11,662 research outputs found

    Using the clustering coefficient to guide a genetic-based communities finding algorithm

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-23878-9_20Proceedings of 12th International Conference IDEAL, Norwich, UK, September 7-9, 2011.We describe an approach taken for automatically associating entries from an on-line encyclopedia with concepts in an ontology or a lexical semantic network. It has been tested with the Simple English Wikipedia and WordNet, although it can be used with other resources. The accuracy in disambiguating the sense of the encyclopedia entries reaches 91.11% (83.89% for polysemous words). It will be applied to enriching ontologies with encyclopedic knowledge

    Adaptive K-means algorithm for overlapped graph clustering

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    Electronic version of an article published as International Journal of Neural Systems 2, 5, 2012, DOI: 10.1142/S0129065712500189 © 2012 copyright World Scientific Publishing CompanyThe graph clustering problem has become highly relevant due to the growing interest of several research communities in social networks and their possible applications. Overlapped graph clustering algorithms try to find subsets of nodes that can belong to different clusters. In social network-based applications it is quite usual for a node of the network to belong to different groups, or communities, in the graph. Therefore, algorithms trying to discover, or analyze, the behavior of these networks needed to handle this feature, detecting and identifying the overlapped nodes. This paper shows a soft clustering approach based on a genetic algorithm where a new encoding is designed to achieve two main goals: first, the automatic adaptation of the number of communities that can be detected and second, the definition of several fitness functions that guide the searching process using some measures extracted from graph theory. Finally, our approach has been experimentally tested using the Eurovision contest dataset, a well-known social-based data network, to show how overlapped communities can be found using our method.This work has been partly supported by: Spanish Ministry of Science and Education under project TIN2010-19872 and the grant BES-2011-049875 from the same Ministry

    Evolutionary Algorithms for Community Detection in Continental-Scale High-Voltage Transmission Grids

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    Symmetry is a key concept in the study of power systems, not only because the admittance and Jacobian matrices used in power flow analysis are symmetrical, but because some previous studies have shown that in some real-world power grids there are complex symmetries. In order to investigate the topological characteristics of power grids, this paper proposes the use of evolutionary algorithms for community detection using modularity density measures on networks representing supergrids in order to discover densely connected structures. Two evolutionary approaches (generational genetic algorithm, GGA+, and modularity and improved genetic algorithm, MIGA) were applied. The results obtained in two large networks representing supergrids (European grid and North American grid) provide insights on both the structure of the supergrid and the topological differences between different regions. Numerical and graphical results show how these evolutionary approaches clearly outperform to the well-known Louvain modularity method. In particular, the average value of modularity obtained by GGA+ in the European grid was 0.815, while an average of 0.827 was reached in the North American grid. These results outperform those obtained by MIGA and Louvain methods (0.801 and 0.766 in the European grid and 0.813 and 0.798 in the North American grid, respectively)