5 research outputs found

    Using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) in SAP Fiori

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    This article presents a case study that was carried out in two companies that have implemented SAP Fiori. The As-Is and To-Be description of the process in which SAP Fiori was implemented was performed. The advantages and disadvantages of using SAP Fiori were also identified. The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) has been used in order to understand the aspects that most influence users to consider SAP Fiori as an added value, and how it optimizes the tasks of users. TAM has two variables that will influence the acceptance of a technology, which are: perceived ease of use and perceived utility.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Evaluasi Penerimaan Penggunaan Sistem SAP Menggunakan Technology Acceptance Model dan Perancangan Sistem Rekomendasi PT XYZ

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    PT. XYZ merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang memanfaatkan sistem SAP secara end to end. Mulai dari divisi Sales, Purchasing, Accounting, Treasury, dan divisi Head Resource Management. Dalam penggunaannya, PT. XYZ mengalami beberapa kendala dalam penggunaannya dan sistem SAP belum pernah dievaluasi sebelumnya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode SEM-PLS dalam melakukan evaluasi penerimaan pengguna karyawan PT.XYZ dengan menggunakan model penelitian sebelumnya yang terdiri dari 11 hipotesis. Dimana variabel yang diteliti diantaranya variabel TAM terdiri atas variable Perceived Usefullness, Perceived Ease of Use, Attitude Toward Use, dan Behavioral Intention to Use. Sedangkan terdapat pengukuran untuk variabel eksternal yang terdiri dari lima kategori faktor kesuksesan implementasi ERP. Selanjutnya hasil dari evaluasi tersebut dirancang sebuah sistem pendukung keputusan menggunakan metode Simple Addictive Weighting (SAW). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kesesuaian model yang digunakan sebesar 41.7% dimana terdapat 2 hipotesis dari variabel TAM dan 2 hipotesis dari variabel eksternal yang ditolak. Variabel training terbukti tidak memiliki pengaruh terhadap Behavioral Intention. Perancangan website bertujuan untuk menentukan karyawan butuh di training pada modul apa. Hasil pengujian menggunakan uji perhitungan metode SAW dan uji fungsional sistem sudah sesuai dengan perhitungan manual

    Models of acceptance and use of technology research trends: Literature review and exploratory bibliometric study

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    Acceptance and Use of Technology Models suggest that some constructs predict behavioural intention towards the acceptance and use of technology. For this reason, these models are increasingly used by researchers around the world. At the same time, teachers of information technology and systems teach these models as part of the content of various courses. This study aims to analyse the publications of the last five years on Acceptance and Use of Technology Models. An exploratory bibliometric study was carried out, using the Proquest and Scopus platforms, in the period from 2014 to 2018, to find out which models are most used by researchers. The findings suggest that the number of articles into the top journals has increased, and that there is a wider array of journals publishing articles about this topic. Also, the study revealed that the most cited models were TPB and TAM.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Impact on organisations of changes in information systems: The case of two Lisbon universities

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    The acceptance of a new IS by users is not always easy, as people tend to be resistant to changes. This paper seeks to identify and evaluate the organisational impact of an IS change, having as subject of study the University Institute of Lisbon (ISCTE-IUL) and the University of Lisbon. The study was carried out based on a model that considers three perspectives: the quality of the system, the quality of information and the quality of service. For this study, interviews were conducted, and questionnaires were applied to some employees of the two universities to assess the impact of the SAP ERP implementation. The results confirm the importance of the quality of information and quality of the service provided, on learning and then on the organisational impact, through the benefits obtained and the impact on the end user.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Trajetória de migração de sistemas de informação de gestão (ERP): evidências empíricas associadas ao caso de uma distribuidora de produtos químicos

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    O presente artigo analisa a trajetória de migração de um sistema de informação de gestão (ERP) para uma nova versão. Especificamente, foi analisado o processo de migração e identificados os fatores determinantes de sucesso/resistência na implantação do novo sistema, em uma empresa privada brasileira do ramo de distribuição de produtos químicos. O referencial teórico aborda a adoção/resistência a sistemas de informação, constituindo a base de conhecimento para o entendimento dos fatores observados em campo. A metodologia de estudo de caso único foi aplicada, de modo que os dados de campo foram recolhidos via análise de documentação, entrevistas, questionários, observações diretas e participantes, e avaliados por meio de análise de conteúdo e estatística não paramétrica. Foram identificados três grupos de usuários com comportamentos distintos em relação à intenção de uso do novo sistema, analisando-se as razões para tal comportamento, em função da identificação dos fatores críticos associados à aceitação/resistência ao software implantado.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio