained from TBUS-bulletins and one or more ground reference points had to be identified on each. The navigation algorithms were then used to develop a procedure for the geometric transformation of images to a Mercator map projection. The transformation procedure was evaluated through use of test-images and the results indicated that the maximum errors which could be expected in the computation of advection vectors were 4-5 cm/sin the north/south velocity component and 6-7 cm/sin the east/west component if two images, 12 hours apart in time, were used for the vector computation. An automatic feature tracking method was tested as a means for computing advection velocities but was found to be unsatisfactory. As a result, a 'semi-automated' procedure was developed. This process is essentially a manual (point-wise) feature tracking procedure into which the template matching technique which formed the basis of automated procedures, was incorporated as a labour saving device. Tests indicated a time saving of 20-40 % on the manual procedure and more rapid computation than with the automated procedure. The feature tracking procedure was applied to three sets of AVHRR images of the South East Atlantic. To assess the precision of the vector computation procedure, two independent vector sets were computed. A comparison of the two sets indicated that the rootmean- square deviation in vector magnitude (speed) was about 6-8 cm/sand in the vector direction, about 31° (12° if very small vectors ≤ 6 cm/s are excluded). The computed vectors compared very well with reported results from conventional methods. The derived vector fields also provide the first really detailed description of surface currents in the sea off South Africa: eg. on the flow field in the southern Benguela Current, the circulation associated with Agulhas Current rings, and advective influences on the transport of fish eggs and larvae from the spawning grounds on the Agulhas Bank to the favoured recruitment area off the West Coast

    Estimation of Dense Image Flow Fields in Fluids

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    MODIS: Moderate-resolution imaging spectrometer. Earth observing system, volume 2B

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    The Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MODIS), as presently conceived, is a system of two imaging spectroradiometer components designed for the widest possible applicability to research tasks that require long-term (5 to 10 years), low-resolution (52 channels between 0.4 and 12.0 micrometers) data sets. The system described is preliminary and subject to scientific and technological review and modification, and it is anticipated that both will occur prior to selection of a final system configuration; however, the basic concept outlined is likely to remain unchanged

    Image Registration Workshop Proceedings

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    Automatic image registration has often been considered as a preliminary step for higher-level processing, such as object recognition or data fusion. But with the unprecedented amounts of data which are being and will continue to be generated by newly developed sensors, the very topic of automatic image registration has become and important research topic. This workshop presents a collection of very high quality work which has been grouped in four main areas: (1) theoretical aspects of image registration; (2) applications to satellite imagery; (3) applications to medical imagery; and (4) image registration for computer vision research

    MISR-GOES 3D Winds: Implications for Future LEO-GEO and LEO-LEO Winds

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    Global wind observations are fundamental for studying weather and climate dynamics and for operational forecasting. Most wind measurements come from atmospheric motion vectors (AMVs) by tracking the displacement of cloud or water vapor features. These AMVs generally rely on thermal infrared (IR) techniques for their height assignments, which are subject to large uncertainties in the presence of weak or reversed vertical temperature gradients near the planetary boundary layer (PBL)and tropopause folds. Stereo imaging can overcome the height assignment problem using geometric parallax for feature height determination. In this study we develop a stereo 3D-Wind algorithm to simultaneously retrieve AMV and height from geostationary (GEO) and low Earth orbit (LEO) satellite imagery and apply it to collocated Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES)and Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) imagery. The new algorithm improves AMV and height relative to products from GOES or MISR alone, with an estimated accuracy of <0.5 m/s in AMV and <200 m in height with 2.2 km sampling. The algorithm can be generalized to other LEO-GEO or LEO-LEO combinations for greater spatiotemporal coverage. The technique demonstrated with MISR and GOES has important implications for future high-quality AMV observations, for which a low-cost constellation of CubeSats can play a vital role

    The study of sediment dynamics in a shallow estuary using integrated numerical modeling and satellite remote sensing

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    The primary objective of the study is to develop an effective tool to investigate the resuspension, deposition and transport of mixed cohesive and non-cohesive sediments in an estuary. The research has integrated 1) statistical analyses of the primary forcing, 2) numerical models for hydrodynamics, surface waves and sediment transport, and 3) the MODIS (Moderate Imaging Spectroradiometer) remotely sensed imagery, to investigate hydrodynamics and sediment dynamics in Mobile Bay, Alabama. First, based on long-term meteorological and tidal observations, statistical analyses have been conducted to predict extreme values of winds and water levels at different return periods in the estuary. Application of predicted extreme winds and surges is illustrated though the development of a storm wave atlas and through the estimation of erosion potential in the estuary. Secondly, three open-source community models for estuarine circulation, wind wave prediction, and sediment transport have been coupled and carefully tested against available field measurements. In particular, the sediment transport model has been improved by implementing the continuous deposition scheme, the general solution to the wave-current bottom boundary layer model (Grand and Madsen, 1979), and a formula of flocculation-influenced settling velocity (Whitehouse et al., 2000). Idealized test cases were designed to evaluate the performances of the integrated model system, in addition to model calibration and verification using field observations. Thirdly, a new algorithm has been developed based on the suspended sediment concentration measured from field water sampling and the corrected MODIS red-channel reflectance for Mobile Bay. The algorithm has been applied not only to winter-front and post-hurricane conditions to reveal the impact of different forcing agents on sediment dynamics in Mobile Bay, but also to the normal weather condition for providing guidance to calibrate the sediment transport model. Integration of these three different approaches has enabled us to understand how land-based particulates are transported, deposited and re-suspended in the estuary, and to disclose the dynamic changes of the suspended sediment concentration under normal and extreme forcing. The methodology and tools developed in this study can be used for other coastal areas

    A multi-sensor approach for volcanic ash cloud retrieval and eruption characterization: the 23 November 2013 Etna lava fountain

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    Volcanic activity is observed worldwide with a variety of ground and space-based remote sensing instruments, each with advantages and drawbacks. No single system can give a comprehensive description of eruptive activity, and so, a multi-sensor approach is required. This work integrates infrared and microwave volcanic ash retrievals obtained from the geostationary Meteosat Second Generation (MSG)-Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager (SEVIRI), the polar-orbiting Aqua-MODIS and ground-based weather radar. The expected outcomes are improvements in satellite volcanic ash cloud retrieval (altitude, mass, aerosol optical depth and effective radius), the generation of new satellite products (ash concentration and particle number density in the thermal infrared) and better characterization of volcanic eruptions (plume altitude, total ash mass erupted and particle number density from thermal infrared to microwave). This approach is the core of the multi-platform volcanic ash cloud estimation procedure being developed within the European FP7-APhoRISM project. The Mt. Etna (Sicily, Italy) volcano lava fountaining event of 23 November 2013 was considered as a test case. The results of the integration show the presence of two volcanic cloud layers at different altitudes. The improvement of the volcanic ash cloud altitude leads to a mean difference between the SEVIRI ash mass estimations, before and after the integration, of about the 30%. Moreover, the percentage of the airborne “fine” ash retrieved from the satellite is estimated to be about 1%–2% of the total ash emitted during the eruption. Finally, all of the estimated parameters (volcanic ash cloud altitude, thickness and total mass) were also validated with ground-based visible camera measurements, HYSPLIT forward trajectories, Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (IASI) satellite data and tephra deposits

    Earth resources: A continuing bibliography with indexes (issue 58)

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    This bibliography lists 500 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system between April 1 and June 30, 1988. Emphasis is placed on the use of remote sensing and geophysical instrumentation in spacecraft and aircraft to survey and inventory natural resources and urban areas. Subject matter is grouped according to agriculture and forestry, environmental changes and cultural resources, geodesy and cartography, geology and mineral resources, hydrology and water management, data processing and distribution systems, instrumentation and sensors, and economic analysis

    Assessing the Geomorphic Evolution and Hydrographic Changes Induced by Winter Storms along the Louisiana Coast

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    The influence that cold front passages have on Louisiana coastal environments, including land loss and land building processes, has been the primary topic of this multidisciplinary research. This research has combined meteorological, remote sensing, and coastal expertise from the University of Wisconsin (UW) and Louisiana State University (LSU). Analyzed data sets include remotely sensed radiometric data (AVHRR on NOAA-12,13,14, Multispectral Atmospheric Mapping Sensor (MAMS) and MODIS Airborne Simulator (MAS) on NASA ER-2), U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) water level data, water quality data from the Coastal Studies Institute (CSI) at LSU, USACE river discharge data, National Weather Service (NWS) and CSI wind in sitzi measurements, geomorphic measurements from aerial photography (NASA ER-2 and Learjet), and CSI ground based sediment burial pipes (for monitoring topographic change along the Louisiana coast) and sediment cores. The work reported here-in is a continuation of an initial investigation into coastal Louisiana landform modification by cold front systems. That initial effort demonstrated the importance of cold front winds in the Atchafalaya Bay sediment plume distribution (Moeller et al.), documented the sediment transport and deposition process of the western Louisiana coast (Huh et al.) and developed tools (e.g. water types identification, suspended solids estimation) from multispectral radiometric data for application to the current study. This study has extended that work, developing a Geomorphic Impact Index (GI(sup 2)) for relating atmospheric forcing to coastal response and new tools to measure water motion and sediment transport

    Turbulent structure in environmental flows: effects of stratification and rotation

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    Several series of experiments in stratified and in rotating/stratified decaying flows after a grid is used to stir the two layer stable fluid brine and fresh water set up. We measure by comparing the gained potential energy with the available kinetic energy AKE, the relative efficiency of mixing. The experiments in stratified rotating flows with grid driven turbulence were both periodic (quasi stationary) and non-monotonic (decaying) forcing. This thesis compares experimental, numerical and field observations on the structure and Topology of the Stratified Rotating Flows as well as their decay, the horizontal spectra changes appreciable with slopes from 1.1 to 5, but vorticity and local circulation, and also the initial topology and forcing of the flow. A detailed study of the vorticity decay and vortex and energy structure has been performed, the new results show that neither stratified nor rotating flows exhibit pure 2D structures. The work parameterizes the role of the Richardson number and the Rossby number, both in the experiments and in the ocean visualizations is very important. The conditions of vortex decay show the effects of the internal waves in the decay turbulent conditions both for stratified and rotating flows. The parameter space (Re,Ri,Ro) has been used to interpret many previously disconnected explanations of the 2D-3D turbulent behaviour. The comparison of numerical simulations with experiments has allowed implementing new theoretical aspects of the interaction between waves and vortices finding the surprising and very interesting result that these interactions depend on the level of enstrophy. This also leads to new ways of using multifractal analysis ad intermittency in ocean environmental observations. A large collection of SAR images obtained from three European coastal areas were used for routine satellite analysis by SAR and other sensors, which seem very important to build seasonal databases of the dynamic conditions of ocean mixing. The topology of the basic flow is very important and in particular the topology of the vortices and their decay which depends on ambient factors such as wave activity, wind and currents. We find more realistic estimates of the spatial/temporal non-homogeneities (and intermittency obtained as spatial correlations of the turbulent dissipation); these values are used to parameterize the sea surface turbulence, as well as a laboratory experiments at a variety of scales. Using multi-fractal geometry as well, we can establish now a theoretical pattern for the turbulence behaviour that is reflected in the different descriptors. Vorticity evolution is smoother and different than that of scalar or tracer density. The correlation between the local Ri and the fractal dimension detected from energy or entropy is good. Using multi-fractal geometry we can also establish certain regions of higher local activity used to establish the geometry of the turbulence mixing that needs to be studied in detail when interpreting the complex balance between the direct 3D Kolmogorov type cascade and the Inverse 2D Kraichnan type cascade